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Grants:PEG/Alhen/Wiki Loves Monuments in Bolivia

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This submission to the Project and Event Grants Program was funded in the fiscal year 2013-14. This is a grant to an individual.

IMPORTANT: Please do not make changes to this page without the explicit approval of Project and Event Grants Program staff. They will be reverted.

This grantee has requested a change to the project start or completion date submitted here, and this change has been approved by WMF and is now reflected on this submission page. Please see the discussion page for details, including reporting requirements that may have changed as a result of this change.

Basic information


Project details

Official project name
Wiki Loves Monuments in Bolivia
Project start date (include month, day, and year)
17 August 2013
Project completion date (include month, day, and year)
30 November 2013 14 March 2014 24 March 2014 15 April 2014 23 April 2014
Please describe the project in 1–2 sentences
Wiki Loves Monuments 2013 - Bolivia | To get users to photograph patrimonial objects (buildings and sculptures) and thus, register Bolivian architectural and cultural heritage in pictures. Users will upload them free-licensed to Wikimedia Commons,

Financial details

Currency requested
Amount requested in currency requested
$ 3044 $2414
Equivalent amount in US$ on the date of this submission
$ 3044 $2414
List the exchange rate used to calculate the amount listed in US$
6.96-6.86 (Exchange rate is steady and doesn't change in time. It's provided for reference, since we're making the request in dollars.

Project lead details


See the eligibility requirements for more information.

Are you an organization, an individual, or an individual submitting on behalf of a group?
Project lead name
Erlan Vega (User:Alhen)
Project lead username or email
Project lead title (position), if any
WLM Coordinator at Wikimedia Bolivia Working Group

Goals and measures of success


Project goal


Please briefly describe what will be accomplished if the project is successful.

Project goal
Main goal: get people to photograph monuments and share them under a free license on Wikimedia Commons.
Secondary goal: Get cultural and heritage related institutions to work along together to reach people and raise attention over cultural heritage.

Measures of success


Please provide a list of measurable criteria that will be used determine how successful the project is. You will need to report on the success of the project according to these measures after the project is completed.

Measures of success
Success of this project should be measure through following subjects:
  • Number of participants (50+ participants)
  • Number of images collected (1000+ files) Internet penetration in Bolivia is the lowest in region(15%), it will be great if we reach this number.
  • Inclusion in the media (10+ mentions)
  • Inclusion of 5 institutions related to cultural heritage to help spread the word about the contest.

Project scope and activities


This section describes what will happen if this project is funded. Who will do what, and when?

List of activities:

  • Contacting public institutions in order to obtain updated list of monuments and to invite them to get involved in WLM.
  • Updating of the Wikipedia lists for each region of the country.
  • Writing announcements for media(TV, newspapers, etc.). For this activity, there is a journalist who is part of the coordination group for WLM.
  • Spread videos about free licenses related to the contest(cc-by-sa 3.0).
  • Leading the campaign on social networks.
  • Design and distribute the promotional material.
  • Organization of four online and offline events to help contestants upload pictures to Wikimedia Commons.
  • Launch of the contest.
  • Organization of the award ceremony.
  • Organization of exhibitions in at least two cities.
  • Write a final report of the whole activity.

Budget and resources


Please provide a detailed breakdown of project expenses according to the instructions here.

Grantees are subject to line-item scrutiny of expenses. Changes to the approved budget beyond 10% in any category must be approved in advance.

Project budget table
Number Category Item description Unit Number of units Cost per unit Total cost Currency Notes
1 Posters, rollers, fliers, banners 1 poster
1 flier
1 roller
1 banner
1 1000
1 roller
1 banner
725 $ The price corresponds only to the printing of the material. The design is being donated by one of our sponsors.
2 Courier 100 $ To send printing materials to different departments to partnered institutions by bus or plane.
3 Miscelaneous - logistics press conference and general coordination water, transportation, phone calls, bus, etc •• 200 $ all small expenses related to general coordination throughout three months. It may vary, but it shouldn't go over this figure. Should that happened, it will be covered by the team.
4 Prizes 1st prize
2nd prize
3rd prize
4th prize
5th prize
684 $ Prizes being gadgets
5 Photo printing and framing 90x60cm pictures framed with trupan according to IrpaLuraña, local printing company.Making 20 63 630 $ 10 pictures from the local contest(We might do 5 and 5, haven't talked about it yet)
6 Awards Wikipedia Stickers, a thank you letter, a printed page with 10 first pictures 3 stickers, letter, printed page of the winners for this year 50 1.5 75 $ We want to give volunteers a thank you letter. They feel encouraged to participate next year if their work is recognized. What's more, they'll want to contribute to Wikipedia. We'll keep an eye on the volunteers we gathered to see if this strategy is successful.
Total cost of project

$ 3.104

Total amount requested from the WMF Grants Program

$ 2.414

Additional sources of revenue that may fund part of this project, and amounts funded
  • We may receive help for advertizing the contest and it will be reflected on our final report
  • Design for posters and reduced price for printing is being provided by an sponsor
  • Books are being donated by another sponsor as prices.
  • Logistics for the photo exhibit are being donated by another sponsor

Non-financial requirements


See a description of nonfinancial assistance available. Please inform Wikimedia Foundation (WMF) of any requirements for non- assistance now.

Requests for non-financial assistance
We have contacted trademark at wikimedia dot org to request the use of Wikimedia marks on our banners.
We would love for the WMF's blog to help us with a post to get more formal institutions.
We will be thankful if this grant is solved in a timely manner, since WLM is around the corner. I apologize for now submitting it before, but many weren't clear like the prices for framing and the size of project itself.



