Grants:Programs/Wikimedia Alliances Fund/Promoting and Fostering the Use of Open Educational Resources in Indonesia
2. Raise educators’ awareness of Wikimedia Commons & Wikibooks as OERs that they can benefit from, 3. Produce OERs in Indonesian that can be contributed to Wikimedia Commons & Wikibooks, 4. Address common misconceptions on copyright & open licenses.
Partnering with Wikimedia is important because Wikimedia projects are the best platform for the application of the 5R OER principles (Retain, Reuse, Revise, Remix, Redistribute)This is an automatically generated Meta-Wiki page. The page was copied from Fluxx, the web service of Wikimedia Foundation Funds where the user has submitted their application. Please do not make any changes to this page because all changes will be removed after the next update. Use the discussion page for your feedback. The page was created by CR-FluxxBot.
Applicant information
[edit]A. Organization type
- Mission-aligned organization
B. Organization name
- Creative Commons Indonesia
E. Do you have an account on a Wikimedia project?
- Yes
E1. Please provide the main Wikimedia Username (required) and Usernames of people related to this proposal.
- Fitri Penyalai and RaymondSutanto
G. Have you received grants from the Wikimedia Foundation before?
- Did not apply previously
H. Have you received grants from any non-wiki organization before?
- Yes
- H1. Which organization(s) did you receive grants from?
- Organization: Creative Commons
Project title: Online Bootcamp for Educators: Fostering OER in Indonesia Budget: $1000 Duration: October–December 2020
Organization: Ford Foundation Program title: Sertifikasi Perwakilan Creative Commons Indonesia (SPCCID) Budget: $99,200 Duration: Nov 2017–July 2019
- H2. Please state the size of these grants from the following options.
- Above 50,000 USD
- H3. What type of organization (s) did you receive grants from?
- International NGO
- H4. What percentage of your program budget do other funders contribute to?
- Not applicable
1. Do you have a fiscal sponsor?
- Yes
1a. Fiscal organization name.
- Creative Commons Corporation
2. Are you legally registered?
- No
3. What type of organization are you?
- Non profit organisation
4. What is your organization or group's mission and how does it align with the Wikimedia movement?
- Creative Commons Indonesia is a chapter of Creative Commons, a nonprofit organization that provides CC licenses & public domain tools that give every person and organization in the world a free, simple, and standardized way to grant copyright permissions for creative and academic works. CC Indonesia shares the Wikimedia Foundation's mission of empowering people to collect, produce, and disseminate educational works under a free license or in the public domain.
5. If you would like, please share any websites or social media accounts that your group or organization has. (optional)
- Website: (previous website), (latest website)
Youtube: IG: Twitter: Facebook: Email:
Grant proposal
[edit]6. Please state the title of your proposal.
- Promoting and Fostering the Use of Open Educational Resources in Indonesia
9. Where will this proposal be implemented?
- Indonesia
10. Indicate if it is a local, international, or regional proposal and if it involves several countries?
- Local
10a. If you have answered international, please write the country names and any other information that is useful for understanding your proposal.
10b. Are there any specific sub-regions or areas where your proposal will be implemented?
- -
11. What is the challenge or problem you are addressing and why is this important?
- The Indonesian government has taken several steps towards open education & utilizing OER. As stated in the Indonesian Higher Education Act, UU No 12, 2012, Article 70, paragraph 4, “The government shall develop open educational resources that can be used by the entire academic community”. There are many OER initiatives that have been launched in Indonesia since 2013, such as Garda Rujukan Digital, RumahBelajar, TV Edukasi, & Suara Edukasi. Based on OER World Map data, some universities in Indonesia have also set up their own OER portals (e.g., Universitas Terbuka, Universitas Airlangga, Universitas Syiah Kuala). However, studies on OER in Indonesia have highlighted the challenges of implementing it here, with incomplete conceptions of copyright, open licensing issues, lack of awareness of the concept of OER, misinterpretation of open education, & poor adoption of OER in Indonesian higher education settings.
