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Wiki World Heritage User Group/User Group election 2021-2023/Results

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Wiki World Heritage User Group election 2021–2023

Important dates




Election results

Votes and results of Wiki World Heritage User Group board election 2021-2023
User:Mazuritz User:Csisc User:Avicenno User:Marajozkee User:Brazal.dang
Total votes* 15 10 9 5 13
Valid votes** 14 9 8 5 11
Rank 1 3 4 5 2

* Total votes: simple count of all votes that were recorded on the nomination-voting page.

** Valid votes: total votes without counting votes that were not in accordance to the rules of the election.

2021-2023 board


According to the election process and rules, the following members will serve at the 2021-2023 board: