Grants:Project/Rapid/Jaluj/Wikiquote at the hospital

Project Goal
[edit]Briefly explain what are you trying to accomplish with this project, or what do you expect will change as a result of this grant. Example goals include, "recruit new editors", "add high quality content", or "train existing editors on a specific skill".
At the free quote compendium we have only 6226 articles in Spanish. We need to improve articles in Wikiquote, we only have 63 active editors. We need more editors.
Loneliness and social isolation are tendencies that often come along with a diagnosed mental health disorder. Certain mental health patients have a high level of IQ (intelligence quotient) but they find it difficult to feel connected to other people and those feeling are accompanied with lacking of effective communication skills that provide meaningful interaction with others, so the person has a central concern about feeling alone, expect to be rejected, devaluated or discriminated and feel alienated as a function of an inability to establish or maintain relationships appropriately. Others factors that we usually find in patients with mental disorders are a low sense of achievement, a negative learning emotion, a perception of inadequacy and a deep sense of emptiness without goals. These are the kind of people that we find in mental health hospitals.
This is an specific intervention to re-integrate persons with serious mental illness into community improving their self-esteem, proposing them a goal and reducing their perception of loneliness and social isolation learning how to edit Wikiquote, to make them feel members of the wiki community. I want to iniciate a course in which the patients could learn about Wikiquote and experience editing of Wikiquote articles, hoping that the patients will benefit from such an approach.
During the course they will develop digital literacy, writing, research skills and they will learn to write with others, to accept revisions of their work and to interact with other community members. Patients will develop a wide range of skills and abilities that help them gain confidence by feeling that they make a meaningful contribution to our society. I believe it may also promote gains in areas such as self-esteem or comunication skills. They will feel social support, they will feel part of the Wikimedia movement and part of the big society. They will receive feedback on their work, they will learn how to negotiate with other editors in building consensus on content.
The project supports diversity and trys to empower vulnerable population by helping them to collect and develop educational content and feel as part of a bigger community. After the course ends, I hope that some of the patients continue editing in Wikiquote.
There are two kinds of goals, for Wikimedia and for the Hospital.
For Wikimedia:
- ) To recruit and encourage beginners to create and increase the number of articles in Wikiquote in Spanish.
- ) To train beginners to improve quality of Wikiquote content.
- ) To upload images and videos of the course and the process to Commons.
- ) To create a project page on wiki.
- ) To research about the beneficial effects of editing as being part of a bigger community.
- ) To create awareness and increase visibility and understanding of the Wikimedia projects.
For the Hospital:
- ) To promote digital literacy among the patients. The patients will learn how to access to the needed information and evaluate it's sources critically to accomplish the specific purpose of incorporate that information into an article.
- ) To increase patients's culture.
- ) To foster a sense of community promoting cohesion among patients as well as learning.
- ) To benefit from the untapped skills of patients.
- ) To improve communication skills among patients.
- ) To promote gains in related areas such as perception of loneliness, sense of achievement or sense of emptiness without goals.
Project Plan
[edit]Tell us how you'll carry out your project. What will you and other organizers spend your time doing?
Since the duration of treatment in the hospital is supposed to be no longer than 6 months, the project will last for six months. This pilot is meant for one month preparing the course (interviews, test), 4 months of working with the course and one month of interpretationg the results and writing a paper, total six months. I will personally interview all interested participants and make sure they understand the exact time commitment. I will teach new users how to create their accounts. We will use only one Wifi connection and share one I.P. so I will created a page at Wikiquote to tell veteran users that we are working. I expected four new editing accounts to be created. The UCLA Loneliness Scale will be used to collect the data. After finishing the course another interview and the same test will be taken. I will design a logo for T-Shirts. At the end of the course, I will give them certificates and Wikimedia’s t shirts to make them feel part of the Wikimedia community. The patients who finish the course will receive both in an event with the community of the hospital.
Phase 1 - October - Preparation.
- ) Writing a survey.
- ) Creating a banner to use in the lab.
- ) Interviews with the staff of the hospital to explaine them the scopes of the proyect.
- ) Taking the survey among the staff to ask if they know the Wikimedia's Projects and their acceptance of the project.
- ) Preparation of the equipment, checking if the Wifi connection is working and if the computers are okey.
