FAQ | Program | Ospiti | Poster | Participants | Media | Team | FSP |
Why online?
Because of COVID-19 concerns, it does not seem feasable to be able to organize a safe itWikiCon 2020 in presence.
That's why this year there will be not a physical location and the event will be kept 100% online.
How did you do it all?
I am a participant. What do I do?
We suggest setting the alarm on the bedside table to remember to connect to the official website on 24 and 25 October 2020. In the meantime:
- add your signature among the participants:
- look at the official website:
Other things that may interest you:
- register into itWikiCon 2020 + Linux Day's official chat
- register into dedicated room of itWikiCon 2020's round tables
Both of these platforms are free software and are managed by GARR, a non-profit organization based in Italy.
Sono un relatore. Cosa faccio?
If you are a speaker, you just need to connect to the BigBlueButton room that we will indicate to you.
I am a moderator. What do I do?
Do I have to attend the entire conference?
Hai una mezza intenzione di partecipare all'intera conferenza online con gli occhi incollati al monitor? In accordo con le normative vigenti sull'ergonomia in ufficio, ti invitiamo a rispettare le pause proposte per riposare le pupille ed in accordo con il codice penale sul sequestro di persona informiamo che puoi lasciare la tua postazione in qualsiasi momento (e ritornare).
Are there gadgets?
Oltre ad un notevole arricchimento spirituale, partecipare a più sessioni dell'itWikiCon 2020 aumenta la probabilità di vincere gadget interessanti fra magliette, felpe, spille, giacche e pentole in acciaio inox itWikiCon 2020, fino ad esaurimento scorte (aggiornamento: pentole finite).
Which platform?
We will take advantage of a number of powerful platforms, the itWikiCon website and BigBlueButton, to be able to follow the live conference or to participate in the discussions. Wikimedia Commons will host the recorderd tracks for the next days. They are extremely simple technologies to use.
If you can browse Wikipedia and Wikimedia projects, you have everything you need to participate in itWikiCon 2020.
Do you respect the environment?
Yes, this may be an important opportunity to test an extremely low emission itWikiCon, also in agreement with the Wikimedia movement's environmental sustainability initiative.
What about 2021?
It must be said: we like to meet in person. This edition (apart from further emergencies) will be the first and last opportunity to organize the gathering of the Italian-speaking community of online Wikimedia projects.
This edition will allow you to revamp the interest for the itWikiCon 2021 in presence and to don't lose too many years of itWikiCon (having already skipped the 2019 edition).
What's on the agenda?
We will have two full days of itWikiCon (from 10am to 7pm) in conjunction with Linux Day. We will have both face-to-face talks (with participants' interaction and any questions asked via chat) and also participatory discussion sessions (the latter with a maximum of 100 participants for each activity).
We invite you to learn more on itWikiCon 2020 program or on the conference website:
Do I need registration?
Sessions broadcasted via streaming will be accessible to everyone, without any registration. However some interactive activities (example: workshops, round tables) have a technical limit of 100 participants (both for logistical and technical reasons). To participate in the interactive activities, you can read all the details on the page of the individual activity.
Can I see it again?
The goal for this year is to increase the accessibility of the event. Talks and all activities, where possible, will be recorded for the purpose of disseminating materials (such as PDF presentations) on Wikimedia Commons. With everyone's help, we will also release video-podcasts and subtitle them in as many languages as possible.
Where are all the submitted proposals?
The proposals, including those not accepted, are visible on a link contained in this page.
Are you alone?
The Wikimedia movement is not alone with this kind of problems. For example, the Linux Day event this year will be also held entirely online on a massive national edition, also thanks to the infrastructural help from the Consortium GARR.
That's why this year the itWikiCon will be held simultaneously with the Italian Linux Day 2020.
Through this partnership, we could promote Free Culture through the adoption of Free software.
Obviously, we absolutely do not want to alter or denaturalise the itWikiCon. The independence of the two communities will be respected with two separate Call for Papers and different tracks, in order to maximize fun and cultural exchange.
This synergy can allow us to reach thousands of people simultaneously.
Other questions?
If you have any other questions or curiosities, feel free to ask them on the itWikiCon 2020's talk page.
You can also write in
Direct contact
If you have an emergency or if you want direct contact with the organizers: