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Grants:APG/Proposals/2014-2015 round1/Wikimedia Nederland/Progress report form

From Meta, a Wikimedia project coordination wiki

Purpose of the report


This form is for organizations receiving Annual Plan Grants to report on their progress after completing the first 6 months of their grants. The time period covered in this form will be the first 6 months of each grant (e.g. 1 January - 30 June of the current year). This form includes four sections, addressing global metrics, program stories, financial information, and compliance. Please contact APG/FDC staff if you have questions about this form, or concerns submitting it by the deadline. After submitting the form, organizations will also meet with APG staff to discuss their progress.

Global metrics overview - all programs


We are trying to understand the overall outcomes of the work being funded across our grantees' programs. Please use the table below to let us know how your programs contributed to the Global Metrics. We understand not all Global Metrics will be relevant for all programs, so feel free to put "0" where necessary. For each program include the following table and

  1. Next to each required metric, list the outcome achieved for all of your programs included in your proposal.
  2. Where necessary, explain the context behind your outcome.
  3. In addition to the Global Metrics as measures of success for your programs, there is another table format in which you may report on any OTHER relevant measures of your programs success

For more information and a sample, see Global Metrics.


Metric Achieved outcome Explanation
1. # of active editors involved 596 a detailed breakdown of global metrics per activity is given in the sections below
2. # of new editors 4
3. # of individuals involved 625
4. # of new images/media added to Wikimedia articles/pages 1260
5. # of articles added or improved on Wikimedia projects 13 we have conscientiously tried to determine the number of articles added or improved. However, in some cases this could only have been done by manually going through article edit histories or lists of user contributions. This, we did not do.
6. Absolute value of bytes added to or deleted from Wikimedia projects 562,950 we have conscientiously tried to determine the number of bytes contributed. However, in some cases this could only have been done by manually going through article edit histories or lists of user contributions. This, we did not do.


Metric Achieved outcome Explanation
1. # of active editors involved 148 a detailed breakdown of global metrics per activity is given in the sections below
2. # of new editors 41
3. # of individuals involved 809
4. # of new images/media added to Wikimedia articles/pages 6371
5. # of articles added or improved on Wikimedia projects 1266 we have conscientiously tried to determine the number of articles added or improved. However, in some cases this could only have been done by manually going through lists of user contributions. This, we did not do.
6. Absolute value of bytes added to or deleted from Wikimedia projects 58,348,232,040 we have conscientiously tried to determine the number of bytes contributed. However, in some cases this could only have been done by manually going through article edit histories or lists of user contributions. This, we did not do.


Metric Achieved outcome Explanation
1. # of active editors involved n.a.
2. # of new editors n.a.
3. # of individuals involved between 3000 and ?800,000 people reached we targeted 'by name' at least 3000 people; via national media we will have reached hundreds of thousands more. The talkshow RTL late night in which two of our volunteers appeared regularly draws 800.000 viewers.
4. # of new images/media added to Wikimedia articles/pages
5. # of articles added or improved on Wikimedia projects n.a.
6. Absolute value of bytes added to or deleted from Wikimedia projects n.a.



The first six months of 2015 for Wikimedia Nederland were exhilarating, eventful, productive and challenging. Here are some of the most important events:

  • A prestigious Dutch prize, the Erasmus Prize, was awarded to the international Wikipedia community in January. This lead to an unforeseen new line of activities in our work plan and a lot of favourable media attention.
  • We organised the three-day international GLAM-Wiki conference for 145 participants in April. Wikimedia Nederland's policy is that we are willing to organise an international community event once every two years. As one of the larger and more established chapters, we have the infrastructure to do this. We don't want to do it every year because it does inevitably draw resources away from our core work: generating free content and supporting the community. This was also the case this year - but we enjoyed hosting GLAM-Wiki and think the event was a success.
  • Even in spite of all the work required for GLAM-Wiki 2015, there were interesting developments in GLAM and Education: we started translating Wikipedia articles as part of the education programme and worked with Maastricht University, processed several content donations by our partners, welcomed the Rijksmuseum as a new GLAM partner and restarted the partnership with the Tropenmuseum (a museum of world culture and colonial history).  
  • A survey among editors in June provided fascinating and sometimes worrying insights in community health and will be a basis for rethinking our community support activities.
  • Three Board members left and three new ones joined. One staff member left and two joined.

In the following sections, these events are described in detail.

We use color-coding to mark progress:

activity successful: results meeting/exceeding expectations
some problems: delays or disappointing results
activity unsuccessful or abandoned
activity not yet started or no data available as yet

Programme 1: Community and participation


The aim of the programme Community and Participation is to create the best possible conditions for maintaining and improving the quality of the Wikimedia projects by the editor-communities. Wikimedia Nederland does this by

  • giving support to editors through mini-grants, scholarships, covering the costs of subscriptions and literature
  • organising activities that contribute to a constructive working atmosphere: organising real life events, providing training in communication and conflict resolution, and helping new editors find their way into the community

Social Climate


Assessing community health: a survey among the editing community of Dutch language Wikipedia


Community health is key issue of concern for Wikimedia Nederland - and most other chapters. How can a chapter help create and maintain active, effective and sustainable editing communities? This obviously raises the question what the characteristics of a healthy community are. Together with Wikimedia Israel we developed a framework setting out parameters of community health and identifying angles for ways in which a chapter can develop activities to reinforce these parameters.

Our next step was to assess how the Dutch language editing community scored on these parameters. There was some reason for concern: there had been discussions among the editors about working atmosphere, inappropriate (i.e uncivil or hostile) behaviour and concerns about the number of conflicts. And of course, there was the lack of diversity among the editors (in particular the gender gap: according to our most recent survey only 6% of editors were women), the fact that the number of active editors showed a steady decline and concerns about the influx and retention of new editors.

To find out how the editing community assessed the situation themselves we commissioned a survey. For this we contracted external consultants: the Motivaction research group. We decided against designing, running and processing the survey ourselves because:

  • we do not have sufficient expertise in survey-design and processing qualitative data
  • it would take up a considerable amount of staff- and volunteer time which we felt could be better used elsewhere.

A working group of volunteers, staff and board determined the contours of the questionnaire, in particular identifying the issues we wanted to investigate. Experts from Motivaction then turned our draft questions into a reliable survey.

In June 2015, logged-in users saw a site-notice on the Dutch Language Wikipedia with a link to the survey. We had announced the survey a few days before in De Kroeg (the village pump), which resulted in a long and animated discussion with editors being largely in favour of this activity. There were also critical remarks about the costs of the survey and the fact that WMNL (seen by some as an outsider) was undertaking it. In response to a suggestion made during this discussion, we also informed the 250 most active editors via a message on their talk page.

Analysis of NLWP editing community by gender, education, age, and occupation

In total, 451 editors completed the survey which we consider a good result. Of these, 322 were Dutch, 91 Belgian and 39 had other nationalities. Of the respondents, 11% are women, which is considerably better than the 6% female respondents we got when we did a survey 2 years ago. The results of the survey can be found here - a summary of the main findings is listed below. Wikimedia Israel will run a similar survey on Hebrew Wikipedia and Wikimedia Sweden is considering running it on the Swedish language Wikipedia. The forum of chapter EDs provided a useful platform to coordinate this. It will be interesting to compare results.

We published the results of the survey on an NLWP-projectpage, announced it via a mailing list and De Kroeg, and asked the community for their reaction and suggestions for further analysis of the data. At our request, Motivaction had first provided a general overview of the results. They will carry out further analysis on specific topics WMNL and the community find highly relevant. The response of the community was very limited. No more than 15 editors reacted to the results. However, also no-one questioned their validity. Such a silence in unusual and we are not quite sure what to make of it.

Community health check

The survey findings:

New editors: A large majority of editors recognizes the importance of a continuous influx of new editors and feels that new editors are welcome. To ensure that new editors will not drop out, care and guidance of newbies must be improved.

Diversity: Only 11% of the respondents are women. Everyone recognizes, to a greater or lesser extent, the disadvantages of limited diversity among the editors. There is large support for the theory that low participation of women negatively affects the coverage of topics in Wikipedia. The atmosphere on Wikipedia is most often cited as a cause for low participation of women; women mention it much more often as a cause than men.

Work Atmosphere: Opinions are divided about the work atmosphere on the Dutch Wikipedia. However, there are more editors dissatisfied with the atmosphere than satisfied. The atmosphere is most frequently characterized as quarrelsome and distrustful, and quite often also as constructive and aggressive. A large group of editors on the Dutch Wikipedia has on occasion been approached in a manner that is considered inappropriate; a small group admits to having approached others in an inappropriate manner themselves.

Conflicts and Conflict Resolution: The number of conflicts is seen as high by the editors. Two in five editors state that in the past six months they have been involved in a situation that felt like a conflict.There are different opinions on the resolution of the conflicts. There are more editors who indicate that conflicts are only sometimes or (almost) never solved in a good way, than those who say this usually or always happens in a good way. What is also striking is that a fairly large group has no opinion on the number of conflicts and/or solution thereof.

Egos and stubbornness are considered to play a major role in the emergence of conflict. Rules/guidelines and moderation by trained people are often put forward as a solution.

Communication: The dialogue (communication) between editors is fragmented across many channels and occurs in particular via talk pages. The editors rarely communicate with each outside of Wikipedia, either in person or online via social media. Wikimedia mailing lists, blogs, newsletters or notice pages are not frequently read, and attendance of Wikimedia-organized events in the Netherlands or abroad is limited.

Wikimedia Nederland: A large majority of respondents is familiar with Wikimedia Nederland and about a quarter of the respondents is currently also a member. (This is not representative of the overall population of editors - we estimate 10% of active edtiors are members) Generally, the respondents are satisfied with the (kind of) work WMNL does.

The full report (in English) can be found here.

Activities planned for July - December 2015

  • After the summer break, WMNL is going to organise online and i.r.l. discussions on which actions to take based on the outcome of the survey.
  • In particular, we want to reach out to moderators and ArbCom members.
  • Carry out more in depth interviews with active Wikipedians and Wikipedians who have stopped editing recently
  • Providing training in online communication and conflict resolution (depending on discussions with moderators and arbcom members). We already experimented with this in December 2014.

editors involved new editors indiv. involved new images/media articles added/improved bytes
survey editors 452 - 460 - - -
Annual plan target Last year (if applicable) Progress (at end of Q2) Projected (end of year) Comments
At least 200 members will complete survey na 452 editors completed survey target met --
At least 10 active online community members will be interviewed na interviews planned for Q3-4 target will be met --
At least 15 editors, mods or admins take part in a training course 15 took part in one-day seminar activity planned for Q3-4 15 individuals trained --
At least 75% of participants express increased level of skills and confidence -- - - -

Organising real-life events and meetups


Creating opportunities for editors in real life is considered a good way to improve social climate and reduce the chance of conflicts escalating.

  • New years reception

Saturday, January 17th the Institute for Vision and Sound hosted Wikimedia Nederland's annual New Year's reception. The meeting was attended by more than 80 members, donors, Wikipedians and other interested parties.

New Years Reception: guided tour of Sound and Vision building
  • Wikimeet with Jimmy Wales, January 15.

On January 15, the University of Amsterdam organised a seminar on Wikipedia and research with Jimmy Wales as one of the keynote speakers. WMNL held a Wikimeet afterwards so that Wikipedians attending the seminar would have a chance to meet Jimmy - and vice versa. It was attended by 25 people.

Wikimeet with Jimmy Wales - 15 January 2015
  • Wiki-Saturdays

The WMNL office opened on 10 Saturdays. People come to the WMNL office for working group meetings, to talk with staff or Board members or just to 'hang out' with other members of the community. Although in principle there is a Wiki-Saturday every two weeks, they are sometimes cancelled when they coincide with other important WMNL events such as the new years reception or the GLAMWiki conference. In total, there were 68 visitors (34 individuals), five of whom attended a Wiki-Saturday for the first time.

editors involved new editors indiv. involved new images/media articles added/improved bytes
new years reception 60 - 80 - - -
Wiki Meet January 25 - 25 - - -
Wiki Saturdays 34 - 34 - - -
Annual plan target Last year (if applicable) Progress (at end of Q2) Projected (end of year) Comments
Host 20 Wikisaturdays with 150 attendees 22 events, 148 attendees 10 hosted, 68 attendees 23 hosted, 150 attendees --
Convene annual Wikimedia Nederland Conference in November, 150 participants, 40 first time 103 participants Event planned for November 27. -- Preparations in progress. Call for speakers out.
125 editors registered via 'met in real life page' -- 66 editors registered -- Some doubts about the effectiveness of this tool.

Supporting editors and supporting volunteers

  • Scholarships

WMNL provided scholarships to three volunteers from the Netherlands to attend the International Hackathon in Lyon. A further three volunteers have received scholarships to attend Wikimania in Mexico City.

Opinion of WPNL editors on role and performance of Wikimedia Nederland
  • Mediatraining

Seven volunteers took part in a one-day training organized by WMNL on working with the media. They learned about framing messages, dealing with tricky questions and practiced being interviewed on camera. We were particularly happy that two volunteers from our sister chapter Wikimedia Belgie could join us. The result can be judged (for Dutch speakers) by this live interview on national radio given by volunteer Lodewijk, one of the participants in this training.

