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Grants:Project/FLG/History of Quebec and French-speaking North America/Timeline

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Timeline for FLG

Timeline Date
Contribution & training event #1 - "Major figures and events in the history of the labour movement in QC". May 31, 2019
Contribution & training event #2 - "History of Quebec neighborhoods". August 14, 2019
Training of Lucia Ferretti, history teacher at Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières August 6, 2019
Completion and sending of Midpoint Report September 10, 2019
Approval of Midpoint Report September 19, 2019
Lucia Ferretti's students training at Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières (UQTR) October 10, 2019
Contribution & training event #3 - "Major female figures in Montreal's history". November 23, 2019
Aline Charles's students training at Université Laval February 19, 2020
End of the grant March 1, 2020

Monthly updates


Please prepare a brief project update each month, in a format of your choice, to share progress and learnings with the community along the way. Submit the link below as you complete each update.

March 2019

  • March 4 - 7 : Call for applications.
  • March 11 - 14 : Interview with 3 candidates for the WiR post. Candidate JBouchez selected as WiR.
  • March 18 : First day at work of the wikimedian in residence.
  • March 18 - 28 : Familiarization period, including reading of documents and Wikipedia articles on history of Quebec and French speaking North America, preparation of the press release announcing the grant and hiring of the WiR.

April 2019

  • April 1 : Reception of the brand new conference cam.
  • April 1 : First meeting with FTQ and CHAT representatives.
  • April 2 : First attendance of the "Mardi, c'est Wiki!" event.
  • April 2 : Publication of the press release : https://www.fondationlionelgroulx.org/La-Fondation-Lionel-Groulx,1060.html
  • April 10 : reception of the large TV screen.
  • April 11 : selection of the intern in collaboration with Fédération des travailleuses et travailleurs du Québec (FTQ).
  • April 15 : meeting with several partners in order to prepare the first training and contribution event: FTQ, CSN and CSQ. Date selected for the 1st event : May 31.
  • April 16 : order of the laptop (Lenovo Thinkpad E590 with accessories).
  • April 23 : sending of the "invitation email" to members of CSN, FTQ and CSQ.
  • April 23 : reception of the HDMI cable.
  • April 25 : reception of the cable lock, mouse and laptop sleeve.
  • April 29 : reception of the laptop.

May 2019

  • May 6 : 1st day of the intern
  • May 21 : Wikimedia training at CSN (Confédération des syndicats nationaux) in order to prepare the event of May 31.
  • May 23 : End of the recruitment period for the 1st event on May 31 (25 registrations).
  • May 29 : Booking of the room Noviciat 2 at Monastère des Augustines (Québec City) in which the 2nd event will take place in August 14.
  • May 31 : 1st major event of the project "Histoire du Québec et de l'Amérique du Nord francophone" - Please read the full report here.

June 2019

  • June 3 : Sending of the post event survey (please click the link in the full report).
  • June 3 : Sending of the press release of the 2nd major event of the projet, which will take place in Quebec City on August 14 as part of the "Rendez-vous d'histoire de Québec".
  • June 5 : booking of 2 hotel rooms at Monastère des Augustines in Québec city.
  • June 5 : Launch of registrations for the August 14th training event.
  • June 20 : Creation of a draft page with a list of Quebec City's neighborhoods and their articles in Wikipedia. The list will be proposed to the participants of the second event in order to improve the content. Moreover, like the first event, a list of reference books will be proposed to the participants during the day of the event.
  • June 11 : Creation of 3 dedicated pages in French regarding the projects of Fondation Lionel-Groulx : projects of the Fondation Lionel-Groulx in Wikipedia, projects of the Fondation Lionel-Groulx in Wikimedia Commons, and projects of the Fondation Lionel-Groulx in Wikisource.
  • June 19 : Creation and publication of a visual on Facebook and twitter in order to publicize our event of August 14 in Quebec City. Link here : https://www.facebook.com/fondationlionelgroulx/posts/2291735324241476
  • June 26 : Sending of an email to Éric Major, archivist at Musée Pointe-à-Callière, one of the major museums in Montreal. Musée Pointe-à-Callière could be one of our major partners during our 3rd event in fall 2019.
  • June 27 : Voice message left to Société historique de Montréal (Montreal Historical Society) in order to prepare the 3rd event.
  • June 27 : Email received from Louise Harel, member of the board of Société historique de Montréal (SHM). She confirmed that the SHM is interested of being one of our major partners for the organization of the 3rd event in Montreal.

