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Місяць культурної дипломатії України 2024/Учасники

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This page is a translated version of the page Ukraine's Cultural Diplomacy Month 2024/Participants and the translation is 100% complete.

Місяць культурної дипломатії України 2024  

[Соцмережі: #UCDMonth] • [Посилання сюди: ucdm.wikimedia.org.ua]    

Як зареєструватися

Щоб долучитися до цього конкурсу, будь ласка, створіть свою заявку на внесок і додайте її в розділі нижче. Потім, коли ви будете створювати або покращувати сторінки будь-якими мовами, поверніться туди і додайте посилання на кожну статтю під своїм ім'ям з оцінкою, яку ви собі ставите. Наша система оцінювання пояснюється нижче з прикладами.

Система балів

Ви є відповідальними за підрахунок своїх балів. Будь ласка, зверніть увагу, що система підрахунку балів змінилася з минулої кампанії. Ось як це зробити:

  • +1 бал за кожні +1000 байтів доданого вмісту до статті Вікіпедії будь-якою мовою.
  • +2 бали за кожну покращену статтю.
  • +10 балів, якщо ваша стаття є однією з запропонованих від команди організаторів.
  • +25 балів за Добру статтю будь-якою мовою.

Також зверніть увагу, що новостворена стаття має мати принаймні 3500 байтів!


  • Якщо ви перекласте існуючу статтю на, наприклад, ірландську мову і вона довжиною 4 100 байтів, ви отримаєте 4 очки
  • Якщо ви додали 3900 байтів вмісту до наявної статті, ви отримуєте 6 балів: 4 за обсяг та 2 за покращення.
  • Якщо додати 5000 байтів вікітексту (шаблони, інфобокси, цитати) до існуючої статті, яка з однією зі запропонованих, ви отримуєте 10+2+5 = 17 балів.
  • Якщо ви створили статтю і номінували її на отримання статусу «Доброї статті», вкажіть це поруч зі своєю оцінкою! Розгляд номінації може зайняти деякий час, тож ми зачекаємо два тижні після завершення конкурсу, щоб побачити, чи номінування було успішним. Якщо ваша стаття отримала статус «доброї», ви отримуєте 25 балів.

Організатори мають останнє слово в оцінці внеску і за потреби пояснюватимуть правила та бали. Будь ласка, зверніть увагу, що мета — покращити Вікіпедію, додавши високоякісні статті, тому додавання будь-якого вмісту низької якості призведе до зменшення кількості балів або й дискваліфікації, якщо так вирішать організатори. Будь ласка, дотримуйтесь П'ятьох основ та інших правил Вікіпедії: пишіть на значущі теми, нейтральним стилем, посилайтесь на надійні джерела, не залишайте автоперекладу тощо.

Будь ласка, пам'ятайте

Бали тут для того, що це було веселіше! Навіть якщо ви берете участь без надії виграти, ми хочемо дізнатися про вашу роботу, коли конкурс закінчиться, тож будь ласка, напишіть про неї тут. Ваш внесок важливий сам по собі і кожне редагування допоможе зробити Вікіпедію кращою.

Нові редактори

Якщо ви новий редактор чи нова редакторка Вікіпедії, то перш за все, ласкаво просимо! Радимо переглянути сторінки Вікіпедія:Переклад та Довідка:Ознайомлення, вони допоможуть вам почати! Для написання статей вам може бути корисною сторінка Вікіпедія:Стиль. Ці посилання ведуть на сторінки українською мовою, але всі вони доступні багатьма мовами. Коли ви відкриваєте котрусь із них, погляньте ліворуч: у розділі «Мови» ви побачите, чи є вона потрібною вам мовою. Кожна мовна версія Вікіпедії унікальна, зі своєю власною спільнотою і традиціями, тому обов'язково треба ознайомитися з локальними правилами.

Список учасників

Редагувати цю сторінку

FreCha (French) X points total

  1. Trésor de Martynivka: +3,367 bytes, suggested article, improved article = 3+2+10 = 15 points

Siam2019 (Thai) 30 points total

  1. มารียา บูร์มากา: +19,806 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 20+10 = 30 points

Muzaffar Turgunov (Kazakh) 15 points total

  1. Максим Созонтович Березовский: +4,821 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 5+10 = 15 points

TheNatureKid (English) 62 points total

  1. en:Flag_of_Ukraine I added a new image to the article. 54.034 bytes = 54 points
  2. en:Boychukism I fixed a broken link. 2.596 points; I added some more information about Boychuk. 4 points
  3. en:Bohdan_Khmelnytsky I added some information. 6 points

Solavirum (Azerbaijani) 27 points total

  1. Skif qızılı: +17,218 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 17+10 = 27 points

Arthistorian1977 (English, Russian, Hebrew, Ukrainian, Spanish, Bosnian) 1132 points total

YolBlog (italian) 19 points total

it:Dmytro Shurov 7 192 bytes, suggested article, improved article , new translation = 19 points

Mirishkorlik (Uzbek) 1601 points total

  1. Ukraina barokkosi: +9,925 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 10+10 = 20 points
  2. Razumovskiy saroyi: +6,618 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 6+10 = 16 points
  3. Vasil Krichevskiy: +7,500 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 7+10 = 17 points
  4. Ukraina hukumat binosi: +3,590 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 3+10 = 13 points
  5. Avliyo Nikolay sobori: +4,064 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 4+10 = 14 points
  6. Zimneye monastiri: +4,182 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 4+10 = 14 points
  7. Karaoke na Maydani: +5,224 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 5+10 = 15 points
  8. Pamfir: +9,703 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 9+10 = 19 points
  9. Dom Slovo: +7,523 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 7+10 = 17 points
  10. Vipusk 97: +3,633 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 3+10 = 13 points
  11. Shedrik: +4,801 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 4+10 = 14 points
  12. Olegs krig: +3,591 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 3+10 = 13 points
  13. Zvenigora: +3,777 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 3+10 = 13 points
  14. Kiborgi:Geroi ne vmirayut: +6,533 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 6+10 = 16 points
  15. Moi dumki tixi: +3,803 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 3+10 = 13 points
  16. Nosorig: +3,175 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 3+10 = 13 points
  17. Taras Kompanichenko: +8,812 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 8+10 = 18 points
  18. Volodimir Sheyko: +5,209 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 5+10 = 15 points
  19. Maksim Berezovskiy: +11,624 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 11+10 = 21 points
  20. Artemiy Vedel: +13,436 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 13+10 = 23 points
  21. Oleg Skripka: +4,324 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 4+10 = 14 points
  22. Boris Gmirya: +4,390 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 4+10 = 14 points
  23. Oleksandr Polojinskiy: +6,127 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 6+10 = 16 points
  24. Semyon Gulak-Artemovskiy: 4,427 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 4+10 = 14 points
  25. Mixail Gayvoronskiy: bytes, suggested article, new translation = = points
  26. Yevgen Adamtsevich: +7 013 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 7+10 = 17 points
  27. Ostap Nijankivskiy: +7,275 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 7+10 = 17 points
  28. Bogdana Frolyak: +3,585 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 3+10 = 13 points
  29. Lyudmila Monastirskaya: +10,616 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 10+10 = 20 points
  30. Lev Kolodub: +4,525 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 4+10 = 14 points
  31. Volodimir Sirenko: +7,344 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 7+10 = 17 points
  32. Ganna Gavrilets: +5,431 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 5+10 = 15 points
  33. Virko Baley: +7,730 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 7+10 = 17 points
  34. Anatoliy Kos-Anatolskiy: bytes, suggested article, new translation = = points
  35. Roman Kupchinskiy: +7,727 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 7+10 = 17 points
  36. Yevgen Stankovich: +5,333 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 5+10 = 15 points
  37. Stanislav Lyudkevich: +10,875 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 10+10 = 20 points
  38. Dudarik: +3,685 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 3+10 = 13 points
  39. Pikkardiyska tertsiya: +3,531 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 3+10 = 13 points
  40. Grigoriy Veryovka: bytes, suggested article, new translation = 3+10 = 13 points
  41. Nazariy Yaremchuk: +7,505 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 7+10 = 17 points
  42. Kazak qoʻshiqlari: +6,202 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 6+10 = 16 points
  43. Mariya Stefyuk: +12,508 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 12+10 = 22 points
  44. Taras Petrinenko: +4,334 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 4+10 = 14 points
  45. Wellboy: +6,004 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 6+10 = 16 points
  46. Artem Pivovarov: +5,103 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 5+10 = 15 points
  47. Sergiy Babkin: +14,662 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 14+10 = 24 points
  48. Arsen Mirzoyan: +4,374 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 4+10 = 14 points
  49. Andriy Xlivnyuk: +5,550 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 5+10 = 15 points
  50. Mixail Xoma: +10,390 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 10+10 = 20 points
  51. Lutsk qalʻasi: +3,723 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 3+10 = 13 points
  52. Avliyo Pyotr va Pavel sobori: +4,788 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 4+10 = 14 points
  53. Katta sinagoga: +8,093 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 8+10 = 18 points
  54. Xarkov xor sinagogasi: +8,355 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 8+10 = 18 points
  55. Taras Chubay: +4,703 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 4+10 = 14 points
  56. Tin Sontsya: +4,186 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 4+10 = 14 points
  57. Dimna Sumish: bytes, suggested article, new translation = = points
  58. Natalya Mogilevskaya: +14,049 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 14+10 = 24 points
  59. Sestrichka Vika: +5,194 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 5+10 = 15 points
  60. Mariya Sur: +5,223 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 5+10 = 15 points
  61. Mariya Burmaka: +8,496 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 8+10 = 18 points
  62. Irina Fedishin: +14,490 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 14+10 = 24 points
  63. Tin Sontsya: +4,186 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 4+10 = 14 points
  64. Yevgen Galich: +4,871 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 4+10 = 14 points
  65. Yaktak: +9,771 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 9+10 = 19 points
  66. Ivan Karpenko-Kariy: +4,856 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 4+10 = 14 points
  67. Olesya Vlasova: +7,452 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 7+10 = 17 points
  68. Lidiya Belozorova: +4,542 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 4+10 = 14 points
  69. Rostislav Derjipilskiy: +5,150 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 5+10 = 15 points
  70. Mixaylo Staritskiy: +5,843 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 5+10 = 15 points
  71. Mariya Grebinetskaya: +6,000 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 6+10 = 16 points
  72. Lyubov Gakkebush: +4,306 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 4+10 = 14 points
  73. Anjelika Savchenko: +4,449 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 4+10 = 14 points
  74. Anatoliy Kocherga: +7,189 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 7+10 = 17 points
  75. Natalya Sumska: +11 567 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 11+10 = 21 points
  76. Tamara Yatsenko: +6,897 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 6+10 = 16 points
  77. uz:Volodimir Kojuxar: +5,148 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 5+10 = 15 points
  78. Bogdan Benyuk: +5,618 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 5+10 = 15 points
  79. Mark Drobot: +4,613 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 4+10 = 14 points
  80. Olena Xoxlatkina: +14,091 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 14+10 = 24 points
  81. Viktoriya Bulitko: +17,005 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 17+10 = 27 points
  82. Pavlo Arye: +16,735 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 16+10 = 26 points
  83. Mark Brovun: +12,441 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 12+10 = 22 points
  84. Oksana Madarash: +13,830 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 13+10 = 23 points
  85. Aleksandr Koshits: +6,702 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 6+10 = 16 points
  86. Vitaliy Malaxov: +6,170 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 6+10 = 16 points
  87. Ganna Borisoglibska: +6,558 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 6+10 = 16 points
  88. uz:Oleg Liptsin: +5,202 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 5+10 = 15 points
  89. Vladislav Troitskiy: +4,382 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 4+10 = 14 points
  90. Ivan Nebesniy: +3,788 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 3+10 = 13 points
  91. Mixail Chemberji: +7,846 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 7+10 = 17 points
  92. Les Podervyanskiy: +14,182 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 14+10 = 24 points
  93. Artem Datsishin: +8,116 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 8+10 = 18 points
  94. Anna Lisyanskaya: +9,671 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 9+10 = 19 points
  95. Ukraina Besida teatri: +8,569 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 8+10 = 18 points
  96. Podil teatri: +3,659 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 3+10 = 13 points
  97. Kiyev bolalar va oʻsmirlar opera va balet teatri: +1,993 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 1+10 = 11 points
  98. Odessa filarmoniya teatri: +4,337 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 4+10 = 14 points
  99. Korifey teatri: +5,652 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 5+10 = 15 points
  100. Les Kurbas nomidagi Lvov oʻsmirlar teatri: +3,700 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 3+10 = 13 points

Panpanchik (Uzbek) 19 points total

  1. Katerina Yushchenko: +9,202 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 9+10 = 19 points

Sitora Oblakulova (uzbek) 40 points total

  1. Ivan Poddubniy +15,667 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 15+10 = 25 points
  2. Mariya Vetrova +5,978 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 5+10 = 15 points

Nurtenge (Kazakh and Ukrainian) 80 points total

  1. Қайырлы кеш, біз Украинадан боламыз: +11,969 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 12+10 = 22 points
  2. Украина Жоғарғы Кеңесі ғимараты: +10,400 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 10 + 10 = 20 points
  3. Әл-Сәләм мешіті (Одесса): +5,597 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 6 + 10 = 16 points
  4. Jerry Heil: +12,031 bytes, new translation = 12 points
  5. Jerry Heil: + 7,880 bytes, improved article = 2 + 8 = 10 points

Ekkatterrinna (Georgian), 325 points total

1. სოფია ოკუნევსკაია-მორაჩევსკაია: +21,423 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 21+10 = 31 points

2.ნიკოლაი სკლიფოსოვსკი: + 31, 817 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 31+10 = 41 points

3. ნიკოლაი გამალეია: +30,395 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 30+10 = 40 points

4. ვლადიმერ ხავკინი: + 25, 853 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 25+10 = 35 points

5. ნიკოლაი შევჩენკო: + 11,844 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 11+10 = 41 points

6. ვიტალი პორტნიკოვი: + 16,428 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 16+10 = 26 points

7. ბორის ბალინსკი: +21,378 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 21+10 = 31 points

8. ვლადიმერ ზაბოლოტნი: + 10,608 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 10+10 = 20 points

9.ბოგდან ბენიუკი: +15,753 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 15+10 = 25 points

10.ნატალია პოლონსკაია-ვასილენკო: +10,064 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 10+10 = 20 points

11. მარტინოვკის საგანძური: + 7,110 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 7+10 = 17 points

12. ივან გრიგოროვიჩ ბარსკი: 8,842 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 8+10 = 18

AndriiRomaniuk (English, Ukrainian) X 15

  1. en:Dream (Taras Shevchenko poem): +5,883 Bytes, suggested article, new translation = 5+10 = 15 points

Anna-vlador (русский) 18 points total

  1. Саркофаг княгини Ольги: +18,741 bytes, new translation, = 18 = 18 points

Noah.Albert.ZivMilFü (German, English) 13 points total

  1. St. Nikolaus - Militärkathedrale: +2.375 bytes, suggested article = 2+10 = 12 points
  2. MiG-17 aircraft monument (Bakhmut): +1.404 bytes = 1 = 1 points

Aurinia (German) 40 points total

  1. Halina Pahutjak: +9.358 Bytes, suggested article, new translation = 9+10 = 19 points
  2. Olena Kyssilewska: +12.349 Bytes, suggested article, new translation = 12+10 = 21 points

Bekapoetic31 (Georgian) 428 points total

  1. ოლექსანდრ დოვჟენკო: +41,245 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 41+10 = 51 points
  2. ვიაჩესლავ ჩორნოვილი: +37,133 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 37+10 = 47 points
  3. ივან მაზეპა: +55,841 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 56+10 = 66 points
  4. გრიგორი სკოვოროდა: +60,350 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 60+10 = 70 points
  5. მიროსლავ სკორიკი: +26,115 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 26+10 = 36 points
  6. მარია სური: +8,287 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 8+10 = 18 points
  7. ოქსანა ჩერკაშინა: +19,332 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 19+10 = 29 points
  8. ირინა ფედიშინი: +14,936 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 15+10 = 25 points
  9. თეოფანე პროკოპოვიჩი: +21,155 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 21+10 = 31 points
  10. მარია ვეტროვა: +16,911 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 17+10 = 27 points
  11. ყირიმი – ოქრო და შავი ზღვის საიდუმლოებები: +17,868 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 18+10 = 28 points

Artur Random (Russian, Ukrainian) 258 points total

  1. Щедрик (фильм): +16,143 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 16+10 = 26 points
  2. Лай собак вдалеке: +5,838 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 5+10 = 15 points
  3. Окуневская-Морачевская, София Атанасовна: +20,298 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 20+10 = 30 points
  4. Компаниченко, Тарас Викторович: +16,001 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 16+10 = 26 points
  5. Флис, Владимир Васильевич: +14,568 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 14+10 = 24 points
  6. Тартак (группа): +30,705 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 30+10 = 40 points
  7. Сур, Мария Олеговна: +8,204 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 8+10 = 18 points
  8. Yaktak: +22,296 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 22+10 = 32 points
  9. Борушенко-Моро, Лариса Павловна: +4,097 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 4+10 = 14 points
  10. Купчинский, Роман Григорьевич: +23,463 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 23+10 = 33 points

Antonshamray (English, Ukraine) 139 points total

  1. Щедрик: +10,225 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 10+10 = 20 points
  2. Як козаки у футбол грали: +5,290 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 5+10 = 15 points
  3. Odyn v kanoe: +9,421 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 9+10 = 19 points
  4. Ой верше мій, верше +49,397 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 49+10 = 59 points. Good Article nominee
  5. For Every Heart (Jamala album) +19 bytes, improved article = 0+2 = 2 points
  6. To Catch the Kaidash +32 bytes, improved article = 0+2 = 2 points
  7. Holos Krainy (season 12) +29 bytes, improved article = 0+2 = 2 points
  8. Kyivnaukfilm: +1,333 bytes, improved article = 1+2 = 3 points
  9. Olesia Morhunets-Isaienko: +1,056 bytes, improved article = 1+2= 3 points
  10. Jamala: +1,908 bytes, improved article = 2+2 = 4 points
  11. Shchedryk (song): +641 bytes, improved article = 0+2 = 2 points
  12. Kseniia Zastavska: +98 bytes, improved article = 0+2 = 2 points
  13. Okean Elzy: +370 bytes, improved article = 0+2 = 2 points
  14. Чемпіонат Європи з футболу 2024 (кваліфікаційний раунд, плей-оф): +2,741 bytes, improved article = 2+2= 4 points

Haoreima (Meitei language) — 73 points total

Nguyengiabach1201 (Vietnamese) 19 points total

  1. Kiến trúc bản địa của người Carpathians: +6.836 bytes, new translation = 6 = 6 points
  2. Lâu đài Zhovka: +3.631 bytes, new translation = 3 = 3 points
  3. Lâu đài Razumovski (Baturyn): +8.764 bytes, new translation, improved article = 8 + 2 = 10 points

