Grants:Project/Rapid/MaroBos/Hatch-A-Wiki Project 2021
Central Bikol Wikiquote
Tagalog Wikiquote
Please see the sample Editathon/Training application before drafting your application.
Project Goal
[edit]Choose one or more of the following goals. You can add or delete goals as needed.
- This project aims to improve contents of Wikisambit and Wikikawikaan, both are wikiquote projects under incubation. This project focuses on the following objectives
- To recruit and train new editors in editing a Wikiproject under Wikimedia Incubator
- To improve contents of the wikiquote platforms in Central Bikol and Tagalog language versions.
- To promote Wikisambit and Wikikawikaan to the community.
- This project aims to improve contents of Wikisambit and Wikikawikaan, both are wikiquote projects under incubation. This project focuses on the following objectives
Project Plan
[edit]Tell us how you'll carry out your project. Be sure to answer the following questions:
1. Are you doing one editathon or training or a series of editathons or trainings?
- For this project, there will be a series of informal meet-ups to conduct editathons every 2nd and 4th week of the month from June 2021 to December 2021. Each session will give focus more on how to navigate Wikimedia Incubator and how to effectively use prefixes for each of the target wikiprojects. There will be specific focus of entries to be added in Wikisambit and Wikikawikaan.
2. How have you let relevant Wikimedia communities know about this proposal? You are required to provide links to on-wiki pages to inform these communities about your proposed work. Examples of places where this can be done include community discussion pages, affiliate discussion pages, or relevant project talk pages.
You may also provide information about external social media channels you may be using.
- This project will be introduced in the community portal of Bikol Sentral Wikipedia, Tagalog Wikipedia, Tagalog Wiktionary and Bikol Sentral Wiktionary. It will also be published on the Facebook pages of the local wikiprojects here in the Philippines. The idea of this project came up after the editors of Bikol Sentral Wiktionary was able to lift the project from incubation after more than a year of collaboration. This project is announced on community pages relevant to this project.
3. How will you let participants know about the edit-a-thon? In what ways will you be communicating with them?
For example, these can include on-wiki spaces, social media channels, mailing lists, messaging apps, or physical/online gatherings.
- Active local wikimedians will be invited through their Talk pages. This project hopes to reach a wider audience through the Facebook Groups and pages that actively supports Wikisambit and Wikikawikaan.
4. Do you have experienced Wikimedia editors to lead the event? Please provide links to the usernames of these individuals.
For example: User:I JethroBT
- Experienced Wikimedians will be invited on this meet-up. Most especially those who worked on the development of the Central Bikol Wiktionary. They have some experiences working on an Incubator project. I have already left notice to the talk pages of the prospective experienced Wikimedians for this project.
5. Do participants have the equipment or skills needed to participate and contribute high quality content? If not, how will you support them?
- Participants will be encouraged to bring their laptops. tab or android phones during the meet-up. For those editors who are willing to participate but doesn't have any equipment, we will be supporting them through the equipment rentals or provide allowance to rent a unit in an Internet Cafe.
6. How will you engage participants after the event(s)?
- All editors are encourage to continue editing on the platform until the project is approved to have its own website. Continued online support will be provided even after this project.
7. Are you running any in-person events or activities? If so, you will need to complete the steps outlined on the Risk Assessment protocol related to COVID-19. When you have completed these steps, please provide a link to your completed copy of the risk assessment tool below:
- There will be 12 informal meet-ups for this project. Participants will be limited to 10 per session. Grantee will ensure that the venues for the upcoming events will be following the guidelines for CoViD-19 protocols.
8. Is there anything else you want to tell us about this project?
- Most of Wikimedia projects for Philippine Languages are still under incubation. For years, some of them have existing test-wikis but no active and consistent editors that are working to further improve these platforms. It is not because these project are not equally important with other approved Wikimedia projects, but because there is no organized group or event that promotes the development of these projects. Hatch-A-Wiki may be a continuous project to help these projects be approved to have its own websites and be useful to the community. Not all new editors are well-versed in the language of the Incubator. But once these projects are approved, it can be more useful to the community, and more user-friendly to new aspiring editors.
[edit]How will you know if the project is successful and you've met your goals? Please include the following targets:
- Number of events: 12 edit-a-thons
- Number of participants: 10 editors per session
- Number of new editors: 20 new editors
- Number of of articles created or improved: 500 entries for Wikisambit and 1,000 entries for Wikikawikaan
- Number of repeat participants (for projects that include a series of events): 20
[edit]What resources do you have? Include information on who is organizing the project, what they will do, and if you will receive support from anywhere else (in-kind donations or additional funding).
- Locally publsihed materials will be used as references for this project. Also, experienced Wikimedians from previously conducted edit-a-thons within the country will be invited.
What resources do you need? For your funding request, list bullet points for each expense and include a total amount.
- 1. Food Allowance = Php 450.00 x 10 editors = Php 4,500.00 x 12 events = Php 54,000.00
- 2. Data Allowance = Php 1,200.00 x 12 events = Php 12,000.00
- 3. Monthly Communication Expenses (Organizer) = Php 1,500.00 x 6 months = Php 9,000.00
- 4. Health and safety kits = Php 100.00 x 10 participants x 12 events = Php 12,000.00
- 5. Transportation Allowance = Php 500.00 x 12 events = Php 6,000.00
- 5. Contingency Expenses = Php 3,500.00
Total = Php 96,500.00 / USD 1,981.23
[edit]Community members are encouraged to endorse your project request here!
Strong support His efforts has made it possible for the BCL Wiktionary have its own domain, and I guess with his expertise and commitment to editing, another wiki project will be hatched. Kunokuno (talk) 11:31, 12 April 2021 (UTC)
Strong support This is a very good project that will give focus on Wikiprojects under incubation. Looking forward to being part of it. Dang Brazal (Talk) 04:01, 27 April 2021 (UTC)