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Dicoado/Technical documentation

From Meta, a Wikimedia project coordination wiki
Please read this page carefully.

This is the public technical documentation page for Dicoado.

Visibility of this document


This page contains public information, safe to everyone.

In compliance with Wikimedia expectations and guidelines, we only use open source software, so, everyone in the world already know the structure of our system. Most information here can already be guess by malicious users, so, deleting this page, or omitting some sections, will not increase security in the system.

This is known as the Kerckhoffs's principle. In short, omitting technical details would just give a feeling of false security.

Thanks for any improvement in this page! \o/



These are the authorized persons and their role and their #SSH accounts:

  • User:DSwissK
    Main volunteer wiki administrator and main project contact.
    vivian: personal Unix account, sudoers
    www-dicoado: access for Filezilla, not sudoers
  • Nicolas Nallet
    wikivalley-nicolas - working Unix account, sudoer
  • Sébastien Beyou
    wikivalley-sebastien - working Unix account, sudoer
  • User:ValerioBoz-WMCH - staff system administrator (main on-request sysadmin contact)
    valerio-bozzolan - volunteer and working Unix account, sudoer
  • User:Valerio Bozzolan - volunteer system administrator (when not in working hours)
    valerio-bozzolan //
  • rififi - volunteer system administrator, historical great tech contributor
    rififi - personal unix account, sudoers

Special thanks to DSwissK and rififi for all these great community efforts \o/

Server info

Name wmch-dicoado1
Operating System Debian GNU/Linux bullseye
RAM 12GB (probably over-scaled)
vCore(s) 4
Partition 1 / 16.7 GiB
Partition 2 /var 5.89 GiB
Partition 3 /home 64 GiB
Special mounts bind:

mounted on:

When in doubt, check this page, visible to members of Wikimedia CH:




At the moment the DNS are is managed from an external provider (Infomaniak), by:

To add additional DNS managers, contact the domain owner.

The above DNS information must be kept in sync with this internal WMCH documentation (that can be seen and updated by any WMCH member + Valerio):


Maintained by: User:ValerioBoz-WMCH
Editable by: any WMCH member.
Visible to: any WMCH member.



SSH is blocked from external traffic.

In order to access the server via SSH, you need access in the "WMCH VPN" first.

Contact User:Ilario or User:ValerioBoz-WMCH or - if you are a member of WMCH - see this page:




First, be sure to have #VPN credentials.

Then, if you have no credentials, contact the #Team.

To access the server, use your username, and the server's IP in the #VPN's LAN:

ssh your-user@

IMPORTANT: We strongly encourage all users to only adopt SSH-key-based authentication. Ideally all users should have no password and only use SSH keys. This allows a level of military security, without any possibility to brute-force. Help: wikitech:help:SSH

IMPORTANT: If you have failed a login, do not retry more than 3 times, or you will be banned by fail2ban.

Uploading files with Filezilla


There is only one authorized user allowed to use Filezilla using SFTP.

Here all the public parameters about that:

Protocol SFTP
Username www-dicoado
Password Indeed a wiki is not a good place to share a super-secret password. Never share passwords with anyone or with any unauthorized person or a kitten will die right now.

If this user is not allowed to connect, see #Team.

If the user is not allowed to write something, probably the #Hardening script needs a fix.

Log files


See last webserver error log in real-time:

sudo tail -f /var/log/apache2/error.log

See last visits in real-time:

sudo tail -f /var/log/apache2/dicoado.log

IMPORTANT: Never share log info to anyone but team members, since they may contain personal data.

Wiki (fr)


The website fr.dicoado.org has this document root:


Webserver configurations:


Homepage (static files)


The website dicoado.org has this document root:


Webserver configurations:


Production vs Demo

Subject Production Demo








DB wiki

DB Cargo









Procedure to pull production into demo

  1. copy production databases to demo
  2. copy /var/www/dicoado/fr/ to /var/www/dicoado.demo/fr/


Conclude this script:


Procedure to publish demo in production





Always copy just demo files in production.

Use this procedure if your files in demo are more updated than production.

This involves to run maintenance operations in the production database.