  • Press-accreditation

We assisted two volunteers in obtaining press-accreditation to take photographs at events and festivals.

  • Small grants programme

We received and accepted several requests for support from the community:

  • purchase of a 360-degrees camera
  • microphones for the voice-intro project
  • organising the Europeana fashion editathon
    participants of the Europeana Fashion editathon organised with support of Wikimedia Nederland

In addition, we reimbursed in-country travel costs for volunteers.

Activities planned for July - December:

  • organise a Wiki-meet in Amsterdam following the official presentation of the Erasmus-prize
  • organise WCN conference on November 28.

editors involved new editors indiv. involved new images/media articles added/improved bytes comments
Hachathon scholarships 3 - 3 - - -
Wikimania scholarships 3 - 3 - - -
Mediatraining 7 - 8 - - -
Pressaccreditation 2 - - 1179 - 530,550
Small grants: equipment 2 - - 81 - 32,400
Small grants: fashion editathon 8 4 12 13
Annual plan target Last year (if applicable) Progress (at end of Q2) Projected (end of year) Comments
Redesign programme of support by April 2015 na Postponed to Q3-4 to make use of results of editor survey Programme redesigned --
Promote community support programme by at least three outreach activities na see comment above Two outreacht activities completed --
20 requests for support received 10 applications Small Grant Programme, 14 applications for scholarships, 1 application support organization Hackathon 6 applications for scholarship, 2 press accreditation, 3 small grants target will be met Number of scholarships considerably lower because of smaller WMNL delegation at Wikimania
at least 4 requests for support for projects other than Wikipedia or Wikimedia Commons na na request received some doubt whether target will be met Communication targeting the smaller sister projects will take place in Q3-4

Supporting the sister projects


One of our aims for 2015 is to increase support for the smaller sister project, meaning other projects than Wikipedia and Wikimedia Commons. Work on this topic is planned for the second half of the year.

Activities planned for July - December:

  • reach out to communities of the smaller sister projects such as WikiSource, WikiSpecies, WikiData etc., to see whether WMNL can provide support.

Programme 2: Content


This programme adds and improves content to the Wikimedia projects. Wikimedia Nederland works towards these objectives via:

  • Increasing active involvement in Wikimedia projects
  • Cooperating with partners from the GLAM and education sectors
  • International cooperation.

Improve content and editor involvement in Wikimedia projects


Thematic priorities: Nature&Wildlife


There now is an active working group of volunteers working around the theme of nature and wildlife, which is becoming increasingly self-supporting. They are reaching out to external partners and are taking initiatives for online and offline activities. The WMNL office is supporting them but is less involved in determining the overall course of 'Project Nature' than a year ago. Apart from the working group, there are a number of editors who contribute to the project online on ad-hoc basis for example when content donations have to be processed. In general, 'Project Nature' is developing as we had hoped when we started the experiment of working on two thematic areas for a longer period of time: it is becoming a self-sustaining programme involving off-line volunteers, the wider editing community and external partners - and it producing output in terms of content.

One of the images donated by Naturalis and uploaded using the Glamwiki toolset
  • On January the 10th the Netherlands Institute of Sound and Vision organised the very first Europeana Sounds edit-a-thon in collaboration with Wikimedia Nederland and Xeno-canto, the online community collecting bird sounds. The edit-a-thon allowed participants to share ornithological knowledge and to upload bird sounds to articles on Wikipedia.
  • A content donation by De Vlinderstichting (Butterfly Foundation) of information on the dragonfly species of the Netherlands was released under a Creative Commons licence and used to improve the Wikipedia articles on these species.
  • The national museum for natural history Naturalis appointed Hans Muller as Wikipedian in Residence. He will work for Naturalis for six months, cooperating closely with the WMNL Project Nature group. So far, Naturalis has donated 1900 historic drawings of species.
  • 250 historical images of birds were donated by the National Library in 2014. An online writing event resulted in 145 of these images used to enhance Wikipedia articles.

Planned activities July - December

  • Cooperation with volunteer organisation IVN and National Park Utrechtse Heuvelrug to inspire volunteers involved with these organisations to start contributing to Wikipedia: editor training and support.
  • Online writing event to commemorate Dutch nature conservation pioneer J.P.Thijsse.
  • Further content donations Naturalis
  • Content donation and activity with Rijksmuseum concerning images of birds from their extensive collection.

editors involved new editors indiv. involved new images/media articles added/improved bytes comments
Content donation Butterfly Foundation 4 - 4 - 44 The Butterfly Foundation donated text rather than images
Editathon Bird Sounds 4 3 10 - 136 72,030,000
Content donation museum Naturalis 2 2 2013 16 285,300,000

Annual plan target Last year (if applicable) Progress (at end of Q2) Projected (end of year) Comments
Four online or offline activities held 6 events 1 editathon, 1 online writing event 5 activities number of activities in 2014 higher because of Wiki Loves Earth
1 Wikipedia editing group set up in volunteer organisation n.a. first steps made to setting up group in IVN 1 group set up --
100 participants in activities 150 40 100 2014 includes participants in WLE photo-competion; most activities planned for Q3-4
150 WP articles improved or created 396 articles improved 154 250 articles --
Content added to WikiSource and Wikimedia Commons 2099 images donated 1902 images added to Commons 3000 images added --
5 new editors still active after six months 1 new editor 3 new editors, too soon to assess retention 5 new editors --

Thematic priorities: World War II


The project World War II is developing in a different way than Project Nature. There is no clear working group of volunteers, and we are not cooperating with volunteer organisations as we are in Project Nature. (We did reach out to several groups of amateur historians, but did not get a positive reaction) Rather, there is a small number of highly active editors who individually work online, processing content donated by partners institutions holding data and knowledge: NIOD Institute for War, Holocaust and Genocide Studies, the Institute for Sound and Vision and the Koninklijke Bibliotheek (National Library)

Radio Oranje broadcast on first allied troups entering Netherlands in 1944

NIOD has now integrated cooperating with and contributing to the Wikimedia projects in their regular workprogramme for 2015. They are starting on a programme World War II on Wikipedia, which will aim to release content of monographs and reference works for the Wikimedia projects, and stimulate its use via editathons and online activities. A meeting was held on April 29 to locate contents in the NIOD archives that are suitable for release on Wikimedia projects. The NIOD expects this program to run until 2016 and to include an editathon. Work is also continuing on a project about the underground press during World War II. This is a cooperation between NIOD, the Koninklijke Bibliotheek (National Library) and a Wikimedia Nederland volunteer. The aim is to improve the number and quality of articles about illegal newspapers on Wikipedia, and then use the Wikipedia-articles (and specifically the info-boxes) to provide extra content to the National Library database holding the digitized versions of the newspapers.