Pangalau (English) 937 points total

  1. Oleksandr Kapinos: +11,406 bytes, new translation = 11 = 11 points
  2. Raisa Kyrychenko: +13,666 bytes, new translation = 13 = 13 points
  3. Volodymyr Boyko: +16,633 bytes, new translation = 16 = 16 points
  4. Borys Bilash: +11,811 bytes, new translation = 11 = 11 points
  5. Yuriy Mushketyk: +11,298 bytes, new translation = 11 = 11 points
  6. Oleksiy Prylipka: +10,122 bytes, new translation = 10 = 10 points
  7. Volodymyr Kozyavkin: +13,655 bytes, new translation = 13 = 13 points
  8. Petro Gadz: +12,825 bytes, new translation = 12 = 12 points
  9. Volodymyr Matvienko: +16,301 bytes, new translation = 16 = 16 points
  10. Oleksandr Ryzhenkov: +11,678 bytes, new translation = 11 = 11 points
  11. Ihor Hordiichuk: +25,443 bytes, new translation = 25 = 25 points
  12. Mykhailo Korolenko: +12,824 bytes, new translation = 12 = 12 points
  13. Dmytro Kiva: +12,147 bytes, new translation = 12 = 12 points
  14. Anatoliy Palamarenko: +12,337 bytes, new translation = 12 = 12 points
  15. Oleh Korostelyov: +13,330 bytes, new translation = 13 = 13 points
  16. Yuriy Rybchynskyi: +12,132 bytes, new translation = 12 = 12 points
  17. Taras Bobanych: +9,913 bytes, new translation = 9 = 9 points
  18. Vitaly Derekh: +10,906 bytes, new translation = 10 = 10 points
  19. Bohorodytska Fortress: +12,131 bytes, new translation = 12 = 12 points
  20. Church of St. Catherine, Dnipro: +7,560 bytes, new translation = 7 = 7 points
  21. Governor's House (Dnipro): +15,159 bytes, new translation = 15 = 15 points
  22. House-Museum of Dmytro Yavornytsky: +7,701 bytes, new translation = 7 = 7 points
  23. Dnipro State Circus: +7,489 bytes, new translation = 7 = 7 points
  24. Taras Shevchenko Dnipro Academic Ukrainian Music and Drama Theatre: +11,580 bytes, new translation = 11 = 11 points
  25. Dnipro Academic Drama and Comedy Theatre: +8,870 bytes, new translation = 8 = 8 points
  26. Diorama "Battle of the Dnieper": +8,352 bytes, new translation = 8 = 8 points
  27. Lazar Hloba Park: +12,526 bytes, new translation = 12 = 12 points
  28. Sevastopol Park: +14,582 bytes, new translation = 14 = 14 points
  29. Taras Shevchenko Park: +12,366 bytes, new translation = 12 = 12 points
  30. Dnipropetrovsk Art Museum: +9,402 bytes, new translation = 9 = 9 points
  31. Central Post Office (Dnipro): +9,401 bytes, new translation = 9 = 9 points
  32. Saint Nicholas Church, Dnipro: +11,793 bytes, new translation = 11 = 11 points
  33. Dnipropetrovsk House Of Organ And Chamber Music: +11,108 bytes, new translation = 11 = 11 points
  34. Andriy Bondar: +10,662 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 10+10 = 20 points
  35. Oksana Lutsyshyna: +12,495 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 12+10 = 22 points
  36. Transfiguration Cathedral, Dnipro: +9,471 bytes, suggested article, improved article = 9+10+2 = 21 points
  37. Holy Trinity Cathedral, Dnipro: +10,177 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 10+10 = 20 points
  38. Kateryna Kalytko: +14,144 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 14+10 = 24 points
  39. Pavlo Arie: +11,705 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 11+10 = 21 points
  40. Mykola Malyshko: +9,864 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 9+10 = 19 points
  41. Andriy Chebykin: +12,860 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 12+10 = 22 points
  42. Petro Midyanka: +8,164 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 8+10 = 18 points
  43. Snizhana Babkina: +14,948 bytes, new translation = 15 = 15 points
  44. Serhii Babkin: +28,809 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 28+10 = 38 points
  45. Oleksandr Polozhynskyi: +25,193 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 25+10 = 35 points
  46. Viktor Ivanov (film director): +9,717 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 9+10 = 19 points
  47. Viacheslav Kryshtofovych: +8,031 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 8+10 = 18 points
  48. Ihor Kobrin: +10,771 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 10+10 = 20 points
  49. Stepan Koval: +9,141 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 9+10 = 18 points
  50. Georgy Deliev: +14,826 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 14+10 = 24 points
  51. Nataliya Polovynka: +9,969 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 9+10 = 19 points
  52. Maryna Vroda: +9,406 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 9+10 = 19 points
  53. Oksana Cherkashyna: 13,116 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 13+10 = 23 points
  54. Nadia Parfan: +10,556 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 10+10 = 20 points
  55. Odarka Sopko: +5,909 bytes, new translation = 5 = 5 points
  56. Valentyna Davydenko: +6,256 bytes, new translation = 6 = 6 points
  57. Tetiana Vytiahlovska: +7,550 bytes, new translation = 7 = 7 points
  58. Zinaida Kubar: +11,995 bytes, new translation = 11 = 11 points
  59. Orysia Sushko: +5,896 bytes, new article = 5 = 5 points
  60. Wasyl Kushnir: +8,869 bytes, new translation = 8 = 8 points
  61. Ivan Bazarko: +6,336 bytes, new translation = 6 = 6 points
  62. Dmytro Cipywnyk: +8,448 bytes, new translation = 8 = 8 points
  63. Askold Lozynskyj: +9,563 bytes, new translation = 9 = 9 points
  64. Eugene Czolij: +2,016 bytes, improved article = 2+2 = 4 points
  65. Paul M. Grod: +3,631 bytes, improved article = 3+2 = 5 points
  66. Maria Liudkevych: +7,542 bytes, new translation = 7 = 7 points
  67. Maria Kryvko: +3,880 bytes, new translation = 3 = 3 points
  68. Olena Semeniaka: +9,963 bytes, new translation = 9 = 9 points
  69. Diana Berg: +7,900 bytes, new translation = 7 = 7 points

Mohammad Murtaza Zaidi (Urdu Language) — 132 points total

Reidgreg (English) — 3 points total

  1. Cyborgs (film): +3,499 bytes = 3 points. Nominated for GA.

Чухно Оксана (Language_1, Language_2) — X points total

Lilcho72 (English, Bulgarian) — 33 points total

Article Name in English Type Added size (Bytes) Translation? Suggested? Good? Total
bg:Мелгуновски курган Melgunov Kurgan New 7,613 (7 pts) Yes Yes (10 pts) No 17 pts
bg:Митрополитски покои, Лвов Metropolitan Palace, Lviv New 5,909 (6 pts) Yes Yes (10 pts) No 16 pts
Total 33 pts

MarcelloIV (German) 13 points total

  1. de:Festung Kamjanez-Podilskyj: +3,023 bytes, suggested article, new article, 3 references = 13

Molnár Gábor Dávid (English, Hungarian) — 19 points total

Link Lang Name Date Added size Improved? Suggested? Total
[1] en Ukrainian Archangel Michael coins 1/3 1,150B (1 pt) Yes (2 pts) - 3 pts
[2] hu Dubno (Ukrajna) 2/3 4,274B (4 pts) No - 4 pts
[3] hu Rivnei terület 2/3 1,926B (2 pts) Yes (2 pts) - 4 pts
[4] hu Csernyivci terület 2/3 1,565B (2 pts) Yes (2 pts) - 4 pts
[5] hu Kirovohradi terület 3/3 2,098B (2 pts) Yes (2 pts) - 4 pts
Total 11 pts 8 pts 0 pts 19 pts

Qolçomaq (Azerbaijan) - 835 points total

  1. Dilyavər Osmanov: +4.902 bytes, new translation = 5+0 = 5 points
  2. Pavel Makov: +3.921 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 4+10 = 14 points
  3. Natalya Polonskaya-Vasilenko: +3.563 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 3+10 = 13 points
  4. Aleksandr Şevçenko: +4.780 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 5+10 = 15 points
  5. Mazanka: +5.118 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 5+10 = 15 points
  6. Əl-Salam məscidi: +3.815 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 4+10 = 14 points
  7. Zoloçev qəsri: +11.198 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 11+10 = 21 points
  8. Sultan Süleyman və Xürrəm məscidi: +4.962 bytes, new translation = 5+0 = 5 points
  9. Luqansk məscidi: +3.502 bytes, new translation = 3+0 = 3 points
  10. Miroslav Skorik: +11.577 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 11+10 = 21 points
  11. Paton körpüsü: +10.022 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 10+10 = 20 points
  12. Varvarovski körpüsü: +7.601 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 7+10 = 17 points
  13. Struve körpüsü: +4.268 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 4+10 = 14 points
  14. Antonov dəmiryol körpüsü: +5.043 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 5+10 = 15 points
  15. "Sofiya Kiyev" Milli Qoruğu: +7.067, suggested article, new translation = 7+10 = 17 points
  16. İvan Qriqoroviç-Barski: +5.327 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 5+10 = 15 points
  17. Olqa Franko: +5.600 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 5+10 = 15 points
  18. Yaroslav Melnik: +3.566 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 3+10 = 13 points
  19. Vitali Portnikov: +11.709 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 11+10 = 21 points
  20. Nikolay Ryabçuk: +4.221 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 4+10 = 14 points
  21. Sofiya Yablonskaya-Uden: +6.157 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 6+10 = 16 points
  22. Stanislav Aseev: +24.011 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 24+10 = 34 points
  23. Marianna Kiyanovskaya: +7.556 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 7+10 = 17 points
  24. İvan Malkoviç: +6.452 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 6+10 = 16 points
  25. Vladimir Rutkovski: +9.567 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 9+10 = 19 points
  26. Pyotr Midyanka: +6.059 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 6+10 = 16 points
  27. Lbov Qolota: +4.046 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 4+10 = 14 points
  28. Maksim Kidruk: +17.072 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 17+10 = 27 points
  29. Valeri Şevçuk: +4.186 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 4+10 = 14 points
  30. Vera Vovk: +5.404 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 5+10 = 15 points
  31. İnqulski körpüsü: +3.629 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 3+10 = 13 points
  32. İvan Zarudnı: +4.055 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 4+10 = 14 points
  33. İqor Rımaruk: +4.040 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 4+10 = 14 points
  34. Tağlı körpü (Zaporojya): +10.223 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 10+10 = 20 points
  35. Olqa Alyoşina: +5.040 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 5+10 = 15 points
  36. Boris Paton: +53.115 bytes, mproved existing suggested article = 53+2+10 = 65 points
  37. Kalos Limen: +8.693 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 8+10 = 18 points
  38. Mariya Matios: +5.078 bytes, mproved existing suggested article = 5+2+10 = 17 points
  39. Kamyanets-Podilskıy qalası: +3.506 bytes, mproved existing suggested article = 3+2+10 = 15 points
  40. Sofiyevka parkı: +2.161 bytes, mproved existing suggested article = 2+2+10 = 14 points
  41. Odessa Akademik Dram Teatrı: +1.474 bytes, mproved existing suggested article = 1+2+10 = 13 points
  42. Yunan katolik metropolitanlarının sarayı: +4.696 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 4+10 = 14 points
  43. Andrey Bondar: +8.097 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 8+10 = 18 points
  44. Karpatların xalq memarlığı: +7.029 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 7+10 = 17 points
  45. Nikolay Qamaleya: +15.607 bytes, mproved existing suggested article = 15+2+10 = 27 points
  46. Nikolay Sklifosovski: +26.387 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 26+10 = 36 points
  47. Vladimir Bessmertnı: +4.214 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 4+10 = 14 points
  48. Pavel Alyoşin: +13.227 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 13+10 = 23 points
  49. Boris Bolinski: +8.576 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 8+10 = 18 points
  50. İvan Poddubnı: +11.022 bytes, mproved existing suggested article = 11+2+10 = 23 points

Davi Moura (Portuguese)

LordDildeia (Spanish) 2210 points total

  1. Tesoro de Martínivka: +5,233 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 5+10 = 15 points
  2. Filarmónica de Chernivtsí: +4,018 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 4+10 =14 points
  3. Ópera Teatro de Járkov: +7,348 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 7+10 = 17 points
  4. Sofía Okunevska: +7,390 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 7+10 = 17 points
  5. Palacio Mstsijovski: +8,645 bytes, new translation = 8+0 = 8 points
  6. Catedral de la Transfiguración de Izium: +5,839 bytes, new translation = 5+0 = 5 points
  7. Mikola Lísenko: +29,036 bytes, improved existing suggested article = 29+10+2 = 41 points
  8. Jórtitsia: +2,120 bytes, improved existing suggested article = 2+10+2 = 14 points
  9. Yevhén Stankóvich: +8,255 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 8+10 = 18 points
  10. Ayuntamiento de Ivano-Frankivsk: +11,451 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 11+10 = 21 points
  11. Stanislav Liudkévich: +10,110 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 10+10 = 20 points
  12. Miroslav Skórik: +4,101 bytes, improved existing suggested article = 4+10+2 = 16 points
  13. Catedral de la Intercesión de Járkov: +6,035 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 6+10 = 16 points
  14. Fortaleza de Jotín: +12,879 bytes, improved existing suggested article = 12+10+2 = 24 points
  15. Parque Sofiyivski: +55 bytes, improved existing suggested article = 0+10+2 = 12 points
  16. Mezquita de Odesa: +6,103 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 6+10 = 16 points
  17. Catedral de San Pantaleón de Kiev: +5,838 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 5+10 = 15 points
  18. Catedral de Borís y Gleb de Chernígov: +9,552 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 9+10 = 19 points
  19. Natalia Polonska-Vasilenko: +9,175 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 9+10 = 19 points
  20. Marcha de los cosacos: +5,360 bytes, improved existing suggested article = 5+10+2 = 17 points
  21. Iglesia-refectorio del Monasterio de las Cuevas de Kiev: +11,659 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 11+10 = 21 points
  22. Monasterio de las Cuevas de Kiev: +5,096 bytes, improved existing suggested article = 5+10+2 = 17 points
  23. Catedral de San Pedro y San Pablo de Kamianets-Podilski: +5,737 bytes, improved existing suggested article = 5+10+2 = 17 points
  24. Catedral de la Transfiguración de Dnipró: +3,907 bytes, improved existing suggested article = 3+10+2 = 15 points
  25. Catedral de la Santísima Trinidad de Dnipró: +6,246 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 6+10 = 16 points
  26. Gran sinagoga de Lutsk: +12,210 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 12+10 = 22 points
  27. Catedral de la Santísima Trinidad de Novomoskovsk: +8,371 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 8+10 = 18 points
  28. Castillo de Kamianets-Podilski: +32,616 bytes, improved existing suggested article = 32+10+2 = 44 points
  29. Castillo de Zólochiv: +5,135 bytes, improved existing suggested article = 5+10+2 = 17 points
  30. Yevhén Adamstévich: +9,045 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 9+10 = 19 points
  31. Teatro dramático nacional de Járkov: +5,802 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 5+10 = 15 points
  32. Vadim Meller: +2,437 bytes, improved existing article = 2+2 = 4 points
  33. Monasterio de Zimne: +4,125 bytes, improved existing suggested article = 4+10+2 = 16 points
  34. Vira Vovk: +4,275 bytes, improved existing suggested article = 4+10+2 = 16 points
  35. Halyna Pahutiak: +803 bytes, improved existing suggested article = 0+10+2 = 12 points
  36. Museo de Lesya Ukrainka de Kiev: +2,778 bytes, improved existing article = 2+0+2 = 4 points
  37. Museo de Lesya Ukrainka de Surami: +4069 bytes, new translation = 4+0 = 4 points
  38. Museo de Lesya Ukrainka de Yalta: +5,300 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 5+10 = 15 points
  39. Aleksandr Gálich: +1,241 bytes, improved existing suggested article = 1+10+2 = 13 points
  40. Palacio de Kachanivka: +1,359 bytes, improved existing suggested article = 1+10+2 = 13 points
  41. Museo de Arquitectura Popular y Costumbres de Ucrania: +7,461 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 7+10 = 17 points
  42. Iván Nechui-Levitski: +1,631 bytes, improved existing suggested article = 1+10+2 = 13 points
  43. Puente del Injul: +6,452 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 6+10 = 16 points
  44. María Matios: +1,692 bytes, improved existing suggested article = 1+10+2 = 13 points
  45. Mikola Riabchuk: +55 bytes, improved existing suggested article = 0+10+2 = 12 points
  46. Puente de arco de Zaporiyia: +8,465 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 8+10 = 18 points
  47. Catedral castrense de San Nicolás: +5,541 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 5+10 = 15 points
  48. Puente del Metro de Kiev: +4,437 bytes, improved existing suggested article = 4+10+2 = 16 points
  49. Puente Patón: +9,580 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 9+10 = 19 points
  50. Vasil Simonenko: +1,392 bytes, improved existing suggested article = 1+10+2 = 13 points
  51. Cuesta de Andrés: +10,617 bytes, improved existing suggested article = 10+10+2 = 22 points
  52. Oración por Ucrania: +23,666 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 23+10 = 33 points
  53. Castillo de Lubart: +6,501 bytes, improved existing suggested article = 6+10+2 = 18 points
  54. Natalia Matolinets: +406 bytes, improved existing suggested article = 0+10+2 = 12 points
  55. Dmitro Kremin: +0 bytes, improved existing suggested article = 0+10+2 = 12 points
  56. Kurgán de Melgunov: +5,579 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 5+10 = 15 points
  57. Fortaleza de Sudak: +12,562 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 12+10 = 22 points
  58. Olena Kisilevska: +4,575 bytes, improved existing suggested article = 4+10+2 = 16 points
  59. Iván Marchuk: +15,037 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 15+10 = 25 points
  60. Olena Kisilevska: +3,848 bytes, improved existing article = 3+0+2 = 5 points
  61. Mikola Ivasiuk: +831 bytes, improved existing suggested article = 0+10+2 = 12 points
  62. Sonia Lewitska: +1,045 bytes, improved existing suggested article = 1+10+2 = 13 points
  63. Kalós Limen: +7,393 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 7+10 = 17 points
  64. Palacio de Razumovski de Baturin: +8,623 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 8+10 = 18 points
  65. Yuri Vinnichuk: +580 bytes, improved existing suggested article = 0+10+2 = 12 points
  66. Iván Zarudni: +4,750 bytes, improved existing suggested article = 4+10+2 = 16 points
  67. Cementerio de Lichákiv: +11,113 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 11+10 = 21 points
  68. Sinagoga Coral de Járkov: +3,699 bytes, improved existing suggested article = 3+10+2 = 15 points
  69. Sinagoga Caraíta de Járkov: +3,822 bytes, improved existing suggested article = 3+0+2 = 5 points
  70. Sinagoga Caraíta de Kiev: +5,022 bytes, improved existing suggested article = 5+0+2 = 7 points
  71. Svitlana Taratórina: +0 bytes, improved existing suggested article = 0+10+2 = 12 points
  72. Osyp Shpytko: +1130 bytes, improved existing suggested article = 1+10+2 = 13 points
  73. Tarás Projasko: +540 bytes, improved existing suggested article = 0+10+2 = 12 points
  74. Filarmónica de Odesa: +1,442 bytes, improved existing suggested article = 1+10+2 = 22 points
  75. Teatro dramático regional académico de Odesa: +8,723 bytes, improved existing suggested article = 8+10+2 = 20 points
  76. Íhor Kalinéts: +4,716 bytes, improved existing suggested article = 4+10+2 = 16 points
  77. Mijailo Petrenko: +2,884 bytes, improved existing suggested article = 2+10+2 = 14 points
  78. Grigir Tiutiunnik: +6,099 bytes, improved existing suggested article = 6+10+2 = 18 points
  79. Artem Chej: +1,117 bytes, improved existing suggested article = 1+10+2 = 13 points
  80. Castillo de Zhovkva: +6,123 bytes, improved existing suggested article = 6+10+2 = 18 points
  81. Galería Nacional de Arte de Leópolis: +23,159 bytes, improved existing article = 23+0+2 = 25 points
  82. Olha Frankó: +1,563 bytes, improved existing suggested article = 1+10+2 = 13 points
  83. Edificio del gobierno de Ucrania: +6,041 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 6+10 = 16 points
  84. Palacio de Shidlovski: +6,584 bytes, new translation = 6+0+0 = 6 points
  85. Nicolau Sevcenko: +11,637 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 11+10 = 21 points
  86. Palacio Popov: +1,039 bytes, improved existing suggested article = 1+10+2 = 13 points
  87. Volodímir Zabolotni: +7,561 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 7+10 = 17 points
  88. Yevguenia Marínchenko: +10,497 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 10+10 = 20 points
  89. Yevhén Sverstiuk: +1,077 bytes, improved existing suggested article = 1+10+2 = 13 points
  90. Palacio de Shárivka: +5,428 bytes, new translation = 5+0+0 = 5 points
  91. Chervona ruta: +7.712 bytes, improved existing suggested article = 7+10+2 = 19 points
  92. Vasil Krichevski: +10,876 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 10+10 = 20 points
  93. Volodímir Vladko: +1,007 bytes, improved existing suggested article = 1+10+2 = 13 points
  94. Petró Midyanka: +36 bytes, improved existing suggested article = 0+10+2 = 12 points
  95. Quersoneso: +14,056 bytes, improved existing suggested article = 14+10+2 = 26 points
  96. Edificio de la Rada Suprema: +9,314 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 9+10 = 19 points
  97. Edificio de la Oficina del Presidente de Ucrania: +5,829 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 5+10 = 15 points
  98. Iván Grigoróvich-Barski: +8,058 bytes, improved existing suggested article = 8+10+2 = 20 points
  99. Novela sobre el destino humano: +582 bytes, improved existing suggested article = 0+10+2 = 12 points
  100. Felix Austria (novela): +344 bytes, improved existing suggested article = 0+10+2 = 12 points
  101. Oksana Lutsíshina: +13,349 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 13+10 = 23 points
  102. Larisa Borushenko-Moro: +4,014 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 4+10 = 14 points
  103. Puente sobre el río Irpín: +5,080 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 5+10 = 15 points
  104. Puente ferroviario de Antónivka: +6,199 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 6+10 = 16 points
  105. Catedral de la Transfiguración (Odesa): +5,128 bytes, improved existing suggested article = 5+10+2 = 17 points
  106. Residencia de los metropolitanos de Bucovina y Dalmacia: +12,263 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 12+10 = 22 points
  107. Pavló Alioshin: +8,534 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 8+10 = 18 points
  108. Oleksandr Oles: +10,565 bytes, new translation = 10+0 = 10 points
  109. Jrinkí (Poltava): +6,576 bytes, new translation = 6+0 = 6 points
  110. Oleksandr Koniski: +15,814 bytes, new translation = 15+0 = 15 points
  111. Puente de Amurski: +6,328 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 6+10 = 16 points
  112. Palacio metropolitano de Leópolis: +3,458 bytes, improved existing suggested article = 3+10+2 = 15 points
  113. Castillo de Pidgirtsi: +11,651 bytes, improved existing suggested article = 11+10+2 = 23 points
  114. Fortaleza de Kodak: +4,698 bytes, improved existing suggested article = 4+10+2 = 16 points
  115. Guillaume Le Vasseur de Beauplan: +5,757 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 5+10 = 15 points
  116. Pavló Mákov: +4,356 bytes, improved existing suggested article = 4+10+2 = 16 points
  117. Opanás Slastion: +9,840 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 9+0 = 9 points
  118. Mijáilo Staritski: +10,042 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 10+10 = 20 points
  119. Iglesia de San Vladimiro (Vilniansk): +5,931 bytes, new translation = 5+0 = 5 points
  120. Monasterio de San Sava (Melitópol): +4,131 bytes, new translation = 4+0 = 4 points
  121. Teatro académico de folclore ucraniano de Kiev: +3,512 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 3+10 = 13 points
  122. Teatro académico Les Kurbas de Leópolis: +4,281 bytes, improved existing suggested article = 4+10+2 = 16 points
  123. Teatro dramático regional académico de Donetsk: +6,066 bytes, improved existing suggested article = 6+10+2 = 18 points
  124. Natalka Poltavka (ópera): +6,489 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 6+10 = 16 points
  125. Pavló Bratitsia: +4,027 bytes, new translation = 4+0 = 4 points
  126. Teatro dramático académico de Kiev en Podil: +8,044 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 8+10 = 18 points
  127. Oleksandr Koshetz: +10,619 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 10+10 = 20 points
  128. Iósip Karakis: +15,293 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 15+10 = 25 points
  129. Club Ucraniano: +4,538 bytes, new translation = 4+0 = 14 points
  130. Olga Alióshina: +6,058 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 6+10 = 16 points
  131. Tiberi Szilvashi: +5,062 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 5+10 = 15 points
  132. Narimán Alíyev: +8,142 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 8+10 = 18 points
  133. Stepán Kovnir: +6,836 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 6+10 = 16 points
  134. Liubov Hakkebush: +1,474 bytes, improved existing suggested article = 1+10+2 = 13 points
  135. Teatro dramático nacional de Leópolis: +8,853 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 8+10 = 18 points
  136. Sueño (poema de Tarás Shevchenko): +1,555 bytes, improved existing suggested article = 1+10+2 = 13 points
  137. Anna Borisoglebskaya: +1,495 bytes, improved existing suggested article = 1+10+2 = 13 points
  138. Teatro académico municipal de Ópera y Ballet para Niños y Jóvenes de Kiev: +5,403 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 5+10 = 15 points
  139. Volodímir Bezsmertni: +7,071 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 7+10 = 17 points
  140. Vitório Sorotiuk: +7,023 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 7+10 = 17 points
  141. Ostap Veresai: +15,129 bytes, new translation = 15+0 = 15 points
  142. Krasnokutsk: +8,940 bytes, new translation = 8+0 = 8 points
  143. Iglesia de San Miguel Arcángel (Krasnokutsk): +5,686 bytes, new translation = 5+0 = 5 points
  144. Koviagi: +5,009 bytes, new translation = 5+0 = 5 points
  145. Tarashcha: +7,502 bytes, improved existing suggested article = 7+0+2 = 9 points

