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Wikimedia Foundation Executive and Leadership teams/製品・技術担当統括役員/S・ディッケルマンの聞き取りツアー/ja

From Meta, a Wikimedia project coordination wiki


私こと、昨年[1]8月1日にウィキメディア財団に加わり、最高製品技術責任者(CPTO)という新しい役職につきました。(職員が慣れるまで着任から数週間は旧称「C3PO」で呼ばれていました :))2015年前後までは1人の責任あるリーダーが製品部門と技術部門の両方を掌握しており、当職の設定によって体制をその方式に整え直しました。マリアナ・イスカンダー同様、私もウィキメディアに加わった当初、数ヵ月は聞いて学ぶ耳学問に集中しました。出身はオープンソース技術分野ですし、これまでの職業経験でボランティアやコミュニティとの協力を積みましたが、この仕事に大切なことは好奇心とオープンな気持ちであり、うまく機能するもの、変更する必要があるものを知っていこうと感じたのです。

それ以来、私は38の国出身の360人超の人たちに会い、1対1または少人数のグループで話を聞きました。 また顔を出した大小の集会やイベント22件の参加者はおよそ3,150人でした。相手は財団の製品と技術の両チームの人たちと他の財団職員、編集者や役務者、提携団体や運動の主催者、オープン・インターネットのパートナーなどです。どの会話でも好奇心とオープンな心と熱意を心がけ(意図的に初心者の心をいだいて)、財団やウィキメディアのプロジェクト群、フリーな知識を作って共有しようと貢献する世界のコミュニティに対して私の中に先入観があったならそれを捨ててようと努めました。たちまち、いろいろなことの詳細を全身に押し寄せてきて、まるで消防ホースから情報が吹き出し、それをあらゆる角度から浴びた感覚を今でもしっかりと覚えています! この運動について、うちの夫もまだ小さい子どもたち2人も、この半年で皆さんが想像される以上に多くのことを学びました。


私に話をするために時間をとってくれた皆さんすべてに感謝したいと思います。私との会話から引用したものを、いくつか匿名で本信にそのまま転載しました。 そして今後も、聴き取りが確実に続いていくようにしたい — 以下でいくつかの重要な主題を強調しておき、今後1年以内に、そのうちのいくつかに着目した会話の空間をもっと設ける予定です。


私が着任研修用に使ったノートの1ページ目には、ある人が言った「有意義な共通の目標」があれば良いという言葉を書き留めてあります。これは何度も何度も繰り返されてきたテーマで — 共通の目的を持ちたい、そしてウィキメディアの全プロジェクトを作成したボランティア全員とつながって、一緒に仕事をしたいと、誰もが明確に望んでいたことです。私は非常に多くの異なる意見を耳にして、詳細はあらゆる角度から聞かされました — 何がうまくいっているのか、長い間うまくいかなかったのは何か — 私たちが直面している問題には10年超前から変わらないものもあるのです。何が足りないか余分か、意見を聞いてもらおうと戦っている人の存在、どこからも助けは来ないと困っているのは誰か、皆さんが教えてくれました。


有意義な共通の目標をかかげて私たちが団結するには、どうすればよいでしょうか? またどの指標が最も重要ですか? 私たちが持っているデータは非常に多いけれども、財団全体にわたる指標のロードスター(人によって北極星とも呼ぶ)が渇望され、そこからの学びを見直して実践するシステムもとても必要ですし、誰の日常業務にもこれらの指標を結び付ける方法を求めていきます。

