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Grants:Project/UG BAK/Event Planning for Q1 2017/Midpoint

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Report accepted
This midpoint report for a Project Grant approved in FY 2017-18 has been reviewed and accepted by the Wikimedia Foundation.
  • To read the approved grant submission describing the plan for this project, please visit Grants:Project/UG BAK/Event Planning for Q1 2017.
  • You may still review or add to the discussion about this report on its talk page.
  • You are welcome to email projectgrants(_AT_)wikimedia.org at any time if you have questions or concerns about this report.

Welcome to this project's midpoint report! This report shares progress and learnings from the Individual Engagement Grantee's first 3 months.



In a few short sentences or bullet points, give the main highlights of what happened with your project so far.
The goals of this project is to organize the activities of Bashkortostan Wikimedians' usergroup, attract new contributors and retain existing participants, learn from the experiences of the Wiki communities in other languages and make use of it in Bashkir volunteers' practice. In this modpoint report, we report on our progress and activities toward achieving these goals.

Данный проект нацелен на организацию деятельности сообщества викимедийцев Башкортостана, привлечение новых и удержание ранее привлеченных участников, изучение опыта других языковых сообществ и применение его на практике башкирских волонтеров. В этом промежуточном отчете мы сообщаем о нашем прогрессе и деятельности по достижению этих целей.

Methods and activities


How have you setup your project, and what work has been completed so far?

Describe how you've setup your experiment or pilot, sharing your key focuses so far and including links to any background research or past learning that has guided your decisions. List and describe the activities you've undertaken as part of your project to this point.

en: In the first half of the project period, we have focused on the following actions:

  • Announced the results of the Wiki-marathons which took place in the Autumn 2016 and Winter 2016/2017. Began to give out rewards and incentives to the marathons' participants according to their wishes and personal demands. For marathon prizes, we purchase information and reference books and subscriptions to periodical publications; also, we help contributors address their technical needs by giving them gift certificates with which they can buy the hardware they need or pay for their telecom services;
  • worked to provide the technical facilities needed for the Wiki-club's activities, purchased laptops;
  • arranged Wiki-meetings, mini-seminars, training sessions, lectures and presentations for broader public.

в рамках реализации проекта в первой половине срока уделено внимание на:

  • подведение итогов творческих марафонов осенне-зимнего периода. Начата реализация морально-материального поощрения участников в зависимости от их персональных пожеланий. В качестве призов за участие в творческих марафонах мы приобретаем справочную литературу, организуем подписку на периодические издания, субсидируем решение технических проблем через подарочные сертификаты на покупку оборудования и оплату услуг связи;
  • техническое оснащение деятельности вики-клубов, приобретение ноутбуков;
  • организацию вики-встреч, мини-семинаров, тренингов, лекций и выступлений перед общественностью.

Midpoint outcomes


What are the results of your project or any experiments you’ve worked on so far?

Please discuss anything you have created or changed (organized, built, grown, etc) as a result of your project to date.