USSR-Slav (Japanese) 38 points total

  1. 聖ムィコラーイ軍事大聖堂: +3,738bytes, suggested article, new translation = 3+10+25 = 38 points

Gikü (Romanian) 186 points total

  1. Kateryna Zelenykh: +8,134 bytes, new translation = 8+0 = 8 points
  2. Anna-Halea Horbaci: +8,837 bytes, new translation = 8+0 = 8 points
  3. Maria Forescu: +2,458 bytes, improved article = 2+2 = 4 points
  4. Jovtîi kneaz: +137 bytes, improved article, suggested article = 0+2+10 = 12 points
  5. Júlia Szegő: +3,773 bytes, new translation = 3+0 = 3 points
  6. Alexander Archipenko: +25,327 bytes, new translation, suggested article = 25+0+10 = 35 points
  7. Maria Zankovețka: +11,392 bytes, new translation, suggested article = 11+0+10 = 21 points
  8. Nikolai Gamaleia: +10,022 bytes, new translation, suggested article = 10+0+10 = 20 points
  9. Șcedrîk (film): +8,600 bytes, new translation, suggested article = 8+0+10 = 18 points
  10. Oleksii Danilov: +15,457 bytes, new translation = 15+0 = 15 points
  11. Ilia Ilici Mecinikov: +30,461 bytes, improved article, suggested article = 30+2+10 = 42 points

Reda Tris (Standard Tamazight) 13 points total

  1. ⵜⴰⵔⴰⵙ ⴽⵓⵎⴱⴰⵏⵉⵜⵛⵉⵏⴽⵓ: +3,011 bytes, new article = 3+10 = 13 points
  1. Грабович, Григорий: +20,938 bytes, suggested article = 31 = 31 points
  2. Лаюк, Мирослав Николаевич: +8,905 bytes, suggested article = 19 = 19 points
  3. Смолоскип: +5,233 bytes = 5 = 5 points

KajenCAT (Catalan) 0 points total

  1. Example article 1: +n bytes, suggested article, new translation = n+n = Expression error: Unrecognized word "n". point

Fixer88 (English) 72 points total

  1. Adamivka, Cherkasy Oblast: +3,527 bytes, new article, new translation = 3 = 3 points
  2. Berestivka, Sumy Oblast: +4,420 bytes, new article, new translation = 4 = 4 points
  3. Avhustivka, Ternopil Oblast: +3,795 bytes, new article, new translation = 3 = 3 points
  4. The Dragon Spell: +18,973 bytes, suggested article, new article, new translation = 18+10 = 26 points
  5. Skomorokhy, Chortkiv Raion, Ternopil Oblast: +5,691 bytes, new article, new translation = 5 = 5 points
  6. Skomorokhy, Lviv Oblast: +5,754 bytes, new article, new translation = 5 = 5 points
  7. Natalka Denysenko: +5,273 bytes, new article, new translation = 5 = 5 points
  8. Svitlana Okley: +11,940 bytes, new article, new translation = 11 = 11 points
  9. Korolivka, Bucha Raion, Kyiv Oblast: +4,193 bytes, new article, new translation = 4 = 4 points
  10. Byshiv, Kyiv Oblast: +4,226 bytes, new article, new translation = 4 = 4 points

Nemoralis (Language_1, Language_2) 133 points total

  1. Example article 1: +4,953 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 5+10 = 15 points

Eliatxo (Basque) 172 points total

  1. Arcadia Olenska-Petryshyn: +5,623 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 5+10 = 15 points
  2. Saxa Putria: +6,229 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 6+10 = 16 points
  3. Olha Franko: +6,129 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 6+10 = 16 points
  4. Mila Sivatska: +8,833 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 8+10 = 18 points
  5. Al-Salam meskita (Odesa): +4,501 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 4+10 = 14 points
  6. Kamianets-Podilskyko katedrala: +5,007 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 5+10 = 15 points
  7. Oksana Xvets: +5,710 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 5+10 = 15 points
  8. Kateryna Justxenko: +5,992 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 5+10 = 15 points
  9. Helena Kolody: +5,080 bytes, new translation = 5 = 5 points
  10. Nicolau Sevcenko: +7,189 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 7+10 = 17 points
  11. Patricia Nell Warren: +6,767 bytes, new translation = 6 = 6 points
  12. Natalena Koroleva: +4,027 bytes, new translation = 4 = 4 points
  13. Anzhelika Savtxenko: +6,081 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 6+10 = 16 points

Carotisque (Turkish) 107 points total

  1. Iryna Tsilyk: +7.559 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 7+10 = 17 points
  2. Mariia Vetrova: +11.700 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 11+10 = 21 points
  3. Hotin Kalesi : +19.420 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 19+10 = 29 points
  4. Olha Ayvazovska : +16.458 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 16+10 = 26 points
  5. Kievli Dobrodeia: +4.241 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 4+10 = 14 points

Natalia.prica (Serbian, English) 90 points total

  1. sr:Варенике: +16570 bytes, suggested article = 16+10 = 26 points
  2. sr:Јуриј Кондратјук: +22000 bytes, suggested article = 22+10 = 32 points
  3. sr:"Добро вече, ми смо из Украјине": +6870 bytes, suggested article = 6+10 = 16 points
  4. sr:Мартиновско благо: +6879 bytes, suggested article = 6+10 = 16 points
Ukraine's Cultural Diplomacy Month 2024: congratulation and certificate
Ukraine's Cultural Diplomacy Month 2024: congratulation and certificate

Armineaghayan (Armenian) 544 points total

  1. Պոլինա Ռայկո: +10988 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 11+10 = 21 points
  2. Պոչաևյան Աստվածամոր սրբապատկեր: +9609 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 10+10 = 20 points
  3. Անատոլի Կրիվոլապ: +10110 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 10+10 = 20 points
  4. Կոնստանտին Լավրո: +5952 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 6+10 = 16 points
  5. Հույն կաթոլիկ մետրոպոլիտների պալատ (Լվով): +5139 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 5+10 = 15 points
  6. Իվան Գրիգորովիչ-Բարսկի: +8651 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 8+10 = 18 points
  7. Ուկրաինայի նախագահի նստավայրի շենք: +8044 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 8+10 = 18 points
  8. Ուկրաինայի Գերագույն ռադայի շենք: +25 014 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 25+10 = 35 points
  9. Իվանո-Ֆրանկիվսկի քաղաքապետարանի շենք:+ 14 411 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 14+10 = 24 points
  10. Լյուբով Գակկեբուշ:+ 6385 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 6+10 = 16 points
  11. Մարկ Բրովուն:+ 14 777 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 14+10 = 24 points
  12. Ուկրաինական զրույցի թատրոն:+ 16 499 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 16+10 = 26 points
  13. Թատրոն Պոդոլում:+ 17 125 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 17+10 = 27 points
  14. Մարիա Զանկովեցկայայի անվան ուկրաինական դրամատիկական թատրոն:+ 7681 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 7+10 = 17 points
  15. Ելենա Անդրեյչևա:+ 10 213 bytes, new translation = 10 = 10 points
  16. Վիկտոր Վերետեննիկով:+ 11 513 bytes, new translation = 11 = 11 points
  17. Իվան Ռաշևսկի:+ 9013 bytes, new translation = 9 = 9 points
  18. Լեոնիդ Կանտեր:+ 5849 bytes, new translation = 6 = 6 points
  19. Եվգենի Լավրենչուկ:+ 151 304 bytes, new translation = 151 = 151 points
  20. Ուկրաինական ճարտարապետություն:+ 21 142 bytes, new translation = 21 = 21 points
  21. Իվան Ֆիրցակ:+ 11 377 bytes, new translation = 11 = 11 points
  22. Սոլոմոն Քիշնևսկի:+ 28 720 bytes, new translation = 28 = 28 points

Culamar (Belarusian) 363 points total

  1. be:Міраслаў Міхайлавіч Скорык: 46,575 bytes, new translation, suggested article = 47+10=57 points
  2. be:Слуга народа (тэлесерыял): 27,578 bytes, new translation, suggested article = 28+10=38 points
  3. be:Добры вечар, мы з Украіны: 11,579 bytes, new translation, suggested article = 12+10=22 points
  4. be:Адэская дзяржаўная філармонія: 11,676 bytes, new translation, suggested article = 12+10=22 points
  5. be:Ганна Аляксееўна Гаўрылец: 13,304 bytes, new translation, suggested article = 13+10=23 points
  6. be:20 дзён у Марыупалі: 48,448 bytes, new translation = 48 points
  7. be:Людміла Мікалаеўна Сямыкіна: 7,090 bytes, new translation, suggested article = 7+10=17 points
  8. be:Пачайна (станцыя метро): 1,725 bytes, improved article = 2+2=4 points
  9. be:Кацярына Аляксандраўна Калітка: 19,763 bytes, new translation, suggested article = 20+10=30 points
  10. be:Марыя Алегаўна Сур: 6,529 bytes, new translation, suggested article = 7+10=17 points
  11. be:Марыя Віктараўна Бурмака: 12,793 bytes, new translation, suggested article = 13+10=23 points
  12. be:Яўгенія Аляксандраўна Марынчанка: 14,609 bytes, new translation, suggested article = 15+10=25 points
  13. be:Юлія Ацкер: 6,295 bytes, new translation, suggested article = 6+10=16 points
  14. be:Марыя Фядосьеўна Ветрава: 10,586 bytes, new translation, suggested article = 11+10=21 points

Amr F.Nagy (Arabic) 464 points total

  1. قصر رازوموفسكي (باتورين): +12٬891 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 12+10 = 22 points
  2. مبنى البرلمان الأوكراني: +14٬932 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 14+10 = 24 points
  3. راتوشا (إيفانو فرانكيفسك): +7٬577 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 7+10 = 17 points
  4. بيت الكيميرا: +39٬841 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 39+10 = 49 points
  5. مبنى مجلس الوزراء الأوكراني: +9٬357 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 9+10 = 19 points
  6. قلعة خوتين: +6٬744 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 6+10 = 16 points
  7. قلعة كامينيتس-بوديلسكي: +13,152 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 13+10 = 23 points
  8. قلعة لوبارت: +7,164 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 7+10 = 17 points
  9. قلعة جوفكفا: +5,295 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 5+10 = 15 points
  10. قلعة زولوتشيف: +5,579 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 5+10 = 15 points
  11. قلعة بيدهيرتسي: +5,114 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 5+10 = 15 points
  12. جسر مترو كييف: +7,320 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 7+10 = 17 points
  13. جسر باتون: +11,260 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 11+10 = 21 points
  14. جسر زاباروجيا المقوس: +8,739 bytes, new translation = 10 = 10 points
  15. باروك أوكراني: +3,764 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 3+10 = 13 points
  16. خورتيتسيا: +4٬895 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 4+10 = 14 points
  17. إيفان زارودني: +7٬145 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 7+10 = 17 points
  18. فاسيل كريتشيفسكي: +11٬537 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 11+10 = 21 points
  19. نسطور المؤرخ: +8,759 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 8+10 = 18 points
  20. أناتولي كريفولاب: +10,433 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 10+10 = 20 points
  21. دير زيمني: +7,012 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 7+10 = 17 points
  22. مبنى المكتب الرئاسي (كييف): +10,110 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 10+10 = 20 points
  23. ميروسلاف سكوريك: +18٬328 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 18+10 = 28 points
  24. ميكولا ليسينكو: +8٬079 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 8+10 = 18 points
  25. فياتشيسلاف تشيرنوفيل: +4,960 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 4+10 = 14 points
  26. هريهوري سكوفورودا: +11,957 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 11+10 = 21 points
  27. حديقة سوفيفكا: +6,223 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 6+10 = 16 points
  28. صوفيا أوكونيفسكا: +8,695 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 8+10 = 18 points

Keneris (English, Hausa) 84 points total

  1. en:Ukraine on Fire (1966 novel): +22,397 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 22+10 = 32 points
  2. en:Zhovtyi kniaz +20,745 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 20+10 = 30 points
  3. en:Vasyl Barka +3,001 bytes, improved article = 3 + 2 = 5 points
  4. ha:Taras Shevchenko +7,190 bytes, suggested article, new article = 7 + 10 = 17

Kunokuno (Central Bikol) 65 points

  1. Anne nin Kiev: 7,746 bytes, suggested article = 17 points
  2. Lesya Ukrainka: 8,870 bytes, suggested article = 18 points
  3. Lina Kostenko: 6,472 bytes, suggested article = 16 points
  4. Kateryna Bilokur: 4,609 bytes, suggested article = 14 bytes

Meenakshi nandhini (ml) X points total

  1. വാസിൽകിവ് മയോലിക്ക റൂസ്റ്റർ: +10,077 bytes, improved article = 12 points
  2. മഡോണ ഓഫ് കൈവ്: +5107 bytes, improved article = 7 points
  3. ബട്യാർ: +5540 bytes, new article, 3 references = 3 points= 8 points
  4. പാവ്‌ലോ ഒലെക്സാണ്ട്രോവിച്ച് വൈഷേബാബ: +2302 bytes, improved article= 4 points
  5. സെന്റ് ജാവലിൻ: +2665 bytes, improved article= 4 points

GF38storic (french, spanish, english) 508 points total

  1. Kyiv Metro Bridge: +1200 bytes, suggested article, improved article = 1+10+2 = 13 points
  2. Boris Balinsky: +1060 bytes, suggested article, improved article = 1+10+2 = 13 points
  3. Boris Balinsky: +1006 bytes, suggested article, improved article = 1+10+2 = 13 points
  4. Nikolái Kibálchich: +1002 bytes, suggested article, improved article = 1+10+2 = 13 points
  5. Puente del Metro de Kiev: +1057 bytes, suggested article, improved article = 1+10+2 = 13 points
  6. 20 Jours à Marioupol: +2011 bytes, improved article = 2+2 = 4 points
  7. Actinoplanes oblitus: +4219 bytes, new article = 4 = 4 points
  8. Lioudmyla Alfimova: +4559 bytes, suggested article, improved article = 5+10+2 = 17 points
  9. Boris Balinsky: +819 bytes, suggested article, improved article = 1+10+2 = 13 points
  10. Lidia Beloziorova: +4961 bytes, suggested article, new article = 5+10 = 15 points
  11. Cathédrale militaire Saint-Nicolas de Kiev: +2234 bytes, suggested article, improved article = 2+10+2 = 14
  12. Château de Loutsk: +5080 bytes, suggested article, improved article = 5+10+2 = 17 points
  13. Château de Popov: +3248 bytes, suggested article, improved article = ++10+2 = 15 points
  14. Cosaques noirs: +5089 bytes, improved article = 5+2 = 7 points
  15. Rostislav Derjypilsky: +5463 bytes, suggested article, improved = 5+10+2 = 17 points
  16. Descente Saint-André: +1063 bytes, suggested articles, mproved articles = 1+10+2 = 13 points
  17. Dobrovelytchkivka: +6195 bytes, improved article = 6+2 = 8 points
  18. Drapeau de l'Ukraine: +1364 bytes, suggested article, improved article = 1+10+2 = 13 points
  19. Dzerjinscoe: +11461 bytes, new translation = 11 = 11 points
  20. Forteresse de Soudak: +4408 bytes, suggested article, improved article = 4+10+2 = 16 points
  21. Nikolaï Gamaleïa: +812 bytes, suggested article, improved article = 1+10+2 = 13 points
  22. Maria Hrebinetska: +14089 bytes, new article, suggested article = 14+10 = 24 points
  23. Iakivtsi: +4279 bytes, new translation = 4 = 4 points
  24. Tamara Iatsenko: +3290 bytes, suggested article, improved article = 3+10+2 = 15 points
  25. Oksana Ivanenko: +4526 bytes, suggested article, improved article = 5+10+2 = 17 points
  26. Kachanovka: +2152 bytes, suggested article, improved article = 2+10+2 = 14
  27. Kateryna Kalytko: +2886 bytes, suggested article, improved article = 2+10+2 = 14 points
  28. Ivan Karpenko-Kary: +4586 bytes, suggested article, improved article = 5+10+2 = 17 points
  29. Khorochky: +4159 bytes, new article = 4 = 4 points
  30. Nikolaï Kibaltchitch: +2127 bytes, suggested article, improved article = 2+10+2 = 14 points
  31. Kossiv: +2318 bytes, improved article (new section, new sources) = 2+2 = 4 points
  32. Marinomonas pontica: +4164 bytes, new article = 4 = 4 points
  33. Les Noces à Malinovka: +2043 bytes improved article = 2+2 = 4 points
  34. Noviherbaspirillum humi: +5400 bytes, new article = 5 = 5 points
  35. Phialomyces arenicola: +3576bytes, new article = 3 = 3 points
  36. Ivan Poddoubny: +2119 bytes, suggested article, improved article = 2+10+2 = 14 points
  37. Pont métro (Kiev): +2066 bytes, suggested article, improved article = 2+10+2 = 14 points
  38. Nikolaï Sklifossovski: +4045 bytes, suggested article,improved article = 4+10+2 = 16 points
  39. Palais Razoumovski: +2316 bytes, suggested article, improved article = 2+10+2 = 14 points
  40. Rhodotorula babjevae: +5213 bytes, new article = 5 = 5 points
  41. Streptomyces xantholiticus: +4204 bytes, new article = 4 = 4 points
  42. Tchervona Routa: +5040 bytes, suggested article, improved article = 5+10+2 = 17 points
  43. Théâtre Maria Zankovetska: +4488 bytes, suggested article, improved article = 10+4 = 14 points
  44. Tumebacillus luteolus: +5381 bytes, new article = 5 = 5 points

Xayala Mammadli (Azerbaijan) 1205 points total

  1. Ukrayna teatrı: +10.399 bytes, new article, new translation = 10+10 = 20 points
  2. Feliks Avstriya (roman): +6.158 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 6+10 =16 points
  3. Katerina Kalitko: +8.096 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 9+0 = 9 points
  4. Pakrovski kafedralı (Xarkov): +7.899 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 7+10 = 17 points
  5. Kazan kilsəsi (Luqansk): +8.524 bytes, new article, new translation = 8+10 = 18 points
  6. Odessa Dövlət Filarmoniyası: +8.420 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 8+10 = 18 points
  7. Arkadiya (Odessa): +8.559 bytes, new article, new translation = 8+10 = 18 points
  8. İrina Tsilık: +8.700 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 8+10 = 18 points
  9. Artyom Çex: +7.879 bytes, new article, new translation = 7+10 = 17 points
  10. Lina Kostenko: +10.804 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 10+10 = 20 points
  11. Alina Qorlova: +5.737 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 5+10 = 15 points
  12. Nina İlina: +6.397 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 6+10 = 16 points
  13. Lyudmila Yefimenko: +6.316 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 6+10 = 16 points
  14. Zimne monastrı: +12.347 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 12+10 = 22 points
  15. Mila Svitskaya: +5.873 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 5+10 = 15 points
  16. Kodak qalası: +11.346 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 11+10 = 21 points
  17. Mariya Vetrova: +7.770 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 7+10 = 17 points
  18. Viktoriya Amelina: +14.539 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 14+10 = 24 points
  19. Kiyev Metro körpüsü: +7.352 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 7+10 = 17 points
  20. Odessa kinostudiyası: +13.281 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 13+10 = 23 points
  21. Lidiya Belozyorova: +10.832 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 10+10 = 20 points
  22. Anjelika Savçenko: +7.855 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 7+10 = 17 points
  23. Olqa Mikitenko: +6.164 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 6+10 = 16 points
  24. Oksana Şvets: +13.395 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 13+10 = 23 points
  25. Zborov müqaviləsi: +8.278 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 8+10 = 18 points
  26. Mariinski sarayı: +10.573 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 10+10 = 20 points
  27. Klov sarayı: +6.455 bytes, new article, new translation = 6+10 = 16 points
  28. Anastasiya Volkova: +6.388 bytes, new article, new translation = 6+10 = 16 points
  29. Donetsk Akademik Regional Dram Teatrı: +18.168 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 18+10 = 28 points
  30. Donetsk Regional İncəsənət Muzeyi: +9.912 bytes, new article, new translation = 9+10 = 19 points
  31. Donetsk Akademik Ukrayna Musiqili Dram Teatrı: +22.468 bytes, new article, new translation = 22+10 = 32 points
  32. Vadim Xlupyanets: +10.656 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 10+10 = 20 points
  33. Marusya Çuray: +5.787 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 5+10 = 15 points
  34. Konka çayı: +5.318 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 5+10 = 15 points
  35. Qara Dəniz Biosfer Qoruğu: +11.542 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 11+10 = 21 points
  36. Viktor Onisko: +8.193 bytes, new article, new translation = 8+10 = 18 points
  37. Olena Andreyçeva: +7.552 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 7+10 = 17 points
  38. Yelena Kondratyuk: +12.516 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 12+10 = 22 points
  39. Aleksandr Tkaçenko: +25.585 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 25+10 = 35 points
  40. Svetlana Otçenaşenko: +7.167 bytes, new article, new translation = 7+10 = 17 points
  41. Alla Mazur: +8.133 bytes, new article, new translation = 8+10 = 18 points
  42. Nina Matviyenko: +11.674 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 11+10 = 21 points
  43. Donetskdə teatr sənəti: +15.595 bytes, new article, new translation = 15+10 = 25 points
  44. Veryovka adına Ukraynanın Milli Əməkdar Akademik Xalq xoru: +11.697 bytes, new article, new translation = 11+10 = 21 points
  45. Vsesvit: +10.212 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 10+10 = 20 points
  46. Allin Vlasenko: +6.320 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 6+10 = 16 points
  47. Anna (qısametrajlı film, 2019): +8.262 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 8+10 = 18 points
  48. Kafedral (roman): +4.331 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 4+10 = 14 points
  49. Sergey Şaptala: +8.646 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 8+10 = 18 points
  50. Anatoli Zlenko: +14.917 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 14+10 = 24 points
  51. Baykovo qəbiristanlığı: +9.743 bytes, new article, new translation = 9+10 = 19 points
  52. İzolyasiya həbsxanası: +16.337 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 16+10 = 26 points
  53. Lyudmila Luzan: +7.866 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 7+10 = 17 points
  54. Vadim Getman: +10.919 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 10+10 = 20 points
  55. Yana Rıxlitska: +4.789 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 4+10 = 14 points
  56. Ximeralı ev: +24.172 bytes, new article, new translation = 24+10 = 34 points
  57. Müqəddəs Nikolay kilsəsi (Kiyev): +10.618 bytes, new article, new translation = 10+10 = 20 points
  58. İqor Kobrin: +11.758 bytes, new article, new translation = 11+10 = 21 points
  59. UMEA Dəniz Biologiyası İnstitutu: +7.242 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 7+10 = 17 points
  60. Miroslava Qonqadze: +12.611 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 12+10 = 22 points
  61. Aleksey Xilski: +10.847 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 10+10 = 20 points
  62. Taras Barovets: +27.526 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 27+10 = 37 points

Sjouke O (Dutch, English) 47 points total

  1. nl:Ukraine's Cultural Diplomacy Month 2024/Participants/: +17,008 bytes, new translation = 17+2 = 19 points
  2. nl:Taras_Kompanichenko: +3,812 bytes, new translation, suggested article = 4+2+5 = 11 points
  3. nl:Vladimir_Sheyko: +9,705 bytes, new translation, suggested article = 10+2+5 = 17 points

White Demon (Azerbaijani) - 14 points total

  1. Böyük sinaqoq (Lutsk): +4,393 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 4+10 = 14 points

Ariandi Lie (id) 301 points total

  1. Pamfir: +34,953 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 34+10 = 44 points
  2. Diana Berg: +9,516 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 9+10 = 19 points
  3. Emas Skit (pameran): +203,648 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 203+10 = 213 points
  4. Ivan Poddubny: +15,251 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 15+10 = 25 points

UA0Volodymyr (English, Ukrainian, Russian) 108 points total

  1. Калитко, Екатерина Александровна: +11,105 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 11+10 = 21 points
  2. Мельник, Ярослав Иосифович: +4,479 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 4+10 = 14 points
  3. Микола Шевченко: +17,320 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 17+10 = 27 points
  4. Шевченко, Николай (историк): +18,119 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 18+10 = 28 points
  5. Народная архитектура Карпат: +4,519 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 4+10 = 14 points
  6. Black Hundreds: +2,694 bytes, improved article = 4 points

Kaljami (Finnish, Swedish, English, Hawaiian) 410 points total

  1. Ukrainan kielioppi: +5,204 bytes, new translation = 5 = 5 points
  2. Volodymyr Zelenskyi: +1,738 bytes, improved = 2 + 2 = 4 points
  3. Joulu Ukrainassa: +8,629 bytes, new translation = 9 = 9 points
  4. Kutja: +3,635 bytes, new translation = 4 = 4 points
  5. Krimin tataarien karkottaminen: +9,187 bytes, improved = 9 + 2 = 11 points
  6. Mustafa Cemilev: +7,243 bytes, improved = 7 + 2 = 9 points
  7. Amet-han Sultan: +8,579 bytes, improved = 9 + 2 = 11 points
  8. Krimin tataarit: +6,157 bytes, improved = 6 + 2 = 8 points
  9. Krimin tataarien kansan medžlis: +5,469 bytes, new translation = 5 = 5 points
  10. Krimin venäläistäminen: +10,271 bytes, new translation = 10 = 10 points
  11. Ukrainska svordomar: +3,993 bytes, new translation = 4 = 4 points
  12. Ukrainian profanity: +4,209 bytes, new translation = 4 = 4 points
  13. Krimintataarinkielinen Wikipedia: +4,090 bytes, new translation = 4 = 4 points
  14. Krimintataarin kielen aakkoset: +12,271 bytes, new translation = 12 = 12 points
  15. Rustem Umjerov: +2,220 bytes, improved = 2 + 2 = 4 points
  16. H’aitarma: +5,607 bytes, new translation = 6 = 6 points
  17. Valeri Zalužnyi: +2,453 bytes, improved = 2 + 2 = 4 points
  18. Vitali Klytško: +3,046 bytes, improved = 3 + 2 = 5 points
  19. Vitali Klitschko: +4,016 bytes, new translation = 4 = 4 points
  20. Ukrainalaislasten pakkosiirrot Venäjälle: +14,766 bytes, new translation = 15 = 15 points
  21. Krimtatariska alfabetet: +11,636 bytes, new translation = 12 = 12 points
  22. Ukrainan venäläistäminen: +10,410 bytes, new translation = 10 = 10 points
  23. Sotilasarvot Ukrainan asevoimissa: +7,622 bytes, new translation = 8 = 8 points
  24. Krimtatarernas deportation: +13,421 bytes, new translation = 13 = 13 points
  25. Ukrainan ulkoministeri: +3,704 bytes, new translation = 4 = 4 points
  26. H’aitarma: +3,368 bytes, improved = 3 + 2 = 5 points
  27. Seksuaali- ja sukupuolivähemmistöjen oikeudet Ukrainassa: +2,166 bytes, improved = 2 + 2 = 4 points
  28. HBTQ-rättigheter i Ukraina: +8,019 bytes, new translation = 8 = 8 points
  29. Ukrainan sankari: +2,331 bytes, improved = 2 + 2 = 4 points
  30. Petro Porošenko: +3,561 bytes, improved = 4 + 2 = 6 points
  31. Ukrainan erikoisoperaatioiden joukot: +1,235 bytes, improved = 1 + 2 = 3 points
  32. Ukrainan kielen aakkoset: +1,536 bytes, improved = 2 + 2 = 4 points
  33. Rysslands kidnappningar av ukrainska barn: +13,839 bytes, new translation = 14 = 14 points
  34. Hei sokoly: +6,205 bytes, new translation = 6 = 6 points
  35. Krimin tataarien keittiö: +6,518 bytes, new translation = 7 = 7 points
  36. Linnunmaito: +3,679 bytes, new translation = 4 = 4 points
  37. Seksuaalinen väkivalta Venäjän hyökättyä Ukrainaan: +13,472 bytes, new translation = 13 = 13 points
  38. Krimin hymni: +4,192 bytes, new translation = 4 = 4 points
  39. Pes Patron: +3,999 bytes, new translation = 4 = 4 points
  40. Ukrainan kansanäänestys itsenäisyydestä: +6,820 bytes, new translation = 7 = 7 points
  41. Ukrainan venäläiset: +7,999 bytes, new translation = 8 = 8 points
  42. Afroukrainalaiset: +5,094 bytes, new translation = 5 = 5 points
  43. Žan Belenjuk: +2,852 bytes, improved = 3 + 2 = 5 points
  44. Ukrainan perustuslaki: +6,447 bytes, new translation = 6 = 6 points
  45. Oleh Sentsov: +2,721 bytes, improved = 3 + 2 = 5 points
  46. Seksuaalinen väkivalta Venäjän hyökättyä Ukrainaan: +1,884 bytes, improved = 2 + 2 = 4 points
  47. Ant etkenmen: +4,867 bytes, new translation = 5 = 5 points
  48. 1944 (kappale): +2,814 bytes, improved = 3 + 2 = 5 points
  49. Ey, güzel Qırım: +4,013 bytes, new translation = 4 = 4 points
  50. Sexuellt våld under Rysslands invasion av Ukraina: +10,824 bytes, new translation = 11 = 11 points
  51. Viinintuotanto Ukrainassa: +4,797 bytes, new translation = 5 = 5 points
  52. Ukrainan kielioppi: +1,281 bytes, improved = 1 + 2 = 3 points
  53. Janukismi: +3,548 bytes (2,032 + 1,516 in two different sessions), improved = 4 + 2 = 6 points
  54. Olha H’arlan: +2,112 bytes, improved = 2 + 2 = 4 points
  55. Ukrainan kansainvälinen legioona: +3,193 bytes, improved = 3 + 2 = 4 points
  56. Krimin kansantasavalta: +3,347 bytes, improved = 3 + 2 = 5 points
  57. Sofijivkan puisto: +4,694 bytes, new translation + suggested = 5 + 10 = 15 points
  58. Ukrainan seitsemän ihmettä: +6,544 bytes, new translation = 7 = 7 points
  59. Džohar Dudajevin pataljoona: +4,292 bytes, new translation = 4 = 4 points
  60. Vorontsovin palatsi: +4,690 bytes, new translation = 5 = 5 points
  61. Ruhtinatar Olgan ritarikunta: +1,038 bytes, improved = 1 + 2 = 3 points
  62. Yanukism: +3,432 bytes, improved = 3 + 2 = 5 points
  63. Ruhtinas Jaroslav Viisaan ritarikunta: +1,430 bytes, improved = 1 + 2 = 3 points
  64. Order of Prince Yaroslav the Wise: +2,126 bytes, improved = 2 + 2 = 4 points

Kambai Akau (Tyap) 29 points total

  1. Pamfir: +6,415, suggested article, new translation = 6+10 = 16 points
  2. Tarat Kompanicenko: +3,317, suggested article, new translation = 3+10 = 13 points
  3. Shche ne vmerla Ukrainy i slava, i volia:

IJzeren Jan (Dutch, Volapük) — X points total

Thooompson (Spanish) 5 points total

Ayesha46 (Hindi) 40 points total

  1. Bohdana Frolyak: 4,212 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 10+4 = 14 points
  2. Vladimir the Great: 4,135 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 10+4 = 14 points
  3. Zhovtyi kniaz: 2,487 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 10+2 = 12 points

Fanfwah (French) 239 points total

  1. Affaire de l'or des Scythes: + 86617 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 87+10 = 97 points
  2. Affaire de l'or des Scythes: + 4135 bytes, improved article (new sources and contents) = 4+2 = 6 points
  3. Ouliana Néchéva: +30180 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 30+10 = 40 points
  4. Julia Acker: +4728 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 5+10 = 15 points
  5. Augusta Kochanowska: +2497 bytes, suggested article, new translation, less than 3500 bytes = 0 points
  6. Pelageïa Raïko: +7962 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 8+10 = 18 points
  7. Halyna Mazepa: +6733 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 7+10 = 17 points
  8. Arcadia Olenska-Petryshyn: +4824 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 5+10 = 15 points
  9. Sacha Poutria: +4661 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 5+10 = 15 points
  10. Ada Rybatchouk: +5810 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 6+10 = 16 points

dishual (Language_1, Language_2) X points total


Tvcccp (Thai) 7 points total

  1. พิพิธภัณฑ์ศิลปะคาร์กิว: +7,150 bytes, new translation 7+0 = 7 points

ecelan (es) 131 points total

  1. Ostap Vishnya: 9430 bytes, new translation = 9 points
  2. Miroslav Skorik: 19208 bytes, new translation, suggested article = 19 + 10 = 29 points
  3. Parque Sofiyivski: 10630 bytes, new translation, suggested article = 10 + 10 = 20 points
  4. Maksim Berezovski: 63638 bytes, new translation, suggested article = 63 + 10 = 73 points

Penny Richards (English) 13 points total

  1. Stephanie Petryk Potoski: +6063 bytes, new article, 13 references; 6 points
  2. Vasyl Avramenko: existing article, improved with infobox; 2 points
  3. Izydora Kosach-Borysova: +5170 bytes, new article, 5 references; 5 points

Laziz Baxtiyorov (Uzbek, English) 14 points total

  1. Feofan Propokovich: +3,968 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 4+10 = 14 points

Fotis A. (Greek) 28 points total

  1. Ivan Poddubny: +18.232 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 18+10 = 28 points

Atakhanli (Azerbaijani, Turkish) 259 points total

  1. Borys Lyatoshynsky: +52023 bytes, suggested article, new translation, good article = 52+10+25=87 87 points
  2. Borys Lyatoshynsky: +53.546 bytes, suggested article, new translation, good article (Nominated. Due to the low participation in that Wikipedia, only 1 person participated in the discussion. But the article is ready.) = 53+10+25=88 88 points
  3. Katerina Yuşşenko: +8,418 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 8+10 = 18 points
  4. Danylo Zabolotny: + 18,117 bytes, new translation = 18 18 points
  5. Petr Shatilov: + 11,454 bytes, new translation = 11 11 points
  6. Lyubov Mala: + 11,017 bytes, new translation = 11 11 points
  7. Alexander Shalimov: +5,040 bytes, new translation = 5
  8. Joseph Karakis: +11,614 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 11+10=21 21 points

ぺいくん (Japanese) 0 points total

Dominik (Esperanto) 100 points total

  1. Parko Sofijivka: + 2,445, suggested article, new translation = 2+10+2 = 14 points
  2. Kastelo de Kamjanec-Podilskij: + 3,227, suggested article, new translation = 3+10+2 = 15 points
  3. Fortikaĵo de Ĥotin: + 2,239, suggested article, new translation = 2+10+2 = 14 points
  4. Ĥorticja: + 2,801, suggested article, new translation = 2+10+2 = 14 points
  5. Granda sinagogo de Lucko: + 3,025, suggested article, new translation = 3+10+2 = 15 points
  6. Araba kultura centro de Odeso: + 2,200, suggested article, new translation = 2+10+2 = 14 points
  7. Katedralo de Sankta Triunuo (Dnipro): + 2,611, suggested article, new translation = 2+10+2 = 14 points