- ) Taking interviews to recruite participants among the patients of the School, de Day Care Center and the Adolescent Department, interviewing all the applicants and choosing those who will participate.
- ) Asking parents or legal tutor's written permission to get data and take photos of the participants.
- ) Conducting individual interviews to select candidates. Each interview will be semistructured with questions regarding their expectations for the workshop and the UCLA Loneliness Scale to measure their perception of loneliness.
- ) Taking the UCLA Loneliness Scale to all the participants before the course.
- ) Exploring and identifying the interests of the participants, their talents, skills and preferences.
- ) Choosing or creating multimedia material to use teaching.
- ) Creating the project page in Wikiquote.
- ) Creating the project page in Facebook.
Phase 2 - November - Course assignment development.
- ) Initiating the course. Hands-on introduction to Wikiquote editing.
- ) Explaining Wikimedia's mission and some of its key features.
- ) Teaching new users how to create their accounts and to choose an appropriate username.
- ) Welcoming them on-wiki.
- ) Explaining what Wikiquote is, what is the Main Page, what is the Community Portal and the Café (like the Village Pump at English Wikiquote), rules like Civility and what is a Category.
- ) Teaching basics of editing, formatting and explaining how to add citations.
- ) Teaching them how to post a new topic on the Talk page if they have suggestions for improving an article.
- ) Teaching them how to send a User Talk message and how to interact with other users, like what is the Noticeboard.
- ) Teaching some policies, some guidelines for editing articles, what is a link, an internal link and an external link, and a little of the manual of style.
- ) Identifying important articles on Wikiquote to improve them.
- ) Creating a list with suggestions of articles.
- ) Beginning to edit some articles improving them.
Phase 3 - December - Teaching sessions.
- ) Editing group implementation.
- ) Practicing in user space.
- )Reading articles and thinking about how they can be improved.
- ) Learn how to access the needed information and evaluate its sources critically.
- ) Continue with basic editing, teaching more policies and guidelines, etiquette, neutral point of view, some copyright issues and consensus editing.
- ) Creating small and manageable tasks every class with incremental writing.
- ) Editing target articles.
Phase 4 - January - Teaching sessions.
- ) Creating one category tag to upload the photos of the course to WikiCommons.
- ) Video some of the classes.
- ) Creating more articles to Wikiquote.
- ) Teaching more complex editing tools.
- ) Integrating new learning into existing classes.
- ) Monitoring and supervising patients's edition making suggestions to improve their editing.
Phase 5 - February - Beginning of Evaluation.
- ) Closing the course with an event with the delivery of certificates for the participants and a t-shirt with the logo of Wikimedia.
- ) Taking the UCLA Loneliness Scale to all the participants after the course.
- ) Geting feedback from the participants and from the professional staff.
Phase 6 - March - Evaluation.
- ) Interpretating the test UCLA Loneliness Scale and the results.
- ) Uploading photos of the course to WikiCommons.
- ) Creating a Learning Pattern.
- ) Editing a video with the most relevants moments of the process.
- ) Doing Global Metrics.
- ) Writing a paper with the results of the research and the test, documentation of the process and the results of the course.
How will you let others in your community know about your project (please provide links to where relevant communities have been notified of your proposal, and to any other relevant community discussions)? Why are you targeting a specific audience?
- The venue will be the Hospital de Emergencias Psiquiátricas Alvear. Consultation with the staff will be fundamental. I will take a survey among professionals to gain reflections and feedback. I will have interviews with the staff at the Day Care Hospital and the School to ask them to choose patients who can be involved in the course.
- Notification will be send to the es:Wikiproyecto:Psicología and the es:Wikiproyecto:Medicina.
- Banner at the entrance of the computer laboratory.
- Page in FB. I will create a page in FB.
- Web site: I will post on the web site of the Department of Adolescence.
- Page in Wikiquote.
- Twitter: I will use the twitter of the Department of Adolescence.
- Wordpress. I will write about the course in my blog on WordPress.
What will you have done at the end of your project? How will you follow-up with people that are involved with your project?
- The project is intend to setup an active editing group inside the hospital.
I expected to have engaged and retained productive contributors and have provided resources to support them to edit throughout their participation in the group and beyond. I will maintain an online accompaniment, monitoring and supervising patients's edition making suggestions to improve their editing.