July 2019

  • July 3 : Sending of an email to the members of the Fondation Lionel-Groulx in the Quebec City region in order to recruit participants for the 2nd event.
  • July 9 : Following the sending of an email in June 26, we received a positive answer from Éric Major, archivist from Musée Pointe-à-Callière. Firstly, he will forward the information regarding our event to his colleagues who could be interested. Secondly, we plan to keep contat with Musée Pointe-à-Callières as a back up for a room in case of an issue with BaNQ's room.

August 2019

  • August 5 : We sent a list of reference books to Catherine Lavoie, librarian at the Bibliothèques et Archives nationales du Québec and Alex Tremblay-Lamarche from Société historique de Québec, two of our major partners for the 2nd event of training. In addition to the 8 reference books we brought on August 14, Catherine Lavoie added 5 books in order to give to the participants the opportunity to contribute to the improvement of articles on the history of Quebec's city neighbourhoods.
  • August 5 : We had an issue with the laptop Lenovo E350. The power supply stopped being detected by the laptop which in turn drained the battery. We contacted INSO in Montreal which is an official Lenovo service provider. As of August 16, we still wait for an update from INSO regarding the repair (replacement of the defective motherboard).
  • August 6 : Receipt of a batch of 80 Wikipedia t-shirts ordered to Wikipedia Canada.
  • August 8 : Last posts on social media in order to publicize the 2nd event (twitter and Facebook). We asked our 3 major partners to coordinate their post with ours in order to reach the greatest possible number of people.
  • August 14 : 2nd major event of training at Quebec City. The event was part of the Rendez-vous d'histoire de Québec, a major event during 4 days which aims to contribute to the development of knowledge about the history of Quebec city and its surrounding area. The training session took place at Monastère des Augustines from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. 21 people were present.
  • August 19 : The laptop has been repaired and recovered by INSO Montreal and is fully functional.
  • August 24 :
    • Choice of the date of the meeting (september 17 at 2 p.m.) with several partners in order to organize the 3rd major event of Wikipedia training. This event will be held in Montreal during November 2019.
    • Choice of the date of the event of training dedicated to the members of the Fondation Lionel-Groulx. The event will be held in October 3.
  • August 27 : Meeting with Lucia Ferretti to discuss about the training exercice to Wikipedia that she will propose to her students. Course : HST1094 - Democracy and Citizenship: Historical Perspectives on Current Issues (Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières).
  • August 27 : Online publication of the report of the second major event held at Quebec City on August 14.
  • August 28 : Creation of a list of 10 articles to improve during the event of October 3 ("Leading figures and events in Quebec's history").

September 2019

  • September 10 : Completion and sending of the midpoint report for reviewal.
  • September 17 : Meeting with 4 major partners in order to organize the 3rd major event (Major female figures in Montreal's history).
  • September 17 : Choice of the date of the 3rd major event : November 23.
  • September 19 : Approval of the midpoint report.
  • September 23 : Choice of the date of a training session with Gilles Laporte, history professor at Cégep du Vieux Montréal (educational institution of college level). The training will take place at Fondation Lionel-Groulx's office in October 21.
  • September 25 : Launch of registrations for the 3rd training and contribution event.
  • September 25 : Sending of a survey to three major trade union organizations (with which we organized the first event) in order to find a date for a meeting. During this meeting, we will discuss about their willingness to organize specific contribution and training events in each organizations by the beginning of 2020. Namely: Fédération des travailleurs du Québec (FTQ), Centrale des syndicats du Québec (CSQ) and Confédération des syndicats nationaux (CSN).

October 2019

  • October 3 : Training and contribution event dedicated to the members of the Fondation Lionel-Groulx. 7 members were present. Please read the special report here.
  • October 9 : Wikimedia training at Department of Records Management and Archives and information access of the City of Montreal (Division de la gestion des documents et des archives et de l'accès à l'information). We met 2 analyst there, from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m.
  • October 10 : Lucia Ferretti's students training at Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières (UQTR). The training was part of the course HST 1094 - Démocratie et citoyenneté : perspectives historiques sur les enjeux actuels (Democracy and Citizenship: Historical Perspectives on Current Issues).
  • October 28 : meeting with staff of Pointe-à-Callière, Montreal Archaeology and History Complex (one of the major cultural sites of Montreal). We discussed the partnership on the November 23 training and contribution event and their future involvement in the uploading of documents into Wikimedia Commons.
  • October 29 : Second e-mail to partners of the November 23 training event to increase registrations. An email has been sent to members of Fondation Lionel-Groulx as well.
  • October 29 : First Wikipedia training session (1/2) for students from Gilles Laporte's course at Cégep du Vieux-Montréal (College of further education). Title of the course : Initiation pratique à la méthodologie des sciences humaines (Practical introduction to the methodology of the human sciences).
  • October 30 : Second Wikipedia training session (2/2) for students from Gilles Laporte's course at Cégep du Vieux-Montréal (College of further education).

