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Strategy/Wikimedia movement/2017/Sources/Brand awareness, attitudes, and usage research (July 2017)/ja

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Below you will find the initial reports and preliminary insights from the surveys along with a description of methodology and the questionnaire data.  The surveys and resulting reports were conducted by Wellspring Insights & Innovation Inc., an outside data analysis and market research firm, in consultation with Wikimedia Foundation staff. In addition to fielding the survey, Wellspring has provided the analysis found in the executive summary, key insights and country reports. Over the coming months, the Wikimedia Foundation and movement partners will be analyzing this data to inform the future of the movement.


The survey was fielded in France, Germany, Japan, Russia, Spain, the UK, and the US via an online survey accessible on a PC, laptop or device (tablet, smartphone).  A total of 1,150 surveys with internet users (individuals who access the internet via any device type and connection) were completed in each country. All respondents were between 13-49 years old; GenX defined as 36 to 49 years, GenY 20-35, and GenZ 13-19.

Non-probability quota sampling was utilized at the researcher’s recommendation. Participants were randomly sourced from multiple online (opt-in) research panels to help minimize bias by including people from all socioeconomic levels, geography and interests. Quotas were established per country in order to balance the sample and provide the most representative sample possible by age cohort, gender, and geography. All data has been weighted proportionately.

Note: By definition, non-probability sampling techniques mean we cannot calculate the margin of sampling error. Results and conclusions can represent the target population but are “directional” rather than “projectable.” Observed differences between populations cannot be discussed in terms of  “statistical significance,” only in directional terms.

A link to the researcher’s defined quotas can be found below:

Executive summary & key insights

At the link below you will find a 10-page executive summary of top-level findings surfaced by the researcher. Key recommendations and opportunities from the summary are listed at the end of this document.

October 26, 2017 Staff Presentation

The below links are from the researcher's Wikimedia Foundation staff presentation on October 26, 2017. The presentation was recorded and accompanying slides are also linked below.

Country reports

Deep dive analysis reports on each country are linked below. Wellspring’s reports provide country-by-country analysis on the relevant survey data surfaced through the study.


A copy of the questionnaire used is below. The questionnaire was translated into the local languages for each country (English, French, Spanish, Japanese, Russian and German). Participants were given the choice to select the language the were most comfortable in to complete the survey irrespective of geographic location.

Data files

Below are the data files in CSV and SPSS formats. The weighting factors are included in SPSS files. The CSV files are unweighted.

Country crosstab
Raw survey data files