This project is a pilot program supposed to serve as a learning tool. I will have documented all the process and I will have shared the experience with the larger community of Wikimedia and the professional community of mental health.
I plann to publish research findings on a professional journal and the results will be presented at a Conference in Buenos Aires, Argentina, the Congreso de Psiquiatría Infanto-juvenil organized by AAPI, Asociación Argentina de Psiquiatría Infanto juvenil y profesionales afines and FLAPIA, Federación Latinoamericana de Psiquiatría infanto juvenil, 13, 14 and 16 f June 2017, at the Sociedad Científica Argentina.
I will have created awareness about Wikimedia Projects in the mental health community. Not only the patients and their families, also the staff will become aware of Wikimedia projects.
[edit]How will you know if the project is successful and you've met your goals? Please include the following targets and feel free to add more specific to your project:
I believe that the project has potential for online impact since four new editors will be editing in Wikiquote in Spanish and we do not have much active editors there.
I hope to stay in contact with the staff and perhaps one day I can do a workshop with them. I hope the course can continue next year at the hospital with new patients. The project is to be seen as a pilot which could be extended to others Departments or other hospitals.
On one hand, I believe that this project can restore hope to people who suffered major setbacks in self-esteem because of their illness. I have the hypothesis that these activity can improve activity and social contacts online and off line and the patients may feel less alone, that is why I want to take the UCLA Loneliness Scale before and after the course. On the other hand, I hope that some of the patients keep editing after the course and become permanent active editors. I will read:
- ) Number of images and/or multimedia files uploaded to Wikimedia Commons.
- ) Number of images and/or multimedia files uploaded to Wikimedia Commons added to Wikiquote or embedded in Wikipedia articles.
- )Number of webpages outside the Wikimedia domain featuring one or some of the uploaded pictures or media files.
- )Number of articles that were created in Wikiquote.
- )Number of articles that were improved at Wikiquote.
- )Number of bytes contributed to Wikiquote.
- ) Number of new active editors.
- ) Number of people participating in the delivery of certificates's event.
- )Number of media reports mentioning the project.
- )Number of blogs, web pages or online social networking channels mentioning the project.
- ) Participants feedback with a personal interview.
- ) Results of the UCLA Loneliness Scale.
- ) Satisfaction of the hospital community regarding the project will be known gathering feedback by conducting a survey among the professional staff.
[edit]What resources do you have? Include information on who is the organizing the project, what they will do, and if you will receive support from anywhere else (in-kind donations or additional funding).
- The Hospital de Emergencias Psiquiátricas Alvear will provide a laboratory room with four desktops computers and free wifi access. It gives me the opportunity to work with hospitalized patients, in patients or outpatients, patients who come to Hospital's School or Day Care Hospital. I prefere a small group because allows more individual adaptation. By hosting my project at a public hospital I will easily access to different Departments of the hospital, patients and staff, which makes it an ideal site for this project. I have the community support of the staff since I've already talked to the Chief of Staff at the Department of Adolescence and he is very excited about the project.
- I'm a long-term wikimedian, with long experience teaching with edit-a-thons in Argentina, Uruguay and Spain (I am a member of WMA, WMU and WME). I have today 38 600 contributions. I am a highly experienced psychotherapist, a licensed professional clinical psychologist qualified to provide direct services to patients over 30 years of working with mental health patients. I have worked at the Hospital de Emergencias Psiquiátricas Alvear during my residency, from 1992 to 1997.
- Project Leader key responsibilities include:
- Conducting basic research.
- Creating a survey to collect information.
- Recruiting participants among the patients of the School, de Day Care Center and the Adolescent Department, interviewing all the applicants and choosing the participants.
- Taking the UCLA Loneliness Scale to all the participants before the course and after.
- Implementing materials for classes of editing.
- Creating an Editing Group in a Wikiproyect.
- Teaching editing tools, organizing materials and developing the course.
- Developing and managing group in social media such as Facebook to encourage progress and get feedback.
- Developing links with others internal Departments and colleagues, liaising with professional staff, working with colleagues by attending and participating in departmental meetings.
- Integrating new learning into existing classes.