Since 2012, Creative Commons Indonesia (CCID) has sought to address these issues through events educating Indonesians, particularly educators, on the use of OER. CC licenses are the most commonly used open licenses in OER. Unfortunately, there is limited understanding & even misconceptions among Indonesian educators & students about copyright & open licenses, which are the foundations of OER. Our most recent project was CCID OER Bootcamp, an intensive OER content creator training class for Indonesian educators. Based on the positive responses from this Bootcamp, we want to scale up this training by producing OER socialization materials, developing OER training modules, training OER trainers, and inviting more educators and strategic partners to participate in training on the use & production of OER for teaching & learning.
In practice, OER & Wikimedia Projects such as Wikimedia Commons & Wikibooks are interconnected. Wikimedia projects, which are openly licensed with CC licenses, can be the source for developing OERs, while the produced content can be subsequently uploaded back into these projects. In particular, we aim to focus on Wikimedia Commons & Wikibooks.
The term, OER, is not popular among educators in Indonesia. Last year, CCID was invited by several government institutions to explain OER. The main problem encountered was the difficulty of finding & accessing education/communication materials specifically in Bahasa Indonesia. There is a dearth of booklets/guidance on OER, in general.
Other than the lack of promotion, a trainer is also needed when educators want to practice OER for the first time. However, the number of trainers who have sufficient knowledge of OER in Indonesia is currently very limited. In this program, we expect to raise the level of access to & awareness of Wikimedia projects by educators, increase the amount of content contributed to Wikibooks & Wikimedia Commons, as well as the quality thereof, & consequently strengthen the fostering & understanding of open licenses & OER.
12. What is the main objective of your proposal? Please state why you think partnering with Wikimedia Movement helps to achieve this objective?
- 1. Educate Indonesian educators about Open Educational Resources (OER),
2. Raise educators’ awareness of Wikimedia Commons & Wikibooks as OERs that they can benefit from, 3. Produce OERs in Indonesian that can be contributed to Wikimedia Commons & Wikibooks, 4. Address common misconceptions on copyright & open licenses.
Partnering with Wikimedia is important because Wikimedia projects are the best platform for the application of the 5R OER principles (Retain, Reuse, Revise, Remix, Redistribute)
13. Describe your main strategies to achieve this objective?
- A variety of strategies will be used across three stages, encompassing creating educational materials, fostering OER trainers, & promoting OER. In more detail, each stage is as follows.
First Stage: creating educational materials/booklets and modules that can be used as resources for OER trainers, OER training of participants, and growing the number of OER trainers. Key activities include:
1. Distributing 250 surveys to individuals working in agencies/higher education/libraries who’ve utilized/managed OER in the past. This survey should determine the level of public understanding of OER and highlight current OER misconceptions.
2. Preparing two booklets (OER in general and a practical guide on making/using OER) and an OER module for trainers, based on the results of Stage 1. The booklet and module will then be used by participants and trainers during the OER Training & other institutions in Indonesia.
3. Holding an open discussion with relevant stakeholders in producing the OER booklets, to ensure they can answer all the questions & misconceptions in the community based on the survey in Point 1.
Second Stage: socialization and promotion of OER to the public & relevant actors in the education sector (e.g., educators, lecturers, students, librarians, Ministry of Education officials). Key activities of this stage:
1. Four workshops and three webinars in collaboration with key stakeholder institutions (e.g., Ministry of Education, Open University, Wikimedia Indonesia, & universities). In these events, we will promote our OER training.
2. Creating and promoting various communication media on OER; i.e., infographics, posters, and subtitles of OER videos based on the booklets in Stage 1, as well as existing OER videos in English. All of these media will be uploaded to Wikimedia Commons, as well as CCID & WMID social media.
Third Stage: fostering further growth of OER trainers and providing intensive OER training for educators. Key activities of this stage include:
1. Training of trainers and facilitators for the OER training.
2. Conducting OER training, building on the outcomes of the OER Bootcamp to implement this training. Around 40 strategic educators will be targeted as participants. The output of this training will be open textbooks and other forms of OER, which will be uploaded to Wikibooks and Wikimedia Commons.
3. Showcasing participants’ OERs, further promoting OER to a greater number of people.
4. Inviting the best three participants to hold a workshop on OER.
14. Are you running any in-person events or activities?
- Yes
15. Please state if your proposal aims to work to bridge any of the identified content knowledge gaps?
- Geography, Language
16. Please state if your proposal includes any of these areas or thematic focus.
- Education, Advocacy
17. Will your work focus on involving participants from any underrepresented communities? Select all categories that apply.
