< Wm-bot
PermissionDenied=存取被拒; Authorization=您未獲授權作該操作,對不起; ChannelIn=此頻道已存在於數據庫; UserSc=已成功加入 ; InvalidName=無效名稱; MessageQueueWasReloaded=消息隊列已重新載入!; Feed1=頻道已啟用供稿; Feed2=供稿已啟用; InvalidWiki=無效wiki; Wiki+=已插入Wiki; Wiki-=已移除Wiki; Feed3=頻道並未啟用最近更改; Feed4=錯誤, ; Feed5=:參數數量錯誤; InvalidUser=無效用戶; Language=我將在此用英語對話; InvalidCode=對不起,我不懂那個語言; LanguageInfo=此命令將更改我在頻道使用的語言; Silence1=頻道靜音模式已經禁用; Silence2=現在起輸出不再被停止。; SilenceBegin=我不會在這裡說話,直到你停用這個; Feed6=頻道已啟用供稿; Feed7=已禁用供稿; Feed8=錯誤:你需要提供兩個參數,但你目前提供了$1個參數。; Config=已重新載入頻道配置; ChannelLogged=頻道日誌已經開啟; Trust1=參數個數無效,請改正- 例如 @trustadd 正則表達式 (admin|trusted); LoggingOn=頻道日誌現在已經開啟; Unknown=我不認識你 :); usr1=您是$1,由$2確認; LogsE1=頻道日誌已經禁用; NotLogged=頻道日誌未啟用; List=我現在在以下頻道: ; infobot1=頻道Infobot已經禁用; infobot2=Infobot已經禁用; infobot3=Infobot已經禁用; infobot4=Infobot已經啟用; trustdel=從訪問列表移除一項,例如 @trustdel 正則表達式; refresh=從將要發送到信息隊列中移除數據; infobot-on=開啟infobot; infobot-off=關閉infobot,並保留數據庫; channellist=顯示機器人應該被使用的頻道列表(如果機器人可以加入的話); trusted=顯示此頻道的訪問列表; add=將bot插入指定的頻道並獲得admin權限 - 有關詳細信息,請參閱 https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/WM-Bot#Getting_bot_to_the_channel; trustadd=加入一項至訪問列表,例如 @trustadd regex admin - 有關詳細信息,請參閱 https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/WM-Bot#.40trustadd_regex_level; drop=將機器人從頻道中移除,並刪除所有收集的數據 - 有關詳細信息,請參閱 https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/WM-Bot#.40drop; part=將機器人從頻道中移除,但保留所有設置 - 有關詳細信息,請參閱 https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/WM-Bot#.40part; language=這個命令可以修改我說話的語言; whoami=顯示您當前在訪問列表中的狀態 - 有關詳細信息,請參閱 http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/WM-Bot#.40whoami; suppress-on=禁用頻道輸出; reload=從硬碟讀取設置; logon=開始記錄日誌到文件中; logoff=禁用日誌; recentchanges-on=開啟WMF wiki上的最近更改供稿; recentchanges-off=禁用wiki的供稿; recentchanges-=從供稿中移除一個wiki,例如 @recentchanges- en_wikipedia; recentchanges+=將一個wiki添加到供稿中,例如 @recentchanges+ en_wikipedia; rc-=將頁面從最近更改列表移除; rc+=將指定頁面添加到最近更改列表中,例如 @RC+ wiki page; suppress-off=啟用頻道輸出; key=如果您能再告訴我這個鍵的文字,那就太棒了~; AliasRemoved=別名已移除!; ResultsWereNotFound=未找到任何結果。記住,機器人是在內容和鍵值中搜索的。; Results=結果(已找到$1個): ; ResultsFound=總計 ; Error2=搜索時間已經超過800ms。請優化正則表達式。; Error1=你的正則表達式是體育老師教的吧?; Search1=請告訴我,我應該找什麼?; Error3=這個鍵已經存在。如果你想修改它,請先移除。; Unknown1=未知用戶級別!; infobot6=鍵添加成功; infobot7=別名已存在; infobot8=為該鍵添加了一個新別名; infobot9=移除成功 ; infobot10=無法在數據庫中找到指定的鍵; infobot11=共享數據庫已經設置過了; infobot12=頻道已經啟用共享數據庫; infobot13=Infobot共享已經禁用; infobot14=Infobot未共享,此命令已被忽略。; infobot15=您無法設置此頻道使用共享數據庫,因為此頻道正在使用其他頻道的數據庫,所以本地數據庫已經被鎖定。; infobot16=此頻道沒有共享的infobot; infobot17=您不能鏈接數據庫主機到另一個頻道,請先禁用共享數據庫; infobot18=此頻道已經鏈接到$1。如果您想鏈接到另一個頻道,請先移除它。; infobot19=用戶$1已屏蔽對目標頻道的共享數據庫的訪問權限,現在此頻道已有本地數據庫; db1=You inserted channel $1 to shared db; db2=You removed access of channel $1 to shared db; db3=This channel is already present there; db4=This channel is not in a list; db5=You can't insert this channel to db; db6=Invalid number of params!; db10=These channels now share the same infobot db; db9=This channel has no access to database of requested channel, contact some of local admins to give you access there; db8=This channel is not being used by me; db14=Channel is already in; db7=Unable to modify db, access denied, link to database isn't valid; InvalidAlias=You didn't provide a valid alias name; rcfeed1=There is no such a wiki in list of wikis; rcfeed2=This channel is already watched; rcfeed3=This channel is already not being watched; rcfeed4=Deleted item from feed; rcfeed5=Can't find item in a list; rcfeed6=Unable to delete the string because the channel is not being watched now; rcfeed7=Unable to delete the string from the list because there is no such a wiki site known by a bot; rcfeed8=Invalid string, you can't use a wildcard like this; rcfeed9=There is already this string in a list of watched items; rcfeed10=Inserted new item to feed of changes; rcfeed11=Unable to insert the string because the channel is not being watched now; rcfeed12=Unable to insert the string to the list because there is no such wiki site known by a bot, contact some developer with svn access in order to insert it; rcfeed13=Recent changes thread is still not loaded, please wait; configure=Change