ESEAP Preparatory Council/Meeting Notes/29 January 2024
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This page is currently a draft. More information pertaining to this may be available on the talk page. Translation admins: Normally, drafts should not be marked for translation. |
![]() | The following document is the meeting minutes taken during a meeting. Please discuss the document on the talk page. With exception for grammatical and other minor corrections, please do not alter the document without seeking consensus from the participants of the meeting on the talk page. |
ESEAP Preparatory Council Meeting #6
[edit]29th January 2024, 11:00 am UTC
Attendees: Johnny, Reke, Robert, Vanj, Dody, Belinda
Support: Kaarel, Joyce
[edit]- Preparation for Pre-Conference
- Submission for the ESEAP 2024 Conference
[edit]Preparation for Pre-Conference + ESEAP Conference
[edit]- There is not a final total amount of scholarship applications, yet there are about 30 applications as of now.
- Strongly suggest submitting the sessions
- Dody will arrive on Friday
- The meeting will be in Melia Hotel Kuala Lumpur
- There will be a table in the lobby and all is needed to buy drinks and snacks from the bar
- If there is a need to change things, there are other options nearby.
- The monorail station for the hotel is: Monorail Imbi Station
- It would be good to have everyone's phones activated. SIM cards can be bought in different places. SIM cards are available at the airport.
- There is free WiFi in all of the Starbucks.
- For public transportation it is good to have the Touch'n'Go card. For taxi Grab application is recommended.
- The electricity plug is the same as British (Type G)
- Humid hot - 28 to 30 Celsius.
- It is a big season for events in Kuala Lumpur - there is live music nearby and a bigger concert by JKT48.
- Meals can be grabbed in the nearby area.
- The first day is probably more about brainstorming and then write things down in the following day.
- Friday it would make sense to get together and agree upon when and where to meet.
- On proposed charter draft by Reke:
- During the last years there has been a lot of discussion of the composition of the board, which was more about the preparatory body and not so much the official one.
- The hope is to have a better version of the board.
- The whole discussion needs to be designed in a broader scale. Many things are connected with each other.
- All the formats proposed are gathered from different other institutions with analysing the pros and cons and putting them together.
- On page 2 there are 3 proposals in the table. After English translation everyone can review and see which of the proposed plans would be the best for the ESEAP.
- Kuala Lumpur meetup can help in selecting the actual plan and getting the language right to publish it before the conference.
Proposal for 2025 ESEAP Summit
- For Taiwan to be the host 2025:
- What are the thoughts of everyone to have Taiwan as a host for 2025. The tradition has been to have the next ESEAP host to be announced at the meeting.
- Suggestion is not to have a dedicated submission on this, rather have it as a part of the closing session.
- To have Taiwan self-declare as a host. For the first session of the ESEAP Hub it would be good to have the nomination for the host. Then we can build on this and announce the host at the last session.
- It could also be raised at the next ESEAP community meeting.
- There is probably no interest from WMAU as they hosted the meeting recently.
- Probably there are not too many interested applicants, yet it would make sense to have the message go out publicly, so people can think of their potential submission
Hub Session submissions for ESEAP 2024
- Session submissions for the ESEAP Hub (see appendices)
- Need to submit the sessions - Johnny will submit January 29.
[edit]Proposed charter draft by Reke
[edit]Chapter 1:Board Bylaws 理事會章程
[edit]Section 1-1:Seats and Composition 席次與組成
[edit]Seats 席次
[edit]- Odd number seats are convenient for voting. 單數可方便表決。
- The number of seats should be controlled to allow effective representation from various communities while still being manageable for meetings. 數量應該控制在可以開會,但能充分代表各界的數字。
- Association between seats and composition: The board can have a single layer for clearer responsibilities, or it can be divided into two layers - the board and the executive board - to avoid potential dilemmas. 跟組成方式的關聯:可以只有一層理事會,權責較清晰;也可以分理事會—常務理事會兩層,可以不陷入2.的兩難。
- Association between seats and authority: If board members do not individually hold specific powers, the number of seats can be fewer, promoting mutual support. The board's focus would be on strategic guidance, with the executive director (employee) leading the operational team. If responsibilities are divided, a larger number of board members may be needed to prevent delays caused by one or two members not fulfilling their duties, with the board taking on a more significant portion of the work. 跟職權的關聯:若理事不各自分散權力,席次可較少,可相互支援,理事會會以指導戰略為主,工作主力為執行長(雇員)帶領的團隊;若要劃分職務,就要多些人才能避免一兩個理事不執行職務而拖延工作,理事會承擔大部分工作。
Should the board chair be fixed or rotated? A fixed system is better for design and provides stability, while a rotating system allows for more diverse opinions.
