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Right to Information

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Right to Information

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This is an experimental process. As of October 2019 it is under discussion. No organization recognizes this information request process.



The Wikimedia Community asserts ownership and the right to govern all assets of the Wikimedia Movement. The Wikimedia Community has not yet documented and described its power and authority, however, in the Wikimedia Movement and in the Wikimedia platform there is culture and recognition that the will and judgement of the Wikimedia Community is the highest authority.

Because the responsibility of the success of the Wikimedia Movement is the responsibility of volunteers, and because volunteers need information to govern the movement into success, the Wikimedia Community has the right to make requests of organizations using Wikimedia Community assets and the Wikimedia name. This log is a place to propose such requests, certify them, and deliver them for a response.


  1. Draft a request on the proposal page
  2. Complete the certification process
  3. Issue the request
  4. Await an answer
  5. Contribute to the ongoing management of this process

Why this works


This process creates a permanent, public, timestamped request for information from the Wikimedia Community to an organization. Through this process groups of Wikimedia Community members, including chapters, usergroups, WikiProjects, and individuals, may organize in small groups to support a request for information in a public way.

In achieving transparency and good government there has to be a balance between requests for information and the labor and cost of fulfilling those requests. Organizations typically cannot respond to all requests from individuals because of the cost of doing so. The Right to Information process is a forum for the Wikimedia Community to organize its request, certify those requests as important, and manage the response.