The Institute for Sound and Vision released broadcasts by Radio Oranje, the London based radio station for the occupied Netherlands during the Second World War. The broadcasts - in Dutch, naturally, can be heard here. Up till now 22 broadcasts, or just over 12%, have been added to Wikipedia articles.

Planned activities July - December

  • Online and offline activities around WikiSource donation NIOD
  • We are also negotiation the donation of a large number of aerial photographs of the Netherlands made during the war.
editors involved new editors indiv. involved new images/media articles added/improved bytes
Content Donation Beeld en Geluid 'Radio Oranje' 2 - 2 182 22 14,313,062,400
Underground newspapers 2 - 2 - 51 300,000
Articles on resistance fighters and WW II events 8 - 8 - 348

Annual plan target Last year (if applicable) Progress (at end of Q2) Projected (end of year) Comments
Four online or offline activities held 1 2 off line activities Possibily one editathon; continuation of online activities Example
wikipedia editing group set up in volunteer organisation - - - No longer priority for this activity as no volunteerorganiations engaged
100 participants in activities 15 editors 25 editors contributing 40 editors Activity is focussing very much on core group of productive volunteers
150 WP articles improved or created 1049 articles improved or created 106 articles added and improved as direct result of project; 311 articles on WW II improved in total 150 articles --
Content added to WikiSource and Wikimedia Commons 2095 images uploaded, 1 monography released 182 radio files donated NIOD to release more material to WikiSource --
5 new editors still active after six months na na na mobilising new editors no longer priority for this activity



After a one year break in 2014, the Wiki Loves Monuments working group is getting ready to organise Wiki Loves Monuments in the Netherlands once again this year. There will be special attention for buildings designed by the architect Dudok and a focus on images of architectural ornaments. Although work is progressing, we are beginning to notice a certain lack of volunteer energy around WikiLovesMonuments. The formula has been extremely successful in generating content and has also been an important factor in the development of WMNL, but perhaps it it is running out of steam.

This year, Wiki Loves Monuments wants to obtain more images like these: the Hilversum townhall, designed by architect Dudok
Annual plan target Last year (if applicable) Progress (at end of Q2) Projected (end of year) Comments
4 online or offline activities n.a -- 6 --
700 people involved n.a. -- 700 people uploading images --
150 new articles n.a. -- -- --
3000 images donated n.a. -- 3000 --
5 new editors n.a. -- 5 --

Gender gap


After several failed attempts in the past, there now finally is an active and motivated group of volunteers working on gender gap issues.

Thomas de Keyser - Portrait of a seated lady, uploaded by gendergap volunteer Jane023

The group has drawn up a workplan to structure their work well into 2016. The plan has two main goals:increase the number of articles on women subjects & recruitment of female editors.

The workplan was drawn up before the survey among Wikipedia-editors was held. Several questions in the survey dealt with gender gap and the working group is going to assess how to work with the outcomes: a majority of editors believe that the coverage of topics on Wikipedia is negatively affected by the low number of women, which should provide a good basis for gender gap activities. Also, the working atmosphere on Wikipedia was frequently cited as a reason low participation of women, especially by female editors.

WMNL actively participated in the worldwide Art+Feminism campaign on 7 and 8 March. There were three edit-a-thons (one at Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam, one at Bonnefantenmuseum Maastricht, one at Lloyd Hotel in Amsterdam). On the Dutch Wikipedia, 53 articles on women were added. There were also many Wikidata items added in the case of new articles not previously existing in any other language.

Opinion of NLWP editors on effect of low participation of women in Wikipedia

On March 8 there was an editathon at the editorial offices of Dutch feminist magazine Opzij. The aim there was to write articles about the 1001 historically important women listed in the Vrouwenlexikon (Lexicon of Women). The gendergap taskforce has finalized the projectplan for the Dutch Gendergap project which will guide their work for the rest of the year. The introduction given bij volunteer Hay Kranen was streamed so that people who weren't able to come to Amsterdam could still take part.

Especially this last editathon once again showed how important it is to have experienced Wikipedians on hand when 'newbies' are making their first edits. Of course the veterans provide advice and help solve problems, but they can also deal with negative responses from the community. Although all the articles started during the Opzij-editathon are still on Wikipedia, several were nominated for deletion even during the event.

Positive news:

  • the Wikimedia Nederland board now has two female members
  • 11% of the respondents in the editor survey were women. Two years ago this was just 6%.

Planned activities July - December

  • exploring a more structured cooperation with ATRIA, the institute on gender equality and women's history. We feel that a Wikipedian in Residence could generate a lot of impact in this area and would like to work with ATRIA to generate funds.
  • Introduce Friendly Space Policy in all WMNL activities.
editors involved new editors indiv. involved new images/media articles added/improved bytes
gender gap editathons March 11 16 37 - 174 216,624,000
Annual plan target Last year (if applicable) Progress (at end of Q2) Projected (end of year) Comments
Six online or offline activities na 4 editathons 6 activities -
100 participants na 45 participants 85 participants We are going to increase possibilities for online cooperation
cooperation with two new partnerorganisations na two (ATRIA en OPZIJ) two We will focus on further expanding cooperation with these partners
Gender gap group feels adequately supported by WMNL na - - To be assessed in Q4

GLAM partnerships and Wikipedians in Residence


Wikipedians in Residence


Over 2014, there were six Wikipedians in Residence, working for 18 different institutions. The number of institutions is so large because there were two 'conglomerates' (groups of institutions collaborating): one of six institutions and one of eight. Of the four major institutions (National Library, National Archives, Institute for Sound and Vision, Amsterdam Museum), the first three are still actively contributing to the Wikimedia projects.

  • The National Library is continuously donating content and specifically contributing towards the World War II Project.
  • The National Archives is experimenting with the GLAMWiki toolset which they used to donate content on the history of civil engineering works in the Netherlands. In addition, they contiunuously upload content.
  • The Institute for Sounds and Vision has released content related to nature and World War II.

From the conglomerates, we are actively cooperating with NIOD (World War II), ATRIA (gender gap) and Maastricht University (Education project); their contributions are described in the relevant sections of this report. We are renewing or restarting cooperation with Rijksmuseum and Tropenmuseum. This once again shows how effective a residency can be.

