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Chapters Committee/Archives/Chapter co-ordinator

From Meta, a Wikimedia project coordination wiki
The tasks described below are now performed by the Chapters committee.

Chapter coordinator is an official position within Wikimedia. Delphine Ménard was appointed to this role on August 18, 2005.

Main tasks:

Information task:

  • Gather information about existing chapters and their similarities and differences
  • Assist local chapters in the early stages of development by pointing them to existing bylaws/information/agreements that can help.
  • Make sure that important contracts/events/evolution of local chapters are known to other chapters and board
  • Facilitate exchange of best practices between chapters

Liaison tasks:

  • Make sure questions from chapters to board are answered, and vice versa.
  • Coordination of agreements between foundation and chapters in contracts/fundraising/sponsoring.
    • Follow up of local chapters finances (needs, assets etc.) so as to give the Foundation a general overview of what's happening where => Follow up of fundraising budget and integration of local chapters budget in general fundraising
    • Coordination of international sponsoring deals so as to allow internationalisation of such deals. e.g. if Foundation has a deal with Googlhoo on the international level, are there possibilities of local deals with local Googlhoos, and vice-versa.

The local chapter coordinator should not be a replacement for direct communication between board and chapters, but a "buffer" when needed, he/she should facilitate communication, and exchange of information.

Procedure of delegation


Procedure of delegation by which the Chapter Coordinator will have the right and responsability to agree to certain spendings being paid by the Foundation for new chapters settlements.

Through this agreement done with the Foundation, for any chapters starting up, if there is a request from them to ask funds for start up, the chapter coordinator will be allowed to answer:

  • The Foundation will take care of the Wikipedia.xx domain name (pay and own). If the domain can't be owned by the Foundation proper, specific discussions will occur.
  • The Foundation will agree to pay for the Wikimedia.xx for one year.
  • The Foundation will pay for all legal costs, bylaws translations, as well as 3 months working state for the bank and other non expensive operating costs (such as rubber stamps).
  • All these costs may be covered by the Foundation for a new chapter, upon request by the future local chapter and upon direct and unique agreement by the chapter coordinator, this within a maximum quartely amount defined within the budget alloted by the Foundation board.
  • If the total amount alloted for such local chapters expenses are over the quartely budget defined by the board, then the chapter coordinator must seek agreement from the board (this might be the case if 5 chapters are created during the same trimester... to avoid any financial surprise...).
  • All other expenses (not mentionned above), even if below the new chapter budget voted by the Foundation, should necessarily be approved by the board. Typically, this could include request of money for organising a meetup.

This procedure has been approved by the Wikimedia Foundation Board on November 13, 2005 (see: minutes).