Comments by council member(s) |
Irvin (Feb 19, 2024): Is not this what diversity means? Listening to opinion is part of a democratic process. |
Composition 組成
[edit]- It is necessary to ensure that user groups and chapters with the capability to execute tasks have a relative advantage within the board to prevent decisions that have difficulties to implement in reality. Which are the user groups and chapters that have the above capability, can be determined by considering grants received and the number of staff members. 需要確保有能力執行工作的用戶組與分會在理事會中取得相對優勢,以免做出的決策無法執行。可以用補助計畫及工作人員數量來介定。
- Additionally, diversity should be taken into account to avoid controversies, as seen in Wikimania 2023. 也要顧及多元性,以避免 Wikimania 2023 時的爭議。
- Since representatives are elected from various parties, achieving a regional balance is possible. However, gender balance should also be considered. 由於是各方選出,可以確定地域的平衡。但是性別比例的平衡可以思考。
Proposals 建議方案
[edit]As the number of seats and the election procedure for each case are interrelated, altering one aspect may lead to inconsistencies in the overall operational logic of the entire program. Therefore, it is recommended to consider comprehensive factors when proposing changes to details.
方案 |
形式 |
Description and Sub-plan
細節與分項方案 | |
A | 少席次、單層、不分權
Fewer Seats, single layer, centralize of authority |
A1 - 9 Seats Plan 1:
2 East Asia, 2 Southeast Asia, 2 Pacific, 3 for open candidacy (*including 1 seat reserved for representatives from regions without affiliate). 9席方案1: 東亞2、東南亞2、太平洋2、3席自由參選(1席為無自治體代表區保障名額*) A2 - 9 Seats Plan 2: 2 East Asia, 2 Southeast Asia, 1 Pacific, 4 for open candidacy (*including 1 seat reserved for representatives from regions without affiliate). 9席方案2 東亞2、東南亞2、太平洋1、4席自由參選(1席為無自治體代表區保障名額) A3 - 11 Seats: 2 East Asia, 3 Southeast Asia, 2 Pacific, 4 for open candidacy (*including 1 seat reserved for representatives from regions without affiliate). 11席: 東亞2、東南亞3、太平洋2、4席自由參選(1席為無自治體代表區保障名額) A chairperson and a vice-chairperson will be elected from among the board members, taking turns to convene and preside over meetings. 理事會成員中選出主席及副主席各一名,輪流召集及主持會議。 *Reserved Seats for open candidacy: If among the top three or four highest vote-getters, there are no candidates from regions without affiliate, then the third or fourth seat will be secured by the highest vote-getter from candidates of regions without affiliate..
*保障名額:最高票的3或4席中無來自無自治體區域,則由這些區域中最高票者取得第3或第4席 | |
B | 多席次、單層、分權
More Sets, single layer, decentralize into 3 groups of authority |
B1 - 21 Seats:
4 East Asia, 6 Southeast Asia, 3 Pacific, 5 for open candidacy, 3 for regions without affiliate. 21席案: 東亞4、東南亞6、太平洋3、自由參選5席、無自治體代表區域3席 B2 - 23 Seats: 5 East Asia, 7 Southeast Asia, 3 Pacific, 5 for open candidacy, 3 for regions without affiliate. 23席案: 東亞5、東南亞7、太平洋3、自由參選5席、無自治體代表區域3席 All board members are divided into three groups, each consisting of 7 members (seats for affiliate and non-affiliate are evenly distributed among the groups). In the case of 21 seats, each group elects a chairperson, and the three chairpersons form a presiding committee, taking turns to convene meetings. For the 23-seat scenario, a chairperson and a vice-chairperson who are not part of any group are elected to convene the board. During regular times, each group holds monthly meetings to make decisions on responsible matters, with representatives from each group coordinating collaborative efforts. A board meeting attended by all members is held quarterly to coordinate overall work.