Our aim for this year is to establish two new residencies. Hans Muller started as Wikipedian in Residence at the Museum Naturalis on May 1. We are now exploring possibilities with ATRIA and the conservation NGO VOFF. An exciting new possibility could be the regional Wikipedian in Residence. A group of organisations working on cultural and industrial heritage in the province of Gelderland are very interested!

Activities planned for July - December 2015

  • Content donation National Library of three historical atlasses
  • Content donation Tropenmuseum
  • Facilitate appointment of at least one more Wikipedian in Residence

editors involved new editors indiv. involved new images/media articles added/improved bytes
Content donations National Archive general 2 - 2 238 - -
Content donation National Archive civil engineering works 2 - 2 523 49 5,230,000
Content donation Royal Library (Koninklijke Bibliotheek) 2 - 2 614 - 4,912,000

Annual plan target Last year (if applicable) Progress (at end of Q2) Projected (end of year) Comments
all institutions in 2014 WiR programme continue contributing to Wikimedia projects n.a. 7 out of 18 have contributed unsure --
set up and support network of contact persons at former WiR-host institutions n.a Example planned for Q3 --
organise four meetings of WiRs and contact persons n.a. - 3 meetings planned for Q3 and 4Example --
2 new WiR's appointed in 2015 n.a WiR appointed at Naturalis 1 more appointment Discussions in progress with three potential host institutions

Wikipedia Collections: Wikipedia-touch screen information for museums

Wikipedia Collections internet kiosk at the Textile Museum

WMNL developed an app called Wikipedia Collections that makes it easy for museums to provide extra information for their visitors. Via a tablet, visitors can access a number of pre-selected relevant Wikipedia articles - in different languages. The app is designed to present the Wikipedia articles in an attractive way, with a lot of attention for images. The app is integrated in an internet kiosk which clearly indicated that this information originates from Wikipedia. Two of these kiosks are now being tried out in museums in the Netherlands: the Catharijne Convent Museum for religious art in Utrecht and the Textile Museum in Tilburg. All code of the project was made available under an open source license at WMNL's Github account.

Statistics about the first four months of the Wikipedia Collections test trail:

  • Over 3.000 articles were read
  • Over 500 unique visitors used the kiosk
  • The average visitor used the kiosk for almost 7 minutes
  • 84% of visitors read the Dutch articles, 11% read the English version, and 5% read other languages such as German, Spanish and French.
  • The most popular article in the Catharijneconvent was "Christ on the cold stone" (one of the stations of the cross), in the Textile Museum the top article was about wool.

Planned activities July - December 2015

  • Evaluate pilots, share results and code with community
  • Explore relevance of app for museums on very low budgets (at suggestion of TropenMuseum)

    Christ on the cold stone. Image donated by the Catharijne Convent museum of religious art and popular with users of Wikipedia Collections
editors involved new editors indiv. involved new images/media articles added/improved bytes
Wikipedia Collections 2 n.a 500 n.a. n.a n.a

Catharijne Convent Museum for religious art donates high resolution images


On 24 February, more than 2,500 high-resolution photos of the artifacts from the permanent collection of the Museum Catharijneconvent were added to Wikimedia Commons with metadata being added to Wikidata. On March 12, an editathon took place to promote the use the images on Wikipedia. This event was covered by a local newspaper.

Editathon on religious art in Catharijneconvent

editors involved new editors indiv. involved new images/media articles added/improved bytes
content donation 2 - - 2636 50 41,460,695,040
editathon 2 11 16 - 165 43,370,000

Textile project


Partly as a result of the development of the Wikipedia in the Museum app, and partly as a result of the work of the gendergap working group, a new project is emerging focussing on textiles. A group of representatives from Dutch cultural institutions, with support from WMNL, has initiated a project to improve Wikipedia articles about textiles, primarily on Dutch Wikipedia. It appears that articles about basic textile techniques (weaving methods, types of fabrics, materials used for the production of textiles) still need a lot of improvement. WMNL volunteer Hay Kranen gave a workshop on (editing) Wikipedia at the Textile Museum in Tilburg. Other partners involved will be the the Catharijne Convent Museum of Religious Art, the Amsterdam University Museum and the Tropenmuseum (Museum of world cultures and colonial history). More information in the project page on Dutch Wikipedia.

Planned activities July - December 2015:

  • Creation of a structured wishlist and action list of articles to be written and improved, starting from Dutch terminology, based on established sources in the field of textile terminology and history.
  • Guidelines for minimal information to be included in basic articles about textiles.
  • Image donations, especially of close-up images of textile types and techniques which are still missing on Wikimedia Commons. These images will be sourced from Dutch cultural institutions that hold textile collections.

editors involved new editors indiv. involved new images/media articles added/improved bytes
Textile project (in development) 5 n.a 12 n.a. n.a n.a

Working with (public) libraries


The Royal Library, WMNL, and several public libraries are discussing a pilot project on Wikipedia in the Library; a project very similar to the succesful Catalonia’s Network of Public Libraries. We reached out to Amical to discuss their experiences and we hope to incorporate those in our project in the future. The project also builds on, and will likely expand, the scope of the already-running Wiki Loves Eemland library project. The challenge remains to find a mode of cooperation that is beneficial to the Wikimedia projects and the public libraries. We have found that some of the ambitions may not go down well with the editing community, such as adding direct links from Wikipedia articles to books in the central catalogue. Because of copyright issues content donations by public libraries are not very likely. We think that cooperation with public libraries may be most productive if a third party is involved, for example a local history group. This group has knowledgeable volunteers who could add content to Wikipedia, and the library has reference works and staff with knowledge of their collection. We will explore this area of work a few more months, but before July 2016 we will make a go- no go decision whether or not to continue investing resources.

As a direct result of GLAM Wiki 2015 we are also investigating whether the Wikipedia Library could set up a branch in the Netherlands. We are very motivated to work on this idea, but we are not yet sure whether it would meet a clear need of the editing community in the Netherlands. In the second half of this year, we are going to explore this further.

WikiPortret: making it easier to upload portraitimages for Wikipedia articles

Portrait of singer Marianne Cornet, made available under open license and uploaded by her record company using the WikiPortret tool

WMNL volunteers upgraded and improved the WikiPortret wizard, which makes it even more easy to upload a portrait photographs to illustrate biographies on Wikipedia. In the second half of 2015 we will share this tool with the the wider community, also providing a translation. The tool has been available since 2008 - since then already 2566 images have been uploaded. Of these, 86% are in use. This year, sofar 165 portraits have been added. We are also seeing that professional quality images are uploaded via WikiPortret by p.r.firms and record companies who want to have good portraits of their clients on Wikipedia.

