Wikimedia CEE Meeting 2016/Programme/Submissions/Wikipedia & Medicine: Current State, Lessons Learned and CEE Involvement

Title of your proposal
[edit]Wikipedia & Medicine: Current State, Lessons Learned and CEE Involvement
Name(s) and/or username(s)
[edit]- Shani Evenstein, User:Esh77
- WikiProject Medicine, Wikipedia Education Program, Wikimedia Israel
[edit]- Wikipedia & Medicine
- Wikipedia Education Program
- Content Translation
- Wikidata
- Building partnerships
- Best Practices
Type of submission (Please choose one)
[edit]- Presentation, short discussion & practical workshop
[edit]This session is about enhancing the work done in the CEE in regards to medical content in Wikipedia & Wikimedia Projects and will include a presentation followed by a discussion and practical workshop. The presentation will familiarize attendees with what is already happening worldwide in relation to medical content, including a review of existing types of collaborations, available resources, best practices of involving medical students, faculty & researchers with Wikimedia projects and lessons learned from various endeavors around the world. We will discuss the medical translation project and new frontiers enabled by Wikidata. A short discussion on what could be done specifically in the CEE will follow, after which we we will conduct a short practical workshop that will give participants a taste of what they could do to get involved. For participants with a vast experience and successful collaborations with GLAMs and Educational institutions, this session aim to expand these collaborations to include working with medical institutions and harnessing medical students & faculty to work with our community. It will also allow participants that have been thus far less involved in outreach, some ideas and tools to get started.
Expected outcomes
[edit]- Better familiarity with what is already happening, existing resources and best practices that will hopefully inspire CEE members to engage with Wikipedia & Medicine outreach locally.
- Beginning of new translations of medical articles in various languages during the workshop.
- A list of volunteers willing to join a pilot in the CEE this year.
Duration (without Q&A)
[edit]- Total of 90 minutes.
Specific requirements
[edit]- Might also present in EDU sessions.
- A projector, internet connection, flip chart, sticky papers in different colors, pens.
- If possible, the room layout should be suitable for groups, i.e. a few medium tables with chairs around them.
Slides or further information