AnToni (Bosnian) 213 points total

  1. Marina Skolota: +6.134 bytes, new article, 2 references = 6+2 points
  2. Irina Merkušina: +9.237 bytes, new article, 2 references = 9+2 points
  3. Oksana Jakovljeva: +10.021 bytes, new article, 3 references = 10+3 points
  4. Oksana Hvostenko: +17.376 bytes, new article, 9 references = 17+9 points
  5. Valentina Semerenko: +22.452 bytes, new article, 9 references = 22+9 points
  6. Vita Semerenko: +22.044 bytes, new article, 8 references = 22+8 points
  7. Olena Bilosjuk: +21.602 bytes, new article, 10 references = 21+10 points
  8. Natalija Tereščenko: +5.201 bytes, new article, 1 references = 5+1 points
  9. Tetjana Rud: +6.001 bytes, new article, 1 references = 6+1 points
  10. Julija Džima: +18.688 bytes, new article, 1 references = 18+4 points
  11. Irina Tananajka: +10.327 bytes, new article, 1 references = 10+1 points
  12. Irina Ala Hiljenko: +10.315 bytes, new article, 7 references = 10+7 points

Ozi (Silesian) 38 points total

  1. Kateryna Biłokur: +14410 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 14+10 = 24 points
  2. Mychajło Petrenko: +4420, suggested article, new translation = 4+10 = 14 points

Kippelboy (Catalan) X points total

  1. Tayanna: +7.805 bytes, new translation = some points

Sobaka (Afrikaans)

  1. af:Ivan Franko: +5,421 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 5+10 = 15 points
  2. af:Oekraïense argitektuur: +8 381bytes, suggested article, new translation = 5+10 = 15 points

গীতাশ্ৰী গগৈ আপ্তে (Assamese, Indian) 130 points total

  1. as:কিয়েভৰ এন্নে: +15,400 bytes, suggested article = 15+10 = 25 points
  2. as:ইউক্ৰেইনৰ জাতীয় সাজ-পোছাক: +11,061 bytes, new translation = 11+10 = 21 points
  3. as:ইউক্ৰেইনৰ খাদ্য: +19,407 bytes, new translation = 19+10 = 29 points
  4. as:ইউক্ৰেইনৰ নৃত্য: +23,008 bytes, new translation = 23+10 = 33 points
  5. as:ইৰিনা ছিলিক: +12,456 bytes, new translation = 12+10 = 22 points
  6. as:বাবা য়াগা: +12,456 bytes, new translation = 12+10 = 22 points
  7. as:শিয়াল আৰু বৰটোকোলা: +12,456 bytes, new translation = 12+10 = 22 points
  8. as:কল'বক: +12,456 bytes, new translation = 12+10 = 22 points

Ar choler (Breton) 326 points total

  1. Ukraineg: +3,441 bytes + improved article + suggested article = 3+2+10 = 15 points
  2. National anthem of UkraineKan broadel Ukraina: +13,5851 bytes + suggested article, new translation = 13+10 = 23 points
  3. Banniel Ukraina: +9,357 bytes + improved article + suggested article = 9+2+10 = 21 points
  4. Sviatoslav ISvyatoslav I Kyiv: +17,931 bytes + suggested article, new translation = 17+10 = 27 points
  5. Vladimir the GreatVolodymyr I Kyiv: +16,687 bytes + suggested article, new translation = 16+10 = 26 points
  6. Yaroslav the WiseYaroslav I Kyiv: +17,927 bytes + suggested article, new translation = 17+10 = 27 points
  7. Vladimir II MonomakhVolodymyr II Monomac'h: +10,966 bytes + suggested article, new translation = 10+10 = 20 points
  8. Nestor the ChroniclerNestor ar C'hroniker: +9,138 bytes + suggested article, new translation = 9+10 = 19 points
  9. ChersonesusC'hersones: +11,958 bytes + suggested article, new translation = 11+10 = 21 points
  10. Sergei KorolevSergei Korolyov: +35,004 bytes + suggested article, new translation = 35+10 = 45 points
  11. Kateryna BilokurKateryna Bilokour: +14,026 bytes + suggested article, new translation = 14+10 = 24 points
  12. Lina KostenkoLina Kostenko: +15,034 bytes + suggested article, new translation = 15+10 = 25 points
  13. Lesya UkrainkaLesya Ukrayinka: +23,129 bytes + suggested article, new translation = 23+10 = 33 points

Kotofey2016 (Russian) 22 points total

  1. Жданко, Ирина Александровна: +20,869 bytes, new article = 20, = 22 points

Aniol (Language_1, Language_2) X points total

Araz Yaquboglu (Azerbaijani) - 2 points total

  1. az:Miroslav Doçinets: +2.338 bytes, new article, new translation = 2 = 2 points

Ashlike (Language_1, 中文) X points total

  1. 大地: +15,487 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 5+10 = 15 points
  2. 凯特琳娜·比洛克: +2,800 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 5+10 = 15 points
  3. 亚历山大·阿契本科:+12,753 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 5+10 = 15 points

Hellohappy (or)

  1. or:ଓଲେନା ଜେଲେନସ୍କା:

Redivy (Azerbaijan) X points total

  1. Ukrayna SSR Əməkdar elm və texnika xadimi: +1,638 bytes, new translation = 1 points
  2. Dövlət Sərhəd Xidməti (Ukrayna): +8,110 bytes, new translation = 8 points
  3. Oleksandr Pavlyuk: +2,905 bytes, new translation = 2 points
  4. "Ukraynanın milli əfsanəsi" mükafatı: +2,923 bytes, new translation = 2 points
  5. "Hərbi Xidmət Xaçı (Ukrayna): +7,338 bytes, new translation = 7 points

Salil Kumar Mukherjee (Bengali) 109 points total

  1. মার্টিনিভকা গুপ্তধন: +7,361 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 7+10 = 17 points
  2. সোফিয়া ওকুনিউস্কা: +24,200 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 24+10 = 34 points
  3. নিকোলে স্ক্লিফোসভস্কি: +10,098 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 10+10 = 20 points
  4. বোহদানা ফ্রলিয়াক: +9,757 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 10+10 = 20 points
  5. লুবার্টের দুর্গ: +7,821 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 8+10 = 18 points

Shari Garland (English) 21 points total

en:Crimea – Gold and Secrets of the Black Sea: +11,678 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 11+10 = 21 points

Vydzigora (Ukrainian, English, Español) 56 points total

  1. Вишивка_бісером: +12,787 bytes, new article= 13 points
  2. Писанка: +2,019 bytes, improved existing article = 2+2 = 4 points
  3. Бісероплетіння: +5,288 bytes, improved existing article = 5+2 = 7 points
  4. Культурний ґеноцид: +21,238 bytes, new article = 21 = 21 points
  5. Beadwork: +2,649 bytes, improved existing article = 2+2 = 4 points
  6. Ukrainian calligraphy art: +3,523 bytes, improved new article = 3 points
  7. Abalorio: +1,974 bytes, improved existing article = 2+2 = 4 points

redboston (Russian) 201 points total

  1. ru:Памфир: +51,685 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 51+10 = 61 points
  2. ru:Дом «Слово» (фильм): +19,649 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 19+10 = 29 points
  3. ru:Хохлаткина, Елена Анатольевна: +17,792 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 17+10 = 27 points
  4. ru:Жива ватра: +22,036 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 22+10 = 32 points
  5. ru:Родник для жаждущих: +19,396 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 19+10 = 29 points
  6. ru:Вулкан (фильм, 2018): +13,649 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 13+10 = 23 points

Adolfobrigido (Spanish) 1088 points total

  1. Liubov Hakkebush:+ 6,907 b, suggested article, new translation= 6+10=16
  2. Anna Borisoglebskaya:+ 5,031 b, suggested article, new translation= 5+10=15
  3. Ivan Karpenko-Karyi:+ 5.603 b, suggested article, new translation= 5+10=15
  4. La ciudad (novela de Pidmohilni):+ 4,800 b, suggested article, new translation= 4+10=14
  5. Sueño (poema de Taras Shevchenko):+ 5,521 b, suggested article, new translation= 5+10=15
  6. Maryna y Serhiy Dyachenko:+ 27,441 b, suggested article, new translation= 27+10=37
  7. Tiger Trappers:+ 11,097 b, suggested article, new translation= 11+10=21
  8. Trabajo de campo en el sexo ucraniano:+ 8,789 b, suggested article, new translation= 8+10=18
  9. Andriy Bóndar:+ 11,212 b, suggested article, new translation= 11+10=21
  10. Tríada rutena:+ 10105 b, suggested article, new translation= 10+10=20
  11. Ihor Rymaruk:+ 6,026 b, suggested article, new translation= 6+10=16
  12. Apuntes de un loco ucraniano:+ 8,582 b, suggested article, new translation= 8+10=18
  13. Novela sobre el destino humano:+ 8,116 b, suggested article, new translation= 8+10=18
  14. Rugen los bueyes:+ 32,184 b, suggested article, new translation= 32+10=42
  15. Zhovtyi kniaz:+ 16,857 b, suggested article, new translation= 16+10=26
  16. Voroshilovgrad (novela):+ 5,739 b, suggested article, new translation= 5+10=15
  17. Felix Austria (novela):+ 14,139 b, suggested article, new translation= 14+10=24
  18. Petro Midyanka:+ 9,633 b, suggested article, new translation= 9+10=19
  19. Volodymyr Vladko:+ 8,201 b, suggested article, new translation= 8+10=18
  20. Bu-Ba-Bu:+ 8,756 b, suggested article, new translation= 8+10=18
  21. Kateryna Yushchenko (Primera dama de Ucrania):+ 9,236 b, suggested article, new translation= 9+10=19
  22. Masha o el Cuarto Reich:+ 7,625 b, suggested article, new translation= 7+10=17
  23. Vasyl Ovsienko:+ 12,131 b, suggested article, new translation= 12+10=22
  24. Olha Franko:+ 5,558 b, suggested article, new translation= 5+10=15
  25. Myroslav Laiuk:+ 13,073 b, suggested article, new translation= 13+10=23
  26. Artem Chekh:+ 12,047 b, suggested article, new translation= 12+10=22
  27. Halyna Petrosanyak:+ 8,502 b, suggested article, new translation= 8+10=18
  28. Yaroslav Hrytsak:+ 5,073 b, suggested article, new translation= 5+10=15
  29. Roman Ivanichuk:+ 4,716 b, suggested article, new translation= 4+10=14
  30. Yevhen Sverstiuk:+ 14,861 b, suggested article, new translation= 14+10=24
  31. Mykhailo Petrenko:+ 5090 b, suggested article, new translation= 5+10=15
  32. Hryhir Tiutiunnyk:+ 12,091 b, suggested article, new translation= 12+10=22
  33. Ihor Kalynets:+ 6,346 b, suggested article, new translation= 6+10=16
  34. Vasyl Holoborodko:+ 10,001 b, suggested article, new translation= 10+10=20
  35. Svitlana Taratorina:+ 20,411 b, suggested article, new translation= 20+10=30
  36. Max Kidruk:+ 15,869 b, suggested article, new translation= 15+10=25
  37. Taras Prokhasko:+ 4,656 b, suggested article, new translation= 4+10=14
  38. Osyp Shpytko:+ 6,130 b, suggested article, new translation= 6+10=16
  39. Valeriy Shevchuk:+ 5776 b, suggested article, new translation= 5+10=15
  40. ¿Internacionalismo o rusificación?:+ 4,655 b, suggested article, new translation= 4+10=14
  41. Natalia Matolinets:+ 7,013 b, suggested article, new translation= 7+10=17
  42. Vasyl Symonenko:+ 9,174 b, suggested article, new translation= 9+10=19
  43. Liubomyr Dmyterko:+ 7,735 b, suggested article, new translation= 7+10=17
  44. Dmytro Kremin:+ 29,382 b, suggested article, new translation= 29+10=39
  45. Vasyl Shkliar:+ 13,605 b, suggested article, new translation= 13+10=23
  46. Olena Kysilevska:+ 7,033 b, suggested article, new translation= 7+10=17
  47. Maria Matios:+ 4308 b, suggested article, new translation= 4+10=14
  48. Mykola Riabchuk:+ 5,645 b, suggested article, new translation= 5+10=15
  49. Vitaly Portnikov:+ 10,362 b, suggested article, new translation= 10+10=20
  50. Ivan Nechuy-Levytsky:+ 6,292 b, suggested article, new translation= 6+10=16
  51. Yuriy Vynnychuk:+ 5,350 b, suggested article, new translation= 5+10=15
  52. Yaroslav Melnyk:+ 13,039 b, suggested article, new translation= 13+10=23
  53. Bohdan Lepky:+ 7,313 b, suggested article, new translation= 8+10=18
  54. Palacio de Kachanivka:+4,168 b, suggested article, new translation= 4+10=14
  55. Alexander Galich:+9,087 b, suggested article, new translation= 9+10=19
  56. Mazanka:+4,767 b, suggested article, new translation= 4+10=14
  57. Monasterio de Zymne:+5, 237 b, suggested article, new translation= 6+10=16
  58. Vira Vovk:+ 8,025 b, suggested article, new translation= 8+10=18
  59. Lyubov Holota:+5,271 b, suggested article, new translation= 5+10=15
  60. Halyna Pahutiak:+5,355 b, suggested article, new translation= 5+10=15
  61. Tamara Duda:+9,327 b, suggested article, new translation= 10+10=20
  62. Mariia Vetrova: +10,633 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 11+10 = 21 points

Henri Aja (Indonesian) 178 points total

  1. Kateryna Antonovych: +8,311 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 8+10 = 18 points
  2. Ulyana Nesheva: +37,899 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 37+10 = 47 points
  3. Beata Kurkul: +22,507 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 22+10 = 32 points
  4. Iryna Fedyshyn: +17,809 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 17+10 = 27 points
  5. Aina Vilberh: +22,865 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 22+10 = 32 points
  6. Tamara Duda: +12,780 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 12+10 = 22 points

Gelli63 (German) 15 points total

  1. Kathedrale des Maria-Schutz-Klosters : +5,581 Bytes bytes, suggested article, new = 5+10 = 15 points

Inokosni organ (Serbo-Croatian) 196 points total

hussein m mmbaga Swahili,) X points total

Sura Shukurlu (Azerbaijani, English) 141 points total

  1. Anna Borisoglebskaya: +4,726 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 5+10 = 15 points
  2. Anna Borisoqlebskaya: +4,892 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 5+10 = 15 points
  3. Olesya Vlasova: +2,706 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 3+10 = 13 points
  4. Sofiya Okunevska: +17,686 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 18+10 = 28 points
  5. Sofia Okunevska: +15,479 bytes, suggested article, improved article = 15+10+2 = 27 points
  6. Olena Kisilevska: +5,421 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 5+ 10 = 15 points
  7. Mariya Primaçenko: +17,957 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 18+10 = 28 points

Apollo468 (English) 278 points total

  1. Oleksander Lototsky +4,405 bytes, improved = 4+2 = 6 points
  2. Kostiantyn Matsiyevych +2,904 bytes, improved = 3+2 = 5 points
  3. Andriy Livytskyi +4,238 bytes, improved = 4+2 = 6 points
  4. Nikolay Gamaleya +3,570 bytes, improved, suggested = 3+2+10 = 15 points
  5. Theophan Prokopovich +4,463 bytes, improved, suggested = 4+2+10 = 16 points
  6. Nataliia Polonska-Vasylenko +5,107 bytes, improved, suggested = 5+2+10 = 17 points
  7. Nikolai Kibalchich +5,118 bytes, improved, suggested = 5+2+10 = 17 points
  8. Mykhailo Petrenko +2,946 bytes, improved, suggested = 3+2+10 = 15 points
  9. Bohdan Lepky +4,326 bytes, improved, suggested = 4+2+10 = 16 points
  10. Ivan Pokhitonov +1,337 bytes, improved, suggested = 1+2+10 = 13 points
  11. Irina Vysheslavska +1,507 bytes, improved, suggested = 1+2+10 = 13 points
  12. Roman Kupchynskyi +3,880 bytes, improved, suggested = 4+2+10 = 16 points
  13. Stanyslav Lyudkevych +5,373 bytes, improved, suggested = 5+2+10 = 17 points
  14. Hryhoriy Veryovka +6,535 bytes, improved, suggested = 6+2+10 = 18 points
  15. Semen Hulak-Artemovsky +5,986 bytes, improved, suggested = 6+2+10 = 18 points
  16. Ivan Karpenko-Karyi +6,116 bytes, improved, suggested = 6+2+10 = 18 points
  17. Mark Brovun +1,636 bytes, improved, suggested = 1+2+10 = 13 points
  18. Igor Kaczurowskyj +10,176 bytes, improved, suggested = 10+2+10 = 22 points
  19. Valeriy Shevchuk +5,161 bytes, improved, suggested = 5+2+10 = 17 points

호로조 (Korean) 316 points total

  1. 우크라이나 고려인: +11,293 bytes, new article = 11
  2. 수르지크어: +9,948 bytes, improved existing suggested article = 10+9+2 = 21 (32)
  3. 카자크의 역사: +6,349 bytes, suggested article = 16 (48)
  4. 우크라이나의 교육: +34,059 bytes, new article, suggested article = 44 (92)
  5. 우크라이나 국방부 정보총국: 7,679 bytes, new article, suggested article = 10+7 = 17 (109)
  6. 우크라이나어 +6,812 bytes, improved existing suggested article = 10+6+2 = 18 (127)
  7. 미하일로 흐루셰우스키 +3,082 bytes, improved existing suggested article = 10+3+2 = 15 (142)
  8. 레오니드 쿠치마 1,053 bytes, improved existing suggested article = 10+1+2 = 13 (155)
  9. 갈리치아 5,173 bytes, improved existing suggested article = 10+5+2 = 17 (172)
  10. 원초 연대기 1,320 bytes, improved existing suggested article = 10+2+1 = 13 (185)
  11. 레샤 우크라인카 2,736 bytes, improved existing suggested article = 10+2+2 = 14 (199)
  12. 우크라이나의 러시아어 13,936 bytes, new suggested article = 10+13 = 23 (222)
  13. 올렉산드르 할리치 9,606 bytes, new suggested article = 10+9 = 19 (241)
  14. 볼로디미르 룻키우스키 4,897 bytes, new suggested article = 10+4 = 14 (255)
  15. 자카르파탸 +1,669 bytes, improved existing suggested article = 10+1+2 = 13 (268)
  16. 우크라이나의 정치 +9,672 bytes, new suggested article = 10+9 = 19 (287)
  17. 카테리나 칼리트코 +5,326 bytes, new suggested article = 10+5 = 15 (302)
  18. 스비틀라나 타라토리나 +4,867 bytes, new suggested article = 10+4 = 14 (316)

oscarfan123 (zh-hk) 0 points total

Kuramochi Akihiko (Indonesian, Javanese) 47 points total

  1. Arsitektur Ukraina (Indonesian): +5,339 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 5+10 = 15 points
  2. Arsitektur Ukraina (Javanese): +5,507 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 5+10 = 15 points
  3. Barok Ukraina (Indonesian): +7,493 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 7+10 = 17 points

Colonelsnow (English, Japanese) X points total


Vilen09 (Language_1, Language_2) X points total

  1. থিওফান প্রোকোপোভিচ: +17,268 bytes

Balu1967 (Tamil) 27 points total

  1. Mariia Vetrova: +17,451 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 17+10 = points
  2. Kateryna Yushchenko +11,713 , suggested article, new translation = 11+10 = points

