Talk:Affiliate-selected Board seats/2016/Nominations/Susanna Mkrtchyan
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[edit]Ողջույն տիկին Սուսաննա, ես դեռևս հարցերը ձևակերպում եմ հայերեն, քանի որ ցանկանում եմ մեր կոնֆլիկտը լուծենք: Հիշեցնեմ ձեր խոսքերը.
№ | Date & Link | Wikiplatform | Խոսքեր ուղղված 6AND5-ին (users comments) |
1 | 26 October 2013 | | Հարգելի 6AND5, հայերեն Վիքիպեդիան բոլորինս է, յուրաքանչյուրս իր գիտելիքների իր ունակությունների չափով աշխատում է օգտակար լինել հայերեն Վիքիպեդիային: Մարդիկ տարբեր են և սխալները հատուկ են բոլորիս: Անչափ ուրախացել էի Ձեր վերադարձին: Եթե շատ խնդրեմ կարո՞ղ եք գալ վաղվա Վիքի հանդիպմանը:--SusikMkr (քննարկում) 21:32, 26 Հոկտեմբերի 2013 (UTC) |
Ես խմբագրել եմ 2010 թվականից ՀՎՊ-ն: Եվ Դուք չեք պատկերացնում իմ համար, որքան դժվար է, երբ ես հիմա անժամկետ արգելափակված եմ ՀՎՊ-ում: Կրկին անգամ ասում եմ, եթե ես Ձեզ նեղացրել եմ, ապա կներեք ինձ: Արեք փակենք այս կոնֆլիկտը և մեր ուսերից այս բեռը գցենք: Շատ եմ խնդրում, արեք օգնեք ինձ իմ բլոկը հանենք, ես միայն օգտակար եմ լինելու ՀՎՊ-ին, որևէ կոնֆլիկտի առիթ չեմ տալու: Հարգանքներով 6AND5:--6AND5 (talk) 13:37, 25 February 2016 (UTC)
- Հարգելի 6AND5, Այո մարդիկ տարբեր են և սխալները հատուկ են բոլորիս։ Ես Ձեզանից նեղացած չեմ, բայց չեմ սիրում անիմաստ ժամանակ վատնել այնպիսի խնդիրների վրա, որտեղ ես անզոր եմ, այո Ձեր հարցում ես անզոր եմ, քանի որ հայերեն Վիքիպեդիայի ադմին չեմ։ Որքան տեղյակ եմ հայերեն Վիքիպեդիայում դուք վիրավորել եք բազմաթիվ մարդկանց։ Միակ խորհուրդս այն է, որ ներողամտություն հայցեք բոլոր այն մարդկանցից, ում վիրավորել եք։ Նորից եմ խնդրում, ինձ մի դիմեք այս հարցով, ես ադմին չեմ։--SusikMkr (talk) 19:36, 25 February 2016 (UTC)
- Տարօրինակ արձագանք է: Ես ամռանը ներողություն խնդրել եմ այն էլ միակողմանի, որից հետո սկսել ինձ ծաղրել: Դուք անզոր եք, ինչում եք անզոր, երբ ինձ բլոկ անողը ամեն տեղ Ձեր անունն է շեշտում, որ ես իբր Ձեզ սպառնացել և դրանով ճնշում է գործադրում բոլոր մասնակիցների վրա, սա ինչպես կբացատրեք?--6AND5 (talk) 11:15, 26 February 2016 (UTC)
- Այս ներողության տեքստը [1] դեռևս տեղադրվել է ամռանը, սա այն դեպքում, երբ ինձ բոլոր հնարավոր վիրավորանքները հասցեագրել են՝ չարիք, դուրս շպրտել, բարբաջանք, հայրենիքի պատիվը գետնին տվող և այլն: Հիմա ինչ կարող եք Դուք անել, դուք կարող եք քննարկում բացել ՀՎՊ-ում և խնդրել, որ ադմինները իմ բլոկը հանեն, սա ինձնից լավ գիտեք, այլ ոչ թե թույլ տաք, որ Ձեր անունը իմ դեմ զենք օգտագործեն:--6AND5 (talk) 12:48, 26 February 2016 (UTC)
- Հարգելի 6AND5, Այո մարդիկ տարբեր են և սխալները հատուկ են բոլորիս։ Ես Ձեզանից նեղացած չեմ, բայց չեմ սիրում անիմաստ ժամանակ վատնել այնպիսի խնդիրների վրա, որտեղ ես անզոր եմ, այո Ձեր հարցում ես անզոր եմ, քանի որ հայերեն Վիքիպեդիայի ադմին չեմ։ Որքան տեղյակ եմ հայերեն Վիքիպեդիայում դուք վիրավորել եք բազմաթիվ մարդկանց։ Միակ խորհուրդս այն է, որ ներողամտություն հայցեք բոլոր այն մարդկանցից, ում վիրավորել եք։ Նորից եմ խնդրում, ինձ մի դիմեք այս հարցով, ես ադմին չեմ։--SusikMkr (talk) 19:36, 25 February 2016 (UTC)