To give some impression of user numbers: in June 46.975 people found the renewed site.

editors involved new editors indiv. involved new images/media articles added/improved bytes
Wikiportret 3 - - 165 162 48,600

Increase content donations by GLAM-partners to WikiSource


Work on this topic is planned for the second half of the year. Our partner NIOD wants to upload documents related to World War II to WikiSource, and we have also been approached by Statistics Netherlands, the central statistics office, who have decided to make content available via WikiSource.

Annual plan target Last year (if applicable) Progress (at end of Q2) Projected (end of year) Comments
25 documents of major importance uploaded to WikiSource in Q3-4 2015 1 - 15 documents NIOD and Central Statistics Office planning to upload material to WikiSource
cooperation with volunteer project digitizing historic documents adds content to WikiSource by Q4 n.a. - - Activity planned for Q3-4

Exploring new GLAM - partnerships

  • On 23 April, a meeting was held with the collection department of Rijksmuseum Amsterdam,
    New partner: Rijksmuseum
    to discuss possible collaboration projects. After internal discussion, the Museum has decided to proceed with the cooperation focussing on content and data donations. A possible first contribution will be the donation of drawings and prints of wildlife. We are considering an event where volunteers from the nature organisation with who we cooperate will help identify the wildlife depicted. The images and their metadata will then be uploaded to Commons and Wikidata.
  • The Tropenmuseum, a long-time partner of the Wikimedia movement,
    Renewed partnership: Tropenmuseum
    has merged with two other Dutch museums that deal with global cultures (Museum Volkenkunde and Afrika Museum). As the new Nationaal Museum van Wereldculturen (National Museum of World Cultures), the three institutions are interested to continue working with Wikimedia projects. Tropenmuseum is already preparing a content donation and will very likely also participate in the Textile project.

Working with expert institutes: who decides what is a good Wikipedia article

Over the past years, Wikimedia Nederland has been cooperating with many different partners. Very often, the staff working at these institutes are leading (inter)national experts in their field. They see the huge numbers of people turning to Wikipedia every day to find answers to questions. Obviously, being dedicated professionals they are keen that the information about 'their' topic on Wikipedia is correct. But editing Wikipedia can be a painful experience for professionals. Texts they have painstakingly written for the encyclopedia can be altered and amended by anonymous editors, often with little or no explanation. Several times, we have heard staff of partner institutes say "The article on topic x, y, z is not good. I am willing to spend a lot of my time rewriting it, but then I want that article to be protected so that it can't be changed anymore." We have also seen acrimonious discussions between staff of GLAM-partners and the editing community about what does or does not constitute a good Wikipedia-article. In one case, this went so far that it jeopardised the entire GLAM-partnership and required some diplomacy and mediation by Wikimedia Nederland to calm things down.

When discussing partnerships with expert-institutes we now stress that it is not a good idea to start with a focus on getting staff to edit. We also explain that Wikipedia is not primarily an organisation, or a website. It is first and foremost a community, with its own rules and traditions, and its own idiosyncracies. Working with Wikipedia means working with a living community. Content and data-donations are safe way to begin to establish a relationship with the community. Giving editors access to libraries and databases and hosting editathons are appreciated too.

And for those experts who do want to write but hate to see their texts altered, we suggest providing expert texts on their own website under an open licence. That way the original text is preserved, but the content can be used by Wikipedians.



In our education programme we are following two lines: a internship programme with the College for Translators and Interpretors, and a more traditional education programme where groups of students edit as part of their curriculum.

ITV (a college for interpreters and translators) is now offering translation from French, German, Spanish, Italian, English and Russian Wikipedias to Dutch as an internship option for their students are available to translate articles. In January, we posted a call for translation requests on NL-Wikipedia and got a very positive response from the community. On 1 May, Arjen Lock and Eveline Poser started as translation trainees, for Russian and German respectively. They are only translating articles suggested by Dutch Wikipedians. Arjen and Eveline will not post their translations on Wikipedia themselves. The Wikipedian who requested the translation remains responsible for processing the translation. More information, and the first translated articles are available on the projectpage. Because of the positive response from the community to the translation programme, we will explore whether we can develop similar partnerships with e.g. colleges training musicians or photographers. This would mean that our education programme would focus on students acquiring professional skills as well as on academic knowledge.

At Maastricht University (NL), a bachelor research course titled On Expedition was organized from February till June 2015. During the course, students were assigned to read and analyze a travel report from the collection of the Maastricht Jesuit Library. In addition, they were invited to contribute some of their acquired knowledge to Wikipedia and, if relevant, donate digitized illustrations from the books to Wikimedia Commons. The course was attended by international students, which resulted in articles on the Dutch, French, English and German Wikipedia.

Planned actvitities July - December

  • The translation internship programme will continue and we hope to add other languages.
  • We are planning a programme with the University of Utrecht for the autumn-semester.
  • Explore partnerships with e.g. colleges training musicians or photographers.

editors involved new editors indiv. involved new images/media articles added/improved bytes
Maastricht University 4 9 13 46 1,367,700.000
Translation Internship 6 2 10 3 578,960,000
Annual plan target Last year (if applicable) Progress (at end of Q2) Projected (end of year) Comments
2 pilot projects in cooperation with institutes for higher education completed before September n.a 2 projects completed 1 more project planned --
40 students take part, each making at least 5 edits n.a. 15 students/400 edits 35 students --
35 articles added or improved n.a. 49 60 --

International Cooperation


EU Advocacy Group and Freedom of Panorama


Wikimedia Nederland, like most other chapters based in EU Member States, is involved in and support the work of the Brussels based Free Knowledge Advocacy Group. In March, the work of this group was presented on the Wikimedia-blog. Wikimedia Nederland is also one of the nine chapters financially contributing to this programme. In addition, Wikimedia Nederland took over administrative support of 'our man in Brussels' Dimitar Dimitrov, who had previously been under contract with Wikimedia Deutschland.

A group of WMNL volunteers interested in copy-right law is monitoring developments in EU legislation and provides input from the Dutch context. In June, unexpected developments in the European Parliament resulted in a proposal which could seriously have limited Freedom of Panorama in a number of EU countries, including the Netherlands. At the request and with the support of the Free Knowledge Advocacy Group, Wikimedia chapters sprang into action to create publicity in their countries and lobby 'their' members of the European parliament. WMNL has been active in creating awareness of the proposed harmonisation of copyright throughout the EU, and in particular of the proposed changes in regulations on the so-called “freedom of panorama” (blogpost, press release, together with Kennisland). A letter urging Dutch MEPs to take action on this matter has also been sent. An overview of publicity on this matter can be found here.