Arularasan. G (Tamil) 534 points total

  1. இரினா சிலிக்: +13,791 bytes, suggested article, new translation =13+10 = 23 points
  2. நதியா பர்ஃபான்: +13,351 bytes, suggested article, new translation =13+10 = 23 points
  3. மரியா கப்னிஸ்ட்: +30,017 bytes, suggested article, new translation =30+10 = 40 points
  4. ஒக்சானா செர்காசினா: +15,813 bytes, suggested article, new translation =16+10 = 26 points
  5. ரிம்மா சூபினா: +10,980 bytes, suggested article, new translation =11+10 = 21 points
  6. வேரா கோலோட்னயா: +17,823 bytes, suggested article, new translation =17+10 = 27 points
  7. நடாலியா போலோவின்கா: +13,191 bytes, suggested article, new translation =13+10 = 23 points
  8. மெரினா வரோடா: +14,167 bytes, suggested article, new translation =13+10 = 24 points
  9. ஐனா வில்பர்: +11,543 bytes, suggested article, new translation =11+10 = 21 points
  10. அலினா கோர்லோவா: +8,222 bytes, suggested article, new translation =8+10 = 18 points
  11. லியுட்மிலா யெஃபிமென்கோ: +9,484 bytes, suggested article, new translation =9+10 = 19 points
  12. நினா இலினா: +9,563 bytes, suggested article, new translation =9+10 = 19 points
  13. மிலா சிவாட்ஸ்கா: +6,879 bytes, suggested article, new translation =7+10 = 17 points
  14. நடாலியா பொலோன்ஸ்கா-வாசிலென்கோ: +10,237 bytes, suggested article, new translation =10+10 = 20 points
  15. சோபியா ஒகுனேவ்ஸ்கா: +18,174 bytes, suggested article, new translation =18+10 = 28 points
  16. எவ்ஜெனியா மரியஞ்சென்கோ: +17,257 bytes, suggested article, new translation =17+10 = 27 points
  17. லிடியா பெலோசியோரோவா: +15,407 bytes, suggested article, new translation =15+10 = 25 points
  18. அன்னா போரிசோக்லெப்ஸ்கயா: +9,540 bytes, suggested article, new translation =9+10 = 19 points
  19. லியுபோவ் அக்கேபுஷ்: +11,650 bytes, suggested article, new translation =11+10 = 21 points
  20. மரியா இரெபினெட்ஸ்கா: +16,878 bytes, suggested article, new translation =17+10 = 27 points
  21. நடால்யா சும்ஸ்கா: +15,524 bytes, suggested article, new translation =15+10 = 25 points
  22. ஒக்சானா மதராஷ்: +9,503 bytes, suggested article, new translation =9+10 = 19 points
  23. ஒக்சானா மதராஷ்: +11,873 bytes, suggested article, new translation =12+10 = 22 points

Magentic Manifestations (Tamil) 500 points total

  1. உக்ரைன் கொடி (Flag of Ukraine in Tamil) +49,291 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 49+10 = 59 points
  2. கீவின் ஆன்னே (Anne of Kiev in Tamil) +31,291 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 31+10 = 41 points
  3. லெசியா உக்ரைன்கா (Lesya Ukrainka in Tamil) +32,651 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 33+10 = 43 points
  4. லினா கோசுடென்கோ (Lina Kostenko in Tamil) +19,783 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 20+10 = 30 points
  5. மரியா அடசோவசுகா (Maria Zankovetska in Tamil) +9,226 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 9+10 = 19 points
  6. மரியா பிரைமாசென்கோ (Maria Prymachenko in Tamil) +20,788 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 21+10 = 31 points
  7. கேட்டரினா பிலோகூர் (Kateryna Bilokur in Tamil) +20,645 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 21+10 = 31 points
  8. செர்சோனசசு (Chersonesus in Tamil) +44,023 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 44+10 = 54 points
  9. எர்த் (1930 திரைப்படம்) (Earth (1930 film) in Tamil) +29,713 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 30+10 = 40 points
  10. கோட்டின் கோட்டை (Khotyn Fortress in Tamil) +25,981 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 26+10 = 36 points
  11. பியரோகி (Pierogi in Tamil) +14,863 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 15+10 = 25 points
  12. மேரினா எர் கோர்பக் (Maryna Er Gorbach in Tamil) +5,401 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 6+10 = 16 points
  13. கேட்டரினா கோர்னோசுடாய் (Kateryna Gornostai in Tamil) +10,989 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 11+10 = 21 points
  14. ஒலேனா கோக்லட்கினா (Olena Khokhlatkina in Tamil) +11,891 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 12+10 = 22 points
  15. ஓல்கா சும்சுகா (Olha Sumska in Tamil) +6,674 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 7+10 = 17 points
  16. கீவ் மாநகரப் பாலம் (Kyiv Metro Bridge in Tamil) +5,324 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 5+10 = 15 points

Zahirulnukman (Malay) 84 points total

  1. Pusat Kebudayaan Islam Kyiv: +3,952 bytes, new translation = 4 = 4 points
  2. Sekolah Antarabangsa Kyiv: +3,063 bytes, suggested article = 0+10 = 10 points
  3. Sekolah Jerman Kyiv: +2,676 bytes, suggested article = 0+10 = 10 points
  4. Sekolah Tinggi Anna Kyiv: +3,233 bytes, suggested article = 0+10 = 10 points
  5. Bangunan Pejabat Presiden: +3,955 bytes, suggested article = 4+10 = 14 points
  6. Kubu Khotin: +5,542 bytes, suggested article = 5+10 = 15 points
  7. Barok Ukraine: +11,618 bytes, suggested article = 11+10 = 21 points
  8. Senarai duta besar Malaysia ke Ukraine: +1,855 bytes, new translation = 0 = 0 points

微肿头龙 (Chinese) 11 points total

  1. 伊万·普柳希: +11,275 bytes, new translation = 11 = 11 points

Tuirse (English, Ukrainian, Russian) 43 points total

  1. Pyrohiv: +5,356 bytes, new translation = 5 points
  2. National Museum of Folk Architecture and Folkways of Ukraine: improved article = 2 points
  3. Yevheniya Marynchenko: +9,161 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 10+9 = 19 points
  4. Volodymyr Vladko: +7,041 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 10+7 = 17 points

Ethn23 (Italian, English)

  1. Ivan Poddubny: 11,810 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 12+10 = 22 points
  2. Deutsche Schule Kiev: 726 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 1+10 = 11 points
  3. Architettura ucraina: 18 111 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 18+10 = 28 points

BuddhikaW88 (Sinhala, English) 14 points total

  1. Taras_Kompanichenko: +4,358 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 4+10 = 14 points

ArtDream22 (German, English) 399 points total

  1. 1855: +131 bytes, improved article = 0+2 = 2 points
  2. 1886: +97 bytes, improved article = 0+2 = 2 points
  3. 1917: +150 bytes, improved article = 0+2 = 2 points
  4. 1918: +170 bytes, improved article = 0+2 = 2 points
  5. 1920: +236 bytes, improved article = 0+2 = 2 points
  6. 1954: +85 bytes, improved article = 0+2 = 2 points
  7. 1994: +151 bytes, improved article = 0+2 = 2 points
  8. 1996: +78 bytes, improved article = 0+2 = 2 points
  9. 2014: +278 bytes, improved article = 0+2 = 2 points
  10. 9. Februar: +74 bytes, improved article = 0+2 = 2 points
  11. 25. Februar: +258 bytes, improved article = 0+2 = 2 points
  12. 9. März: +142 bytes, improved article = 0+2 = 2 points
  13. 16. März: +72+95 bytes, improved article = 0+2 = 2 points
  14. 17. März: +179 bytes, improved article = 0+2 = 2 points
  15. 21. März: +49 bytes, improved article = 0+2 = 2 points
  16. 27. März: +196 bytes, improved article = 0+2 = 2 points
  17. 8. April: +49 bytes, improved article = 0+2 = 2 points
  18. 16. Mai: +82 bytes, improved article = 0+2 = 2 points
  19. 8. Juni: +219 bytes, improved article = 0+2 = 2 points
  20. 28. Juni: +74 bytes, improved article = 0+2 = 2 points
  21. Filmjahr 2024: +54 bytes, improved article = 0+2 = 2 points
  22. Kunstjahr 1862: +66 bytes, improved article = 0+2 = 2 points
  23. Kunstjahr 1872: +81 bytes, improved article = 0+2 = 2 points
  24. Kunstjahr 1935: +80 bytes, improved article = 0+2 = 2 points
  25. Kunstjahr 1937: + 237 bytes, improved article = 0+2 = 2 points
  26. Musikjahr 1842: +154 bytes, improved article = 0+2 = 2 points
  27. Kunstjahr 1874: +80 bytes, improved article = 0+2 = 2 points
  28. Musikjahr 1912: +154 bytes, improved article = 0+2 = 2 points
  29. Literaturjahr 1863: +85 bytes, improved article = 0+2 = 2 points
  30. Literaturjahr 1937: +1.239 bytes, improved article = 1+2 = 3 points
  31. Literaturjahr 1938: +129 bytes, improved article = 0+2 = 2 points
  32. Literaturjahr 1942: +73 bytes, improved article = 0+2 = 2 points
  33. Literaturjahr 1985: +130 bytes, improved article = 0+2 = 2 points
  34. Liste ukrainischsprachiger Schriftsteller (alphabetisch): +914 bytes, improved article = 1+2 = 3 points
  35. Liste ukrainischsprachiger Schriftsteller (chronologisch): +9.477 bytes, improved article = 9+2 = 11 points
  36. Liste von ukrainischer Literatur in deutscher Übersetzung: +2.861 bytes, improved article = 3+2 = 5 points
  37. Liste von Übersetzern aus dem Ukrainischen: +144 bytes, improved article = 0+2 = 2 points
  38. Liste ukrainischer Maler: +36 bytes, improved article = 0+2 = 2 points
  39. Liste von Künstlern der Naiven Kunst: +382 bytes, improved article = 0+2 = 2 points
  40. List of Ukrainian-language writers: +2,988 bytes, improved article = 2+2 = 4 points
  41. List of Shevchenko National Prize recipients: +2,571 bytes, improved article = 2+2 = 4 points
  42. Brotfrieden: +373 bytes, improved article = 0+2 = 2 points
  43. Referendum über den Status der Krim: +620 bytes, improved article = 0+2 = 2 points
  44. Taras-Schewtschenko-Preis: +2.379 bytes, improved article = 2+2 = 4 points
  45. Schtsche ne wmerla Ukrajina: +938 bytes, improved article = 0+2 = 2 points
  46. Ukrainische Avantgarde: +1.015 bytes, improved article = 1+2 = 3 points
  47. Ukrainische Avantgarde: +1.064 bytes, new article https://de.wikiquote.org/wiki/Ukrainische_Avantgarde = 1+2 = 3 points
  48. Russisch-Ukrainischer Krieg: +1.559 bytes, improved article = 2+2 = 4 points
  49. StepLag: +961 bytes, improved article = 1+2 = 3 points
  50. StepLag: +2.006 bytes, improved article = 2+2 = 4 points
  51. Kengir-Aufstand: +336 bytes, improved article = 0+2 = 2 points
  52. 20 Tage in Mariupol: +26 bytes, improved article = 0+2 = 2 points
  53. Ukrainer: +17.558 bytes, improved article = 18+2 = 20 points
  54. Oksana Bajul: +392 bytes, improved article = 0+2 = 2 points
  55. Ostroger Bibel: +252 bytes, improved article = 0+2 = 2 points
  56. Mura Budberg: +1.039 bytes, improved article = 1+2 = 3 points
  57. Anatolij Dimarow: +200 bytes, improved article = 0+2 = 2 points
  58. Iwan Fjodorow: +619 bytes, improved article = 0+2 = 2 points
  59. Iwan Franko: +1170 bytes, improved article = 1+2 = 3 points
  60. Iwan Franko: +1.322 Bytes, new article https://de.wikiquote.org/wiki/Iwan_Franko = 1+2 = 3 points
  61. Jamala: +440 bytes, improved article = 0+2 = 2 points
  62. Jewhenija Jaroschynska: +963 bytes, improved article = 1+2 = 3 points
  63. Kateryna Hornostaj: +5.218 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 5+10 = 15 points
  64. Natalija Kobrynska: +962 bytes, improved article = 1+2 = 3 points
  65. Olha Kobyljanska: +962 bytes, improved article = 1+2 = 3 points
  66. Uljana Krawtschenko: +18 bytes, improved article = 0+2 = 2 points
  67. Dmytro Lasutkin: +470 bytes, improved article = 0+2 = 2 points
  68. Mykola Lyssenko: +3.771 bytes, improved article = 4+2 = 6 points
  69. Jewhen Maloljetka: +3.536 bytes, new article = 3+2 = 5 points
  70. Wiktor Petrow: +3.005 bytes, improved article = 3+2 = 5 points
  71. Marija Prymatschenko: +834 bytes, new article https://de.wikiquote.org/wiki/Marija_Prymatschenko = 1+2 = 3 points
  72. Mykola Pymonenko: +42 bytes, improved article = 0+2 = 2 points
  73. Vlada Ralko: +4.401 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 4+10 = 14 points
  74. Wassylyssa Stepanenko: +3.949 bytes, new translation = 3+2 = 5 points
  75. Gregorius Skoworoda: +414 bytes, improved article = 0+2 = 2 points
  76. Wassyl Stus: +77 bytes, improved article = 0+2 = 2 points
  77. Lessja Ukrajinka: +4 bytes, improved article = 0+2 = 2 points
  78. Lesya Ukrainka: +549 bytes, improved article = 0+2 = 2 points
  79. Mstyslav Chernov: +1,406 bytes, new article https://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/Mstyslav_Chernov = 1+2 = 3 points
  80. Maria Prymachenko: +1,166 bytes, new article https://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/Maria_Prymachenko = 1+2 = 3 points
  81. Wolodymyr Hnatjuk: +962 bytes, improved article = 1+2 = 3 points
  82. Ossyp Makowej: +962 bytes, improved article = 1+2 = 3 points
  83. Mychajlo Hruschewskyj: +962 bytes, improved article = 1+2 = 3 points
  84. Oleksandr Kolessa: +961 bytes, improved article = 1+2 = 3 points
  85. Bohdan Lepkyj: +961 bytes, improved article = 1+2 = 3 points
  86. Mykola Iwasjuk: +961 bytes, improved article = 1+2 = 3 points
  87. Todos Osmachka: +354 bytes, improved article = 0+2 = 2 points
  88. Mychajlo Pawlyk: +963 bytes, improved article = 1+2 = 3 points
  89. Milena Rudnyzka: +844 bytes, improved article = 1+2 = 3 points
  90. Iwan Trusch: +961 bytes, improved article = 1+2 = 3 points
  91. Andrij Tschajkowskyj: +971 bytes, improved article = 1+2 = 3 points
  92. Mstyslaw Tschernow: +11.670 bytes, improved article = 11+2 = 13 points
  93. Mstyslaw Tschernow: +1.358 bytes, new article https://de.wikiquote.org/wiki/Mstyslaw_Tschernow = 1+2 = 3 points
  94. Patricia Nell Warren: +3.779 bytes, improved article = 4+2 = 6 points
  95. Theodosius von Kiew: +550 bytes, improved article = 0+2 = 2 points
  96. Oleksandr Muraschko: +1.445 bytes, improved article = 1+2 = 3 points
  97. Abram Manewitsch: +432 bytes, improved article = 0+2 = 2 points
  98. Fedir Krytschewskyj: +596 bytes, improved article = 1+2 = 3 points
  99. Mykola Buratschek: +1.505 bytes, improved article = 1+2 = 3 points
  100. Heorhij Narbut: +863 bytes, improved article = 1+2 = 3 points
  101. Wassyl Krytschewskyj: +1.516 bytes, improved article = 1+2 = 3 points
  102. Semstwo: +212 bytes, improved article = 0+2 = 2 points
  103. Mychajlo Bojtschuk: +1.321 bytes, improved article = 1+2 = 3 points
  104. Nikolai Kornilijewitsch Bodarewski: +1.024 bytes, improved article = 1+2 = 3 points
  105. Mykhailo Kotsiubynsky: +461 bytes, improved article = 0+2 = 2 points
  106. Vasyl Stefanyk: +462 bytes, improved article = 0+2 = 2 points
  107. Olena Pchilka: +473 bytes, improved article = 0+2 = 2 points
  108. Hnat Khotkevych: +530 bytes, improved article = 0+2 = 2 points
  109. Fedir Krychevsky: +320 bytes, improved article = 0+2 = 2 points
  110. Ivan Steshenko: +321 bytes, improved article = 0+2 = 2 points
  111. Mykola Burachek: +331 bytes, improved article = 0+2 = 2 points
  112. Heorhiy Narbut: +318 bytes, improved article = 0+2 = 2 points
  113. Vasyl Krychevsky: +331 bytes, improved article = 0+2 = 2 points
  114. Mykhailo Boychuk: +370 bytes, improved article = 0+2 = 2 points
  115. Dmytro Bezperchy: +249 bytes, improved article = 0+2 = 2 points
  116. Olga Ludwigowna Della-Vos-Kardowskaja: +1.079 bytes, improved article = 1+2 = 3 points
  117. Nikolai Dmitrijewitsch Kusnezow (Maler): +527 bytes, improved article = 0+2 = 2 points
  118. Nikolai Alexandrowitsch Sergejew: +943 bytes, improved article = 1+2 = 3 points
  119. Iwan Nikolajewitsch Kramskoi: +1.070 bytes, improved article = 1+2 = 3 points
  120. Menschenkette: +1.709 bytes, improved article = 2+2 = 4 points
  121. Tag der ukrainischen Einheit: +378 bytes, improved article = 0+2 = 2 points
  122. Petro Hulak-Artemowskyj: +1.511 bytes, improved article = 1+2 = 3 points
  123. Semen Hulak-Artemowskyj: +958 bytes, improved article = 1+2 = 3 points
  124. Liste der Maler des Impressionismus: +117 bytes, improved article = 0+2 = 2 points
  125. Michail Iwanowitsch Dragomirow: +903 bytes, improved article = 1+2 = 3 points
  126. Dmytro Jawornyzkyj: +560 bytes, improved article = 1+2 = 3 points
  127. Die Saporoger Kosaken schreiben dem türkischen Sultan einen Brief: +5.687 bytes, improved article = 6+2 = 8 points
  128. Nikolai Iwanowitsch Kostomarow: +713 bytes, improved article = 1+2 = 3 points

Silin2005 (Ukrainian, German, English) X points total

  1. Список громадян України — професорів іноземних університетів: +1,17 bytes, improved article = 22 points
  2. Wiktor Petrow: +3,373 bytes, new article, 2 references = 0 points
  3. George Grabowicz: +2,341 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 5+10 = 15 points
  4. A Novel about Human Destiny: +8,217 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 5+10 = 15 points
  5. A Novel about a Good Person: +6,769 bytes, new article, 1 reference = 0 points
  6. Ihor Rymaruk: +5,198 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 5+10 = 15 points

Wyslijp16 (fr, pl) X points total

  1. Carol of the Bells (film): +7,881 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 7+10 = 17 points
  2. Olesia Morhunets-Isaienko: +5,017 bytes, new translation = 5+2 = 7 points
  3. Ilf i Pietrow: +4,324 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 4+10 = 14 points
  4. Edward Tarletski: +9,288 bytes, new translation = 9+2 = 11 points
  5. How the Cossacks Played Football: +4,512 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 4+10 = 14 points
  6. fr:Slovo House: +5,843 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 5+10 = 15