a value of channel config, see: http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/WM-Bot#.40configure for more details; configure-wrong=This value can't be stored; configuresave=Value $1 was stored into $2 to config; configure-va=Value of $1 can't be $2, please use correct data type; infobot-c-e=There are multiple keys, refine your input: $1; infobot-help=There is no such key, you probably want to try: $1; infobot-share-on=Configure channel to share db; infobot-share-off=Switch back to local db; infobot-share-trust+=Give a channel rights to access your db; infobot-share-trust-=Remove a channel from access list; infobot-link=Set up a link to shared db using other channel; action-new=建立於; action-mod=修訂於; fl=Change on $1 a page $2 was $3, changed by $4 link $5 edit summary: $6; Trust1=This user has higher level than you, sorry; Trust2=You can't delete yourself from db; Trust3=User was deleted from access list; hi=Hi $1, there is some error, I am a stupid bot and I am not intelligent enough to hold a conversation with you :-); Trust4=User not found, sorry; TrustedUserList=I trust: ; infobot-ignore+=Insert a new string to ignore list for infobot; infobot-ignore-=Remove item from ignore list of infobot; infobot-ignore-ok=Item $1 was inserted to ignore list; infobot-ignore-exist=Item $1 is already in list; infobot-ignore-rm=Item $1 was removed from list; infobot-ignore-found=Item $1 was not found in list; infobot-data=Info for $1: this key was created at $3 by $2, this key was displayed $4 time(s), last time at $5; info=Link to a db html file (no parameters); invalid-data=Wrong number of params!; commands=Display a list of known commands, each command is prefixed with at symbol; StatE1=Statistics are already enabled; StatE2=Statistics were already disabled; Stat-off=Statistics are now disabled; Statdt=Statistics DB was flushed; Stat-on=Statistics were now enabled; statistics-on=Generate statistics for a channel (enable); statistics-off=Generate statistics for a channel (disable); infobot-detail=Display a detail information (1 parameter); seen=Display information about user activity; seen-on=Seen is now enabled in the channel; seen-off=Seen is now disabled in the channel; seen-oe=Seen was already enabled; seen-e2=Seen was already disabled; seen-e=Seen is disabled in this channel; seen-r=Regex db select took too much CPU time, and was aborted, try to optimize; Rss1=Rss feed is already disabled on this channel; Rss2=Rss feed has been disabled on channel; Rss3=Rss feed is enabled on this channel; Rss4=Rss feed has been enabled on channel; Rss5=Invalid number of parameters, you need to specify name and url, for example @rss+ name (some url); rss-on=Turn on a rss feed; UnknownChan=I don't know about this channel, you need to specify some I am in; rss-off=Turn off an rss feed; rss-=Remove item from rss feed; rss+=Insert item to rss feed; Responses-PartFail=It would be cool to give me a name of channel you want to part; Responses-List=I am in $1 channels in this moment; Responses-Conf=$1的值是:$2; Linkie-On2=Links are already automatically translated in this channel; Linkie-On=Links will be automatically translated in this channel now; Linkie-Off2=Links are already not automatically translated in this channel; Linkie-Off=Links will not be automatically translated in this channel now; Linkie-E1=There is no link in buffer for this channel :/; Linkie-E2=That thing in my buffer is not a valid link; Linkie-E3=這不是有效連結; OpE1=Operator tools were already enabled on this channel; OpM1=Operator tools have been enabled on this channel; OpM2=Operator tools are now not in permanent mode on this channel; OpE2=Operator tools were already not in permanent mode on this channel; OpE3=Operator tools were already in permanent mode on this channel; OpM3=Operator tools are now in permanent mode on this channel; OpE4=Operator tools were already disabled on this channel; OpE5=Sorry but I don't see this user in a channel; OpE6=Sorry but I don't know hostname of this user... you will need to issue the ban yourself; OpM4=Operator tools have been disabled on this channel;