  1. do a backup of the database in production
  2. stop production services
  3. set production in read-only and/or set production offline and/or maintenance page
  4. copy /var/www/dicoado.demo to /var/www/dicoado
    Suggested: rsync --archive --delete
  5. run maintenance scripts in production
    sudo -u www-data -s /bin/bash
    cd /var/www/dicoado/fr/httpdocs/w/
    php maintenance/update.php
  6. on fail:
    rollback databases and files from backup
  7. on successs
    start production services again
    unset production from read-only and/or make it online and/or maintenance page



Maintenance scripts should be executed as the user www-data to avoid permissions issues, e.g.

sudo -u www-data php maintenance/showJobs.php

(Request the rights "sudo to www-data" if your Unix user don’t have it.)

At the moment there is not any particular maintenance mode.

Relevant pages:



The databases can be accessed and modified in a secure way from command line using standard ways.

Example to see database tables:

sudo mysql nxxs_dicoado_fr

To backup databases:

sudo mysqldump nxxs_dicoado_fr       > nxxs_dicoado_fr.sql
sudo mysqldump nxxs_dicoado_cargo_fr > nxxs_dicoado_cargo_fr.sql

IMPORTANT: Never expose an SQL dump in a web directory and always restrict file permissions.

To restore a database:

sudo mysql YOUR_DATABASE_NAME < file.sql

IMPORTANT: This will nuke the already-existing database.

Permissions hardening


Ideally, to reduce attack surfaces, all files that are supposed to be read-only by the webserver, should be at least assigned to the user www-dicoado (so are writable during SFTP uploads). Example:

sudo chown www-dicoado: file.txt

Ideally, only files that should be writable by the webserver should be assigned to the webserver user www-data. Example:

sudo chown www-data: file.png

To simplify hardening, there is this script that restores the ideal situation:

sudo /root/dicoado-harden.sh

Be sure to harden the correct thing. Inside the script there is a configuration line. Change that accordingly to your purpose (hardening demo, or hardening production).

Cron jobs


The webserver user has some cron-jobs. To edit them:

sudo -u www-data crontab -e

Example (may be outdated):

# Hourly, at random minute (xx:17)
# Keep just last execution.
 17 *  *   *   *     /var/www/dicoado/fr/cron/hourly.sh

# Daily, at a random hour (23:22)
22 23  *   *   *     /var/www/dicoado/fr/cron/daily.sh

# Monthly, at a random day (2nd) and random time (23:58)
58 23  2   *   *     /var/www/dicoado/fr/cron/monthly.sh

Systemd service


A systemd service is running all the time, so that if you touch a template, it reflects changes immediately and not after an hour.

Example interaction:

systemctl status dicoado-wiki-fr

The related executable file is here:


Skin Source Code


DicoAdo is based on the skin Foreground but with local modifications.

See the source code of the DicoAdo's skin on Wikimedia GitLab:


SSL Certificates


DicoAdo relies on Let's Encrypt for certificates, using the Debian package certbot. We use the "webroot" renewal method.

Every certificate can be renewed with one of these (check your case):

certbot certonly --webroot --webroot-path /var/www/html -d YOURDOMAIN
certbot certonly --webroot --webroot-path /var/www/html -d YOURDOMAIN -d www.YOURDOMAIN

The webroot renewal method will create a temporary file here:


Your certificate will be released only if this URL matches:


Note that the webserver needs a reload after every renew.



The documentation about DicoAdo mailboxes is available here:


Maintained by: User:ValerioBoz-WMCH
Editable by: any WMCH member.
Visible to: any WMCH member.



IMPORTANT: At the moment WMCH have not automatic snapshots. They need to be requested by the volunteer project leader. WMCH has to verify budget accordingly. Contact User:Ilario for budget verification.

IMPORTANT: At the moment WMCH has not offsite backups. They need to be managed by the volunteer project leader. WMCH probably cannot provide this kind of service at the moment.

The volunteer project leader is supposed to be the only one to have off-site backups.

Wikimedia CH can be contacted to activate a single snapshot and eventually restore it (in case, budget to be verified).

Wikimedia CH can be contacted to evaluate automatic daily snapshots (in case, budget to be verified).

See also