- Advising patients to choose which articles they want to edit and how to achieve their goals.
- Monitoring and supervising patients's edition making suggestions to improve their editing.
- Keeping online record of articles improved or created.
- Interpreting the UCLA Loneliness Scale's results.
- Designing survey.
- Evaluating survey.
- Doing Global Metrics.
- Writing and publishing the research in a professional journal.
- Writing the report.
What resources do you need? For your funding request, list bullet points for each expense:
- ) Diplomas or certificates to recognize participants contributions, T-shirts with the logo of Wikimedia to make then feel part of the Wikimedia movement, ink for the printer for the flyers and the banner at the entrance of the computer laboratory, paper for survey and test, total amount US$150.
- ) Project Leader fees US$25/hr for 72 hours, total amount US$1800.
[edit]- I think this could be a win-win project, which will benefit both Wikiquotes and the target population. The results could be very interesting ir order to promote approach with the mental health community. Señoritaleona (talk) 23:43, 27 July 2016 (UTC) Contributor at Wikipedia in Spanish
- It seems an interesting proyect, able to provide motivation and a boost to a Wikimedia project with little activity nowadays. I also trust Jaluj and her experience to organize and develop it. Lcsrns (Talk) 02:29, 30 July 2016 (UTC) Contributor at Wikipedia in Spanish
- As an outreach project which can benefit from the snowball effect I consider it worthwhile supporting. Among the stated goals, those of "improving ... self-esteem, proposing ... a goal and reducing ... perception of loneliness and social isolation" are convincing. Technopat (talk) 21:45, 30 July 2016 (UTC) Contributor at Wikipedia in Spanish
- I believe that Jaluj is always doing interesting projects around Wikipedia and supporting this project is also a way to support her work. The project also addresses the need to involve with other type of people and communities, enabling a type of work that might be an interesting leading case. Scann (talk) 14:44, 1 August 2016 (UTC)
- One of the most captivating and inspiring projects I've ever heard around Wikimedia. And it's fair to remark that Jaluj, with her professional training and refreshing attitude, is a determined and warm-hearted contributor to Wikimedia projects in Spanish, well-known and respected. Fixertool (talk) 14:36, 2 August 2016 (UTC) Contributor at Wikipedia in Spanish
- Bien fundamentado. Significa para mí una apertura de la Wki hacia la sociedad y lo hace en un sector muy vulnerable como es el de pacientes con afecciones siquiátricas que se atienden en un hospital público. Muestra un compromiso social y también abre la puerta para que otros editores puedan proponer proyectos que se le asemejen. Héctor Guido Calvo (talk) 18:37, 3 August 2016 (UTC)Contributor at Wikipedia in Spanish
- Sounds good to me. I think that it's at least worth a try. I think that also the experience of this user in different fields (including the WM movement) is a guarantee for the success of this project Poco a poco (talk) 19:21, 5 August 2016 (UTC)Contributor at Wikipedia in Spanish
- This seems to me an innovative use of Wikimedia projects. It emphasizes the social-justice dimension of projects, especially promoting diversity. Joalpe (talk) 03:54, 10 August 2016 (UTC)
- An idea from which the Project and the patients can profit, low cost, high gain Kritzolina (talk) 19:33, 19 August 2016 (UTC)
- "Big Endorse" for this project. Having used Wikiquote editing in Wikitherapy at Argostoli Mental Health Day Center and witnessing the positive effects on both the participant/editor and the WM project (a minor project in Greek Wikimedia which was boosted tremendously by the participant's edits), this can only be a "win-win" endeavor:)--Saintfevrier (talk) 07:57, 24 August 2016 (UTC)
- I agree with all the opinions above. As an active administrator at both Wikiquote in Spanish and Commons I'll be willing to help Jaluj in such a motivating project. Anna (talk) 01:39, 26 August 2016 (UTC) Contributor at Wikipedia and Wikiquote in Spanish and Commons
- I think it's an interesting way to try to get new people to the Wikimedia Projects in a Innovative way. JoRgE-1987 (talk) 23:58, 17 September 2016 (UTC)
- Me parece una gran iniciativa, que podría también extenderse en un futuro a otros grupos en situación de vulnerabilidad.Ane wiki (talk) 02:15, 26 September 2016 (UTC)