- Geographic , Linguistic / Language
18. Please tell us more about your target participants.
- Indonesia is a large country with an unequal distribution of education across its regions. Therefore, in addition to the relatively more developed western part of Indonesia, we also aim to introduce OER in eastern Indonesia. Other than Bahasa Indonesia, we will also encourage our educators to create OER material in their local language. This will not only make the content more relevant to their students, but enable the principles of OER to be indirectly introduced in various regional languages in Indonesia.
Educators, such as teachers, lecturers, formal and informal educators, and contributors to Wikimedia projects in Indonesia are our target participants in this program. They have the ability to produce teaching and learning materials that can be used as open educational resources. As an initial project in Indonesia, we aim to have 30 participants in our intensive training program. We will invite and allocate spots specifically for educators from the eastern part of Indonesia to be participants in the training.
OER Trainers:
We only have 8 OER Trainers in Indonesia who are members of CCID and WMID and already certified by Creative Commons on the educator track. All trainers will be trained in Training of Trainers for OER before the OER Training starts.
Strategies to retain participants:
1. Creating a discussion group on WhatsApp/Telegram for OER Training graduates that can be used for discussion and updates/exchange of OER information. They also can be involved in CCID and Wikimedia Indonesia activities to promote OER in Indonesia.
2. The three best participants to come out of the OER training will be facilitating with CCID to hold a workshop of their own that will introduce OER to their community. They will also receive a scholarship to attend WikiNusantara 2023 (an annual event for Wikimedia contributors in Indonesia) as speakers, to share their experiences and insights from their OER training.
19. Do you have plans to work with other Wikimedia communities, groups or affiliates in your country, or in other countries, to implement this proposal?
- Yes
19a. If yes, please tell us about these connections online and offline and how you have let Wikimedia communities know about this proposal.
- - The Wikimedia Indonesia Education team will be involved in every stage of this program. They will be invited to the open discussion (first stage), join offline workshops in several cities along with their WikiLatih program (second stage), and be part of our facilitator in the OER Training (third stage).
- Members of the Wikimedia Indonesia community who have completed Creative Commons certification track education will be invited as training facilitators.
- Wikimedia projects contributors in Indonesia will be welcomed as participants in OER Training.
- 30 OER Training participants will be introduced to other Wikimedia projects and communities, encouraging them to give their contributions back into the Wikimedia projects and to join the local Wiki community in Indonesia.
19b. If no, please tell us the reasons why it has not been possible to make these connections.
- N/A
20. Will you be working with other external non-Wikimedian partners to implement this proposal?
- Yes
20a. If yes, please describe these partnerships.
- Several parties who already have an OER platform in Indonesia will be invited for the strategic discussions on the development of the OER booklet and webinar:
The Open University Indonesia, which has SUAKA UT, its OER platform that adopts OER principles (
Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization Regional Open Learning Center (SEAMOLEC), which assists SEAMEO Member Countries in identifying educational problems and finding alternative solutions for sustainable human resource development through the dissemination and effective use of open and distance learning such as MOOC, and whose Indonesian OER-Hub ( ) is a platform equipped with various digital contents related to education and culture that can be accessed online by everyone within the Southeast Asian region.
The National Library, whom we will approach by showing how Wikimedia Commons works as a repository of open content. They have an online collection on their website ( with public domain content, which we hope can be accessed and used as the raw materials for making educational content in accordance with OER principles.
The Ministry of Educational and Culture, which has its own OER platform (e.g.,; initiative-to-develop-indonesian-open-educational-resources-oer-hub).
Center for Digital Studies, Universitas Gajah Mada (CFDS UGM), a research center that delves more into the study of contemporary digital society. CFDS UGM is a potential partner to hold a webinar series about OER. One of their activities, Digital Future Discussion, is an interactive comprehensive discussion presenting CFDs researchers who discuss issues of digital society.
By building partnerships with these existing actors in the Indonesian OER space, we hope to instill a sense of togetherness and ownership of our proposed OER project. Also, we aim to address misconceptions they have about OER, particularly concerning the CC licenses they use in their platforms, so that all of these key institutions can have a shared understanding of OER. That way, the public will not be confused by different interpretations of OER from different stakeholders.
20a. If yes, indicate sharing of resources from these partners (in kind support, grants, donations, payments).
