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Grants:Programs/Wikimedia Community Fund/General Support Fund/Afroyanga Cultural Enlightenment Initiative Annual Plans 2024

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Afroyanga Cultural Enlightenment Initiative Annual Plans 2024
start date2024-01-012024-01-01T00:00:00Z
end date2024-12-312024-12-31T00:00:00Z
budget (local currency)17645781 NGN
amount requested (USD)65222.85 USD [note 1]
amount recommended (USD)22000
amount recommended (local currency)9999999.02 NGN
grant typeNonprofit organization with Wikimedia mission
funding regionSSA
decision fiscal year2023-24
funding program roundRound 1
organization (if applicable)Afroyanga Cultural Enlightenment Initiative
Final Report

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Applicant information

Organization name or Wikimedia Username for individuals. (required)
Afroyanga Cultural Enlightenment Initiative
Do you have any approved General Support Fund requests? (required)
Yes, I have already applied and received a General Support Fund
You are applying as a(n). (required)
Nonprofit organization with Wikimedia mission
Are your group or organization legally registered in your country? (required)
Do you have a fiscal sponsor?
Fiscal organization name.

Main proposal

1. Please state the title of your proposal. This will also be a title for the Meta-Wiki page. (required)
Afroyanga Cultural Enlightenment Initiative Annual Plans 2024
2. Do you want to apply for the multi-year funding or renewal process? (required)
2.1. For how many years of multi-year funding are you applying? (required)
2.2. Provide a brief overview of Year 2 and Year 3 of the proposed plan and how this relates to the current proposal and your strategic plan? (required)


3. Proposed start date. (required)
4. Proposed end date. (required)
5. Does your organization or group have an Affiliate or Organizational Annual Plan that can help us understand your proposal? If yes, please provide it. (required)
6. Does your affiliate, organization or group have a Strategic Plan that can help us understand your proposal? If yes, please provide it. (required)
7. Where will this proposal be implemented? (required)
8. What are your programs, approaches, and strategies? What are the challenges that you are trying to address and how will your strategies support you in addressing these challenges? (required)

What we want to achieve:

1. Strengthen the digital presence and representation of African languages, cultures, and cuisines, focusing specifically on the preservation and documentation of Africa's rich and diverse heritage.

2. Establish a sustainable cycle of mentorship within the Afroyanga program by converting previous mentees into mentors for new participants, thus fostering leadership and continuity within the community.

3.Scale the capacity-building efforts through events like Afroyanga, aiming to train a more significant number of participants from various Nigerian states in Wikimedia projects and filling more content gaps while fostering diversity, collaboration

4.Extend the scope of Wikimedia platforms to serve as educational hubs for soft skills and entrepreneurial leadership, capitalizing on the success and aspirations of the "Leadership Leap" initiative.

5.Encourage public contribution to African culture-focused content on Wikipedia paying special attention to Film and Television; and festivals in African languages like Yoruba, Igbo, and Hausa.

6.Leverage the success of Afrocuisine to create a comprehensive and structured database of African foods on Wikidata.

7.Foster diversity by actively engaging participants from different states, and ethnic backgrounds.

8.Foster collaborative efforts within individuals and networks in heritage preservation and capacity building, leveraging existing interest and engagement from the community.

9.Involve volunteers in the planning, execution, and leadership of our projects, giving them the opportunity to develop their leadership skills and contribute meaningfully to the initiatives they are passionate about.

10.Create opportunities for collaboration and networking among participants across our various projects, with a focus on mutual growth and knowledge sharing.


1. Host an expanded Afroyanga 2.0 bootcamp to accommodate participants from diverse states, ethnic backgrounds, and cultural background in Nigeria.

2. Implement a mentorship conversion program as part of Afroyanga 2.0, providing training and resources for mentees from Afroyanga 1.0 to become effective mentors.

3. Run the CultureConnect Africa Editathon with a focus on enriching Wikipedia's content about African visual media and festivals, especially in African languages like Yoruba, Igbo, Hausa amongst others.

5.Build on the success of AfroCuisine by creating a structured database on Wikidata to catalog the rich diversity of African foods.

6.Initiate mentorship programs or "buddy systems" for new participants in AfroYanga 2.0 to encourage retention and sustained involvement.

7.Embed networking sessions within Afroyanga 2.0 and Leadership Leap initiatives to foster collaborations and networking among participants.

