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Wikimedia CEE Online Meeting 2021/Programme/Submissions/Wikidata automatization and integration with web resources

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Title of the submission

Wikidata automatization and integration with web resources

Type of submission (lightning talk, discussion, panel, workshop)


Author(s) of the submission

Prof. dr Ranka Stanković, University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mining and Geology

Milica Ikonić Nešić, University of Belgrade, Faculty of Philology






Level of advancement (basic, medium, advanced)


Abstract (up to 100 words)

Wikidata is a Wikimedia Foundation knowledge base, a common source of various kinds of data used not only by other Wikimedia projects, but also increasingly by numerous semantic web applications. In this panel, we will present an example of integration of Wikidata with digital libraries and external systems, as well as the potential for speeding up the process of data preparation and entry using the articles published in Infotheca, Journal for Digital Humanities as the example of successful Serbian Wikimedia project case study (Wikidata management automatisation and integration with web other resources), realised within (Educational program of Wikimedia Serbia) and also further application on the ELTeC-srp, the Serbian novel collection for the ELTeC, the European Literary Text Collection, produced by the COST Action Distant Reading for European Literary History CA16204. The Scholia project is one of the first comprehensive endeavours of its kind aimed at representing bibliographical data, scholarly profiles of authors and institutions using Wikidata. The results of this project and the availability of the Infotheca articles in different digital formats provided the inspiration for the “Wikification” of the articles published in the Infotheca journal. The implementation is a case study that can be further extended to other use cases, such as conferences and digital libraries. The Scholia tool is being developed as part of a lager initiative, WikiCite, aiming to index bibliographic data in Wikidata on the resources that can be used to corroborate the claims made in Wikidata, Wikipedia or elsewhere. At the time when we are inundated by false information on the web, proper corroboration of information by relevant sources certainly plays a key role. Since we wanted to automatize the process of preparing and entering information, we looked into different solutions and ended up using two of them, namely, OpenRefine and QuickStatements .

How will this session be beneficial for the communities in the region of Central and Eastern Europe?

Positive experiences of working with Infotheca Wikidata were drawn upon when entering in Wikidata the data on the novels and their authors belonging to the ELTeC multilingual collection (European Literary Text Collection) one subcollection of which will consist of a hundred Serbian novels from the period 1840-1920 developed as part of the Distant Reading for European Literary History Cost Action: CA16204 by members of the JeRTeh society, led by Cvetana Krstev and Ranka Stanković. A set of metadata about the novels digitized up to the present and prepared to fit the requirements of the action was built. The work on Wikidata is seen as a continued activity where special attention will be paid to linked open data in the domain of linguistics (LLOD http://linguistic-lod.org/llodcloud) and its application. We must certainly be aware of the problems and limitations related to Wikidata and other kinds of linked open data, to be able to look into the ways of overcoming or at least mitigating them. Wikidata is a truly immense knowledge base that is 1) available to everyone – for reading information, making queries, editing and improving it; 2) Open – multiple use is available under the Creative Commons CC0 licence granting complete freedom to use data; 3) multilingual – entities can be named and described in any natural language. These three key features are the main driving forces for the many applications, which, we believe, will inspire the wiki community further to devote more attention to this resource. The so-called small languages, including Serbian, should make use of all the possibilities to find their place in the digital space. Thus, the activities carried out as part of this and similar projects and initiatives are a humble attempt to contribute to the preservation of the Serbian language in the digital age.

Do you plan to pre-record a video with a presentation?


Special requirements
Slides or further information


Interested attendees


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