Grants:Project/Rapid/Wikipedia Aymarata 2017

Project Goal
[edit]Briefly explain what are you trying to accomplish with this project, or what do you expect will change as a result of this grant. Example goals include, "recruit new editors", "add high quality content", or "train existing editors on a specific skill".
- To implement strategies in the El Alto Public University-UPEA formation to promote editors in Wikipedia Aymara with professors and their students
Project Plan
[edit]Tell us how you'll carry out your project. What will you and other organizers spend your time doing?
We propose that, this project will take place over the course of 3 months (February, March, April, May of 2017) and be divided among the following activities:
- ACTIVITY 1. 2 coordination meeting with university authorities and teachers for implementation of practical training workshops.
- ACTIVITY 2. Systematization and organization of a guide (bilingual) in physical and digital (in relation to encyclopedic writing in Aymara) for workshops.
- ACTIVITY 3. 2 practical workshops for 15 teachers for creation, editing, translation and publication of articles in Wikipedia Aymara based on teaching-learning approach.
- ACTIVITY 4. 10 practical workshops for students where they will learn to create, edit, translate and publish articles in Wikipedia Aymara.
- ACTIVITY 5. Monitoring and supervising the editing and publication of 100 Articles for the Aymara Wikipedia.
- Period of time: we are planing to do in the first semester of 2017, February, March, April and May of this year (2017).
How will you let others in your community know about your project (please provide links to where relevant communities have been notified of your proposal, and to any other relevant community discussions)? Why are you targeting a specific audience?
- Jaqi Aru as organizer of the project has been sharing the plan of the activities with organizations and individuals. First of all, the project will be let know throuhg two personal meetings with the authorities of the University, professors and students, where they will know about the whole project. Jaqi Aru and the UPEA university signed an agreement already in order to do activities related to Wikipedia and education.
- Jaqi Aru is organizing the project. Jaqi Aru community is based on aymara young people, all of them are bilingual and trilingual who have been making presence of Aymara on the internet through different digital medias. We have been working as volunteers in many projects related to Aymara language, technology and education. One volunteering project is Facebook Aymara translation, which is almost finished. Part of those projects, we started some years ago contributing to Wikimedia through a group account Jaqi-aru. Wikimedia published in 2014 an article about our member Ruben Hilare and his work on Wikipedia and other medias. And also we worked a project related to technology and soberanity in rural areas in partnership with HIVOS-Netherlands.
- As Jaqi Aru, we are legally stableshed acoording to the laws in Bolivia as Non Profit Organization 0331/2014, Jaqi Aru Foundation. We are headed by a committee called directory (President, Vice-president, Director, Secretary and Treasurer), we elect every 2 years democratically. Directory of 2016-2018
- President, Martin Canaviri Vice-president, Rebeca Laura Director, Edwin Quispe Secretary, Elias Quispe Treasurer, Martha Laura Total official member of Jaqi Aru, we are between twelve people. And there are more friends who contribute in different projects of Jaqi Aru. That’s how Jaqi Aru works as community.
- Three members of Jaqi Aru and members of Wikimedia Bolivia are going to participate on the project.
- Shared to the Wikimedia Bolivia Mailing List
- Personal emails to individual editors, and others interested in the topic : jaqi-aru Jduranboger Vladimir138 Alhen ruben.hilare
- On our website Jaqi Aru will be published all the activities about the project and in different social networks.
- We are targeting to this audience because:
- - El Alto and the UPEA (Universidad Publica de El Alto) university have a high porcentage of aymara population. Many young aymara people have been having access to high education and have access to techonology.
- - El Alto, is a city located in Bolivia. Which is a new city, just created in 1985 and it is neighboor of La Paz (Government site of Bolivia). El Alto has a population who inmigrated from different rural towns and villages, mostly aymara people. Today the city has about 80% of aymaras who inmigrated in different decades and years. Many of the aymara families live in both side, city and villages. In addition, this region belong to aymara territory which is part of the big aymara region, see the map of Aymara Native Language Domain. Which means, Aymara is spoken in four countries: Bolivia, Peru, Chile and Argentina with more than 3 million of speakers, spite of UNESCO considered as vulnerable language.