November 2019


December 2019

  • December 2 : Call to Jean-Benoît Nadeau, canadian author, journalist, and lecturer. We agreed on a meeting during the week of December 9 to prepare for the 4th major training event.
  • December 3 : JBouchez was the trainer during the monthly event Mardi, c'est Wiki at BAnQ : https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikip%C3%A9dia:BAnQ/Mardi,_c%27est_Wiki_!
  • December 4 : Final version of the report of the 3rd major training and contribution event : https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikip%C3%A9dia:FLG/WeR/3
  • December 4 : Video conference with Professor Aline Charles from Université Laval in order to prepare her winter course HST 2001–Histoire de l’histoire in which she will insert a noted exercise to the edition in Wikipedia.
  • December 12 : meeting with Jean-Benoît Nadeau in order to collaborate with the organization of the 4th major event in March.

January 2020

  • January 7 : Meeting with Jean-Benoît Nadeau and Maude Barlow (independant journalists) in order to discuss about the 4th major event and the possibility to insert the event in a broader one regarding francophonie in Wikipedia during the "Month of Francophonie", in March 2020.
  • January 8 - 10 : Several emails sent to professors in the New-England area in order to present our 4th major training and contribution event on the history of Franco-Americans in New-England. Persons who have been contacted : Susan Pinette (University of Maine), Leslie Choquette (Assumption College, MA), David Vermette (Writer-Researcher-Editor), Patrick Lacroix (University of Halifax and Mount Saint Vincent University) and Yves Frenette (Université de Saint-Boniface, Manitoba).
  • January 16 : Post-mortem review with Pr. Lucia Ferretti regarding the training session which took place at Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières in October 2019.
  • January 23 : Online meeting with Susan Pinette, David Vermette and several other people in New-England in order to organize the online Wikipedia training and contribution event (planned in March) on the History of Franco-Americans in New-England.
  • January 27 : Meeting with Jérôme Langevin and Sabrina Lotun from Fondaction, a major labour-sponsored fund in Montreal. Fondaction would like to create several article related to them and their major figures. We will organize a short training event in February (date to be determined).
  • January 30 : Meeting at BAnQ (National Library and Archives of Quebec) with several partner organisations in order to prepare the event called "La Grande Wikiphonie" (The Big Wikiphonie) on March 16.

February 2020

  • February 6 : Wikipedia training (3 hours) to Jérome Langevin from Fondaction.
  • February 6 : Reservation of a room at Université du Québec à Montréal (second largest French-speaking university in Montreal) for the training and contribution event on March 14.
  • February 13 : Online meeting with Martin Pâquet, professor at Université Laval and owner of the Chaire pour le développement de la recherche sur la culture d'expression française en Amérique du Nord (CEFAN)- Chair for the development of research on French-speaking culture in North America.
  • February 19 : Aline Charles's students training at Université Laval (Québec City). The training was part of the course HST 2001 - Histoire de l'histoire.

Is your final report due but you need more time?

Extension request


New end date


We request an extension of 15 days in order to be able to complete our final report. Hence, we plan to complete it no later than April, 13.



Due to the rapid evolution of the pandemic of Covid-19, we were asked to cancel all offline public events. We were supposed to organize our last event on Saturday March 14 at Université du Québec à Montréal.

Considering this, we propose to organize an online event in order to give participants the opportunity to be trained on Wikipedia despite the exceptional situation.

The event will take place on Friday March 27. We will be two people at the Fondation Lionel-Groulx to give the online training : JBouchez and Mathieugp.

@JBouchez and Mathieugp: Thanks for this request, and for informing us of the changes in your activities. Your extension request is approved, and thank you for your hard work during these extraordinary circumstances. I JethroBT (WMF) (talk) 18:42, 18 March 2020 (UTC)
@JethroBT: That's a great news for us! Thanks for giving us the chance to organize our last (online) event. JBouchez (talk) 01:17, 22 March 2020 (UTC)