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Wikimedia CH/Micro-Grant/Flughafenführung mit anschliessendem BBC

From Meta, a Wikimedia project coordination wiki

Please provide the following information for your micro-grant request:

Your Username: M1712

Your Country of residence: Schweiz

Amount requested: pro Teilnehmende Person CHF 30.- bei ca. 20-25 Teilnehmer, also maximal CHF 750.-. Per person CHF 30.-.

We expect round about 20 to 25 attendees for this event. Means a maximum amount of CHF 750.- i.e. CHF 30.-/Person.

Planned activity: Durchführung einer Führung im Flughafen Zürich mit anschliessendem BBQ in Flughafennähe.

Planned is a sigthseeing-tour at the Zurich-Airport with a BBQ later in the airport-area. The sightseeing-tour is already booked and will be free of charge.

People involved
(e.g. How many people can benefit from the micro grant you request): Wiki-Autoren aus dem DACH-Bereich, die sich im Bereich Aviatik engagieren und dafür interessieren.

Please explain what influence your activity will have on Wikimedia Projects
(e.g. quantitative: number of new pictures uploaded to commons, no of new articles created / qualitative: strengthen the community of german-speaking wikipedia authors etc,): Die Führung durch den Flughafen ist für alle TeilnehmerInnen kostenlos, bietet aber die Möglicheit für aktuelle Fotos im Flughafen Zürich und seinem Umfeld zu machen; ebenso auch damit zusammhängende Artikel zu erweitern/verbessern. Das daran anschliessende Grillfest (BBQ) soll dem Austausch und Kennenlernen der TeilnehmerInnen dienen.

As mentioned above, the airport-sightseening will be free of charge. We will have a good possibility to enhance the Zurich-Airport relatet articles with actual information and providing Wiki-Commons with photos. The BBQ after is a very good possibility for a meet & greet of Wikipedia-authors mainly from Switzerland, Germany and Austria. Bringing toghether active Wiki-people, enhancing the Wiki-community in a pleasant environment.

Please provide links to your contributions after your project or activity ended:
Please provide the links to the categories on Wikimedia Commons, to the articles on Wikipedia or any other contributions on Wikimedia projects:

Important: AFTER having submitted your request, please write an eMail to info@wikimedia.ch with your contact details (at least: Name, Surname, Email address)



This section needs to be filled out by the Microgrants-Committee