Local No (Language_1, Language_2) X points total

Mercyuniverse (English, french) X points total

Metronux2000 (Language_1, Language_2) X points total

Milkout (Language_1, Language_2) X points total

PoisonHK (English) 44 points total

  1. Serhii Ilnytskyi: +4835 bytes, new article = 5 points
  2. Mark Gregory Paslawsky: +4,728 bytes, new article = 5 points
  3. Masha Kondratenko: +2,017 bytes, new article = 2 points
  4. Iryna Shvaidak: +5,020 bytes, new article = 5 points
  5. Bohorodychne: +1,373 bytes, improved existing article = 1+2 = 3 points
  6. Anatoly Babko: +1,174 bytes, improved existing article = 1+2 = 3 points
  7. Dmytro Yavornytsky: +3,301 bytes, improved existing article = 3+2 = 5 points
  8. Pereiaslav: +1,604 bytes, improved existing article = 2+2 = 4 points
  9. Lyptsi rural hromada: +3,247 bytes, improved existing article = 3+2 = 5 points
  10. Taras Kozak: +1,570 bytes, improved existing article = 1+2 = 3 points
  11. Donetsk Culture and Leasure Park: +2,322 bytes, improved existing article = 2+2 = 4 points

Povelitelnitsa Ognya (Language_1, Language_2) X points total

Szczecinolog (Language_1, Language_2) X points total

Tereqeme (Turkish) 171 points total

1. Ukrayna Film Akademisi[ (+15.522 byte)/ +10 ( suggested new article)+15(byte) =25p

2. Maria Zankovetska (+6.704 byte) (suggested new article) 10+6=16p

3. Boris Balinski (+17.974 byte) (suggested new article) 10+17=27

4. Nikolay Sklifosovski (+4.415 byte) (suggested new article) 10+4= 14

5. Taras Kompaniçenko (+2.786 byte) ( suggested new article) 10+2 = 12

6. Martinyvka Hazinesi (+3.579 byte) (suggested new article) 10+3 =13

7.Olha Sumska (+5.354 byte) (suggested new article) 10+5=15

8.Aziz Nikola Askeri Katedrali (3.763 bayt) (sugeested new article) 10+3=13

9. Natalya Uzvhiy (6.096 bayt) (suggested new article) 10+6=16

10. Kırım - Karadeniz'in Altın ve Sırları (+10.485) (suggested new article) 10+10=20

Tetraeder (German) 13 points total

  1. Liubov Hakkebush: +3,509 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 3+10 = 13 points

Trondtr (nn, se) X points total

Youprayteas (Language_1, Language_2) X points total

Yusuf Sa'adu (Hausa) (Language_1, Language_2) X points total

Меридианец (Russian) 54 points total

Decebalus2021 (German) X points total

Mohammed Qays (Arabic) 314 points total

  1. مسرح خاركيف للدراما الأوكرانية: +5,465 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 5+10 = 15 points
  2. إيفان كاربينكو كاري: +4,953 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 5+10 = 15 points
  3. منحدر أندريفسكي: +6٬120 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 6+10 = 16 points
  4. كنيسة القديس أندرو: +5٬742 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 5+10 = 15 points
  5. عمارة أوكرانية: +11٬316 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 11+10 = 21 points
  6. نيكولاو سيفسينكو: +9٬360 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 9+10 = 19 points
  7. نيكولاي كيبالتشيتش: +6٬004 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 6+10 = 16 points
  8. إيفان بودوبني: +5٬347 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 5+10 = 15 points
  9. كارول أوف ذا بيلز: +7٬393 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 7+10 = 17 points
  10. ستانيسلاف أسييف: +5٬974 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 5+10 = 15 points
  11. ناتاليا ماتولينيتس: +5٬076 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 5+10 = 15 points
  12. أولها فرانكو: +8٬414 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 8+10 = 18 points
  13. ألكسندر غاليتش: +8٬850 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 8+10 = 18 points
  14. بافلو ماكوف: +6٬706 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 6+10 = 16 points
  15. كيرياك كوستاندي: +4٬861 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 5+10 = 15 points
  16. كاترينا أنتونوفيتش: +3٬790 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 3+10 = 13 points
  17. جائزة شيفتشينكو الوطنية: +8٬545 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 8+10 = 18 points
  18. بافلو زهربيلني: +5٬500 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 5+10 = 15 points
  19. إيفان مارشوك: +12٬393 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 12+10 = 22 points

Ameer Fauri (Arabic) 41 points total

  1. Mariia Fedosiivna Vetrova: +8,603 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 8+10 = 18 points
  2. Nikolay Sklifosovsky: +13,275 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 13+10 = 23 points

Double Plus Ungood (Romanian, French, English, Spanish, Aromanian) 0 points total

Jek Jake (CentralBikol) 51 points total

  1. Lidya Belozyorova 6,323 bytes+suggested article = 16 points
  2. Alexander Galich (parasurat) 8,722 bytes+suggested article = 18 points
  3. Ivan Karpenko-Karyi 7,598 bytes+suggested article = 17 points

Roronoa Erica (Central Bikol, Tagalog) 354 points

  1. Liudmyla Semykina: 8,759 bytes, suggested article = 18 points
  2. Kriak Kostandi: 6,715 bytes, suggested article = 16 points
  3. Anatoliy Kryvolap: 8,046 bytes, suggested article = 18 points
  4. Pavlo Matonov : 10,970 bytes, suggested article = 20 points
  5. Boychukism: 10,467 bytes, suggested article = 20 points
  6. Kueba kan Guna: 8,803 bytes = 8 points
  7. Arkitekturang Ukranyano: 25,126 bytes, suggested article = 35 points
  8. Arkitekturang Vernakular kan mga Carpatiano: 5,978 bytes, suggested article = 15 points
  9. Mga simbahan na gibo sa kahoy sa Ukraniya: 20,460 bytes, suggested article = 30 points
  10. Ucriniano Baroque: 12,622 byte, suggested article = 22 points
  11. Semen Hulak-Artemovsky: 4,137 bytes, suggested article = 14 points
  12. Tulay ng Paton: 6,386 bytes, suggested article = 16 points
  13. Tulay ng Kyiv Metro: 5,398 bytes, suggested articles = 15 points
  14. Arkong Tulay ng Zaporizhzhia: 6,152 bytes, suggested articles = 16 points
  15. Pierogi: 60,405 bytes, suggested articles = 70 points
  16. Viacheslav Chornovil: 11,384 bytes, suggested articles = 21 points

Roovinn (English) 96 points total

  1. Kateryna Yushchenko: −41 bytes, suggested article, improved article = 10 + 2 = 12 points
  2. Viktor Yushchenko: +221 bytes, improved article = 2 = 2 points
  3. Yaroslav Melnyk: +119 bytes, suggested article, improved article = 10 + 2 = 12 points
  4. National anthem of Ukraine: suggested article = 10 = 10 points
  5. Flag of Ukraine: suggested article = 10 = 10 points
  6. Kyiv International School: suggested article = 10 = 10 points
  7. Deutsche Schule Kiew: +209 bytes, suggested article, improved article = 10 + 2 = 12 points
  8. Lycée Anne de Kiev: +1,024 bytes, suggested article, improved article = 10 + 2 + 1 = 13 points
  9. Ukrainian grammar: +1,378 bytes, improved article = 2 + 1 = 3 points
  10. Vasyl Ivanchuk: +1,873 bytes = 1 = 1 point
  11. Ruslan Ponomariov: +1,143 bytes = 1 = 1 point
  12. French International School of Odessa: +1,538 bytes, new article = 1 + 10 = 11 points
  13. Lviv: +1,085 = 1 = 1 point
  14. Sergei Parajanov: suggested article = 10 = 10 points
  15. Andriy Sadovyi
  16. Kateryna Kit-Sadova
  17. Ihor Samunenkov

Kostisl (Greek) 17 points total

  1. Theotokos of Pochayiv: +7,504 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 7+10 = 17 points

Cphweise (German, Ukrainian) 55 points total

  1. Тронько Петро Тимофійович: +280 bytes, improved article, = 0+2 = 2 points
  2. Petro Tronko: +450 bytes, improved article, = 0+2 = 2 points
  3. Andrij Ljubka: +637 bytes, improved article, = 0+2 = 2 points
  4. Radomyr Mokryk: 6380 bytes, new article, = 0+6 = 6 points
  5. Kyrylo Tkaschenko: 10159 bytes, new article, = 0+10 = 10 points
  6. Mykola Dawydjuk: 4043 bytes, new article, = 0+4 = 4 points
  7. Alim Alijew: 5300 bytes, new article, = 0+5 = 5 points
  8. Halyna Schyjan: + 192 bytes, improved article, = 0+2 = 2 points
  9. Leonid Uschkalow: + 141 bytes, improved article, = 0+2 = 2 points
  10. Gregorius Skoworoda: + 507 bytes, improved article, = 0+2 = 2 points
  11. Anastasija Lewkowa: 5205 bytes, new article, = 0+5 = 5 points
  12. Dmytro Lasutkin: + 54 bytes, improved article, = 0+2 = 2 points
  13. Jewhenija Kusnezowa: 6052 bytes, new article, = 0+6 = 6 points
  14. Mustafa Abduldschemil Dschemiljew: + 176 bytes improved article, = 0+2 = 2 points
  15. Jurij Durkot: 5737 bytes, new article, = 0+5 = 5 points

A Chinese ID (zh) 14.5 points total

  1. 基輔地鐵橋: +2,509 bytes, suggested article, improved article = 2.5+10+2 = 14.5 points

Winecko (Czech) 64 points total

  1. Vyšehrad (obec): +4 331 bytes, new translation = 4 = 4 points
  2. Andrijivský uzviz: +16 808 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 17 + 10 = 27 points
  3. Velká synagoga v Lucku: +16 509 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 17 + 10 = 27 points
  4. Chrám svatého Ondřeje (Kyjev): +34 bytes, improved article = 0+2 = 2 points
  5. Muzeum Michaila Bulgakova (Kyjev): +34 bytes, improved article = 0+2 = 2 points
  6. Vyšnivec: +1 bytes, improved article = 0+2 = 2 points

Dream Indigo (Simple) 29 points total

I only counted my points from Simple English Wikipedia, but I also contributed to English and Italian Wikipedias; edits smaller than 1,000 bytes not listed.

  1. Go_A: +8,107 bytes, new translation = 8 points
  2. Kateryna Pavlenko: +3,380 bytes, improved article = 3+2 = 5 points
  3. Shum (song): +6,253 bytes, new translation = 6 points
  4. simple:Solovey (Go_A song): +4,180 bytes, new translation = 4 points
  5. simple:Sopilka: +3,664 bytes, new translation = 3 points
  6. Stefania (song): +1,481 bytes, improved article = 1+2 = 3 points

BPB11 (vietnameses)15point

6 points (new traslation) cyborgs:Hero Never Die[[6]] (+6.815) Taras Shevenko [[7]] (new traslation) 223 +352 1 points Rinat Akhmetov (new traslation)[[8]] (+2002) 2 ponits Kievnauch (new traslation)[[9]] (2.999) +3point Những người kazak ( new traslation)(+2955) 3 point [[10]]

Ssgapu22 (Odia, English) 15 points total

  1. ଟରାସ କୋମ୍ପାନିଚେଙ୍କୋ: +4,338 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 5+10 = 15 points

Chainwit. (Thai) 172 points total

  1. ที่พำนักของเมโตรโปลิตันแห่งบูโกวีนาและดัลเมเชีย: +6,375 bytes, new article-translation = 6 points
  2. ดานือลอวอ: +5,437 bytes, new article-translation = 5 points
  3. ซอกือร์นืตเซีย: +7,045 bytes, new article-translation = 7 points
  4. มารียา เวตรอวา: +15,965 bytes, new article-translation, suggested article (en:Mariia Vetrova) = 15+10 = 25 points
  5. ซอเฟีย ออกือเนวสกา: +20,022 bytes, new article-translation, suggested article (en:Sofia Okunevska) = 20+10 = 30 points
  6. เกาะคอร์ตึตเซีย: +4,858 bytes, new article-translation, suggested article (en:Khortytsia) = 4+10 = 14 points
  7. ปราสาทกามิยาแนตส์-ปอดิลสกึย: +8,601 bytes, new article-translation, suggested article (en:Kamianets-Podilskyi Castle) = 8+10 = 18 points
  8. มาริยา ปรือมาเชงโก: +3,707 bytes, new article-translation, suggested article (en:Maria Prymachenko) = 3+10 = 13 points
  9. ราตูชา (อีวานอ-ฟรันกิวสก์): +5,373 bytes, new article-translation, suggested article (en:Ratusha (Ivano-Frankivsk)) = 5+10 = 15 points
  10. มัสยิดอัลซาลาม (ออแดซา): +4,939 bytes, new article-translation, suggested article (en:Al-Salam Mosque, Odessa) = 4+10 = 14 points
  11. บาโรกแบบยูเครน: +5,231 bytes, new article-translation, suggested article (en:Ukrainian Baroque) = 5+10 = 15 points
  12. อาสนวิหารแม่พระบรรทม (คาร์กิว): +10,701 bytes, new article-translation = 10 points

Total = 6+5+7+25+30+14+18+13+15+14+15+10 = 172

Note: Articles listed maybe redirected within thwiki due to translation and transcription issues.

Wadaihangit (Indonesia, Banjar) 69 points total

  1. id:The Museum of Abandoned Secrets: +4,325 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 4+10 = 14 points
  2. id:The City (novel Pidmohylny): +5,598 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 5+10 = 15 points
  3. id:Volodymyr Sheiko: +9,344 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 9+10 = 19 points
  4. id:Jembatan Metro Kyiv: +4,206 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 4+10 = 14 points
  5. id:Jembatan Paton: +6,992 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 7+10 = 17 points

Uyiliu2 (CN) 117 points total

Borys Lyatoshynsky,+25596 bytes,improved article+suggested article=2+10+25=37 bytes

SpookiePuppy (Ukrainian, English) X points total

  1. Volodymyr Sirenko: +8,773 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 8+10 = 18 points

Xoqoni Said (Uzbek) X points total

Miros Dursselev (Español, English) 13 points total

  1. Бикоборци от Васюковка | Los toreros de Vasyukovka: +3723 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 3 + 10 = 13 points

ThiênĐế98 (vi.wikipedia (Vietnamese)) 17 points total

  1. vi:Kho báu Martynivka: +7,015 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 7+10 = 17 points

Frank Haug (Romanian) 28 points total

  1. Iaroslava Mahucih: +10,926 bytes, new article = 10 points
  2. Inha Babakova: +8,965 bytes, new article = 8 points
  3. Valerii Borzov: +10,292 bytes, new article = 10 points

Salema younus (Arabic) points total

WAidil (Malay) 0 points total

Duperz (Portuguese, English) 45 points total

  1. Theophan Prokopovich: +11,899 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 11+10 = 21 points
  2. Nataliia Polonska-Vasylenko: +14,141 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 14+10 = 24 points

Shwabb1 (English) 104 points total

  1. Wooden churches in Ukraine: +355 bytes, suggested article, improved article = 0+10+2 = 12 points
  2. Kyiv Metro Bridge: +73 bytes, suggested article, improved article = 0+10+2 = 12 points
  3. Kamianets-Podilskyi Castle: +1,069 bytes, suggested article, improved article = 1+10+2 = 13 points
  4. Genoese fortress, Sudak: +7,117 bytes, suggested article, created article = 7+10+0 = 17
  5. Church of the Saviour at Berestove: +1,112 bytes, improved article = 1+2 = 3
  6. St. Panteleimon's Cathedral: +1,040 bytes, suggested article, improved article = 1+10+2 = 13
  7. Kalos Limen: +3,876 bytes, suggested article, translated article = 3+10+0 = 13
  8. Melgunov Kurgan: +4,382, suggested article, translated article, 4+10+0 = 14
  9. Kuialnyk Cemetery: +7,149, translated article, 7+0 = 7

Syawaladon (Malay) 219 points total

  1. FC Shakhtar Donetsk: +20,599 bytes, improved article = 20+2 = 22 points
  2. FC Dynamo Kyiv: +4,640 bytes, improved article = 4+2 = 6 points
  3. Artem Dovbyk: +5,583 bytes, new translation = 5 points
  4. Ukrainian Premier League: +65,293 bytes, improved article = 65+2 = 67 points
  5. 2022–23 Ukrainian Premier League: +64,674 bytes, improved article = 64+2 = 66 points
  6. Slovo House: +5,676 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 5+10 = 15 points
  7. Graduation '97: +4,003 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 4+10 = 14 points
  8. Carol of the Bells (film): +9,751 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 9+10 = 19 points
  9. How the Cossacks played football: +5,285 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 5+10 = 15 points

Benoit Soubeyran (French) 71 points total

  1. Les Haïdamaques (poème): +3 067 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 3+10 = 13 points
  2. Le Testament (Chevtchenko) +3 067 bytes, new translation = 3 = 3 points
  3. Institut sociologique ukrainien +2 033 bytes, new translation = 2 = 2 points
  4. Olga Franko +4,600 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 5+10 = 15 points
  5. Halyna Petrosanyak +7 655, suggested article, new translation = 8+10 = 18 points
  6. Olena Kysilevska +9 457, suggested article, new translation = 10+10 = 20 points

Darthvader2 (Spanish) 13 points total

  1. Maria Kapnist: +13,588 bytes, new translation = 13 = 13 points

ChedvaE (Hebrew) 44 points total

  1. Yuri Kondratyuk +21,461 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 21+10 = 31 points
  2. Taras Kompanichenko +3,450 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 3+10 = 13 points

martinc021 (zhwiki) 43 points total

  1. 2023年拉斯维加斯大奖赛: +23272 bytes, improved article = 23+2 = 25 points
  2. 2023年阿布扎比大奖赛: +16350 bytes, improved article = 16+2 = 18 points

منى ناصر ثابت علام حُزين (Language_ar, Language_2) 311 points total

  1. يفهينيا مارينتشينكو:+8٬109 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 8+10 = 18 points
  2. الكنائس الخشبية في أوكرانيا: +8٬537 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 8+10 = 18 points
  3. كاتدرائية القديس نقولا العسكرية: +4٬841 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 4+10 = 14 points
  4. المتحف الوطني للعمارة الشعبية والطرز الشعبية في أوكرانيا: +10٬337 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 10+10 = 20 points
  5. العمارة العامية لمنطقة الكاربات: +6٬400 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 6+10 = 16 points
  6. منزل بوبوف (مالك العزبة): +6٬113 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 6+10 = 16 points
  7. مازانكا: +6٬042 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 6+10 = 16 points
  8. قلعة سوداق: +7٬867 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 7+10 = 17 points
  9. كاتدرائية الثالوث المقدس (دنبرو): +14٬124 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 14+10 = 24 points
  10. كاتشانيفكا: +2٬374 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 2+10 = 12 points
  11. مقبرة ليتشاكيف: +1٬679 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 1+10 = 11 points
  12. إيفان جريجوروفيتش بارسكي: +3٬145 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 3+10 = 13 points
  13. جوزيف كاراكيس: +8٬082bytes, suggested article, new translation =8+10 = 18 points
  14. دير بوكروفسكي (خاركيف): +2٬204 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 2+10 = 12 points
  15. كنيسة قاعة الطعام (كييف بيشيرسك لافرا): +2٬377 bytes, suggested article, new translation =2+10 = 12 points
  16. كاتدرائية بوريس وجليب (تشرنيغوف): +4٬278 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 4+10 = 14 points
  17. كالوس ليمين: +4٬547 bytes, suggested article, new translation =4+10 = 14 points
  18. الكنيس الكبير (لوتسك): 8٬196 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 8+10 = 18 points

  1. المسجد الكبير الجامع (سيمفروبول): +3٬956 bytes, new article, 4 references = 4 points
  2. التوجيه الروحي لمسلمي القرم: +2٬022 bytes, new article,3 references = 3 points
  3. مسجد بارتينيت: +4٬108 bytes, new article, 5 references = 5 points
  4. بارتينيت: +4٬111 bytes, new article, 2 references = 2 points
  5. مسجد المفتی الجامع: +2٬123 bytes, new article, 4 references = 4 points
  6. مسجد الجمعة (أقمسكيت): +10٬491 bytes, new article, 10 references = 10 points

catgirl (Catalan) 7 points total

  1. Tini zabutykh predkiv: +1.898 bytes, improved article = 1+2 = 3 points
  2. Ivan Kramskoi: +540 bytes, improved article = 2 points
  3. Taràs Xevtxenko: +252 bytes, improved article = 2 points
  4. Example article 5: + bytes, improved existing suggested article = xx+10+2 = 0 points
  5. Example article 6: + bytes, suggested article, Good Article = xx+10+25 = 0 points

