Participación Comunitaria
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Participación Comunitaria era un departamento de personal de la Fundación Wikimedia centrado en el objetivo de aumentar la cantidad, calidad, diversidad y alcance del conocimiento libre apoyando personas y organizaciones alineadas con la misión de la Fundación Wikimedia. Fue creado en febrero de 2015 bajo la dirección de Luis Villa. El liderazgo posterior incluyó a Maggie Dennis (2 2016-1 2019) y Valerie D'Costa (1 2019 - 11 2019). En noviembre de 2019, se tomó la decisión de distribuir los equipos del departamento en otros departamentos, ya que, a lo largo de los años de existencia del departamento, la participación de la comunidad se había vuelto cada vez más común para múltiples departamentos dentro de la Fundación. Para obtener más información, consulte el anuncio
La función del departamento era apoyar a los contribuyentes representándolos en el desarrollo de nuevas herramientas técnicas, apoyando la gobernanza comunitaria y las innovaciones, implementando confianza y seguridad, escalando programas estratégicos y otorgando subvenciones a individuos, grupos y organizaciones que trabajan en construir una comunidad y aumentar el contenido en proyectos de Wikimedia y sitios, así como proyectos de conocimiento abierto relacionados. Estamos comprometidos a apoyar a los contribuyentes subrepresentados y las regiones, idiomas y comunidades emergentes.

Los equipos de Participación Comunitaria
The Learning and Evaluation team (L&E) helps monitor the impact of the work being done across the movement and guides other Community Engagement teams in executing effective grants through ongoing analysis, learning and evaluation support. The team is focused on sharing best practices and facilitating community knowledge sharing, listening to community voices for better decision making through community leader/editor surveys, and fostering collaboration and support to and with Wikimedia Affiliates.
Resources offers grants and other capacity-building resources to support community-led impact. Resources they offer include:
Subvenciones | Resources funds communities (individuals, groups and organizations) to build impactful programs, technologies, communities and organizations |
Campañas en IdeaLab | Resources connects ideas with people and resources to foster community-driven innovation |
Community capacity-building | Resources supports emerging communities to build key capacities that help grow their participation, content and reach |
Conference Support | Resources supports the movement to connect and share at events around the world |
Programs supports shared learning for growing core programs, especially Wikipedia Education Programs, The Wikipedia Library, and the initiatives of GLAM (Galleries, Libraries, Archives, and Museums).
Trust and Safety serves the Wikimedia Foundation, readers and contributors by providing support on Foundation initiatives with a focus on community consultations, governance, and training, and by addressing trust and safety concerns including around appropriately escalating threats communicated on our projects and helping to safeguard the safety of attendees of Wikimedia Foundation supported events.
Community Relations helps developers to build features in collaboration with our communities. The team supports WMF Product teams, tech ambassadors, and other contributors willing to get involved in the planning, development, and deployment of software features in Wikimedia. We act as liaisons between non-technical communities and developers.
Until June 2018, the team was called Technical Collaboration and was organized in two subteams based on primary audiences: Community Liaisons (editors) and Developer Relations (developers).
Véase también
- 2019-10-28 - Diversity, leadership and safety for a thriving movement — a short-term plan. An overview of CE's top priorities as we start implementing the Foundation's Medium-term plan.