This section is optional. It may be used to highlight the potential grantee's potential for successfully executing this project.

Consider including the following information:

  • List of team members (names or usernames): jduranboger, Caleidoscopic, Alegonfierita, E-liana, Geryescalier, Seudodata, Vladimir138, Cristina Loma, Julitatwa
  • Onwiki evidence of community support (such as a project about this discussion): We belong to the Wikimedia Bolivia Working Group, but main coordination is done on Google Docs(viewable under request)
  • Endorsements from community members or movement groups:
  • Special skills or qualifications this potential grantee or project lead brings to this project: I'm a wikipedian since 2005 and have progressively advanced towards the constitution of Wikimedia Bolivia in my country. What's more, organizing such a big and interesting contest is getting a lot of volunteers interested solely on contributing with images and also contacting instituions with shared goals. I also have participated as a jury in the last WLM for Argentina and learned about the ways the contest works. As an extra plus, Iberocoop has provided with the logistics to implement the project easily both on wiki and on real life. Experiences like that of Panama, Spain, Colombia, Argentina, Chile, explained in Iberoconf 2012 have been the boost I needed to lead the organization of WLM in Bolivia this year.
  • Evidence of past success in executing similar projects: This is the first time Bolvia is organizing a WLM contest and our second time organizing a nation wide contest, the first one was Arandu, a writing contest.
  • We have an agreement with a graphic design company to get the posters, fliers.
  • Website will be designed and mantained by volunteers as well.
  • We also have an agreement with the Departament of Architectural Science of UMSS(San Simon University in Cochabamba). We made a public announcement about the contest in an international event they had days ago.
  • As an extension, we have 90% secured and agreement with the Colegio Nacional de Arquitectos(Bar association of architects in Bolivia) to spread news about the contest to bar associations in all nine departments in Bolivia.
  • CERES, an institution related to Social Science investigation in Bolivia, has provided 30 books as prizes for the contest.
  • We also reached out for photography related groups on facebook that are also active off-Facebook to get the logistics for the photo displays. "La Paz en fotografía" has already made a call for volunteers for to help organize the project.
Total cost of project

$ 3.104(including design, website, and venue for the exhibit)

Total amount requested from the WMF Grants Program

$ 2.414

Additional sources of revenue that may fund part of this project, and amounts funded
  • We may receive help for advertizing the contest and it will be reflected on our final report
  • Design for posters and reduced price for printing is being provided by an sponsor
  • Books are being donated by another sponsor as prices.
  • Logistics for the photo exhibit are being donated by another sponsor



In the sections below, please describe how the project is related to the Wikimedia mission and Wikimedia's strategic priorities.

Fit to strategy

How will this project support the key organizational objectives of
  • increasing reach (more people will access or contribute to Wikipedia or our other projects),

More people will become aware that they can actually edit Wikipedia to make it better and that they can use the pictures they take to illustrate Wikipedia articles, even if not all of them get to participate.

  • participation (more people actually contributing),

We have two ways of making people participate more. One, by getting volunteers to organize the contest with us, and to get more pictures included by participants. At the same time, Bolivian articles will benefit of the addition of quality pictures to illustrate them.

  • quality (more content, more useful content, or higher-quality content),

We're reaching out to photo groups and associations to get them to contribute to Wikipedia. We're also trying to include all the major cities to make the contest more diverse.

  • credibility (more trust in our projects),

By being part of a world wide event, people believe in our project, even without having being legally stablished. The success of this project will set the pace and will help us reach more formal institutions to get involved with projects related to Wikipedia and Commons.

  • organizational maturity and effectiveness (how it will move you or the Wikimedia community forward),

We have grown more as a community and have strenghtened ties among the core of the Wikimedia Bolivia working group. We believe also that we can get more Bolivian people to collaborate on Wikipedia, but to also be part of the community on Wikimedia Bolivia.

This statement should address at least one of the strategic priorities listed here specifically. See WMF Grants Program criteria for decisionmaking.
The project will provide a large amount of previously unavailable pictures about Bolivian monuments and cultural heritage. Also, it will raise awareness about intelectual rights on Wikipedia and Commons and how these tools should be used.


If the project will benefit a specific online community, please tell us.
We secured an agreement with La Paz en Fotografía, a facebook group(10k participants and active group), to get more people that amateur photographers or maybe professional ones, to make a significant collaboration to the reduced amount of pictures available on Commons about Bolivia. This way, they will also get more exposure of their work and will hopefully get engaged with Commons as a project.
Please provide a brief statement about how the project is related to other work in the Wikimedia movement. For example, does the project fit into a work area such as GLAM, education, organizational development, editor retention, or outreach?
We have already partnered with San Francisco Museum, in La Paz, for a GLAM program. We intend to reinforce that partnership by organizing the exhibition at that location.
The agreement with the Bar Association of Architects in Bolivia and mARTadero, we plan to reach out to other institutions to replicate successful GLAM experiencies in Bolivia.
If successful, will the project have the potential to be replicated successfully by other individuals, groups, or organizations? Please explain how in 1–2 sentences.
The know-how that we are creating will be evaluated and share with other institutions, so they can replicate this event on their own. Also, we'll make an evaluation about the strengths and weaknesses of the group and project to develop further as a group and help other communities grow as they face nation wide events.
Please list other benefits to the movement here.
Advertisment about this event will also advertise the idea that we can create our own content and will raise awareness about cultural heritage not being conserved properly. Wikipedia will likely benefit from that, since the number of Bolivian editors on Wikipedia is very low, let alone talk about gender or diversity issues.
For grantees

If you are the grantee or representative that wrote this grant submission, you may request changes by using these links: