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Grants:Risk assessment during COVID-19/September 2020 - Introducing a new risk assessment tool and guidelines for in person gatherings/zh

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新的 COVID-19 風險評估協議

今天,我想介紹我們針對面對面聚會的新的 COVID-19 風險評估協議。該協議旨在對圍繞這一流行病不斷變化的情況保持敏感,並將允許潛在的受資助者和社區成員評估自己安全舉辦活動的能力。通過該協議,我們將能夠對面對面活動的風險和政策提供一致的分析,包括所有附屬機構、分會和用戶組的緩解指南和建議。

COVID-19 風險評估協議包括以下概述的幾個步驟。我們希望盡快向您提供這些信息 - 我們也在努力在 9 月底之前將這個協議和附加文檔發佈到 on Meta-Wiki

  • 第一步 - 首先,請查看維基媒體基金會屬下的資格準則和當前限制的清單,以確保您的活動在當前限制許可的範圍內。
  • Step 2 - Will your event be larger than 10 people? If it is only ten people or less (including the organizing team that will be onsite at the event), then we ask that you will follow local health guidelines for your region or country. Please go ahead and submit for a grant for your event, or move forward in case it’s an Annual Plan Grant (APG). If your event will be larger than 10 people, then please go to the next step.
  • Step 3 - For events with more than 10 people, use the Risk Assessment tool to evaluate the potential risks for your event. The first tab provides instructions on how to complete the tool. Once you complete it, you will have a total risk score, a number that determines your overall level of risk, and a control percentage, a figure that assesses if there are additional precautions that you need to take. Together, these will make up your total risk score, found on the final tab.
  • Step 4 - Go to the Matrix Results Framework and identify the color code that matches your total risk score. The color code includes guidelines to advise you if the gathering should proceed or not. Follow the appropriate instructions for APG or non-APG grantees. From here, you can submit a grant proposal. When you submit your proposal to the relevant program (Rapid, Conference, Project or Wikicite) you will be asked to attach your copy of the risk assessment tool. Your proposal will be considered under the program’s eligibility criteria. Each program has different deadlines for submission - reach out to the relevant Program Officer for more information.


This pandemic is an unprecedented situation for all of us, and we want to ensure that you are able to assess potential risks and conditions as thoroughly as possible. Our goal is to make sure that where local regulations allow, you can resume in person events safely and effectively with the resources and support that you need from the Foundation. We have also created a video demo, found on the Meta-Wiki page, that walks through the steps above in order to submit a grant for an in person gathering. If you have questions or feedback on this process and the new protocol, feel free to share on the talk page on Meta-Wiki.

我非常懷念在活動中見到你們這麼多人,無論是去年的 Wikimania,還是 Wiki Indaba,還是我們眾多的地區活動和編輯馬拉松之一。我期待著有一天我們能夠再次聚集在一起慶祝我們的工作和我們的社區。在那之前,請保持安全並小心。