  1. Wikipedians' activity numbers / Активность википедистов
    • en:
    A = Number of Wikipedians who have done 10 or more edits since there registration: 150 in August 2016 / no less than 160 in March 2017
    The actual number as of early March 2017: 175
    C = Number of Wikipedians who have done 5 edits this month: 17 in August 2016 / no less than 20 in March 2017
    The actual number as of February 2017: 37
    D = Number of Wikipedians who have done 100 or more edits this month: 8 in August 2016 / no less than 10 in March 2017
    The actual number as of February 2017: 16
    • ru:
    A = Википедисты, сделавшие минимум 10 правок с момента регистрации — Август 2016 = 150 / Март 2017 = не менее 160
    Факт на начало марта 2017 — 175
    C = Википедисты, сделавшие 5 правок в этом месяце — Август 2016 = 17 / Март 2017 = не менее 20
    Факт за февраль 2017 — 37
    D = Википедисты, сделавшие 100 и более правок в этом месяц — Август 2016 = 8 / Март 2017 = не менее 10
    Факт за февраль 2017 — 16
  2. Number of events:
    en:We will conduct ~6 meetings.
    In January-March 2017, we have conducted a total of 11 meetings, including 3 meetings that involved financial expenditure.
    ru:Мы проведем ~6 встреч
    Факт за январь-март 2017 — всего провели 11 встреч, в том числе 3 с финансовыми затратами
  3. Number of total participants:
    en:We will invite ~50 people to these meetings.
    Over 200 people have participated in the meetings, including 54 (18+26+8) editors (contributors) at the meetings that involved financial expenditure.
    ru:Куда пригласим не менее ~50 человек.
    Во встречах приняли участие более 200 человек, в том числе на встречах с финансовыми расходами - 54 редактора (18+26+8).
  4. Number of new registered users
    en:And we will train ~6 new editors.
    In January-March 2017, we have trained 12 new editors.
    ru:И научим ~6 новых редакторов.
    За январь-март 2017 — 12 редакторов
  5. Number of articles added or improved on Wikimedia projects
    en:We will create ~100 ~300 new articles.
    In January-March 2017, we have created 1529 new articles.
    ru:Мы создадим ~100 ~300 новых статей.
    факт за январь-март 2017 — 1529 новых статей
  6. Number of people who will help organize the event:
    en:The meetings will be organized by experienced edtors: Рөстәм Нурыев, Ләйсән, З. ӘЙЛЕ, ZUFAr, Айсар, Мухамадеева, YANBEK, Borovi4ok, Dina1965.
    In January-March 2017, meetings have been organized by the following users: Рөстәм Нурыев, Ләйсән, З. ӘЙЛЕ, ZUFAr, Айсар, Мухамадеева, Һәҙиә, Гүзәл Ситдиҡова, Аҡҡашҡа;
    ru:Встречи организуют опытные редакторы Рөстәм Нурыев, Ләйсән, З. ӘЙЛЕ, ZUFAr, Айсар, Мухамадеева, YANBEK, Borovi4ok, Dina1965.
    Факт за январь-март 2017 — Рөстәм Нурыев, Ләйсән, З. ӘЙЛЕ, ZUFAr, Айсар, Мухамадеева, Һәҙиә, Гүзәл Ситдиҡова, Аҡҡашҡа;



Please take some time to update the table in your project finances page. Check that you’ve listed all approved and actual expenditures as instructed. If there are differences between the planned and actual use of funds, please use the column provided there to explain them.

Then, answer the following question here: Have you spent your funds according to plan so far? Please briefly describe any major changes to budget or expenditures that you anticipate for the second half of your project.

  • There have been no differences between approved and actual expenditures. No adjustments to budget planning are needed.
  • We will finish the project by the planned date, 30 June 2017.
  • The rate of the Russian ruble has increased substantially. When planning the budget, we used the rate of 1$=60RUB. The actual rates on the dates of exchange were 1. 1$ = 58.51RUB, 2. 1. 1$ = 57.31RUB.
  • The losses (amount of money that was not received) because of the increased RUB rate were reported in the Operating costs.


  • Отклонений от планируемых расходов нет. Корректировка расходов бюджета не требуется.
  • Проект завершим в указанный срок — к 30 июня 2017 года.
  • Произошло существенный рост курса рубля. В планируемой смете заложен курс 60 руб = 1 доллар. Фактический курс на дату обмена оказался 1. 58.51 руб = 1 доллар 2. 57.31 руб = 1 доллар
  • В отчете финансовые потери (не полученные услуги) в связи с ростом курса рубля отразили по строке Operating costs.



The best thing about trying something new is that you learn from it. We want to follow in your footsteps and learn along with you, and we want to know that you are taking enough risks to learn something really interesting! Please use the below sections to describe what is working and what you plan to change for the second half of your project.

