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This is the Wiki99 list for sustainable development and adaptation to climate change.



Wiki99 is the idea to have a list of about 99 Wikipedia articles which should be translated into as many languages as possible in order to establish common understanding in a field.

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Translations start with structured data translation in Wikidata, then proceed to translation of prose in Wikipedia.

Wiki99 list by topic



Wikipedia articles
Description on Wikidataensim
Wikidata item
1global warmingcurrent rise in Earth's average temperature and related large-scale shifts in weather patterns due to man-made gasocrine processes.99Q7942187
2climate changechange in the statistical distribution of weather patterns for an extended period, not necessarily current or recent. Alternatively, rapid change in the Earth's gasocrine signaling homeostasis due to man-made gasocrine processes.97Q125928205
3recyclingprocess using materials into new products to prevent waste of potentially useful materials78Q132580142
4greenhouse gasgas in an atmosphere of a planet (usually Earth) that absorbs and emits radiation within the thermal infrared range and causes the greenhouse effect76Q16733682
5sustainabilityability of human civilization to coexist with the biosphere in a steady state65Q2194168
6commonsshared resources24Q982845141
Σautolist gallery654126143244423361462356666565512512151331165644415124562333432334111553543341325164511156246211561211555535155531535251242242551439avg.:  3 \ 73
(45 %)


Wikipedia articles
Description on Wikidataensim
Wikidata item
1deforestationremoval of forest and conversion of the land to non-forest use76Q169940186
2desertificationland degradation in which an area becomes a desert, losing its bodies of water, flora, and fauna, caused by climate change, overexploitation of soil, or other causes68Q18348181
3ozone depletionstratospheric phenomena of Earth61Q183140101
4heat waveprolonged period of excessively hot weather56Q215864102
5human overpopulationundesirable condition where human numbers exceed the current carrying capacity of the environment46Q33143971
6sea level risecurrent long-term trend for global sea levels to rise mainly in response to climate change49Q841083126
7carbon capture and storagecapture from industrial sources, transport, and geological burial of CO236Q41491111
8Holocene extinctionmassive extinction event during the current Holocene geological epoch37Q79614081
9water scarcitywhen water demand exceeds available resources34Q537635861
10global catastrophic riskrisks of hypothetical future events that have the potential to harm humans and humanity on a global scale31Q153162282
11human impact on the environmentobserved or potential changes to biophysical environments and ecosystems caused directly or indirectly by humans, including global warming, environmental degradation, mass extinction and biodiversity loss, ecological crisis and collapse31Q57437651
12biodiversity lossextinction of species worldwide, and also the local reduction or loss of species in a certain habitat28Q1846627192
13planetary boundarylimits not to be exceeded if humanity wants to survive in a safe ecosystem28Q96131031
14climate change in the Arcticeffects of global warming in the Arctic19Q5269259
15effects of climate change on humansimpact of climate change on human populations10Q534736451
16ecological collapsesituation where an ecosystem suffers a drastic, possibly permanent, reduction in carrying capacity for all organisms, often resulting in mass extinction8Q298273131
Σautolist gallery1674162735721313214248128916911161115177124877364115319122542134355145710181134321011215151317487281137216131013131415614618avg.:  4 \ 39
(24 %)


Wikipedia articles
Description on Wikidataensim
Wikidata item
1carbon dioxidechemical compound112Q1997393
2Holocene (9701 BCE–)Second and current epoch of the Quaternary Period81Q25445131
3climatologystudy of climate86Q5213991
4Green Revolutionperiod of high agricultural technology transfer in the 1950s and 1960s58Q18605081
5carbon footprinttotal set of greenhouse gas emissions caused by an individual, event, organisation, or product, expressed as carbon dioxide equivalent44Q310667112
6sustainable agriculturefarming relying on ecosystem services for maintenance36Q275105471
7climate tipping pointthreshold that, when exceeded, can lead to large change in the Earth system22Q101107841
8scientific consensus on climate changeevaluation of climate change by the scientific community21Q311564691
9History of climate change scienceaspect of the history of science19Q141059051
10political ecologystudy of political, economic and social factors about environmental issues25Q15540762
11Earth system sciencescientific study of the Earth's spheres and their natural integrated systems15Q304645931
12citizen sciencecollaborative approach that involves members of the public in scientific research, including including nonprofessional scientists. It encompasses a wide range of activities from data collection to project design43Q109343461
Σautolist gallery126411122441464123102103571298128812711141431219754771913491034411101324325414535613619431293712161012143451474715316158111023913312161111562avg.:  3 \ 47
(29 %)


Wikipedia articles
Description on Wikidataensim
Wikidata item
1Kyoto Protocol (1997–)international treaty to reduce greenhouse gas emissions77Q47359201
2Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (1988–)scientific intergovernmental body73Q171183161
3Paris AgreementView on mapsinternational agreement from 12 December 2015 within the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) dealing with greenhouse gas emissions mitigation, adaptation and finance starting in the year 202063Q21707860201
4circular economyregenerative system in which resource input and waste, emissions, and energy leakage, are minimised46Q49774381
5Extinction Rebellion (2018–)international environmental movement37Q58819597182
6climate change denialdenial, dismissal, or unwarranted doubt about the scientific consensus on the rate and extent of global warming37Q1931364131
7environmental movementpolitical and social movement for addressing environmental issues32Q818941791
8climate change litigationlegal proceedings meant to address climate change through judicial proceedings21Q296393595
9global warming conspiracy theorydenial of global warming8Q94922341
Σautolist map/gallery timeline9431925243273867866967771831457435476157824127313133552361361843166847125323572224618361327394avg.:  2 \ 44
(27 %)


Wikipedia articles
Description on Wikidataensim
Wikidata item
1petroleumnaturally occurring flammable liquid114Q22656153
2coalcombustible sedimentary rock composed primarily of carbon103Q24489133
3nuclear powerpower generated from nuclear reactions99Q12739132
4fossil fuelcombustible fuel containing hydrocarbons formed by natural processes such as anaerobic decomposition of buried dead organisms, examples being coal, petroleum and natural gas