The Tech News weekly summaries help you monitor recent software changes likely to impact you and your fellow Wikimedians. Subscribe, contribute and give feedback.
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Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Recent software changes
- You can now use
{{#lsth: PageName | SectionName }}
to transclude a section by its title. [١]
- MediaWiki was reverted to the previous version on February 4. It was because of a performance issue. It was restored later. [٢]
- UploadWizard was broken on February 4 because of the revert of MediaWiki. [٣]
- All sites were broken for 30 minutes on February 5. It was due to a network problem. [٤]
Software changes this week
- The new version of MediaWiki has been on test wikis and MediaWiki.org since February 5. It will be on non-Wikipedia wikis from February 10. It will be on all Wikipedias from February 11 (calendar).
- You can have one user page for all wikis. Your Meta user page will show if you don't have a user page on a wiki. You can test this tool on test wikis. [٥] [٦] [٧]
- You can search for media files in VisualEditor more easily. Images are bigger and you see the size and license. [٨] [٩]
- It is easier to review your changes when you save the page in VisualEditor. The window is wider. [١٠]
- You can read the latest news about VisualEditor. You can now join weekly meetings with developers. During the meetings you can tell developers which bugs are the most important. The first meeting is on February 11 at 20:00 (UTC).
Future changes
- Administrators will soon be able to delete change tags used fewer than 5,000 times. [١١]
- In the future you will be able to have personal lists of articles on the mobile site. [١٢]
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