The three groups focus on the following themes (this part is open to discussion, and adjustments won't affect the structure): 三小組分別專注於以下主題(此部分可以再討論,調整不會影響架構): 1. Community Development: Organizing events and activities, Wikimedia projects editing tutorials and promotion, training of On-wiki administrators, coordination of cross-Wiki/language community activities (leaning towards regional affairs). 一、社群發展:賽事與活動舉辦、維基編輯教學與推廣、維基管理人員訓練、跨維基/語言平臺社群協調 (偏向區域內事務) 2.Organizational Management: Hub financial management, Hub administrative affairs, Hub organizational planning, support for the development of affiliate within the region (leaning towards internal Hub affairs). 二、組織經營:Hub財務管理、Hub行政事務、Hub組織規畫、區域內自治體發展扶助 (偏向Hub本身事務) 3.Movement Strategy: Strategic research, assessment of strategic objectives, advocacy for global strategic projects (leaning towards global affairs). 三、運動策略:策略研究、策略目標考核、全球策略項目發聲 (偏向全球性事務) | |
C | 多席次、兩層、不分權
More Seats, two layer, centralize |
C - 29 Seats:
15 affiliates seats (1 for all current affiliate(s)) , 14 open candidacy seats (*including 3 seat reserved for representatives from regions without affiliate) 29席案: 所有自治體皆有一席(15席),選舉獨立理事14席(含3席無自治體代表區域保障席)組成理事會 A 9 seats of Executive Committee is consists of 6 seats elected among affiliate seats and 3 seats elected among open seats(*including 1 seat reserved for representatives from regions without affiliate). 理事會中自治體選出6席、獨立理事選出3席(含1席無自治體代表區域保障席)為常務理事會(常務理事共9席)。 |
4Section 1-2:Scope of Duty and Power 職權
[edit]When the authority of Board Committee is centralized, its authority is limited to formulating strategies and delegating their execution to the operational team. During this time, the suggested authorities are as follows:
1. Election and recall of the Board Chair.
2. Approval of resignations from board members and the Board Chair.
3. Appointment and dismissal of staff.
4. Formulation of annual work plans, reports, budgets, and financial statements.
5. Approval of various legal documents.
6. Formulation of various work regulations.
Comments by council member(s) |
Irvin, Feb 19, 2024: (on points 4-6) more important functions go first in the list |
When the authority of Board Committee is decentralized, it is recommended that detailed work authorities for each group be determined by the Board Committee itself, with the Board Committee coordinating the activities of each group.
Section 1-3:Other Details TBD 其他可討論細節
[edit]- Fixed Chairman or Rotate? 主席是任期中固定或輪值? Rotation can help distribute the workload and promote greater diversity in participation, but it may lead to instability, particularly if there are limited individuals available for rotation. In the B-1 plan (with 21 seats), a rotating system is adopted for the presiding committee, consisting of one person from each group. 輪值較能分擔工作量,且能使參與更多元;但是也會造成不穩定,特別是能輪值的人可能沒那麼多。B制21席案中由小組各一人組成主席團採取輪換制。
Comments by council member(s) |
Irvin, Feb 19, 2024: Rotational of Chair is better if the composition of the council has fixed membership i.e. all recognized affiliates are represented in the council. |
- Term of Service 任期: Considering the rotation of hosting Summits/Conferences, a term of 2 or 4 years is preferable. It is suggested to opt for a 2-year term, as independent boards(open candidacy seats) may face challenges in maintaining a consistent level of participation over a 4-year period. Boards are allowed to seek re-election. If a fixed-term system is applied for the chairperson, it is recommended to allow re-election only after a four-year interval to encourage the participation of individuals from different regions. 考量 Summit / Conference 輪辦,2年或4年一任較佳。建議2年一任,因為獨立理事很可能無法維持4年的參與率。理事建議皆可以連任;主席若採固定制,建議要隔四年才能再任,以促進不同地區參與。
- Is the seat for affiliates filled by selecting a specific individual or by selecting the affiliate?自治體席次是選人或選自治體? In Proposal A, it could be considered to have the affiliate as the nominee, with the affiliate directly replacing the representative in case of a vacancy. In Proposal C, the seat for the affiliate is directly appointed by the affiliate itself. In Proposal B, affiliate seats are filled by selecting a specific individual, and in the event of a vacancy, direct appointment of substitutes is not allowed. A案可考慮以自治體為被選舉人,出缺時候自治體直接替換代表者,C案自治體席則由自治體推出。B案是選人,自治體僅就區域席次提名。出缺時不可直接指派替補。
- Succession Mechanism 遞補機制 For reserved seats, it is possible to elect 1.5 to 2 times the number of substitutes as the original seats. If an existing board resigns or leaves, the substitutes can fill the vacancy. For non-reserved independent seats and regional seats in Proposal B, it may be considered to hold by-elections only when half of the available seats in that category are vacant.