その達成には、主に2つのテーマに取り組んでいます。まずボランティアの活動とそのコミュニティの健全性について理解を深めることです。こちらはボランティアの皆さんと既存のプロセスを介して緊密に連携し、学びの共有と、調査のワークストリームの定性および定量評価、これには既存の調査のうち、ボランティア活動と典型的な作業のプロファイル化を主題にしたものも対象に含めます。2番目のテーマは、財団全体の一連のロードスター指標(lodestar metrics)の確立に取り組むことです。共有指標とは、私たちが財団全体の成功をどのように測定しているか、誰もが理解するのに役立つもので、これらを年次計画についても公開で共有しています。 予定しているのは、時間をかけて重要な取り組みの成功尺度をコミュニティに提供、理解が一致するように会話や議論を介して成功とは何か、協議することです。 指標とデータの共有は力を与えてくれるし、変化に取り組む人々やその影響を直接受ける可能性のある人々と協力してこそ、より効果的でより良い意思決定が実現します。


"I strongly believe that Wikipedia will be obsolete by 2030 if we don't fix MediaWiki now."

What is our open source strategy?

We have to make some harder choices about what it means to be an open-source organization, and shift the conversation to resolve historic debates that prevent us from making important, strategic choices.

解決対象の大きな分野は次の2つです。メディアウィキ(MediaWiki)のサポート戦略とは? 今日、ウィキメディアのプロジェクト群の使用例と比べると、第三者(サードパーティ)の利用者の使用例は大きく異なったのに、MediaWikiでサードパーティの利用者サポートをするかしないか、意見の綱引きが行われています。この問題の取り組みを始めるにあたり、2023年後半に MediaWiki 会議を開催する予定です。私たちはウィキメディアのコンテンツを再利用するサードパーティに対応するのだから、どんな戦略で行きますか? 私たちにはオープンアクセスに関する価値観があり、それに沿う場合、レート制限と既存の API 方針の更新をしようとすると、多くの微妙な部分があります。どうすれば財団全域の技術ボランティアの皆さんとさらに緊密に協力して、理解を深めてもっと連携できるでしょうか? ウィキメディアのプロジェクト群のコンテンツは、人工知能製品(AI)の基礎にもなりました。ウィキペディアではコンテンツの改善や、荒らしの検出に長い間、機械学習(ML)を応用しています。では、ML と AI が公共財であるとして、その利用を支えるには、私たちはどんな対応をすればよいでしょうか? これに関するなんらかの会話は始めたものの、さらに進めなければなりません。

規模を拡大して影響を与えるには何が必要か? "戦略について考える前に、答えを出さなければなりません。「この文化が機能するように変更するとして、統一の戦略をよりどころにしたいですか、それとも分散型の文化で機能するように、戦略の方法論の側を変更したいですか? あるいはその両方の組み合わせ?」"

What is our strategy for scaling that will allow us to have the most impact with limited resources?

Today we support over 750+ distinct Wikimedia projects, with over 300 of those including language versions of Wikipedia, Wikisource, multiple language versions of Wiktionary, and many other free knowledge projects.

What is an efficient and responsible way to steward the limited resources we have towards Wikipedia and/or the sister projects? And similar to the earlier conversation about Foundation metrics – we must do this in a way that can have an impact on our mission of bringing free knowledge to the whole world.

Some of the big questions that came up included consolidation of projects and the technology underpinning them where it makes sense, and from a prompt given to me by the Commons community – how can we think even bigger, and question elephants in the room, which in part would be to examine the long-standing and seemingly unquestioned assumption that MediaWiki is the best software to solve all problems we face. And if we do solve big problems in different ways, what does that look like? What can we learn from projects like WikiLearn, which uses free software not made by the Foundation, as well as people and organizations outside our movement? This is definitely a multi-year, rich problem space to explore.

Everyone's relationship with English Wikipedia, including the Wikimedia Foundation's

"For various reasons, the Foundation and some parts of the communities are stuck in an uneasy relationship where the Foundation admires but fears the communities' power, like a beautiful but dangerous animal – the tiger might attack you – and the communities, not least English Wikipedia, distrust the Foundation."

My experience so far has been that we have a very contentious relationship with English Wikipedia. The Foundation raises most of the revenue to support a global movement from English Wikipedia, and it's often where volunteers raise most of the concerns and objections to the Foundation's work.