What are the challenges


What challenges or obstacles have you encountered? What will you do differently going forward? Please list these as short bullet points. en:

  • The primary problem is lack of technical facilities:
  • Many editors do not have laptops, and use outdated computers;
  • Some users have only limited Internet access. This is especially a problem for rural locations;
  • Also, we have been experiencing a type of communication problem, which is related to the advanced age of many of the new participants. While training new editors remotely and in class, we have found out that people typically learn things much more effectively when the instructor sits next to him/her rather than provides the training remotely;
  • Because of these problems, we have not managed to organize online conferences and online training sessions as we expected to;
  • In the future, we plan to:
  • Start the practice of raising funds and assisting contributors in addressing their technical problems, by subsidizing their purchases of laptops and helping to pay for better Internet plans;
  • Continue the practice of conducting offline mini-seminars and trainings;
  • Make efforts to organize effective online conferences and online trainings;
  • Work to improve the training levels of lead editors, the leaders of separate projects, activity areas and Wiki-clubs;
  • Continue the practice of attracting elderly, retired people to contribute to Wikipedia;
  • Introduce the practice of attracting high school students to contribute to Wikipedia.


  • основная проблема — слабые технические возможности:
  • у большинства редакторов нет ноутбуков, работают на компьютерах устаревших моделей;
  • разный уровень коммуникационных возможностей, характеристик интернет связи;
  • следующая проблема психологического характера, связанная с возрастом большинства участников. Во время дистанционных и стационарных уроков, обучения новых редакторов, выяснилось, что люди лучше усваивают новое, если наставник находится рядом со слушателями;
  • в связи с этими проблемами не смогли организовать на качественном уровне онлайн конференции и онлайн уроки;
  • в будущем планируем:
  • внедрить практику поиска средств и оказания помощи в решении технических проблем в виде субсидирования покупки ноутбуков, и переключения на более качественную интернет связь;
  • продолжить практику проведения стационарных мини-семинаров и тренингов;
  • принимать усилия по организации эффективных онлайн конференций и онлайн уроков;
  • повышать уровень подготовки ведущих редакторов, руководителей отдельных проектов, направлений деятельности, вики-клубов;
  • продолжить практику привлечения пожилых людей, находящихся на заслуженном отдыхе;
  • внедрять практику целевого привлечения учащихся школ к викидеятельности.

What is working well


What have you found works best so far? To help spread successful strategies so that they can be of use to others in the movement, rather than writing lots of text here, we'd like you to share your finding in the form of a link to a learning pattern.



Next steps and opportunities


What are the next steps and opportunities you’ll be focusing on for the second half of your project? Please list these as short bullet points. If you're considering applying for a 6-month renewal of this IEG at the end of your project, please also mention this here.

  • Finish the evaluations of contributions, announcing the results and giving out prizes for creative marathons by 31 May 2017. This involves purchasing reference books and subscriptions to periodicals (for prizes), according to the wishes of the participants.
  • In April, May, June, arrange monthly meetings for communication, presentations, training and edit-together sessions.
  • In Q3 2017, conduct a seminar for lead editors, the leaders of separate projects, activity areas and Wiki-clubs - a total of 10-12 people.
  • Prolongation of grant activities is needed till 30 September 2017.


  • Завершить работу по подведению итогов творческих марафонов до 31 мая 2017 года. Это связано с покупкой книг справочного характера, и организацией подписки на периодические издания в соответствии с заявками участников творческих марафонов.
  • Организовать ежемесячные встречи для общения, презентации, обучения, редактирования. Апрель, май, июнь.
  • Провести семинар для ведущих редакторов, руководителей отдельных проектов, направлений, вики-клубов с количеством участников 10-12 человек Июнь в третьем квартале 2017 года.
  • Требуется продление Завершить исполнения е гранта до к 30 сентября июня 2017 года.

Grantee reflection


We’d love to hear any thoughts you have on how the experience of being an IEGrantee has been so far. What is one thing that surprised you, or that you particularly enjoyed from the past 3 months?