The Wikimedia Foundation (“WMF”) is the non-profit organization that operates and hosts all Wikimedia sites, including Wikipedia, the largest online encyclopedia. There are many local, independently operated organizations within the Wikimedia movement, such as chapters, thematic organizations, movement partners, and user groups (collectively, “movement organizations”). These independent movement organizations operate to help promote the Wikimedia mission to "empower and engage people around the world to collect and develop educational content under a free license or in the public domain, and to disseminate it effectively and globally."
維基媒體基金會(WMF, The Wikimedia Foundation,以下以「基金會」簡稱)是一非營利組織,負責運行與管理所有維基媒體站台(站台中包含維基百科,世界上最大的線上百科全書)。除基金會外,維基媒體運動中,也有許多在地、獨立運作的組織,例如分會(chapters)、主題式組織(thematic organizations)、運動夥伴(movement partners)、以及用戶組(user groups) ,上述這些組織概括稱作「運動組織(movement organizations)」。這些獨立自主的運動組織與基金會攜手倡導維基媒體的使命(Wikimedia mission):「引導世界上的人們,透過開放授權或在公共領域的方式,收集、發展有教育意義的內容資料,並將這些資料有效的在全球散播。」
運動組織可能會收到來自當地政府、個人或團體要求,提供維基媒體站台某用戶的個人資訊、或者進行某篇資料的修改或移除。然而,回應上述的第三方要求,運動組織並沒有權限獲取特定用戶的個人資訊,也無法保證維基媒體站台上資料能夠獲得永久的修改或移除。只有維基媒體基金會,這個負責維基媒體站台運行與管理的單位,才有正式回應上述類型要求的能力。下列的資訊提供與基金會合作的分會組織,針對上述正式要求的初步回應之建議。詳細資料請參閱我們的免責聲明 。
Movement organizations may be contacted by local authorities, individuals or corporations requesting user information, or the alteration or removal of content on Wikimedia sites. However, movement organizations are not granted access to user information and cannot guarantee the permanent alteration or removal of Wikimedia-site content in response to a third-party demand. Only the Wikimedia Foundation - as the operator and host of the Wikimedia sites - has the authority to respond to these types of official requests. The following information provides chapters with the Foundation's initial position on how to handle official requests. Please see our legal disclaimer for more information.
- 所有的運動組織都是獨立的法人實體:運動組織的角色,是在一特定地理區域範圍內或針對某一特定主題下,獨立自主的推廣維基媒體之使命,不受來自基金會的控制或具體引導。所有的運動組織是在更廣泛的維基媒體運動框架之下,與基金會分別區隔的各個法人實體。基金會並不擁有運動組織的掌控權,它們並非基金會的下層組織。運動組織透過各種方式——諸如舉辦在地活動(像是編輯松(edit-a-thons)和駭客松(hackathons))、與在地使用者(或「社群成員」)互動、利用館聯計畫(GLAM)跟機構合作釋出著作的開放授權、以及主持在地競賽(例如維基愛古蹟)——來支持維基媒體的使命。
- 所有的運動組織都沒有法理上對維基媒體站台的內容有控制能力或責任:維基媒體站台上的內容上的創建與發展,是由全世界各地而來的社群成員所為,並不受來自基金會或任何特定運動組織的指示。然後,這些創建與發展的內容是位在美國的基金會所運作的伺服器所保存。上述維護維基媒體站台、與有關當局協調資料與內容一類的事務,是基金會應妥善扮演的角色。運動組織的角色則是在提倡使用與開發基金會所管理的維基媒體站台,但運動組織並沒有實體或法理上對這些伺服器或站台上的內容的控制權力。因此,運動組織是無法處理第三方修改或移除內容的要求。
- 所有的運動組織都沒有獲取用戶個資的權限:用戶資料是依據維基媒體基金會隱私權保護政策在維基媒體站台儲藏在美國的伺服器資料所收集而來。因此,只有維基媒體的工作人員以及特定志工有權限可以提供用戶資訊給有關當局,因此當地政府必須聯繫基金會的註冊代理人或基金會的法務團隊的電子信箱 legal@wikimedia.org 來獲取用戶資訊。
- 所有來自第三方索取用戶個資與針對特定內容修改或移除的正式要求(例如:傳票、法院命令……等)必須要送到基金會的註冊代理人(registered agent):這是唯一能夠確保基金會的法務部門能夠收到正式要求並且確保有關當局能夠得到完整而正確資料的方式。來自官方單位以及個人的口頭的請求或詢問,可以直接以電子郵件 legal@wikimedia.org 聯絡基金會的 法務團隊。
To resolve the common misconceptions regarding movement organizations, local authorities, individuals and corporations contacting movement organizations about user data and site content should be informed that:
- Movement organizations are independent legal entities. The role of movement organizations is to independently promote the Wikimedia mission within a particular geographical region or with regards to a particular topic without specific direction from or control by WMF. Movement organizations are separate legal entities within the larger Wikimedia movement. WMF has no ownership over movement organizations, as they are not subsidiaries of WMF. Movement organizations support the mission in various ways by organizing local events like edit-a-thons and hackathons to engage local users (or “community members”), participating in partnerships with institutions for content liberation through projects like GLAM, and coordinating local competitions like Wiki Loves Monuments.
- Movement organizations do not have legal control or responsibility over content on Wikimedia sites. Content on Wikimedia sites is created and curated, without direction from WMF or any particular movement organization, by community members from all over the world. This content is then hosted on WMF’s servers in the United States where WMF fulfills its role in maintaining the sites and dealing with authorities about data and content. Movement organizations promote the use and development of the WMF-hosted Wikimedia sites, but they do not have physical or legal control over the servers or content on the website and therefore, cannot alter or remove content at the request of a third party.