ボランティアと職員でコンテンツとコードを維持し、すべてのウェブサイトに重要な改善を加えようとする人たちは、今年の2022年版ベクターの展開の時と同様に、とても大きな影響を受けています。そのせいで製品チームも技術チームも、機能をロールアウトする方法に非常に保守的になり、利用者にとって価値のある機能を提供しようとしても、変更1件ごとに12ヵ月とか18ヵ月、あるいは何年もかかってしまいます! そして英語版ウィキペディアの内でも外でも、知識の公義や運動戦略勧告など大きな目標に向かって、コミュニティと協力する私たちの能力にさえ影を落としています。(映画の登場キャラの)q:Fear#Lヨーダが指摘したように、怖れとはダークサイド(暗黒世界)へ続く道です。こんな残念なことはないし、私はそれを変えたいのです。

So how do we break this cycle? What I'm doing now is directly engaging. Today, for example, I participated in an office hours session to talk about Vector 2022. Some of the product senior leadership in the recent past have specifically avoided talking directly with people on English Wikipedia, and this approach will no longer be applied. Engaging human to human is the best way I know to help resolve some of the mystery, fear and anger that are present. However, that will absolutely not fix what's wrong here. We need systemic solutions. Today, there's no way to make lasting and mutually binding agreements with volunteers, and that isn't a sustainable way to create and maintain infrastructure software. My hope is that, with a more open and direct approach to engage and also through the work of the Movement Charter Drafting Committee, we will chart out a path for more lasting, productive collaboration.


"We lack clear governance and communication for most of our tech components, squandering a lot of the opportunities we have for more and better participation from long-time and new volunteers."


Today we have few and incomplete policies about what volunteers can do in technical spaces. We need to chart clearer boundaries, and move more toward rational and practical policy instead of precedent guiding our work.

Similarly, the technical spaces where the Foundation "stays out" have felt ad hoc, which led to volunteers stepping in to do important work. The Foundation needs to exhibit better accountability in maintaining essential services (e.g. 2-factor authentication), and to be explicit about the technical tasks that it is definitely leaving for volunteers to own.

Finally, we really need to embrace a product development model that's more collaborative and efficient. This calls into question feedback tools like RfCs, and takes into consideration movement "technology council" proposals. What will really make us better together? I'm really interested in finding an answer to this question.


What I have identified above are complex issues that cannot be solved in a single year. We all need to take a multi-year view, especially in order to define the precise issues that need to be solved more carefully.

For now, you have seen the draft annual plan priorities for the Foundation's Product/Tech teams and they include:

ボランティア: We need closer connections, with a focus on making all time spent volunteering fulfilling and productive. I will continue to talk directly to volunteers, on-wiki and in person. I am making a shift in our Annual Plan to support the work and improve the experience of "editors with extended rights" (inclusive of admins, stewards, patrollers, and moderators of all kinds, which are also known as functionaries). The work done by this group on mis- and dis-information and on enforcing our Universal Code of Conduct is crucial to the functioning of all Wikimedia projects. Success requires that we are able to have metrics to guide our progress, identify ways of measuring the health of communities, and that we do this work hand in hand with volunteers.

メンテナンス: Staff and volunteers have both identified that we have far too many unfinished technical migrations. This means that we continue to support both old and new tools and ways of doing our technical work. This increases the workload of everyone, without necessarily adding features or improving our technical systems overall. Challenges include issues with Foundation staff and volunteer community decision making, accountability for that decision making and the best projects to pursue, and, on the Foundation's side, a desire to not cause upset among volunteers. As a result, we have many abandoned or poorly maintained tools. We must be able to choose maintenance and technical migration areas for prioritization, and then be ok with not doing work on others in order to complete some of these big projects. For example, we have big work to do on our data infrastructure, which is aging and made up of more than 40 distinct and fragile systems supported by a tiny team. We also have big work to do on MediaWiki to ensure it can support our projects for the next 20 years.