- Եթե դուք ցանկանում եք, որ հանվի 6AND5-ի արգելափակումը, կարող եք այս էջում հայտնել Ձեր աջակցությունը արգելափակումը հանելուն: / If you want remove the block of 6AND5, you can in this page inform your support to removal block. --Vadgt (talk) 21:11, 25 February 2016 (UTC)
- Ես սպասում եմ պատասխանի, երբ է Ձեր կողմից հովանավորվող և նաև ենթակա անձը (ըստ Վիքիմեդիա Հայաստան ՀԿ-ի կանոնադրության) հանելու իմ արգելափակումը? Ինչու եք շարունակում հովանավորել իմ արգելափակումը, Վիքիպեդիան բոլորին է, այն ինչ-որ մեկի սեփականությունը չի: Պետք չէ այդքան վրեժխնդիր լինել...
- Ինչու գնահատական չեք տալիս ՎՀ ՀԿ-ի անդամի կողմից տարբեր վիքինախագծերում իմ հասցեին վիրավորանքներին, եթե Ձեզ լրագրողները հարցնեն, կամ հենց Կառավարությունից հարցնեն, մտածել եք ինչ եք պատասխանելու?--6AND5 (talk) 11:07, 3 March 2016 (UTC)
Հարցեր Vadgt-ից / Questions from Vadgt
[edit]Հայերեն՝ Տիկին Սուսաննա, ես ունեմ չորս հարց: 1. Ինչպես եք վերաբերվում այն փաստին, որ հայերեն Վիքիպեդիայում արդարացվել է խամաճիկությունը, խոսքը իհարկե El-ßäbrega մասնակցի մասին է: 2. Ինչու դուք չմասնակցեցիք El-ßäbrega-ի խամաճիկ հաշիվների մասին քննարկմանը, արտահայտելով Ձեր կարծիքը, խոսքը այս քննարկման մասին է: 3. Ինչպես եք վերաբերվում այն փաստին, որ Հայերեն Վիքիպեդիայի գրեթե բոլոր ադմինները Վիքիմեդիա Հայաստանի ադամներ են: 4. Դուք Արամ Սողոմոնյանի համար ադմինիստրատորի իրավունքների դիմումում դուք կողմ եք քվեարկել Արամ Սողոմոնյանին, որը կատարել էր այսպիսի արտահայտություններ, մեջբերում եմ «Սա արդեն համբերության վերջին կաթիլն էր, թող համարվի վիքիէթիկետի խախտում, բայց պիտի ասեմ, որ ժամանակն է գրողի ծոցն ուղարկել այս ամենը ու լուրջ գործերով զբաղվել: Երջանիկ, Ջեօ, Բեքո, վերջ տվեք այս ամենին: Բավական է, երկու օր է այդ մարդը Վիքիում է, ու տեսեք ինչեր անում, ցեցի պես ավիրում է ամեն բան: Ի սեր Աստծո, կանգնեցրեք այդ չարիքին: Արգելափակեք ու իր շքախմբով դուրս շպրտեք այստեղից:», դուք սա համարում ե՞ք վիքիէթիկայի խախտում, եթե այո, ապա դուք հաշվի առե՞լ եք մասնակցի հետևյալ արտահայտությունը նրան կողմ քվարկելուց, եթե ոչ, կփոխե՞ք Ձեր ձայնը:
English: Mrs. Susanna, I have a four question. 1. How you treat those fact, that in Armenian Wikipedia justifies sock puppetry, speech about El-ßäbrega? 2. Why you did not you participate on discussion about El-ßäbrega's sock puppet accounts, speech about this discussion? 3. How you treat those fact, that Armenian Wikipedia almost all admins is member of Wikimedia Armenia? 