- Movement organizations do not have access to user information. User data that is collected on Wikimedia sites in accordance with the WMF privacy policy is stored on WMF servers located in the United States. Consequently, only Wikimedia staff and certain volunteers have the authority to provide user information to authorities, so local authorities must contact WMF’s registered agent or WMF’s legal team by emailing legal@wikimedia.org to obtain access to user information.
- All official requests (i.e. subpoenas, court orders, etc.) for user data or content alteration or removal must be sent to WMF’s registered agent. This is the only way to ensure the WMF Legal Department receives the official request and to ensure that the authority receives complete and accurate data. Oral requests or questions from an officer or individual may be directed to WMF’s legal team by emailing legalwikimediaorg.
Movement organizations share in the WMF mission of making the sum of all knowledge readily accessible by everyone, but they do not share the legal responsibility of hosting the Wikimedia sites. Only WMF independently operates and hosts all Wikimedia sites. As a result, WMF is the sole entity legally authorized to release user data and the sole entity responsible for hosting content content appearing on the sites. Please see below for standardized language you may send in response to requests for user data or content alteration/removal. Feel free to contact the WMF with any additional questions you may have.
維基媒體基金會(WMF, Wikimedia Foundation,以下簡稱基金會)運行與管理維基百科以及其他世界上的維基站台。相對而言,我們則是一獨立自主的在地組織,由在地的維基百科或其他維基媒體計畫的使用者所組成。我們並不是由基金會進行治理、擁有、或營運的組織。我們也不是基金會的下級或是附屬單位,不負責營運維基百科或其他維基媒體站台,我們也沒有權限能夠獲取個別用戶的資料。為確保您收到完整而正確的答覆,請聯絡維基媒體基金會,基金會對索取用戶個資有完整的處理方式。您可以透過以下方式聯絡維基媒體基金會:
- 註冊代理人(Registered Agent)
- Wikimedia Foundation
- c/o CT Corporation System
- 818 West Seventh Street
- Los Angeles, California 90017, United States
The Wikimedia Foundation operates and hosts Wikipedia and other Wikimedia sites worldwide. In contrast, we are a local entity, which is a stand-alone, independent organization formed by local people who use Wikipedia and other Wikimedia projects. We are not governed, owned, or operated by the Wikimedia Foundation. We are not a subsidiary or owned affiliate of the WMF and have no responsibility with respect to running Wikipedia or other Wikimedia sites, nor do we have access to user information. The Wikimedia Foundation is the appropriate entity to direct all official requests for user information to ensure you are receiving complete and accurate information. You can contact them at:
- Registered Agent
- Wikimedia Foundation
- c/o CT Corporation System
- 818 West Seventh Street
- Los Angeles, California 90017, United States
- WMF Contact: Legal Department
- Email: legalwikimediaorg - preferred method of contact
- Phone: +1 (415) 839-6885
- Facsimile: +1 (415) 882-0495
- Mailing Address: 1 Montgomery Street, Suite 1600, San Francisco, California 94104, United States
We understand that the Wikimedia Foundation usually requires a U.S. subpoena before it releases user information, but we encourage you to review their request for user information procedures and guidelines before talking to them directly to understand their processes.
維基媒體基金會(WMF, Wikimedia Foundation,以下簡稱基金會)運行與管理維基百科以及其他世界上的維基站台。相對而言,我們則是一獨立自主的在地組織,由在地的維基百科或其他維基媒體計畫的使用者所組成。我們並不是由基金會進行治理、擁有、或營運的組織。我們也不是基金會的下級或是附屬單位,不負責營運維基百科或其他維基媒體站台,我們也沒有權限能夠永久的修改或移除在維基媒體站台上的內容。維基的內容是由來自全世界的志願貢獻者與編輯所創建與發展,並不受我們或是基金會的指示行動。如果您對內容移除仍有疑問,請直接連絡維基媒體基金會,這將會對您的疑問有更完善的解答:
- 維基媒體基金會法律部聯絡方式 (WMF Contact: Legal and Community Advocacy Department)
- 電子郵件(建議以此管道聯絡):legal@wikimedia.org
- 電話:+1 (415) 839-6885
- 傳真:+1 (415) 882-0495
- 郵遞地址:149 New Montgomery St., Floor 6, San Francisco, California 94105, United States
The Wikimedia Foundation operates and hosts Wikipedia and other Wikimedia sites worldwide. In contrast, we are a local entity, which is a stand-alone, independent organization formed by local people who use Wikipedia and other Wikimedia projects. We are not governed, owned, or operated by the Wikimedia Foundation. We are not a subsidiary or owned affiliate of the WMF and have no responsibility with respect to running Wikipedia or other Wikimedia sites, nor do we have authority to permanently alter or remove the content appearing on Wikimedia sites. The content on all Wikimedia sites is created and curated by volunteer contributors and editors from all around the world that do not act at the direction or under the influence of us or the Wikimedia Foundation. If you still have questions regarding content removal, please direct your correspondence to the Wikimedia Foundation who will be better able to resolve your questions:
- WMF Contact: Legal Department
- Email: legalwikimediaorg - preferred method of contact
- Phone: +1 (415) 839-6885
- Facsimile: +1 (415) 882-0495
- Mailing Address: 149 New Montgomery St., Floor 6, San Francisco, California 94105, United States
We encourage you to talk to them directly to understand their processes.