意思決定: From the very start of my time with the Foundation, a common theme that kept coming up was the confusion that internal teams had around decision making structures and accountability. I heard stories about teams being indefinitely stuck, unclear decisions from the past, and an inability to make and keep a decision. I view decision making like lifting weights: you get good at it by doing it, incrementally and consistently, over a long period of time. To start, I am making decisions around the structure and organization of the Product and Technology teams within the Foundation in order to make decision owners more clear, direct and transparent. We're collaborating better together internally, and raising long-standing unresolved issues between teams in order to resolve them, one by one. As I look ahead, clarity of decision making and how we align our work towards our three objectives will be a core part of how I organize teams.

In addition, I believe that decision making and achieving lasting positive results needs to be rooted in data. We will identify essential metrics to evaluate progress and assess impact on the three objectives of our work. This allows us to stay focused on our most important goals, make adjustments as needed, and track our progress over time.

I am committed to promoting transparent and accountable decision making at all levels of management and individual contributor leadership. As I wrote earlier in this letter, I also welcome ideas on how to build well-defined processes for engaging with communities and making decisions that endure. These changes to how we make decisions will allow us to move more quickly, be more responsive, and create a larger impact for our goals over time.


During my listening tour, some staff asked me an "elephant in the room" question: why should they trust me? Given the number of different executives who have come to the Foundation and left within a year or two, skepticism about yet another new leader is high. My answer was: I believe the problems we face, as a Foundation and volunteers striving to bring free knowledge to the world, are complex puzzles that cannot be solved by one person, and I'm committed to a multi-year approach to collaboratively solve them together.

Success requires more than a product roadmap. We need deep and effective collaboration between the Foundation and all volunteers and communities, shared ways to learn and be successful together, and constant adaptation to changes in the internet and world, so we can solve the big puzzles we face together.

Trust is built over time and through consistency, so I don't ask for trust as I begin my work. I ask that people be open to working closely together, learning as much as we can about the important problems we face, and that we regularly review our work in a data-informed way.

I would like to be direct about how difficult I know some of these topics are, even for a discussion. But it is our job to tackle the most difficult questions, especially where inaction due to fear has led to stagnation and demotivation amongst both our staff and communities. This is not going to be a quick turnaround. None of these issues will be a quick or easy fix. Building and improving systems will be a lot of work, and will take a lot of patience. But the payoff for solving each of these puzzles will be that we're able to engage more fully, and maybe even more joyfully, in our work.

My listening tour was an invaluable opportunity to get candid information about what exactly is working, what isn't, and what ideas everyone has for creating something great together. We have a lot of work ahead of us, but I'm encouraged by the energy and enthusiasm and I know we'll be able to tackle this together.

この次、皆さんにご連絡するのは8月になり、年次計画に関してコミュニティとの協議の成果と、来年度に影響を与えると見込まれる分野について共有するつもりです。それまでの期間は、いくつかの質問を何度か繰り返して問い直し、皆さんと共有したいと思います。運動として私たちはこんな大きな問題にうまく取り組んできたという例はありませんか? インスピレーションを得たいのですが、どこか良い発想元のオススメは? (これまでに)うまく進んできたことって何? これらは複雑な問題であり、私にとって今後の数年にわたって優先する事項を導く指針となるのです。私が見落としてしまった迷子のゾウ(missing elephant)がいるかも?

As I shared when I joined, I came to work for the Wikimedia Foundation because free access to knowledge is the most important thing I can be doing right now. Our work empowers the people who have knowledge to share. By involving youth, women, and underrepresented identities to contribute their unique knowledge, we will continue our journey to share the sum of all human knowledge. And this kind of mission cannot be accomplished by any one person alone; we are called to – and I feel strongly committed to – collaborate and truly be in this mission together.


  1. 2022年