4. You in Aram Soghomonyan's request for adminship voted support for Aram Soghomonyan's adminship, he makes such statements, I quote "This already is end of patience, let deems to violation of Wikietiquette, but I must a say, that it's time to clear off all this and do with serious works. Erjanik, Geo, Beko, stop all this. Enough! two days of that person is on Wiki, and look what do, like the moth demolishes everything. For god's sake, stop this evil. Block her and with her retinue throw out of here!" Do you this deem this violation of Wikietiquette? If yes, then do you considered user's this statement? If no, do you will change your vote? --Vadgt (talk) 21:02, 25 February 2016 (UTC)
- Since I am not a sysop of Armenian Wikipedia and never was, I am rarely involved in discussion like the ones you mentioned and therefore I will also not comment in more detail than I do. I rarely participate in discussions that involve sysop actions or reactions. As president of Wikimedia Armenia my general concern is to involve more users and editors rather than solving particular issues within the Wikipedia community.
- I am glad that many users, including sysops of Armenian Wikipedia decided to join Wikimedia Armenia. This does not give them any advantage as opposed to those who didn't. The organisation's goal is to promote Wikimedia movement and we do not endorse our members when it comes to issues or controversies within the Wikipedia community. Thank you!--SusikMkr (talk) 04:27, 29 February 2016 (UTC)
- You did not speak about Aram Soghomonyan phrase, it is violation of wikiethics, or not? Also you did not speak about El-ßäbrega, he had multiple accounts, but for this already not blocked in that reason, also he having and had 9 blocks, but even if his gives one chance, then he not used that chance. --Vadgt (talk) 05:58, 29 February 2016 (UTC)
- I am glad that many users, including sysops of Armenian Wikipedia decided to join Wikimedia Armenia. This does not give them any advantage as opposed to those who didn't. The organisation's goal is to promote Wikimedia movement and we do not endorse our members when it comes to issues or controversies within the Wikipedia community. Thank you!--SusikMkr (talk) 04:27, 29 February 2016 (UTC)
Questions from 6AND5/2
[edit]- Susanna Mkrtchyan is the president of the organization Wikimedia Armenia. She in February 2015 voted against me and said that your voice will change only if I see in real life. Isn't this blackmail? Why You required that I met with you?--6AND5 (talk) 12:00, 26 February 2016 (UTC)
- You say against me have nothing, so why, a member of Wikimedia Armenia, all the time screaming that I supposedly threatened you. Why one of member of WMAM says that Wikipedia is a war field and the sysop who blocked me indefinitely like a warrior should not leave the battlefield. More detail.