Facilitate involvement of members of Dutch Wikimedia community in international events


Wikimedia Nederland was represented at the international Hackathon, the Wikimedia Conference in Berlin and Wikimania. Board and staff are also in frequent contact with the newly established Belgian chapter. Where possible, we work together.

Annual plan target Last year (if applicable) Progress (at end of Q2) Projected (end of year) Comments
7 people take part in Wikimania 17 3 volunteers, 2 board, 2 staff - Because of travelcosts to Mexico delegation much smaller than in London
WMNL delegation attends Wikimedia Conference 2015 3 people Chair, Boardmember and ED - -
Participate in and support work of EU Free Knowledge Advocacy Group - financial and administrative support continues WMNL 'hosts' D. Dimitrov
Develop two activities in partnership with WMBE - 2 - WMBE participated in media training and stakeholder survey
Contribute to at least 2 international activities concerning nature, monuments, World War II or Gender gap - 1 2 WMNL participated in Art&Feminism programme. Participation in WikiLovesMonument planned.

editors involved new editors indiv. involved new images/media articles added/improved bytes
international activities 20 n.a 30 n.a. n.a. na.

2015 glamwiki group photo
Lily Knibbeler,acting director of the National Library opening GLAM-WIKI 2015
Coffee break!
Behind the scenes at the National Archives
Plenary session

GLAM Wiki 2015 conference


On 10, 11, + 12 April, 145 participants from 32 countries came to The Hague for the GLAMWIKI 2015 conference. The National Library and the National Archives provided the venue for this event. Aim: to exchange ideas and experiences, give and get inspiration and send out the message that cooperation between GLAMs and Wikimedia is important. The atmosphere was lively and creative: already during the conference new ideas were born.

We are happy with attendance of the conference, with the degree of participation of all participants and their diversity. We had 147 participants - from 32 countries and six continents. 40% were women. The success above can largely be attributed to the skills and attentiveness of the programme committee. This consisted of representatives from all over the world, with a majority of women. The programme committee was consciously keen to host presenters who were as diverse as possible, both from a global and a gender perspective.

The conference’s partners were very active and supportive. Our hosts (National Library and National Archives) were extremely hospitable and enthusiastic. Europeana went to great lengths to promote the conference among its large network and has used the conference as a catalyst for fine-tuning its strategy in collaboration with the Wikimedia movement.

The preparation time for the conference was very short because final approval of the budget was much later than expected (Late January). Therefore the programme committee had to be pragmatic in building the programme and the process was as interactive and participatory as originally hoped. Also, the timespan to arrange visas was very short and we ended up having two attendees who did not manage to get a visa in time. There was not a group of dedicated local volunteers behind the initiation and organisation of the conference. The volunteer programme committee functioned well, but mainly worked online because the team was extremely international. GLAM-WIKI 2015 was mainly initiated and organized by the WMNL office. This was unlike the experience we had when organising the International Hackathon in 2013, when a group of Netherlands based volunteers was extremely active.

We enjoyed organising GLAMWIKI and are happy with the way it went. It did, however, take up a lot of our resources in the first half of 2015. That is one of the reasons why Wikimedia Nederland decided two years ago (after hosting the international Hackathon in 2013) that we would only organise a big international event once every two years.

The videos of all the presentations are now available and several presentations are on Commons.

NB: GLAM Wiki 2015 was funded through PEG, and was not included in the Wikimedia Nederland APG. We have now submitted our grant report which contains full details. The text above is a summary of this report.

editors involved new editors indiv. involved new images/media articles added/improved bytes
GLAM Wiki 2015 65 n.a 157 n.a. n.a n.a

Annual plan target Last year (if applicable) Progress (at end of Q2) Projected (end of year) Comments
GLAM Wiki 2015 will be successfully organised in April 2015 n.a. achieved n.a See Grant report

Explore the role of WMNL in software development


This activity was included in the Wikimedia Nederland workplan as a result of a discussion started by Erik Moeller about the role chapters could play in movement software development. Since then, a lot has changed at WMF related to engineering and community support. We have delayed action on this topic until things were more clear. However, the community is active in software issues: the development of the Wikipedia in the Museum app and WikiPortrait were already mentioned.

Annual plan target Last year (if applicable) Progress (at end of Q2) Projected (end of year) Comments
at least one community event concerning software development will be organised or supported by WMNL na - na -
decision reached about the feasibility of WMNL involvement in software development before development of 2016 workplan na - na -

Programme 3: Communication


Programme 3 aims to increase understanding of - and appreciation for - the mission and activities of the Wikimedia movement and Wikimedia Nederland with important stakeholders. These include the editing community (although these are obviously also targeted in programme 1), the WMNL membership, (potential) cooperation partners, donors and the general public.

Survey among general public


Simultaneously to the survey among editors, Motivaction carried out a survey among a representative sample of the Dutch population to assess their awareness of and appreciation for Wikipedia. The results could be compared with a similar survey done two years ago:

What do people in the Netherlands know about Wikipedia?
What do people think about Wikipedia

Awareness and use of Wikipedia are high, as is satisfaction.

  • Awareness and the number of users of Wikipedia have increased significantly in recent years (2013-2015). Four in five Dutch people now know about, and use, Wikipedia.
  • Levels of use of Wikipedia have not increased. It is possible that new users use Wikipedia less intensively.
  • More than one tenth of Dutch people said they had installed the Wikipedia app. That is a very high number.
  • In general terms, a large majority thought the articles were very readable and easy to use. The number of people who thought this was slightly down on 2013.

Awareness of matters relating to Wikipedia is falling

  • These are matters such as: the fact that everybody can post and edit articles, that all text and photos are freely available and that Wikipedia does not have any profit motive.
  • This may also be linked to the arrival of new users who, for the time being, may be less well-informed.

Slight increase in willingness to contribute

  • There was a slight increase in the willingness to contribute between 2013 and 2015. The main reasons people would not wish to write or edit an article continue to be that people are not interested and/or would not know what to write about.

The full report can be found here. We are going the use the results to determine our future communication programme.

Open education week


During the Open Education Week organised by Amsterdam University in March, Wikimedia Nederland volunteers were present to explain Wikipedia to university staff and students.

Erasmus Prize awarded to Wikipedia community


On 15 January (the 14th birthday of Wikipedia) the Erasmus Prize Foundation announced during a seminar in Amsterdam that Wikipedia will receive the Erasmus Prize 2015. The prize is awarded annually to a person or institution that has made an exceptional contribution to culture, society or social science. The announcement that Wikipedia was going to receive the Erasmusprize got a lot of attention from the Dutch press, many of whom contacted WMNL.

