Wikipedia biblioteket/1Lib1Ref/Forbind
Vi vil med glæde hjælpe dig med at involvere dig, tag kontakt!
- Smid en kommentar på denne websides diskussionsside
- Send et tweet til @WikiLibrary eller med hashtagget #1lib1ref
- Ask questions in the Wikipedia + Libraries Facebook group
- Send en e-mail til det globale team via wikipedialibrary
- På den engelske Wikipedia er tehuset et godt sted at få hjælp
- Den primære kontaktperson for #1Lib1Ref er Silvia Gutiérrez (User:SEgt-WMF, silviaegt
Forbind med andre fællesskabsorganisatører i kampagnen
This year the organisation of #1Lib1Ref is led by a Global Team of ambassadors, champions and amplifiers. These categories of support are to ensure that each volunteer is able to tie in their available times and levels of commitment towards supporting the campaign. You can reach the global team by sending an email or joining the mailing list (
- Ambassadors - The core organizers: Experienced community leaders who have organized a 1Lib1Ref activity before, and are willing to mentor, inspire and provide support to other participants who want to participate or host events as part of the #1Lib1Ref campaign.
- Champions - Institutional advocates: Avid volunteers who want to enlist new librarians and libraries while encouraging their institutions to promote and participate in the campaign.
- Amplifiers - Social networkers: Visible voices who want to spread the word about 1Lib1Ref and are eager to publicize it before, during and after the campaign.
Track your impact and connect with others around the campaign
We are excited to officially map the campaign and track the overall impact of your efforts. With so much excitement around adding citations, some institutions have even used the campaign to start a healthy competition between organisations.
- Registrer dit arrangement i betjeningspanelet for at fremvise dit fællesskabs præstationer!
- Signup to a community event or campaign around you!
Engager dit netværk
Partner organizations can help spread the campaign by:
- Deltage i blogging, dele via e-mail og sociale medier under kampagnen
- Directly calling on librarians in your network to participate in the campaign
- Holding webinars or other educational activities during the week
If you are interested contact Felix Nartey fnartey
or the TWL team
. We'll help you with communication strategies, resources to share with your network, and finding volunteer networks in your area. Partners get the added bonus of being listed on the main page of our campaign and being included in our social media push during the campaign.
We are also excited to help librarians learn about this campaign, but we need to share it. Tweeting about your contributed Wikipedia references, links to this page, and generally sharing the page using social media are all helpful. Here are the platforms where we have a presence:
- Tweet and share on Twitter @WikiLibrary or through our hashtag #1Lib1Ref
- Tilmeld dig Wiki + Biblioteker facebookgruppen
- Engager dig med Wikipedia biblioteket på Facebook
Also, reach out to your press contacts to help share the news about the campaign in library and information science networks.
Track press and social media
If you post or see a post related to 1lib1ref on another site, add it to our Press list!
Udfyld feedback formularen!
Help us learn about your achievements and community impact via our new feedback forms.