The woman sysop - Lilit offered to remove my block (November, 2015), one of the user began the attacks against her, another user (member of WMAM) began to discuss her life. When one of the user said that it is impossible with such a tone to speak with her, started to attack him, and so on, when in armenian Wikipedia does not work the laws, what to say? Why on meta (Armenian users who want to have removed the indefinite block with the user:6AND5 in the Armenian Wikipedia) to vote for withdrawal, and on Wikipedia no. Who blocked (member of WMAM) me everywhere screaming Susanna Mkrtchyan's name (in addition this sysop said will leave (go away) from Wikipedia, if they unblock me). Why one of the users (member of WMAM) in this sysop said that he, as a warrior should not leave the battlefield?--6AND5 (talk) 12:00, 26 February 2016 (UTC)
- Why Erjanik Galstyan (member of WMAM) says to remove my block, I have to go to the headquarters of the organization of Wikimedia Armenia (WMAM)?--6AND5 (talk) 12:00, 26 February 2016 (UTC)
- Why are some members of the organization of Wikimedia Armenia is above the law, they can insult everybody, but nobody says nothing because they are members of your organization. More detail - Talk:Wikimedia Armenia#2.5 To promote volunteer work for the achievement of above mentioned objectives. --6AND5 (talk) 12:00, 26 February 2016 (UTC)
- Just a quick remark as a former admin of Armenian Wikimedia who was involved in the discussions concerning the behavior of user 6AND5 and his indefinite block. Susanna Mkrtchyan has little to do with the conditions that lead to this users block. Ergo: no point to discuss it here :) (the list of sysops who blocked 6AND5 is here). --vacio 19:35, 28 February 2016 (UTC)
- Of course, the one who blocked me everywhere screaming that I allegedly threatened Mkrtchyan. She says she's not sysop and supposedly can't help, if this is true, why she is a just that don't says this sysop more don't shout my name everywhere?--6AND5 (talk) 20:19, 28 February 2016 (UTC)
- Sorry but where to discuss? if she's not answering my questions...--6AND5 (talk) 20:19, 28 February 2016 (UTC)
- I think, Susanna Mkrtchyan needs first to understand what's going on in the organization of Wikimedia Armenia, and then to solve global issues. If she can't stop a simple conflict, what can solve more global issues? I don't understand...--6AND5 (talk) 23:47, 28 February 2016 (UTC)
- Թուրք և ադրբեջանցի վիքիպեդիստները բոլոր լեզուներով վիքիպեդիաներից հեռացրել էին Հայաստանի լուսանկարները։ Մեր նախաձեռնությամբ Ազգային Ժողովը մտավոր սեփականությանը վերաբերող օրենքում շատ կարևոր «Համայնապատկերի ազատություն» հոդվածը վերաձևակերպեց։
- You said that turkish and azerbaijani users removed Armenian photos from all of Wikipedia. Can you name the names of the users? Մի հարց էլ հայերեն տամ, կան ապացույցներ, որ Ձեր կազմակերպությունը միայնակ է նախաձեռնել օրենքի փոփոխությունները?--6AND5 (talk) 12:00, 26 February 2016 (UTC)
Questions about government support for Wikimedia Armenia
[edit]Hi Susanna, I understand from a 2014 BBC article on the "One Armenian, one Article" campaign that it was supported by the Armenian government (in fact, the Armenian Defence Minister reportedly participated in person and wrote an article on the Armenian army for the Armenian Wikipedia). You also say in your statement that you have signed a contract with the "Armenian Encyclopedia Authorities" to re-use their content.
According to Freedom House, corruption is widespread in Armenian government and law enforcement, and the press is not free, with journalists having to "contend with violence and harassment", although "Independent outlets continued to take advantage of the country’s relatively open online space."
As things stand, it is hard for me to see your organisation's involvement with the Armenian government as significantly different from what happened in Kazakhstan, where the Kazakh Wikipedia is now too in large parts a copy of the state-published and politically censored Kazakh National Encyclopedia – a matter I consider one of the most significant scandals in WMF history, precisely because of Jimmy Wales' endorsement. The Kazakh government used Wikipedia as part of its strategic efforts to gain control over the Kazakh-language internet, and suppress critical voices online.