8.Offer leadership opportunities for volunteers within Afroyanga 2.0 and other projects, enabling them to lead specific tasks or initiatives.

9.Form partnerships with like-minded organizations and educational institutions to amplify the impact of "African & Proud."



Afroyanga 2.0 is a 5-day boot camp that will be hosted in the city of Lagos, Nigeria. The initiative invites participants from various Nigerian states and is designed to serve as a comprehensive training ground on Wikimedia Projects. As of the time of this grant application, we haven't yet conducted the inaugural Afroyanga 1.0 boot camp slated for 2023, but when we put out the application form, we got a really positive confirmation and feedback from existing and new Wikipedians, getting an astounding number of applications, receiving over 300 applications as of the time of documenting underscores the pressing need for such a platform. These numbers alone have galvanized us to not only proceed with the first edition but to also plan for an expanded second edition in 2024. Based on this overwhelming interest, we are now more convinced than ever that Afroyanga needs to be an ongoing initiative. So for Afroyanga 2.0 in 2024, we are preparing to accommodate a larger number of participants to ensure that more voices are heard, more skills are acquired, and more content gaps are filled.

Engagement with some of the participants in the application question featured data such as - “why they want to be a part of the bootcamp”, Wikimedia project they’ve been interacting with before now amongst other question, data recorded shows that alot of participants wants to learn how they can contribute to Wikipedia and her language projects as well as her sisters project, this curve of interest has galvanized us to having an extended afroyanga bootcamp in the next fiscal year.


1.Facilitate capacity building for individuals, particularly in skills that pertain to contributions on Wikimedia platforms, gain Wikimedia projects-related skills and learn hands-on how to edit and use Wikimedia projects 2.Offer soft skills training in areas such as Emotional Intelligence, Proactivity, and Facilitation techniques. 3.Foster networking and collaborations among individuals from diverse backgrounds who share a common goal—advancing African narratives through Wikimedia. 4.Bringing together Wikimedians from all over the country for team bonding, knowledge sharing and organization.

Outcomes/Challenge addressed:

1.Having a bootcamp like this will not only help to support new editors, but will also serve as an adequate learning curve for them as we aim to bring together both new and existing editors in a camp, this will foster team-learning and will bring about a safe space for new editors to even learn and gain more confidence editing Wikimedia Projects 2.By the end of the boot camp, participants will be accredited with a certificate of participation and be inducted as "AfroYanga Fellows," a coveted title that marks their commitment to free knowledge. 3.All participants will be inducted into Afroyanga mentorship program, this mentorship program aims at further engaging the fellows of afroyanga by keeping them mentored, so they will be assigned a mentor who will always look after their editing pattern, support them where necessary.

Impact of Afroyanga Bootcamp: 1. Increased Contributor base: By Providing comprehensive training on Wikimedia Projects during the bootcamp, we can boost of increased number of participants especially from Nigeria, owing especially to our follow up mentorship program where ‘Afroyanga Fellows’ will be duly followed up upon and offered adequate mentorship support. 2.Enhanced Content Quality: Due to the structure of the bootcamp, we aim at focusing on content quality, training participants on how they can contribute quality content on Wikimedia projects, this will result in a more accurate, well-referenced and highly comprehensive content which will all be tracked. 3.Diversity and Inclusivity: The bootcamp welcomes participants from different diverse group, community, backgrounds and culture, this bootcamp will also contribute to Wikimedia Foundation’s goal of increasing diversity and inclusivity amongst the community

2. CULTURECONNECT AFRICA EDITATHON The CultureConnect Africa Editathon is an initiative that aims to crowdsource contributions enriching Wikipedia's content on African culture. The project is multi-faceted and includes sub-projects that would run for a month, each with a specific focus area.

Sub-Projects: 1. Film and Television - Wikipedia & Wikidata - Creation of articles around Film and Television in African Languages/Language Wikipedia; Yoruba, Igbo and Hausa Wikipedia.

2. WikiFestival

3. AfroCuisine:

The third edition of AfroCuisine aims to record the wide variety of Nigerian foods on Wikidata. Both the first and second versions of AfroCuisine were huge successes. Not only did we find new editors who were interested in preserving the culinary history of Africa, but we also kept a group of dedicated people from the first and second version. This is a clear sign of how important the project is. As we get ready for the third edition, we will focus on taking this success to the next level by building a structured database for the cuisines we've already written about on Wikipedia and Wikibook Cookbooks. By moving this valuable information to Wikidata, we aim to bridge the content gap about African cuisine on Wikidata and make it easy for future students, chefs, and anyone else interested in the wide range of African cuisines to find structured data about them.


