The Wikipedia Library/Kit/TWL Community Consultation/zh
Please translate into the relevant language for your community, and feel free to customize it to help communicate your vision for a Wikipedia Library Branch in your community.

Hello [LANGUAGE] Wikipedians! I would like to set up a branch of the Wikipedia Library on our project. If you didn't already know, the Wikipedia Library branches are research hubs set up by volunteers to support getting editors access to the research materials and resources that they need to write high-quality articles.
I think a Wikipedia Library program will allow us opportunities to get access to pay-walled materials, research libraries and other tools that would greatly strengthen our ability to do research. I want to see what our community thinks a Wikipedia Library Branch would look like for us here on [LANGUAGE] Wikipedia. What could it do to improve a) our access to research materials, b) greater partnerships with libraries or other knowledge organizations, and c) capitalizing on Open Access and other resources that our community already uses? The Wikipedia Library has a setup guide to help us on meta. I'm looking for your opinions on the idea, and help coordinating this project on [].
Please provide comments here about what you think would work well for our community:
What resources in our community already help editors research? Are they effective? Could we provide more support for these programs?
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What are the biggest needs for research materials in our community? Are there specific research databases, journals, publishers, or print materials that would strengthen your work?
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What outreach programs are we doing with libraries, universities, cultural institutions, or archives already?
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Do we have enough guidance about where to find free and open research materials?
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Do you like the idea of having a Wikipedia Library branch on this project? Do you have any other thoughts, comments, or concerns to share?
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Sign up if you would like to help and tell us how you might be involved:
- Setting up pages, seeking donations, managing access distribution, helping others do research, organizing talks or events, building tools, tracking metrics...
- 你的名字在这里!