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Wiki Loves Women/Focus Group/SheSaid Sudan

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Official Wiki Loves Women logo for across Africa

SheSaid Sudan Drive is the main landing page for Wiki Love Women project for SheSaid drive to take place in October 2021.
For 2021 the project for Sudan is launched as part of individual grant.

Link to the English portal page: https://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/Wikiquote:SheSaid

Details of Activities


The Project Activity includes the following :

The Project is designed into two main interventions. One is targeting content writers "Journalists" and the other is targeting Photographers.

The project will be around organizing:

  • Preparation and Planning: August 2021
  • Training Sessions: September 2021 – October 2021.
    • One Wiki commons Training event for Photographers (10 pp) between September- October 2021
    • One Training event for Female Journalists in Cooperation with the Sudanese Female Journalists Association (10 Participants)
  • SheSaid Sudan Campaign: October – November 2021
    • An edit-a-thon sessions for both Photographers and Journalist (Linking the photos taken with articles) and preparing the quotes.
    • Photos collection and shooting
  • Reporting and Closing : December 2021

March 2022 Update


After many delay due to the political situation in Sudan the team after several discussion decided to start implementing the Project activities

Dates of Events are as Follow

  • Training Of Journalist 19 March 2022
  • Training of Photographers 22 March 2022
  • Edit-a-thon Session TBD

Project Team


Even though this is meant to be an individual rapid Grant, this project is beeing implemented through the Sudan Community. This is a team work and the main members are:

The Training


Training Of Photographers
One day training for Photographers on Common. The training is aiming to help photographers upload the pictures taken as part of the project and other projects to be shared with Creative Commons licenses.
Training Of Journalists
One day training for journalists on Wikipedia and wiki quotes 8 ppl

Project Contributions


Developing of Wiki Quote for Sudan Redlist English:

Pages Created in Arabic WikiQuote:

Social Media Channels


You can find more about the project in sd.wikimedia(_AT_)gmail.com, Facebook Twitter Instagram

Please find more on the project on



SheSaid 2022 in Sudan



Please follow the link to see tracking of project dashboard SheSaidSudan_Dashboard

