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Fund drives/2005/Q3 planning

From Meta, a Wikimedia project coordination wiki

The third quarter 2005 Wikimedia fundraising drive was held from Friday 19 August to Friday 9 September. The purpose of this page was to serve as the central organizational point for that event.

To Do list





  • Auto updates of at least PayPal data
    • One update every minute to 5 minutes, depending on server load issues
    • Updates based on data from PayPal (see the source here note example code <input type="hidden" name="notify_url" value="http://wikimediafoundation.org/cgi-bin/paywiki.cgi">)
    • The ability to also add manual updates for other donation sources
    • Auto-updated donation bar (translatable mock-up here


  • Auto-updated PayPal data added to tracking page like that at wikimedia:Fund drives/2005/Q1
  • A frame-like part added to every page on every wiki where a small auto-updated donation bar can be displayed. Only the "frame" would change for each update in order to not invalidate cache.
    • ability for that to be translated using templates on local wikis
  • Ability to auto-generate PayPal reports like those at wikimedia:Fund drives/2005/Q1#Day-by-day PayPal totals




  • wikimedia:Fundraising needs to be updated with
    • Links/info about our credit card processing service
    • Info on how to donate to the foundation's Belgium account
    • Info on donations to local chapters: Yes, no, if yes, how etc.

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