1.Populate Wikidata with comprehensive and well-organized information about Nigerian cuisines. ​​2.Addressing content gaps by filling the content void that currently exists concerning African cuisines on global knowledge platforms like Wikidata. In doing so, we will be contributing to the Wikimedia Foundation's vision of making the sum of all human knowledge freely accessible to everyone. 3.Preservation of cultural heritage through detailed documentation, we aspire to digitally preserve traditional recipes and cooking methods, thus ensuring that they are not lost to time but are passed down to future generations in a format they can easily interact with. 4.Enhance global awareness and appreciation for the intricacies and diversity of African food culture.

Outcomes: Completion of this project will result in bridging the content gap in the online documentation of African cuisines on Wikidata, while simultaneously preserving the rich culinary heritage of the continent for future generations. By moving our focus from Wikipedia and Wikibook Cookbooks to a more structured format on Wikidata, we intend to create a one-stop, searchable, and accessible database.

This not only adds to the amount of information in the world, but it also acts as a digital vault to keep old recipes and ways of cooking from being lost. By doing this, we are helping the Wikimedia Foundation reach its goal of making information freely available and making sure that African culinary arts are well-represented and kept alive in the digital age.


1.The overwhelming number of applications for Afroyanga 1.0 will translate into sustained engagement in Afroyanga 2.0 and other Wikimedia related activities

2.The mentees from Afroyanga 1.0 will be interested and capable of serving as mentors in Afroyanga 2.0, thus creating a self-renewing cycle of leadership and skill development within the community.

3.Actively recruiting participants from diverse backgrounds will enrich Wikipedia's content, both in terms of quality and cultural representation.

4.Participants in the Leadership Leap workshops will not only learn about soft skills but also apply their soft skills in their professional lives while also learning how to improve and create articles on soft skills on Wikipedia.

5.The leadership leap aims at building Wikimedians who will use most of this soft skill and leadership skill learnt to communicate on Wikipedia talk pages, resolving conflicts, maintaining a safe space on the internet and managing situations very well and ideally.

6.The areas of focus in CultureConnect Africa Editathon, such as African visual media and festivals, are currently underrepresented on Wikipedia and enriching these areas will fill important knowledge gaps.

7.Transferring information from AfroCuisine to a structured database like Wikidata will make it more accessible and useful to a broader audience, thereby preserving cultural heritage.

8.Providing mentorship opportunities will retain more contributors in the long term, creating a self-sustaining cycle of contribution and mentorship.

9.Providing networking opportunities will lead to further collaborations and initiatives, either under the umbrella of "African & Proud" or as independent projects, thereby creating a sustainable ecosystem.

10.Volunteers who are given leadership opportunities will be more engaged and take ownership of the projects, thereby improving the quality and sustainability of the initiatives.

11.Content creation in local African languages like Yoruba, Igbo, and Hausa will motivate native speakers to contribute and engage with Wikimedia platforms.

Objective: 1.To broaden the scope of Wikipedia's coverage of African visual media, incorporating movies, documentaries, and TV shows that articulate African experiences. 2.To promote writing in Language Wikipedia

Outcome: A more comprehensive and nuanced understanding of African narratives in the visual media sector.

WikiFestival Africa - Language Wikipedia

Objective: To bridge the existing gap in information about African festivals, focusing on their cultural significance and impact. Outcome: A robust Wikipedia section dedicated to African festivals, highlighting their importance in shaping the continent's social fabric.

Overall Outcome: The successful execution of the CultureConnect Africa Editathon and its sub-projects will substantially contribute to a more equitable and comprehensive understanding of Africa's cultural diversity on Wikipedia.

Challenges we are trying to address:

1.Cultural Documentation and Accessibility: Often the richness of African cultures is passed down orally or kept within local communities. This lack of formal documentation means that much of this richness is inaccessible to a broader audience, we want to bridge that gap.

2. Awareness Creation: Many people are unaware that they can contribute to Wikimedia projects especially in their local language and become part of a global community whose main purpose is to promote free knowledge. This lack of awareness discourages potential contributors and propagates the cycle of underrepresentation and content gaps.