What can you say to convince me that the situation in Armenia is not following the same pattern? Regards, --Andreas JN466 17:10, 2 March 2016 (UTC)
See also related discussion on the Wikimedia mailing list: [3] and following posts in the public archive. I don't know whether you are a member of the list; if not, instructions for subscribing are here. Regards, --Andreas JN466 23:39, 2 March 2016 (UTC)
I can say that corruption can be found in the Wikimedia Armenia. Susanna Mkrtchyan sponsoring my block, but here says what she supposedly does not affect my block. And the one who blocked me in armenian Wikipedia, shouts everywhere that I allegedly threatened S. Mkrtchyan. And S. Mkrtchyan modestly silent. If she thinks that is normal when members of Wikimedia Armenia insulting other users, everything has already been said...--6AND5 (talk) 07:19, 3 March 2016 (UTC)
I think the Armenian Government don't knows what's going on in the armenian Wikipedia. But Wikimedia Armenia from the Armenian Government received gratuitously territory for their headquarter.--6AND5 (talk) 07:31, 3 March 2016 (UTC)
- Thank you. Are you saying that the Wikimedia Armenia office is located in a government building, and Wikimedia Armenia does not have to pay any rent? Andreas JN466 09:53, 3 March 2016 (UTC)
And these people (members of Wikimedia Armenia) are not allowed me write articles in armenian Wikipedia...(((--6AND5 (talk) 10:42, 3 March 2016 (UTC)
- By the way supposedly they all work for free, but wrote here that the staff has spent more than 7000 dollars. For Armenia this is not a small sum, wonder who gets how much? Grants:APG/Proposals/2014-2015 round2/Wikimedia Armenia/Progress report form.--6AND5 (talk) 11:44, 3 March 2016 (UTC)
- Andreas, I think Wikipedia Armenia's sponsor is Armenia's power. 6AND5, how Armenia, so Armenian Wikipedia. --Vadgt (talk) 13:56, 3 March 2016 (UTC)
- Dear Andreas,
- Thank you very much for the important questions that you raise.
- Let me first point out that Wikimedia Armenia is financially independent from the Armenian government. Organizations which currently fund us are WMF and Gulbenkian Foundation, located in Portugal. The only support that we accepted from the Armenian government is our office space which is located in a state-owned property (but not governmental building).
- I can ascertain that we are well aware of the corruption risks in our country and how it can have an impact on the Wikimedia movement. In fact we have had some challenges in the past, especially with a past sponsor, those are issues that we keep Wikimedia Foundation, in particular its lawyers, Asaf Bartov, Jan Bart de Vreede, Liam Wyatt updated about.
- So we are very cautious when cooperating with government agencies, statespeople or sponsors, this doesn't however mean that we exclude any such cooperation. "One Armenian, one article" campaign is one example of such cooperation (where different statespeople (including opposition party members) and celebrities encouraged people to edit Wikipedia). We did not notice many of these statespeople actually editing Wikipedia, but the campaign overall contributed to improve awareness about Wikipedia.
- As for the Soviet Encyclopedia which is free-licensed and is used mainly by novice editors, we do encourage editors to leave out outdated or politically loaded topics that may include soviet-propaganda.
- Finally, about your concern that if I worked for state institutions in the past: those were only scientific and research institutions. Currently I am employed as leading researcher in the Institute for Informatics and Automation Problems which is part of the National Academy of Sciences of Armenia. As for Wikimedia Armenia, I always and only worked as a volunteer (although we have paid staff).
- Thank you and please let me know if you have any other concern points.--SusikMkr (talk) 14:39, 3 March 2016 (UTC)
- If You do not receive a salary, who receives? or is it a trade secret?. The volunteer, who every year goes to wikiconference... And it was You that affect children - Norayr and Garik that they delete their votes? --6AND5 (talk) 17:27, 3 March 2016 (UTC)
- Dear Susanna, thanks for your response. I have a few more questions, and would be grateful if you could answer them.
- You mention the "Armenian Encyclopedia Authorities" in your statement. What works do these authorities publish, and what is it you are planning to re-use, or have re-used in the Armenian Wikipedias?
