前号 | 2024年第21週 (2024年5月20日(月曜日)) | 次号 |
技術ニュース: 2024-21
- 管理者がページを一括削除できるNuke拡張機能で、移動されたページが正しく削除されるようになりました。 [1]
- New changes have been made to the UploadWizard in Wikimedia Commons: the overall layout has been improved, by following new styling and spacing for the form and its fields; the headers and helper text for each of the fields was changed; the Caption field is now a required field, and there is an option for users to copy their caption into the media description. [2][3]
- 新しいバージョンのMediaWikiソフトウェアが稼働します。テストウィキとMediaWiki.orgは5月21日に、ウィキペディア以外のプロジェクトと一部のウィキペディアは5月22日に、その他のウィキには5月23日に展開されます(工程表はこちら)。 [4][5]
- The HTML used to render all headings is being changed to improve accessibility. It will change on 22 May in some skins (Timeless, Modern, CologneBlue, Nostalgia, and Monobook). Please test gadgets on your wiki on these skins and report any related problems so that they can be resolved before this change is made in all other skins. The developers are also considering the introduction of a Gadget API for adding buttons to section titles if that would be helpful to tool creators, and would appreciate any input you have on that.
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