3.Capacity Building: Even with skills and awareness, many individuals lack the platform, tools, or mentorship to apply these effectively, resulting in untapped potential.

9. What categories are your main programs and related activities under? Please select all that apply. (required)
Category Yes/No
Education No
Culture, heritage or GLAM No
Gender and diversity Yes
Community support and engagement Yes
Participation in campaigns and contests Yes
Public policy advocacy No
Other No

Gender and diversity

9.3. Select all your programs and activities for Gender and diversity.
Bringing in women and/or gender diverse participants and editors, Focusing on creating content about marginalized (underrepresented) communities and their knowledge, Focusing on knowledge equity by bringing in contributors from underrepresented communities, Building organizer skills in women and diversity groups, Fomenting female leadership within the movement (either staff, members or boards)
Other programs and activities if any: N/A

Community support and engagement

9.4. Select all your programs and activities for Community support and engagement.
On-wiki training of community members, Off-wiki training of community members, Organizing meetups, conferences, and community events, Supporting community members' participation in events and conferences
Other programs and activities if any: N/A

Participation in campaigns and contests

9.5. Select all campaigns that apply. (required)
Not applicable
Other programs and activities if any: N/A
10. Please include a link to or upload a timeline (operational calendar) for your programs and activities. (required)
11. Describe your team. (required)

Role: Director of Programs and Community Engagement/Co-Founder Name: Kolawole Oyewole Username: B.Korlah Responsibility: He oversees on-wiki communications, directs programs and projects, strategy, staff support, jury management, and project rollout and generates the annual report in terms of organization. General Responsibility: General management, coordination, and design of Africa & Proud programs, staff, volunteers, and coordination of all activities.

Role: Director of Operations and Strategy/Co-Founder Name: Richard Edozie, Username; Edriiic Responsibilities: He oversees the financial accounts and creates financial reports regarding the organization, procurements, and payments. Also responsible for strategy, tech development, and brand management. General Responsibility: General management, coordination, and design of Africa & Proud programs, staff, volunteers, and coordination of all activities.

Role: Program Officer (Volunteer) Name: Kwagel Lawretta, Username:Kwalaw Responsibility: She is responsible for the planning and implementation of our programs including logistics and also oversees direct communication with volunteers and project teams

Role: Social media intern (Communications) (Volunteer) Name: Demilade Responsibilities: The Communications Manager handles social media strategy, content creation, audience engagement, performance analytics, and crisis management. They also collaborate across teams, foster partnerships, and manage the social media budget.

12. Will you be working with any internal (Wikimedia) or external partners? Describe the characteristics of these partnerships and bring a few examples of the most significant partnerships. (required)

- Wikimedia Nigeria: The projects will be announced on the Wikimedia Nigeria discussion page, as well as the direct WhatsApp group.

  • Wikimedia Igbo, Yoruba and Hausa user groups: The language Wikipedia (Nigerian Languages) will be heavily partnered with especially owing to the structure of CultureConnect event that focuses more on language Wikipedia projects basically.
  • We will be working with the young professional association of Nigeria.
  • We will also partner with PDO - Don Bosco (Project & Development Office, Salesians of Don Bosco), a mission-aligned organization. They would partner with us on capacity-building activities, campaigns and awareness programs, especially on activities around the Leadership leap
13. In what ways do you think your proposal most contributes to the Movement Strategy 2030 recommendations. Select all that apply. (required)
Increase the Sustainability of Our Movement, Ensure Equity in Decision-making, Invest in Skills and Leadership Development, Innovate in Free Knowledge, Provide for Safety and Inclusion, Identify Topics for Impact, Evaluate, Iterate, and Adapt



Wikimedia Metrics

14. Please select and fill out Wikimedia Metrics for your proposal. (recommended)
14.1. Number of participants, editors, and organizers.

All metrics provided are optional, please fill them out if they are aligned with your programs and activities.