- How many people does Wikimedia Armenia employ, and how many of them have administrator rights on the Armenian Wikipedia?
- Do paid Wikimedia Armenia staff edit Wikipedia as part of their employment?
- I saw press reports ([6][7]) that ArmenTel CEO Igor Klimko, listed as a featured speaker in WikiConference_Yerevan_2012/Schedule, subsequently was named as the prime suspect in a $500 million money laundering case and fled the country. In the ongoing court case, his lawyer claims that Mr Klimko was acting on instructions from the Armenian National Security Service. The National Security Service denies that, and the case is ongoing. Was Mr Klimko a sponsor of the Wikimedia Armenia effort at the time, and if not, why was he invited to the 2012 event?
- A LinkedIn profile in your name and showing your picture identifies you as a sector manager in the State Committee of Science, which is under the direction of the Ministry of Education and Science of Armenia. Both the Minister and the Deputy Minister of Education and Science are listed as featured speakers in WikiConference_Yerevan_2012/Schedule and WikiConference_Yerevan_2015/Schedule. How did this come about, and who initiated the discussions preceding their attendance – did you or Wikimedia Armenia staff invite them, or did their office contact you or Wikimedia Armenia staff to indicate that they would like to attend and speak at the event?
- The Armenian president reportedly attended the opening of your Wikimedia Armenia premises last year; the Minister of Culture and the Prime Minister have also been listed speakers at the 2012 and 2015 WikiConferences. Did you invite them, or did they suggest that they would like to attend? Have any of these statespeople ever contacted you at your workplace?
- Is your volunteer work for Wikipedia ever a matter of discussion at your workplace, and have you ever accepted any instructions in this regard from your direct or indirect (higher-up) superiors?
- Would you be free to refuse any future Wikimedia-related request brought to you at work?
- You say the Armenian state provides you with free premises. How did this arrangement come about?
- You say opposition statespeople participated in the "One Armenian, One Article" campaign. The video I viewed on YouTube featured the Defence Minister and the Education and Science Minister (as well as the Head of Armenian Public Radio, a TV announcer, and the Head of Matenadaran Archive). Are any of them opposition statespeople, and if not, would you point me to any campaign materials featuring similar endorsements from opposition figures?
- Whose idea was it to have a campaign video featuring politicians?
- Kind regards, --Andreas JN466 17:34, 3 March 2016 (UTC)
- Hi Andreas, Thank you for the questions.
- 1. They published a number of encyclopedias and refence books, you can look in the eikipedia article for more info. We have made shortllists of articles (avoiding political and outdated topics) which newbies or participants of Wikicamps and workshops can use to create new articles in Armenian Wikipedia.
- Thank you and please let me know if you have any other concern points.--SusikMkr (talk) 14:39, 3 March 2016 (UTC)
- 2. No :)
- 3. ArmenTel was a sponsor of the conference, their CEO was invited to give an opening speech, but he didn't show up. We haven't worked with ArmenTel afterwards.
- 4 & 5. I invited the ministers and prime minister myself, but of course not on behalf of the Research institute I work for (btw, I have to update my Linkedin profile, I am no longer Sector manager, only a leading researcher). I think their presence would send a good message to the public, but none of them attended the conferences.
- The Armenian president was invited by the sponsor who also renovated the premises.
- 6. No, my coworkers or supervisors don't try to influence my Wikipedia activity. On the other hand, as the president of Wikimedia Armenia, I am occasionally contacted by PR agents and representatives of public and political figures asking to change certain articles in Armenian Wikipedia. Of course, I always tell them that I can’t help them and explain how Wikipedia works.
- 7. Absolutely.
- 8. I applied several times to a committee of the Prime minister (Information Technologies Development Support Council) back in 2011. It took almost a year until they agreed to provide us the current office space.