Jimmy Wales being congratulated by the Director of Erasmus Prize Foundation

Although the prize is awarded to the international community and formal issues are decided by WMF, the Erasmusprize Foundation is mainly working with Wikimedia Nederland in the logistical preparation for the ceremony in November. The Foundation would like to have a sizeable contingent of Wikipedians present in the Royal Palace on November 25 when the prize is presented by the Dutch King Willem Alexander. On their behalf, we are liaising with the community to compile a guestlist. Wikimedia Nederland hopes that this prestigious award will open doors for new partnerships and encourage more people to become involved in the Wikimediaprojects. We are planning a program of activities throughout the year. We have asked the community to suggest ‘gifts of content’ which GLAM partners could give to Wikipedia in celebration of the Erasmusprize. One of the options we are exploring is a concert where the music would be recorded and donated to Commons.

Media attention


Media attention for Wikimedia peeked in January when it was announced that Wikipedia had been awarded the Erasmus prize. Two of our volunteers appeared alongside Jimmy Wales in a very popular late-night talk show, there were several interviews on national radio, and dozens of national and local media (print an digital) used our press release. A full overview of media-coverage can be found here Other highlights were an in-depth article about women and Wikipedia in leading feminist magazine Opzij, and an article in a national newspaper about page-patrol featuring an interview with volunteers Edo and Sjoerd. Publicity peeked again in June, when an unplanned, EU-wide lobby campaign started to oppose a limitation of freedom of panorama.

Newsletters, social media and reporting


We published six newsletters, three reports on Meta and our annual report. Our number of followers on Facebook increased by 97 (=+14%) and on Twitter by 383 (+23%). The Newsletter got 43 new subscribers (+5%) and there were 19.154 visitors to the website.

Annual plan target Last year (if applicable) Progress (at end of Q2) Projected (end of year) Comments
At least 100 WMNL members, 400 members of the editing community and a representative sample of the general public will have taken part in the survey n.a. 452 editors, including 103 WMNL members, and a sample of 530 individuals n.a
A working group of staff, board members and community members will draft a communication strategy (incorparating the outcome of the survey) which will act as a framework for all WMNL communication n.a. strategy completed by December will start in September
The number of our followers on Facebook and Twitter, visitors to the website, and people subscribing to our newsletter will increase by 25%
In November 2015, we will organise an event to present the 2016 annual plan and the 2016-2018 strategy to WMNL’s external partners, which will be attended by 75% of all invitees. n.a.
At least five members of the Dutch Wikimedia community will complete a media-training by October 2015 n.a. 7 individuals trained n.a. we are considering a follow up training
On at least five occasions throughout the year, proactive contact from WMNL to the media will result in positive media coverage n.a. 3 5 especially positive media response to announcements concerning Erasmusprize and Freedom of Panorama. More attention expected in November
The number of individual donors from the Netherlands responding to the banner-fundraising campaign, and the total amount raised, will increase by 10% Impossible to assess progress even for 2014 fundraising campaign as WMF will not release data
editors involved new editors indiv. involved new images/media articles added/improved bytes
Communication n.a. n.a. between 3000 (those addressed 'by name') and 800.000 (the viewers of RTL Late Night) n.a. n.a. n.a

Revenues received during this six-month period


Please use the exchange rate in your APG proposal.

Table 2 Please report all spending in the currency of your grant unless US$ is requested.

  • Please also include any in-kind contributions or resources that you have received in this revenues table. This might include donated office space, services, prizes, food, etc. If you are to provide a monetary equivalent (e.g. $500 for food from Organization X for service Y), please include it in this table. Otherwise, please highlight the contribution, as well as the name of the partner, in the notes section.
Revenue source Currency Anticipated Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Cumulative Anticipated ($US)* Cumulative ($US)* Explanation of variances from plan
DONATIONS Euro 4,500 2,651 12,999 15,650 5,909 20,549 A donation of € 12,000 was received in Q2
CONTRIBUTIONS Euro 4,500 2,556 723 3,279 5,909 4,305
FUNDING Euro 110,000 0 0 0 144,430 0
WMF GRANT Euro 304,000 177,333 0 177,333 399,154 232,840
TOTAL REVENUE Euro 423,000 182,540 13,722 196,262 555,402 257,694

* Provide estimates in US Dollars

Spending during this six-month period


Please use the exchange rate in your APG proposal.

Table 3 Please report all spending in the currency of your grant unless US$ is requested.

(The "budgeted" amount is the total planned for the year as submitted in your proposal form or your revised plan, and the "cumulative" column refers to the total spent to date this year. The "percentage spent to date" is the ratio of the cumulative amount spent over the budgeted amount.)
Expense Currency Budgeted Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Cumulative Budgeted ($US)* Cumulative ($US)* Percentage spent to date Explanation of variances from plan
COMMUNICATION & PARTICIPATION euro 61,000 2,342 4,349 6,691 80,093 8,785 10.97 Big events such as the Wikimedia Nederland Conference and a training in online communication will take place in Q3/Q4
CONTENT euro 42,500 15,220 23,097 38,317 55,802 50,310 90.16 major expenditure such as Wikipedia in the Museum development took place in Q1-Q3
COMMUNICATION euro 23,500 3,546 11,946 15,492 30,856 20,341 65.92 Payment in advance for the Communication Programm
TOTAL PROGRAM COSTS euro 127,000 21,108 39,392 60,500 166,752 79,437 47.64
STAFF SALARY COSTS INCLUDING TRAVEL euro 201,094 67,272 57,197 124,469 264,038 163,429 61.90 One-off costs, two interns, temporary employee
OPERATIONS euro 81,900 15,361 19,437 34,798 107,535 45,690 35.35
TOTAL ADMINSTRATIVE AND OTHER NON PROGRAM COSTS euro 282,994 82,633 76,634 159,267 371,573 209,119 56.28
TOTAL COSTS euro 409,994 103,741 116,026 219,767 538,325 288,556 53.60 N/A

* Provide estimates in US Dollars



Is your organization compliant with the terms outlined in the grant agreement?


As required in the grant agreement, please report any deviations from your grant proposal here. Note that, among other things, any changes must be consistent with our WMF mission, must be for charitable purposes as defined in the grant agreement, and must otherwise comply with the grant agreement.

Are you in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations as outlined in the grant agreement? Yes

Are you in compliance with provisions of the United States Internal Revenue Code (“Code”), and with relevant tax laws and regulations restricting the use of the Grant funds as outlined in the grant agreement? Yes


Once complete, please sign below with the usual four tildes.

Sandra Rientjes - Wikimedia Nederland (talk) 13:01, 30 July 2015 (UTC)



Resources to plan for measurement


Resources for storytelling