Participants, editors, and organizers
Metrics name Target Description
Number of all participants 800 Two unique programs to be executed, and our goal is to engage with 800 individuals across various activities. These activities include participating in our campaigns, attending our events and webinars, and contributing to our surveys and outreach efforts.
Number of all editors 350 Our activities are expected to engage approximately 350 editors, with a focus on fostering a diverse and dynamic community. We estimate that around 15% of these participants, or roughly 50 individuals, will be new editors. At least 50% of the total editors will be retained and will continue to edit at least a month after.
Number of new editors 15
Number of retained editors 175
Number of all organizers 30 In this project, we will have a total of 30 organizers. This includes our 4 core team members who will lead the project, and an additional 26 organizers drawn from our community. These community organizers, developed through our various programs, will be responsible for conducting training sessions, webinars, and other engaging activities, playing a vital role in the success of our initiatives.
Number of new organizers 26
14.2. Number of new content contributions to Wikimedia projects. (recommended)
Contributions to Wikimedia projects
Wikimedia project Created Edited or improved
Wikipedia 300 700
Wikimedia Commons 500 100
Wikidata 500 700
Wikimedia Incubator
Wikibooks 100 100
Wikifunctions / Abstract Wikipedia
Description for Wikimedia projects contributions metrics. (optional)

In our project, we have set key metrics across various Wikimedia platforms to enhance the breadth and quality of available knowledge. Our efforts include creating and improving a substantial number of Wikipedia articles, Wikimedia Commons, contributing to Wikidata, and on Wikibooks.

Other Metrics

15. Do you have other quantitative and qualitative targets for your project (other metrics)? (required)
Other Metrics Description Target
Mentorship Conversion Rate Mentorship Conversion Rate:

50% of Afroyanga 1.0 mentees becoming Afroyanga 2.0 mentors.

Diversity Involvement Diversity Involvement

80% of participants from diverse backgrounds in all programs.

Volunteer Leadership Volunteer Leadership:

40% of volunteers given and successfully fulfilling leadership roles.

Collaborative Engagements Collaborative Engagements:

20% of participants entering collaborations post-events

' N/A


16. Will you have any other revenue sources when implementing this proposal (e.g. other funding, membership contributions, donations)? (required)
16.1. List other revenue sources. (required)


16.2. Approximately how much revenue will you have from other sources in your local currency? (required)
17. Your local currency. (required)
18. What is the total requested amount in your local currency? (required)
17645781 NGN
Multi-year funding request summary
Year Amount (local currency)
Year 1 N/A NGN
Year 2 N/A NGN
Year 3 N/A NGN
Requested amount in USD
65222.85 USD [note 1]
Multi-year funding request summary in USD
Year Amount USD [note 1]
Year 1 N/A USD
Year 2 N/A USD
Year 3 N/A USD
  1. a b c The following amount in US dollars was calculated by Wikimedia Foundation staff using the fixed currency rates. This amount is approximate and may not reflect the actual currency exchange rates on the day of submission or distribution. If the application is funded, the funding will be sent in the recipient’s local currency.
19. Does this proposal include compensation for staff or contractors? (required)
19.1. How many paid staff members do you plan to have? (required)

Include the number of staff and contractors during the proposal period. If you have short-term contractors or staff, please include them separately and mention their terms.

Two Paid Staffs.

1. Role: Director of Programs and Community Engagement/Co-Founder Name: Kolawole Oyewole

2. Role: Director of Operations and Strategy/Co-Founder Name: Richard Edozie

Note: The Paid staffs salary aligns with market rates for similar roles and adequately compensates their valuable contributions to Wikimedia Foundation. These multifaceted roles demand skill and commitment. In addition to these duties, we internally manage Monitoring, Evaluation, Learning, and Strategy (MELS) without external help.

19.2. How many FTEs (full-time equivalents) in total? (required)

Include the total FTE of staff and contractors during the proposal period. If you have short-term contractors or staff, please include their FTEs with the terms separately.

0.5FTE for both paid staffs
19.3. Describe any staff or contractor changes compared to the current year / ongoing General Support Fund if any. (required only for returning grantees)
20. Please provide an overview of your overall budget categories in your local currency. The budget breakdown should include only the amount requested with this General Support Fund (required).
Budget category Amount in local currency
Staff and contractor costs 8584434 NGN
Operational costs 2106366 NGN
Programmatic costs 6954981 NGN
21. Please upload your budget for this proposal or indicate the link to it. (required)


Additional information

22. In this optional space you can add any other additional information about your proposal or organization that you think can help us when reviewing your proposal. (optional)




By submitting your proposal/funding request you agree that you are in agreement with the Application Privacy Statement, WMF Friendly Space Policy and the Universal Code of Conduct.

We/I have read the Application Privacy Statement, WMF Friendly Space Policy and Universal Code of Conduct.