- - Most of this young aymara generation do not know about how to contribute on Wikipedia aymara. As Jaqi Aru, we got experience with many young people, when we introduce something related to technology and culture doings, most of them responde positively, we believe that after the project we will have active editors among professors and students. For that purpose, as aymara communities we have been getting together in order to do different activities related to our language and projects, where also we will check the progress on Wikipedia. That means, Jaqi Aru and some Wikipedians in Bolivia are going to give workshops to the professors. And professors will share what they learned about Wikipedia with their students. To Accomplish this work Jaqi Aru has three volunteers who are going to donate time for the project. Each one them will give five hours per week offline, which means like 20 hours per month offline, and another 20 hours online for mentoring and in order to follow up. - In sum, students will contribute to Wikimedia projects as part of their learning. Teachers Will be engaging students, turning university work into real world work and curating relevant articles. As effect millions of aymaras will thank to quality contents shared that can be freely accessed. The quality of the contents, first of all the professors know about the topics of the articles, so they are going to check as well as possible, and this will be part of the students’ homeworks and professors are giving notes for the semester. In order to have the quality of the articles, Jaqi Aru team and experimented Wikipedians of Bolivia are going to check the style of the articles.
- - The government and education policies strengthen native languages in the country, nevertheless there is no practical policies.
What will you have done at the end of your project? How will you follow-up with people that are involved with your project?
- At the end of the project in El Alto Public University-UPEA is promoted editors in Wikipedia Aymara among the professors and students as part of strategies on learning and teaching processes.
- Three members of Jaqi Aru and one experimented of Wikimedia Bolivia as responsables of the project will follow up in order to have variety of created, translated, edited articles offline and online. They are going to donate 20 hours offline and 20 hours offline per month in order to accomplish the project. In this part of the project persons from Wikimedia Bolivia who have been close to aymara language are going to support with their knowledge. One of the experimented wikipedian in Bolivia is Edwin Velasquez, who is mentioned above as supporter of the project.
- To follow up with activities we are going to use Programs & Events Dashboard.
[edit]How will you know if the project is successful and you've met your goals? Please include the following targets and feel free to add more specific to your project:
- Number of total participants- 10 aymara proffesors and 100 students
- Number of articles created or improved (if applicable) - 100 articles will be created, translated or edited.
- Number of photos uploaded to Wikimedia Commons (if applicable) - according to the needs of the articles created
- Number of photos used on Wikimedia projects (if applicable) - according to the needs of the articles created
[edit]What resources do you have? Include information on who is the organizing the project, what they will do, and if you will receive support from anywhere else (in-kind donations or additional funding).
- We are located in El Alto with a small office in the South of the city. We have a place for the meetings and volunteers.
- UPEA as university through linguistics field is going to provide places, labs and other supplies for the workshops. At the end of the project Linguistics field is going to certify to professors and students who participated in the project actively.
What resources do you need? For your funding request, list bullet points for each expense:
- ACTIVITY 1. 2 coordination meeting with university authorities and teachers for implementation of practical training workshops. = 132 USD (4 packs of printing paper = 18, refreshment for participants = 30, taxi-callings-refreshment for coordinators = 60, rent of projector two hours = 24 )
- ACTIVITY 2. Systematization and organization of a guide (bilingual) in physical and digital (in relation to encyclopedic writing in Aymara) for workshops. = 1048 USD (Rent of unlimited Internet for workshops and coordination for three months = 240, taxi-callings-refreshment-lunch for facilitators and coordinators = 200, rent of projector for eight hours = 96, print of 500 brochures = 500)
- ACTIVITY 3. 2 practical workshops for 15 teachers for creation, editing, translation and publication of articles in Wikipedia Aymara based on teaching-learning approach. = 243 USD.(refreshment for 15 professors = 75, taxi-callings-refreshment for facilitators and coordinators = 120, rent of projector for four hours = 48 )
- ACTIVITY 4. 10 practical workshops for students where they will learn to create, edit, translate and publish articles in Wikipedia Aymara. = 465 USD( taxi-callings-refreshment for facilitators and coordinators = 225, rent of projector for twenty hours = 240 )
- ACTIVITY 5. Monitoring and supervising the editing and publication of 100 Articles for the Aymara Wikipedia = 112 USD (facilitators and coordinators meeting = 50, incidental expenses = 62)
We would like to clarify about renting the projector: We consider the projector is one of the main tool to work during the workshops. Of course the university has projectors, but according to our experience those projectors donot work very well, because most of them is used everyday and they are old; sometimes we had to change at the middle of the activity. Moreover, talking about their freetime of professors most of them prefer to have workshops on weekends when the university is not opened. The rent also includes taxes. Furthermore, the uniersity is going to support with many other supplies during the project as mentioned above.