- Non-Voluntary Exit Mechanism 非主動退場機制 In addition to boards resigning voluntarily, there should be a mechanism for removal, which may include reasons for removal such as consistently low meeting attendance, violation of regulations or UCoC (Universal Code of Conduct), and being subject to permanent bans (details to be specified, including bans on a single platform or multiple platforms) or a Global ban. The details can be authorized for the Board Committee to determine. 除理事自行辭職外,應有可除名的機制,可列為除名原因者有:會議出席率過低、違反規章或UCoC、以及被永久封禁(一站或數個站等細節另定)或Global ban。細節可以授權理事會訂定。
- Supervision Mechanism 監察機制 Proposal B suggests that each group elects a board as an overseer, and a monitoring committee composed of three members is responsible for monitoring tasks. In Proposal A, one board is elected as the overseer. For Proposal C, three overseers can be nominated from among non-executive boards (with a maximum of one seat for a representative from affiliate seats).
Chapter 2:Election Procedure 選舉辦法
[edit]Section 2-1 Qualification of elector 選舉人資格
[edit]Due to the difficulty in verifying identities and the potential controversies associated with limiting voter eligibility based on residence or nationality, it is proposed that the electorate be determined through a general voting mechanism, with restrictions only related to the Wikimedia system. Specifically:
- Account Registration: Registered Over 1 year.
- Edit Count: At least 100 edits across all Wikimedia projects.
- Recent Activity: At least 3 edits within the past year.
- Non-controversial: Not permanently banned on any Wikimedia project.
Note 1: The duration criteria for the above conditions are based on one month before the voting day. For example, for a vote on February 1st, the conditions must be met by January 1st.
Comments by council member(s) |
Irvin, Feb 19, 2024: There can be a period of registration of voters, such as signing here to Only those who signed up before the end of the registration are eligible to participate. |
Note 2: These are suggested conditions, modifications of numbers with baseline can be made.
- 註冊時間:1年以上
- 編輯次數:所有維基媒體專案編輯次數到達100次
- 近期活躍:1年內至少有3次編輯
- 無爭議性:不能在任一維基媒體專案被永久封禁
If Proposal C is adopted, the election method for seats representing affiliates can be determined by each affiliate or appointed without election by the affiliate. 如果採用C案,自治體代表席的選舉辦法由各自治體自訂,也可以不經選舉由自治體指派。
Section 2-2 Qualification of electee 被選舉人資格
[edit]- Candidency of Affiliate 自治體代表:
- The affiliate can be designated at its discretion, but the designated individual must meet the eligibility criteria for candidacy. 自治體可任意指定,但是需要符合被選舉人資格。
- Candidency of Region 區域候選人:
- In Proposal A, it can be an affiliate; otherwise, it is an individual.A案中可以是自治體,否則都是自然人。
- If it is an individual, they are nominated by an affiliate, and the nominee must agree to the nomination. 是自然人時,由自治體提名,被選舉人同意。
- Each affiliate can propose candidates for the number of seats to be elected in that region or can waive all or part of its nomination rights. 每個自治體都可以提出該區應選席次數量的被選舉人,也可以放棄全部或部分的提名權。
- Candidates must meet the eligibility criteria for candidacy, and those who do not meet the criteria will be disqualified, and the affiliate cannot nominate replacements. 候選人要符合被選舉人條件,不符合條件被剔除,自治體不能再補提名。
- Elected individuals do not need to reside in the region of the affiliate or hold legal status in that region. 被選舉人不需要居住於該自治體區域,或是持有該自治體區域法律身份。
- The allocation of non-regional affiliate to specific regions needs to be determined in advance. 非區域性自治體劃入哪一分區需要事前確定。
- Independent Candidate, including region without affiliate 獨立候選人,含無自治體代表區域:
- Self-nomination is allowed.自行提名。
- Cannot concurrently serve as a representative of an affiliate or a regional candidate. 不可以兼任自治體代表或區域候選人。
- Must meet the eligibility criteria for candidacy. 需要符合被選舉人資格。
Section 2-3 Election Method選舉方法
[edit]- Utilize a Secure-Poll system for anonymous voting.使用安全投票系統匿名投票。
- Regional and non-independent candidates may need to vote in different time slots to avoid confusion.各區域及非獨立參選人可能需要分時段投票,以免混淆。
- If there are seats for representatives of the affiliate (as in Proposal C), the affiliate should publish the list of candidate in advance for eligibility verification.如果有自治體代表席(如C案),自治體應提前公布名單以供資格查核。
Proposal of seat composition by Irvin
[edit]My proposal: 9 Seats (6 from the recognized affiliates - rotational to avoid factions among Affiliates) and 3 Individuals (not affiliated to any recognized affiliates to be voted by the constituents: i.e.
For the Interim/First Council:
A staggered board can be considered both for the Affiliate Seats and Individual Seats.