- Based on our previous experience with Wikimedia Indonesia, usually, our partners are
willing to share resources with us in the form of in kind support, such as providing space for events and refreshments for participants. However, we still need to confirm this further with them.
21. Please tell us how your organization is structured.
- Creative Commons Indonesia became a CC chapter in 2019 when our affiliation with Wikimedia Indonesia and funding from the Ford Foundation both ended. Presently, CCID is composed entirely of volunteers; seven staff members and two supporting members. One staff member serves as the Representative to the Global Network Council and Chapter Lead, with their appointment done through an election process according to the rules of the Creative Commons Global Network (CCGN).
22. Do you have the team that is needed to implement this proposal?
- Fitriayu as Project Manager
- Oversee all project activities & serve as the main contact point for the WAF.
- Ensure project activities comply with the policies and regulations of the WAF.
- Responsible for overseeing the development & execution of project deliverables, leading project planning, budgeting, action plans, & monitoring processes.
- Responsible for submitting activity reports, meeting minutes, & financial reports on a regular basis to the WAF.
- Oversee the preparation & submission of annual activity-based project budgets as well as monthly & quarterly financial reports.
Raymond Sutanto as Deputy Project Manager
- Preparing project activities so that they will comply with the policies & regulations of the WAF.
- Assisting the development & execution of project deliverables,& assisting project planning, budgeting, action plans, & monitoring processes.
- Assisting close collaboration & coordination with cooperating partners to guarantee smooth implementation of activities & achievement of results as specified in grant agreements.
Finance & Admin Staff
- Oversee the financial operations of the program and ensure timely & accurate financial reports and practices including cash management, payroll, & financial disbursements.
- Responsible for entering financial information & maintaining all financial records for the program.
- Monitor the expenditures to ensure that program funds are utilized appropriately by the close of the fiscal year.
Wahyu Setioko as Project Consultant
- Provide continuity of advisory inputs to the planning, implementation,& monitoring, and evaluation of the OER Indonesia project.
- Support the project team in all phases of the project to track both implementation progress & impact for project reporting.
Speakers & facilitators for OER Training: CCID: Harsa Wahyu, Florens Debora P., Hilman Fathoni, Bhredipta Socarana, Siti Nurleily Marliana WMID: Hardiansyah, Dimas H., Nur Rahmi N.
23. Please state if your organization or group has a Strategic Plan that can help us further understand your proposal. You can also upload it here.
- No
Learning, Sharing, and Evaluation
[edit]24. What do you hope to learn from this proposal?
- We will design the OER booklets and the first module specifically for the enrichment of Indonesian educators and trainers who want to understand and apply OER. After their publication and distribution, we want to know: To what extent do these booklets and modules have an impact on increasing awareness of open learning materials, addressing common misconceptions on copyright and CC licenses, and growing the number of OER materials available in Bahasa Indonesia?
As this project introduces some Wikimedia platforms (i.e., Wikimedia Commons, Wikibooks) that can be used by educators to learn how to use and contribute open content, we are interested to learn: What are the opportunities and challenges that educators find when creating OER through Wikimedia Commons and Wikibooks? How do they view these Wikimedia platforms as resources for open teaching and learning?
We hope that the OER ecosystem in Indonesia will be established and sustainable. When this is realized, inequality in access and production of quality teaching materials will no longer be an obstacle. So, through this project, we would also like to know: How do our institutional partners use the OER booklet and materials—that we create together—in their communities or target audiences? What follow up actions do they take through their institutions upon participating in our OER project?
Core Metrics
[edit]25. Enter a description of the metric and a number in the target field. If the metric does not apply to you, enter N/A for not applicable.