- 9 & 10. There were actually two promotional videos, I made myself the list of the people in the first1, so that was my idea. The people in the second one were mainly selected by the TV company. Anahit Bakhshyan is a well known public/political figure from the opposition party "Heritage".--SusikMkr (talk) 10:32, 5 March 2016 (UTC)
- I like that first video a lot better than the second one, so if it's reflective of your choices, then well done.
You say that none of the ministers mentioned in the WikiConference schedules showed up at these events: while this probably came as a disappointment to you at the time, I am somewhat relieved to hear it. I'd say in the future don't bother inviting them (or at least make sure that opposition figures are invited too). From where I'm sitting (which is a long way away from Armenia), a certain amount of obscurity and insulation from top government circles looks like a vital condition for the Armenian Wikipedia's long-term health, given that the Armenian government presently still struggles with issues around press freedom and corruption.
- Note that your numbering above is currently off by one (you missed question 2).
- Lastly, I regret that I took this matter to the mailing list in the way I did. It was hasty and impulsive of me (and I got a good roasting there from a number of people as a result, as well as some private notes from friends telling me they had met you, and you didn't strike them as an apparatchik). I really should have given you an opportunity to respond here first. So, thanks for taking the time to answer my questions, and good luck in the election. Andreas JN466 14:43, 5 March 2016 (UTC)
- Wikimedia Armenia has four employees, 2 are paid from WMF, 2 Gulbenkian Foundation. they are sysops, Armenian Wikipedia has 10 sysops.
- Thank you also for your explanation and advice, I really appreciate that and will take into consideration.--SusikMkr (talk) 16:05, 5 March 2016 (UTC)
- Susanna, and whose are this users? --Vadgt (talk) 16:25, 5 March 2016 (UTC)
- WMF - Lilitik22, David Saroyan; Gulbenkian Foundation - Beko, Azniv Stepanian--SusikMkr (talk) 18:27, 5 March 2016 (UTC)
- Susanna, and whose are this users? --Vadgt (talk) 16:25, 5 March 2016 (UTC)
- I like that first video a lot better than the second one, so if it's reflective of your choices, then well done.
- 9 & 10. There were actually two promotional videos, I made myself the list of the people in the first1, so that was my idea. The people in the second one were mainly selected by the TV company. Anahit Bakhshyan is a well known public/political figure from the opposition party "Heritage".--SusikMkr (talk) 10:32, 5 March 2016 (UTC)
- Andreas, if interested, Anahit Bakhshyan is the Deputy Director of National Institute of Education [8]--6AND5 (talk) 14:27, 7 March 2016 (UTC)
Conflict of interests management
[edit]Hi Susanna. Following your answerts to the questions by Andreas, I have a question about conflicts of interests management. In particular I noticed that Wikimedia Armenia has two significant conflicts of interests and I would like to know how you manage these conflicts:
- Out of 7 board members, two (namely, Beko, Board secretary, and Lilitik22) are also staff members. How do you as a chairperson manage the situation where your two fellow board members also report to you as staffers?
- All four employees of Wikimedia Armenia are administrators of Armenian Wikipedia. Do they happen to edit Armenian Wikipedia or Wikimedia projects as a part of their employment, and if yes, how do you as a chairperson make sure that they are compliant with the paid contributions amendment?
Thank you in advance for your answers! — NickK (talk) 13:59, 7 March 2016 (UTC)
Comment If I right know, 9 of 10 sysops are members of Wikimedia Armenia, and the 10-rd lives in Russia. I can only say that Lilitik22 works for pleasure, not for money.--6AND5 (talk) 14:14, 7 March 2016 (UTC)
- What you state is an interesting fact but is not something Susanna should deal with. I am more interested in how she deals with two real cases of CoI in the organisation she manages — NickK (talk) 14:58, 7 March 2016 (UTC)
- Hi Nick. Thank you for raising another important issue.