[edit]This project merges a Wikipedia educational program with an increase in in contents in an indigenous language. The team that is proposing it has shown serious commitment, and i expect valuable results to come forth from it. In particular, i see the following aspects as exceptionally valuable: Working with urban(ized) youth from that ethnic group, that have access to higher education, while having access to their cultural roots. I wish the best to this initiative. VMasrour (WMF) (talk) 17:30, 30 January 2017 (UTC)
- Long time ago, I wrote and edited some articles on Wikipedia. But I lost my password, and created my new user. Now I am joining to Jaqi Aru project in order to contribute to Wikipedia Aymarata 2017. I think this kind of projects are really great for aymara people and thanks to Wikimedia movement. AymaratQillqiri
- It is a great way how to get more editors to Wikipedia. In the area like South America, there is more interest in education and information than it’s freely available. Major mother tongue is not Spanish, but Aymara or Quechua, so distribution of information to them is needed. I also know Ruben Hilare and Jaqi Aru activities. As they were able successfully pass several project, I trust them to make another one and help to the distribution of free knowledge in the area. Juandev (talk) 10:02, 31 January 2017 (UTC)
Jichha marax UPEA jach'a yatxatañ utan Wikipedia Aymara ukarux 100 kunayman qillqatampiw ch'amanchasini saw yatta. Uka amta nayrar sartayañax wali wakiskirïniwa, mä arunx saraksnawa, mä jach'a aru pirwax qillqasiskakispas ukjamäniwa. ¡Kusisiñawa! (Aymar aru Muniri)
Uka jach'a amtax wali askipuninw ukhamat juk'ampWikipedia Aymara ukan qillqatanakax utjañapataki, ukampirus uka qillqatanakax kawknïr jila kullakatï aymar arun ullarañ munki jupatakis askirakiniwa. Nayraqatar juk'amp ch'amancht'asipkakiñäni.
- Es un proyecto innovador, que fortalecerá en gran manera a la lengua aymara, específicamente a los hablantes y no hablante. Qhisphiyiri Qhisphi (talk) 16:47, 6 February 2017 (UTC)
- Este proyecto es necesario en la universidad de El Alto para revitalizar la lengua Aymara y poner en el wikipedia toda su riqueza que ahora no tiene muchos aportes. Tebot (talk) 20:58, 7 February 2017 (UTC)
- I support this project because of Jaqi Aru's track record of supporting and mentoring new communities towards creating digital content in their native Aymara language. El Alto has a unique context, not only in Bolivia, but across the continent in which there is a significant population that not only is pursuing higher education, but one that speaks the language and is tech-savvy. A partnership with the UPEA is also noteworthy because of the opportunity to integrate the creation of knowledge with the support of a higher education institution and to have access to potential consumers. Barrioflores (talk) 22:36, 7 February 2017 (UTC)
- Considero importante apoyar este proyecto, porque, contribuira a fortalecer el idioma aimara no sólo en Bolivia, sino también en Perú, Argentina y Chile, que tienen ciudadanos que hablan aimara. Igualmente, animo a apoyar este proyecto a los aimaras peruanos, chilenos y aregentinos. --Vladimir138 (talk) 05:15, 8 February 2017 (UTC)
- Muchas felicidades, es un proyecto que hace tiempo hacía falta. Todo nuestro apoyo y colaboración en lo que se requiera. Jduranboger (talk) 15:43, 15 February 2017 (UTC)
- Sin duda este proyecto creará un precedente en el desarrollo de una Wikipedia en lenguas indígenas vinculada a la educación formal. Sus resultados ayudarán a crear lecciones aprendidas para futuros proyectos de lenguas minoritarias. Zapoteco diiste (talk) 17:47, 5 April 2017 (UTC)