Core metrics | Description | Target |
Number of participants | First Stage: 10 participants for Open discussion, second stage: 210 (90 online + 120 offline OER Workshop), third stage: 30 (OER Training participants) + 60 (participants from three-best winners that have to create their OER Training on their own)
Returning participant Third Stage: 6 OER Training participants from Wikimedia Indonesia community members and contributors |
316 |
Number of editors | Second Stage: 120 (offline OER workshops), Third Stage: 30 (OER Training participants) | 150 |
Number of organizers | 1 Project Manager
1 Deputy Project Manager 1 Finance and admin staff 1 OER consultant 1 OER Survey coordinator 3 facilitators and 5 speakers for OER Training 3 speakers for OER Training of Trainers 1 Social media services 1 Graphic designer 1 Editor for booklets and module 1 Website consultant |
20 |
Wikimedia Project | Description | Target |
Wikimedia Commons | Second Stage: 12 (social media content) + 120 (uploaded photos from offline OER Workshop participants), third stage: 120 (uploaded photos and works from OER Training participants) | 252 |
Wikibooks | 6 Wikibooks from OER Training | 6 |
N/A | N/A | N/A |
N/A | N/A | N/A |
N/A | N/A | N/A |
25a. If for some reason your proposal will not measure these core metrics please provide an explanation. (optional)
- -
26. What other information will you be collecting to learn about the impact of your work? (optional)
- An evaluation survey will be carried out at the end of activities, particularly at the second and third stages to ask the learning questions we posed in #24 above. We will then determine if our participants understand the materials provided, if our training has answered their curiosity on OER, and what improvements can be made to hasten the adoption of OER and streamline OER training.
We will be putting all of our communication material on Wikimedia Commons and our social media (Instagram, Twitter, Youtube). We will count the number of pageviews in Wikimedia Commons, number of Youtube views, and number of posts reached on Instagram. From these numbers, it will be seen how much the general public is looking for, who are ultimately educated, and who are willing to create OER works or content.
Further information that we want to see if there is a strengthening of the OER principles, especially on the platforms/repositories from the key institutions in Indonesia that have already adopted OER. We would conduct informal, conversation-like interviews with our institutional partners after they participate in our project. We want to see how they use the OER booklets and modules through their institutions, and any follow-up actions they take, such as whether they are willing to change their terms of use on their platform, which currently is not in accordance with OER principles.
27. What tools would you use to measure each metric selected?
- We will use Event metrics to measure new participants, editors, and content in Wikimedia Commons, and we will use the Outreach dashboard to measure participants and content in Indonesian Wikibooks.
28. How do you hope to share these results so that others can learn from them?
- Make a short presentation of the experience, Share results on social media, Share results with our communities, Share it on Meta-Wiki
Financial Proposal
[edit]29. What is the amount you are requesting from WMF? Please provide this amount in your local currency.
- 770700000 IDR
30. What is this amount in US Currency (to the best of your knowledge)?
- 52639 USD
31. & 32. Please provide a budget for the amount of funding requested.
33. What do you do to make sure there is a good management of funds?
- - Creative Commons Indonesia got funding for several years (2011 to 2017) from the Ford Foundation and operated under the legal entity of Wikimedia Indonesia (WMID). Under WMID, our financial reports followed WMID standards and guidelines.
- Our financial reports are opened and audited since all projects of Wikimedia Indonesia are audited. Here is our latest project that got funds from the Ford Foundation:
- CCID is always learning and consulting with Wikimedia Indonesia to ensure our funds are well-managed.
34. How will you contribute towards creating a supportive environment for participants using the UCOC and Friendly Space Policy?
- Wikimedia Indonesia already has a Friendly Space Policy that we learn and follow. We will follow the Universal Code of Conduct and Friendly Space Policy closely because the rules are in line with our mission.
35. Please use this optional space to upload any documents that you feel are important for further understanding your proposal.
- Other public document(s):
Final message
[edit]By submitting your proposal/funding request you agree that you are in agreement with the Application Privacy Statement, WMF Friendly Space Policy and the Universal Code of Conduct.
36. We/I have read the Application Privacy Statement, WMF Friendly Space Policy and Universal Code of Conduct.
- Yes
[edit]- Please add any feedback to the grant discussion page only. Any feedback added here will be removed.
- Wikimedia Alliances Fund/Proposals
- Wikimedia Alliances Fund/Proposals/Completed
- Completed Wikimedia Alliances Funds for ESEAP in FY 2021-22
- Wikimedia Alliances Funds for ESEAP in FY 2021-22
- Wikimedia Alliances Funds in FY 2021-22
- Completed Wikimedia Alliances Funds for ESEAP in FY 2021-22 (Round 2)
- Wikimedia Alliances Funds for ESEAP in FY 2021-22 (Round 2)
- Wikimedia Alliances Funds in FY 2021-22 (Round 2)
- Completed Wikimedia Alliances Funds in FY 2021-22 (Round 2)