- I absolutely agree with you, there is a conflict of interest. This issue has been once raised, when two members of the Board said they would like to become employees, I suggested them to resign from Board. However since the WM AM Bylaw does not exclude such a situation, they preferred not to resign. I can say that during this period we all have seen that yes, there is a conflict of interest and hopefully WM AM can fix that eventually.
- No, WM AM does not pay its employees to edit Wikipedia as part of their job, what is absolutely against our mission and values. Although editing is closely linked to what they often do (organizing edit-a-thons, workshops etc.), I think that voluntary contribution is the essence of the Wikimedia movement.--SusikMkr (talk) 09:25, 8 March 2016 (UTC)
- @SusikMkr: Thank you for your answers. I would like to clarify the following points:
- It is good that you acknowledge the conflict of interests, but how do you manage it? Do you take any measures to prevent your employees from impacting decisions that will affect them as employees?
- Thank you for clearly stating that. Is it correct that all their contributions on Meta (for instance, these or these edits, which seem to concern mostly WMAM grantmaking and reporting) are made entirely in volunteer capacity?
- Thanks! — NickK (talk) 11:05, 8 March 2016 (UTC)
- Dear NickK,
- The two Board members are participating in discussion, but important decisions makes the whole Board. Until now, we didn't face major issues. I expect that WM AM will mature sufficiantly and eventually we will have more appropriate Bylaw.
- WM AM employees help to submit Grant proposals and reports to WMF, as well to Gulbenkian Foundation, that is part of their work. And of course there is a clear distinction between contributing to Wikipedia and sister projects and those edits.
- Thank you.--SusikMkr (talk) 11:21, 9 March 2016 (UTC)
- @SusikMkr: Thank you for your answers. Please pay attention to the fact that paid contributions amendment requires to clearly indicate which edits are made in their employee capacity (i.e. paid edits), which is not currently the case. The appropriate statements should be made either on user pages, or on talk pages of the pages they edited as employees. Best regards, — NickK (talk) 11:32, 24 March 2016 (UTC)
- NickK, самое интересное то, что участник Беко в 2015 году выдвинул кандидатуру Азнив Степанян на должность админа и прямо сказал, что давайте не обращать внимание, что у нее нет соответствующего стажа для кандитата админа. Оба получают зарплату от фонда Гюлбенкян.--6AND5 (talk) 11:58, 24 March 2016 (UTC)
- Dear NickK,
[edit]Hi Susanna
Wikimedia Armenia/Reports is not up to date, with the last report being May 2015. What are you doing to correct this?
When is the 2015 financial report due in Armenia?
Grants:PEG/WM_AM/2014 reports zero staff members and/or contractors. How many staff and/or contractors does Wikimedia Armenia have now? John Vandenberg (talk) 02:53, 10 March 2016 (UTC)
- Hi John Vandenberg,
- The activity reports devided by months are not complete but instead there are 2014-2015 annual report where you can find activity reports including May and June, APG progress report which includes July-December period, also we have a WikiCamp report which was organized in June-August, as well as we have Western Armenian program reports for the whole 2015. The activity monthly reports are done based on these reports.
- Financial report in Armenia is due in April.
- Wikimedia Armenia has four employees, 2 are paid from WMF, 2 Gulbenkian Foundation.Thank you--SusikMkr (talk) 10:59, 11 March 2016 (UTC)
Question: Hi Susanna,
- Can find out the components of costs office operating activities (3,936.04 $US) ?
- The operator, who answers questions on the telephone, receives money for it ?
- Can find out the components of costs community support (1,698.06 $US) ?
- Ever conducted an audit ? --6AND5 (talk) 07:16, 20 March 2016 (UTC)
Questions to be addressed
[edit]Hi, I've been reading through the answers to the questions that have been posed by the community, and I note that there are several long-standing questions that you have not yet responded to, including my own question on the openness of board proceedings. Knowing where the candidates stand on a variety of issues is important when deciding who to vote for, and if you have not done so recently it would be worth reviewing the questions that still remain to be answered. MichaelMaggs (talk) 17:33, 20 March 2016 (UTC)