Ivka20 (Macedonian) X points total

Elizaiv22 (Bulgarian) 291 points total

1. Юрий Кондратюк: +6,530 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 6+10 = 16 points
2. Земя (съветски филм, 1930): +11,485 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 11+10 = 21 points
3. Софиевка (парк): +7,223 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 7+10 = 17 points
4. Борис Лятошински: +20,211 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 20+10 = 30 points
5. Александър Архипенко: +10,172 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 10+10 = 20 points
6. Национален музей на народната архитектура и бит на Украйна: +6,904 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 6+10 = 16 points
7. Дворец на Кирил Розумовски: +7,295 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 7+10 = 17 points
8. Золочевски замък: +3,949 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 3+10 = 13 points
9. Мирослав Скорик: +21,554 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 21+10 = 31 points
10. Николай Кибалчич: +18,903 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 18+10 = 28 points
11. Катерина Билокур: +19,693 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 19+10 = 29 points
12. Богдановка (Борисполски район): +3,911 bytes, new translation = 10 = 10 points
13. Катерина Юшченко (политик): +11,062 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 11+10 = 21 points
14. Николай Гамалея: +11,968 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 12+10 = 22 points

Wadakuramon (Japanese) 30 points total

  1. タマラ・ドゥーダ: +9,068 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 5+10 = 15 points
  2. カテリーナ・カリツコ: +14,927 bytes, improved article = 15 points

Lieven Smits (Dutch) 15 points

  1. Bohdan Lepky: +5,298 bytes, new suggested article = 5+10 = 15 points

AwkwardChester (French) 18 points total

  1. Maryna Vroda: +8,447 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 8+10 = 18 points
  2. Lioubov Hakkebush: +6,137 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 6+10 = 16 points

JuanTutors (English, Spanish) 20 points total

  1. Pavel Makov: +10,202 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 10+10 = 20 points

VargaA (Hungarian) 5 points total

  1. Lucki-kapu (Dubno): +5 237 bájt bájt , new article = 5 points

Максим Огородник (English) 47 points total

  1. Church of the Nativity of the Theotokos, Kryvorivnia: +8167 bytes, new translation = 8 = 8 points
  2. Saint Nicholas church, Nahuievychi: +9,532 bytes, new translation = 9 = 9 points
  3. Church of the Translation of the Relics of Saint Nicholas, Nahuievychi: +7,716 bytes, new translation = 7 = 7 points
  4. Ivan Rybaruk: +8,334 bytes, new translation = 8 = 8 points
  5. Church of the Entry into Jerusalem, Staryi Uhryniv: +6,253 bytes, new translation = 6 = 6 points
  6. Church of the Dormition, Pisochna: +9,133 bytes, new translation = 9 = 9 points

Zartesbitter (german) X points total

  1. Frauen während der Invasion in der Ukraine: +29.892 bytes, new article, 31 references = 60 points

Євдоким (Belarusian) 12 points total

  1. Паўло Тычына: +8955 bytes, new article = 9 points
  2. Байкавыя могілкі: +1565 bytes, new article = 1 points
  3. Генадзь Удавенка: +2711 bytes, new article = 3 points
  4. Аляксандар Даўжэнка: +3105 bytes, new article = 3 points

Aleksandra Đuričić (Serbian) 568 points total

  1. Дрвене цркве у Украјини: +111.199 bytes, new article, suggested article, new translation = 111+10= 121 points
  2. Вернакуларна архитектура Карпата: +19.184 bytes, new article, suggested article, new translation = 19+10= 29 points
  3. Кијевски метро мост: +17.182 bytes, new article, suggested article, new translation = 17+10= 27 points
  4. Кијевски метро: +282.218 bytes, new article, suggested article, new translation = 282+10= 292 points
  5. Патонов мост (Кијев): +26.477 bytes, new article, suggested article, new translation = 26+10= 36 points
  6. Лубартов замак: +19.266 bytes, new article, suggested article, new translation = 19+10= 29 points
  7. Ђеновска тврђава, Судак: +16.099 bytes, new article, suggested article, new translation = 16+10= 26 points
  8. Дрвене цркве пољских и украјинских Карпата: +8.146 bytes, new article, new translation = 8+0= 8 points

CherryCordial (English, German) 11 points total

  1. de:Deutsche Schule Kiew: +1.694 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 1+10 = 11 points

ORAcled (Spanish, English) 41 points total

  1. Kaharlyk (novela): +10,814 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 10+10 = 20 points
  2. Nikolay Gamaleya: +11,252 bytes, suggested article, new transaltion = 11+10 = 21 points

超级核潜艇 (Chinese) X points total

  1. 卢图吉诺: +10,054 bytes, improved article and DYK
  2. 俄羅斯入侵烏克蘭的海戰: +4,267 bytes, improved article

BiancaBrazal (Central Bikol) 61 points total

  1. Marina Skugareva: +4,168 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 4+10 = 14 points
  2. Ada Rybachuk: +6,276 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 6+10 = 16 points
  3. Sasha Putrya: +2,384 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 2+10 = 12 points
  4. Parke kan Sofiyivka: +9,040 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 9+10 = 19 points

Nikolina Šepić (Serbian) 282 points total

  1. Војна катедрала Светог Николе: +7,609 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 7+10 = 17 points
  2. Национални музеј народне архитектуре и народних обичаја Украјине: +14,688 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 14+10 = 24 points
  3. Рефекторијска црква: +3,881 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 3+10 = 13 points
  4. Палата Разумовски: +8,650 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 8+10 = 18 points
  5. Саборни храм Светог Пантелејмона: +6,964 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 6+10 = 16 points
  6. Манастир Зимне: +8,226 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 8+10 = 18 points
  7. Лубартов замак: +6,203 bytes, suggested article, improved article = 6+10+2 = 18 points
  8. Катедрала Светог Петра и Павла (Камјањец-Подиљски): +4,748 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 4+10 = 14 points
  9. Велика синагога у Луцку: +10,604 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 10+10 = 20 points
  10. Харковска хорска синагога: +10,263 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 10+10 = 20 points
  11. Ал Салам џамија: +5,089 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 5+10 = 15 points
  12. Володимир Заболотни: +6,306 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 6+10 = 16 points
  13. Дворац Жовква: +4,401 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 4+10 = 14 points
  14. Национално светилиште „Софија Кијевска”: +4,964 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 4+10 = 14 points
  15. Дворац Золочив: +5,048 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 5+10 = 15 points
  16. Палата Качанивка: +4,148 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 4+10 = 14 points
  17. Зграда украјинске владе: +6,417 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 6+10 = 16 points

Odamim (English, Portuguese) X points total = 107

  1. Aleksandr Shevchenko: +5,334 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 5+10 = 15 points
  2. Wołodymyr Czornobaj: +9,454 bytes, new article, 10 references, new translation = 92 points

Hollófernyiges (Hungarian) 41 points total

  1. Kijevi Anna francia királyné: +16,7624 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 16+10 = 26 points
  2. Usztim Karmaljuk: +15,739 bytes, new translation = 15 points

Fraxinus (Croatian) 35 points total

  1. Mila Sivacka: +2,893 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 2+10 = 12 points
  2. Oksana Ivanenko: +2,142 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 2+10 = 12 points
  3. Katerina Kalitko: +1,938 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 1+10 = 11 points

Md. Giashuddin Chowdhury (Bengali) 65 points total

  1. মাইকোলা ভোরোবিভ: +5,261 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 5+10 = 15 points
  2. মাইখাইলো পেট্রেনকো: +10,515 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 10+10 = 20 points
  3. রোমান ইভানিকুক: +8,727 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 8+10 = 18 points
  4. কামেনিয়ারি: +3,653 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 2+10 = 12 points

Elena Ancu Damian (Romanian) 24 points total

  1. Zhovtyi kniaz: +14,550 bytes, suggested article = 14+10 = 24 points

Nicolas-a (Language_1, Language_2) X points total

Mailaender45 (German) 10 points total

  1. de:Wolodymyr Flys: +3,615 bytes, suggested article, new article = 10 points

Teddybear41422 (BCL,TL) 36 points

  1. Ana ng Kiev: 13,542 bytes, suggested article = 23 points
  2. Lina Kostenko : 3,873 bytes, suggested article = 13 points

Tejselanrob1234 (Central Bikol, Tagalog) 204 points

  1. mitry Bortniansky :24,766 bytes, suggested article = 34 points
  2. Lesya Ukrainka :34,707 bytes, suggested article = 44 points
  3. Ivan Franko: 32,716 bytes, suggested article = 42 points
  4. Taras Shevchenko: 17,533 bytes, suggested article = 27 points
  5. Beata Kurkul: 26,064 bytes, suggested article= 37 points
  6. Kateryna Antonovych: 10,754 bytes, suggested article = 20 points

JBequio (Central Bikol, Tagalog) 157 points

  1. Hryhorii Skovoroda: 26,483 bytes, suggested article: 36 points
  2. Mykhailo Hrushevsky: 14,109 bytes, suggested article: 24 points
  3. Alexander Dovzhenko: 18,362 bytes, suggested article: 28 points
  4. Nikolai Kibalchich: 11,616 bytes, suggested article: 21 points
  5. Mariia Vetrova: 5,368 bytes, suggested article: 15 points
  6. Ivan Poddubny: 8,281 bytes, suggested article: 18 points
  7. Theophan Prokopovich: 5,162 bytes, suggested article: 15 points

Lawrence756 (Central Bikol, Tagalog) 255 points

  1. Borys Hmyria: 3,901 bytes, suggested article: 13 points
  2. Oleksandr Polozhynskyi: 11,712 bytes, suggested article: 27 points
  3. axim Berezovsky: 31,707 bytes, suggested article: 41 points
  4. Shche ne vmerla Ukrainy i slava, i volia: 35,038 bytes, suggested article: 45 points
  5. Vladimir II Monomakh: 10,016 points, suggested article: 20 points
  6. Nestor ang Kronista: 11,910 bytes, suggested article: 21 points
  7. Kastilyong Kamianets-Podilskyi: 27,717 bytes, suggested article: 31 points
  8. Kyiv Pechersk Lavra: 13,722 bytes, suggested article: 23 points
  9. Borscht: 24,550 bytes, suggested article: 34 points

Ruby Jane Salvatierra (Central Bikol, Tagalog) 201 points

  1. Kateryna Kalytko: 16,351 bytes, suggested article: 16+10=26 points
  2. Tamara Duda: 3,906 bytes, suggested article: 3+10=13 points
  3. Bohdan Lepky: 5,544 bytes, suggested article: 5+10= 15 points
  4. Volodymyr Vladko: 9,686 bytes, suggested article: 9+10=19 points
  5. Chersonesus: 33,095 bytes, suggested article: 33+10=43 points
  6. Valentin Glushko: 20,887 bytes, suggested article: 20+10 = 30 points
  7. Vladimir Dal: 5,476 bytes, suggested article: 5+10 = 15 points
  8. Valeriy Lobanovskyi: 30,539 bytes, suggested article = 40 points

Marlon bornales (Central Bikol, Tagalog) 204 points

  1. Semen Hulak-Artemovsky 4,222 bytes, suggested article: 14 points
  2. Victoria Poleva: 18,513 bytes, suggested article: 28 points
  3. Ostap Nyzhankivsky: 5,015 bytes, suggested article: 15 points
  4. Yevhen Adamtsevych: 4,025 bytes, suggested article: 14 points
  5. Kuta ng Khotyn: 13,954 bytes, suggested article: 23 points
  6. Vladimir ang Dakila: 25,941 bytes, suggested article: 35 points
  7. Yaroslav na Matalino: 21,064 bytes, suggested article: 31 points
  8. Ilya Ilyich Mechnikov: 17,483 bytes, suggested article: 27 points
  9. Katedral ng Santa Sofia, Kyiv: 7,277 bytes, suggested article; 17 points

Kenlee77 (Korean) 8 points total

  1. 캐나다-우크라이나 여단: +8,350 bytes, new translation = 8 = 8

Elvonudinium (Buryat, Mongol) 105 points total

  1. Тарас Шевченко: +7,612 bytes suggested article, new article = 10+7 = 17 points
  2. Леся Украинка: +3,942 bytes suggested article, new article = 10+3 = 13 points
  3. Леся Украинка: +3,978 bytes suggested article, new article = 10+3 = 13 points
  4. Иван Франко: +7,124 bytes suggested article, new article = 10+6 = 17 points
  5. Илья Репин: +7,391 bytes suggested article, new article = 10+7 = 17 points
  6. Владимир Даль: +4,809 bytes suggested article, new article = 10+4 = 14 points
  7. Киевийн Печерск Лавра: +4,772 bytes suggested article, new article = 10+4 = 14 points

Lovec pávů (Czech) 81 points total

  1. cs:Stíny zapomenutých předků (kniha): +19,445 bytes, suggested article, new article = 19+10 = 29 points
  2. cs:Lesja Ukrajinka: +21,447 bytes, suggested article, improved article = 21+10+2 = 33 points
  3. cs:Lesní píseň (divadelní hra): +19,196 bytes, new article = 19 points

Aethelfirth (Italian) 15 points total

  1. Nikolaj Sklifosovsky: +4,169 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 4+1+10 = 15 points

Lunita28mx (Language_Spanish, Language_English) 238 points total

  1. es:Volodymyr Sheiko: +8269 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 8+10 = 18 points
  2. es:Volodymyr Flys: +2401 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 2+10 = 12 points
  3. es:Boris Gmyrya: +3055 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 3+10 = 13 points
  4. es:Oleg Skripka: +8392+415 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 9+10 = 19 points
  5. es:Tarás Kompanichenko: +4428 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 4+10 = 14 points
  6. es:Irina Zhilenko: +507+169+2370 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 3+10 = 13 points
  7. es:Iván Malkovich: +3709 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 4+10 = 14 points
  8. es:Miroslav Dochinets: +2246+1040+390 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 4+10 = 14 points
  9. es:Mikola Vorobiov: +2649 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 3+10 = 13 points
  10. es:La manopla (cuento popular): +4781 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 5+10 = 15 points
  11. es:La bruja de Konotop: +6505+33 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 7+10 = 17 points
  12. es:Bohdana Frolyak: +5753 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 6+10 = 16 points
  13. es:Ostap Nyżankiwski: +5156 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 5+10 = 15 points
  14. es:Sashko Polozhynskiyd: +25 602 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 26+10 = 36 points
  15. es:Michael Hayvoronsky: +4422 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 4+10 = 14 points

Md.Muntasir Ahmmed Muin (Language_1, Language_2) X points total

Enterbury (English, German, Chinese) 94 points total

  1. en:Museum of Lesya Ukrainka, Yalta: +3,117, improved suggested = 3+2+10 = 15 points
  2. en:Deutsche Schule Kiew: +410, improved suggested = 2+10 = 12 points
  3. en:Ukrainian language: -106, improved = 2 = 2 points
  4. en:Sofia Okunevska: +321, improved suggested = 2+10 = 12 points
  5. de:Kyiv International School: +3,746, new suggested, 3 references = 3+10 = 13 points
  6. de:Deutsche Schule Kiew: +56, improved suggested = 2+10 = 12 points
  7. zh:基輔國際學校: +3,646, new suggested, 3 references = 3+10 = 13 points
  8. zh:列霞·烏克蘭卡雅爾達博物館: +5,657, new suggested, 2 references = 5+10 = 15 points

Perüton (Estonian, English) 221 points total

  1. Babylon'13: +3,619 bytes, new translation = 3 = 3 points
  2. Ukraina põgenikekriis: +212,592 bytes, new translation = 212 points
  3. Mariupoli sadam: +3,580 bytes, new translation = 3 points
  4. Mariupoli sadam: +1,060 bytes, improved existing article = 1+2 = 3 points

Manjiro5 (French) 0 points total

TeddyRoosevelt1912 (Cantonese) 139 points total

  1. 克里米亞 / Crimea: +about 3,300 bytes, significant improvement = 3+2 = 5 points
  2. 烏克蘭人民共和國 / Ukrainian People's Republic: +about 5,800 bytes, new translation = 5 points
  3. 西烏克蘭人民共和國 / West Ukrainian People's Republic: +about 3,700 bytes, new translation = 3 points
  4. 基輔 / Kyiv: +about 7,100 bytes, significant improvement = 7+2 = 9 points
  5. 烏克蘭蘇維埃社會主義共和國 / Ukraine SSR: +about 10,400 bytes, significant improvement = 10+2 = 12 points
  6. 基輔羅斯 / Kievan Rus: +about 3,400 bytes, significant improvement = 3+2 = 5 points
  7. 塞凡堡 / Sevastopol: +about 5,800 bytes, significant improvement = 5+2 = 7 points
  8. 橙色革命 / Orange Revolution: +about 10,300 bytes, significant improvement = 10+2 = 12 points
  9. Euromaidan: +about 23,600 bytes, significant improvement = 23+2 = 25 points
  10. 明斯克協議 / Minsk Protocol: +about 8,000 bytes, significant improvement = 8+2 = 10 points
  11. 新明斯克協議 / Minsk II: +about 8,200 bytes, significant improvement = 8+2 = 10 points
  12. 頓巴斯戰爭 / War in Donbas: +about 21,100 bytes, new translation = 21 points
  13. 烏克蘭統一協定 / Unification Act: +about 2,200 bytes, new translation = 2 points
  14. 烏克蘭獨立宣言 / Ukrainian Declaration of Independence: +about 1,900 bytes, new translation = 1 points
  15. 基輔獨立廣場 / Independence Square, Kyiv: +about 2,700 bytes, new translation = 2 points
  16. 泛斯拉夫主義 / Pan-Slavism: +about 2,900 bytes, new translation = 2 points
  17. 東斯拉夫人 / Eastern Slavs: +about 4,200 bytes, new translation = 4 points
  18. 烏克蘭專員轄區 / Reichskommissariat Ukraine: +about 4,600 bytes, new translation = 4 points

Michaeledits (English) 12 points total

  1. Khotyn Fortress: +215 bytes, improved existing suggested article = 2+10 = 12 points

Imamanik05 (Bengali) 139 points total

  1. ভিরা খোলোদনায়া: +35,113 bytes, new translation, suggested article = 35+10 = 45 points
  2. কাতেরিনা কালিতকো: +26,565 bytes, new translation, suggested article = 35+10 = 36 points
  3. ভালদেমার হাফকাইন: +48,564 bytes, new translation, suggested article = 48+10 = 58 points

Vítor (Portuguese, Spanish) 0 points total

PoisonHK (English) 44 points total

  1. Serhii Ilnytskyi: +4835 bytes, new article = 5 points
  2. Mark Gregory Paslawsky: +4,728 bytes, new article = 5 points
  3. Masha Kondratenko: +2,017 bytes, new article = 2 points
  4. Iryna Shvaidak: +5,020 bytes, new article = 5 points
  5. Bohorodychne: +1,373 bytes, improved existing article = 1+2 = 3 points
  6. Anatoly Babko: +1,174 bytes, improved existing article = 1+2 = 3 points
  7. Dmytro Yavornytsky: +3,301 bytes, improved existing article = 3+2 = 5 points
  8. Pereiaslav: +1,604 bytes, improved existing article = 2+2 = 4 points
  9. Lyptsi rural hromada: +3,247 bytes, improved existing article = 3+2 = 5 points
  10. Taras Kozak: +1,570 bytes, improved existing article = 1+2 = 3 points
  11. Donetsk Culture and Leasure Park: +2,322 bytes, improved existing article = 2+2 = 4 points

User:SleepTrain456 (English) 10 points total

  1. Stepan Kovnir: +10,066 bytes, new translation = 10 points

Snehrashmi (Gujarati) 33 points total

  1. સંત સોફિયા દેવળ, કીવ: +22,657 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 23+10 = 33 points

Sarcelles (German, English) X points total

Lingabo (Français) X points total

  1. Bohdan Lepky: +4,953 bytes, suggested article, new translation = 5+10 = 15 points