*6 Affiliates Seats - 3 seats will be a 2 year term; the next 3 seats will be a 1 year term
Representatives/nominees will elect among themselves who will take the 6 seats. Un-elected Affiliate representatives can be Advisors
*3 Individuals - 2 seats will be a 2 year term; the last 1 seat will be a 1 year term
All registered constituents can vote.
3 Affiliates Seats
2 Individual/(ESEAP Community Seats
3 Affiliates Seats
1 Individual/ESEAP Community Seats
Come 2025, there will only be election for:
3 Affiliates Seats for a 2 year term
1 Individual/ESEAP Community Seat for a 2 year term
Come 2026, there will only be election for:
3 Affiliates Seats for a 2 year term
2 Individuals/ESEAP Community Seats
ODD NUMBER YEARS - 3 Affiliates / 1 Individual
EVEN NUMBER YEARS - 3 Affiliates / 2 Individuals
Hub sessions
[edit]ESEAP Hub - the Future of the Regional Collaboration - Plenary
ESEAP Hub discussions have been ongoing in the region since 2021 and have evolved to the high level definition of the purpose and functions, as well as practical ideas on how to bring the hub to life in the ESEAP region. At Wikimania 2023 in Singapore a preparatory council was appointed and at the conference it will be time to share their work and ensure there is a good alignment regarding the next steps in the whole region.
The plenary session will start with a report back from the work of the preparatory council and then move to practical steps of 1) validating the outlined functions of the hub, 2) agreeing upon the next steps in the hub development process, 3) rolling out the election format to the actual hub steering committee / council, 4) defining the host for the ESEAP Summit in 2025.
Relationship to ESEAP or to the theme
ESEAP Hub is expected to be the common coordinating body in the region and play a central role in the future development of regional collaboration in ESEAP.
- Reke Wang (User:Reke), Wikimedia Taiwan
- Belinda Spry (User:BindiS), Wikimedia Australia
- Athikhun Suwannakhan (User:Athikhun.suw), Wikimedia Thailand
- Dody Ismoyo (User:Dody Ismoyo), Wikimedia Community User Group Malaysia
- Johnny Alegre (User:Buszmail), Pilipinas Panorama Community
- Irvin Sto. Tomas (User:Filipinayzd), Bikol Wikipedia Community
- Robert Sim (User:Robertsky), Wikimedia Singapore User Group
- Vanj Padilla (User:Lady01v)
- Agus Damanik (User:Agus_Damanik)
- Kaarel Vaidla (User:KVaidla (WMF)), supporting staff from Wikimedia Foundation
Session type
- Plenary
- 60 minutes
Session outcomes
- Shared understanding regarding the purpose, function, and value proposition of the ESEAP hub
- Clarity among the participants regarding the next steps in setting up the ESEAP hub
- Clarity among the participants on how they can engage with the ESEAP hub process
ESEAP Hub - the Future of the Regional Collaboration - Workshop
ESEAP Hub discussions have been ongoing in the region since 2021 and have evolved to the high level definition of the purpose and functions, as well as practical ideas on how to bring the hub to life in the ESEAP region. At Wikimania 2023 in Singapore a preparatory council was appointed and at the conference it will be time to share their work and ensure there is a good alignment regarding the next steps in the whole region.
The workshop session will follow the plenary session and will focus on making the next steps for the hub creation tangible and clear in a participatory way. This will be the opportunity for the conference participants to provide their input on the deeper level to ensure that the next steps in hub creation are well aligned with their expectations and functional in their particular context.
Relationship to ESEAP or to the theme
ESEAP Hub is expected to be the common coordinating body in the region and play a central role in the future development of regional collaboration in ESEAP.
- Reke Wang (User:Reke), Wikimedia Taiwan
- Belinda Spry (User:BindiS), Wikimedia Australia
- Athikhun Suwannakhan (User:Athikhun.suw), Wikimedia Thailand
- Dody Ismoyo (User:Dody Ismoyo), Wikimedia Community User Group Malaysia
- Johnny Alegre (User:Buszmail), Pilipinas Panorama Community
- Irvin Sto. Tomas (User:Filipinayzd), Bikol Wikipedia Community
- Robert Sim (User:Robertsky), Wikimedia Singapore User Group
- Vanj Padilla (User:Lady01v)
- Agus Damanik (User:Agus_Damanik)
- Kaarel Vaidla (User:KVaidla (WMF)), supporting staff from Wikimedia Foundation
Session type
- Workshop
- 60 minutes
Session outcomes
- Agency of the participants regarding the next steps in setting up the ESEAP hub and clear understanding of their role in bringing them to life
- Opportunity for the participants to directly engage with the ESEAP hub process