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Grants:Simple/Applications/Wikimedia Chile/2019

From Meta, a Wikimedia project coordination wiki
Application or grant stage: approved
Applicant or grantee:
Wikimedia Chile
Amount requested: 47,000,000 CLP (68,250 USD)
Amount granted: 47,000,000 CLP (68,250 USD)
Funding period: 1 January 2019 to 31 December 2019
Application created: 1 November 2019
Recommended application date: 1 November 2019
Midpoint report due: 15 July 2019
Final report due: 30 January 2020





Link to these documents, for the upcoming funding period, only if you have them.

  1. Link to your organization's staffing plan, for the upcoming funding period. Staffing plan for 2019 (in Spanish)
  2. Link to your annual plan, for the upcoming funding period. Plan 2019 (in Spanish)
  3. Link to your strategic plan, which includes the upcoming funding period. Estrategia 2019-2022 (in Spanish)

Please add your grants metrics to this sheet. Note that requirements for shared metrics have changed for grants starting 1 January 2017 or later. Please visit this worksheet to view global metrics targets and progress.



Please describe any changes to your programs for the upcoming funding period, including the addition of new programs or any programs you are no longer doing. Include your rationale for any major changes to your programs here.

Wikimedia Chile will continue most of its programs from 2018, increasing their goals given their experience in the past years and the incorporation of a permanent staff since October 2018. However, the programs have been restructured following the adoption of the current Strategy 2019-2022 and the three main strategic axis - 3C: Comunidad, Conocimiento libre, Contenido y Cultura local (Community, Free knowledge and Content and local culture).
New programs are mostly focused about creating a stronger and diverse community: Wikimedia Chile will create the Wikicafé space to gather Wikipedia editors and newbies, and will incubate new regional alliances visiting different cities in the country with the Wiki climbs Chile project. Wikipuentes will be reformulated, taking in consideration the experience with its first courses in 2018, and will look for a partnership with recognized institutions. Also, the figure of Wikimedians in Residence (WiR) will be reincorporated in the annual plan of Wikimedia Chile.

Please use the templates provided to add information about each program you are planning for the upcoming funding period.

Comunidad (Community)

Main objective
To support and encourage the work of existing local communities within the Chilean territory, as well as the development of new and diverse communities.

What we will be working on during 2019?

II Jornadas Wikimedia Chile

After a successful first edition, Wikimedia Chile plans to repeat this event that allows our chapter members to engage with other people interested in the free knowledge and culture movement. This meeting is proposed as a space for socialization, strengthening of the local community and learning from other Wikimedia communities (especially from other chapters that are part of Iberocoop).

The 2nd Jornadas edition will take place in April 2019, simultaneously with the WM-CL General Assembly.

Specific objectives:
  • To host the “II Jornadas Wikimedia Chile” in April 2019.
  • To have at least 35 participants (Increase 25% compared to 2018).
  • To have at least 5 participants coming from regions other than Santiago (Increase 25% compared to 2018).


We will create a monthly convivial activity between members of Wikimedia Chile, as well as other Wikimedia enthusiasts, in order to encourage a strong local community under the lead of Wikimedia Chile. Considering that we are planning to have our own office space through 2019, we will provide a place to gather people that are currently chapter members, as well as new members of the local community, in order to reinforce the feeling of belonging and shape new projects.

This informal space will allow to strength and bond the community, serving as a space for learning and sharing Wikimedia experiences between participants.

Specific objectives:
  • To host at least 6 Wikicafé meetings.
  • To have at least 40 participants in total.
  • To have at least 15 different participants throughout the year.

Wiki climbs Chile

We will seek to establish collaboration links with institutions and communities along the different regions of the country, in order to contribute to the development of Wikimedia Foundation’s projects, and to reduce the content gaps in the different territories, promoting and enhancing local perspectives.

We will define four cities to be visited by one of the members of the chapter, as an opportunity to meet with local cultural and educational institutions. Now that we have the support of our professional staff, we expect that the coordination and management of these meetings will be easier and more effective than in previous years.

Within the four cities that we will be visiting and working with during this year, we will choose two cities in which we have already done some activities during the last years, reactivating the links with the communities and local institutions, and generating new activities; two others will be visited for the first time by the chapter. Also, we will try to introduce a territorial balance criteria, choosing two cities in the north area of the country and two cities in the south.

Specific objectives:
  • To perform 4 outreach activities along the country.
  • To meet with at least 12 regional institutions.
  • To perform activities with at least 30 participants in total.

Conocimiento libre (Free knowledge)

Main objective
To guarantee access to free, quality, trusted, diverse and locally relevant knowledge, with the support of other institutions with similar objectives to those of Wikimedia Chile.

What we will be working on during 2019?

Alliances with other institutions

We pretend to celebrate agreements with cultural and educational institutions, on regional and national levels, allowing and promoting creation and access to free knowledge. These agreements will be concreted by different activities, and we will work to reactivate the collaboration programs that have been already signed with institutions such as the Museum of Memory and Human Rights and the National Library.

Specific objectives:
  • To celebrate agreements with 5 new institutions within the cultural or educational field.
  • To execute concrete actions or activities with at least 3 of those 5 institutional partners.
  • To celebrate agreement with at least 1 institution whose work is directly related with the promotion of knowledge within minority communities (gender, LGBT, migrants, indigenous people, etc.)
  • To reactivate at least 2 of the institutional agreements that have already been signed in the past.

Outreach activities

Workshops, editathons, public talks and other public activities are part of the core of Wikimedia Chile’s concrete actions, and they have been very successful during the last years. We pretend to continue developing these activities that contribute to Wikimedia project’s promotion within the public and the incorporation of new members and volunteers, as it allows to reduce the traditional contents gaps.

Specific objectives:
  • To perform 6 public activities, such as workshops or editathon activities (Increase20% compared to 2018 goals).
  • To reach a total of 120 participants (Increase20% compared to 2018 goals).
  • To create or improve[1] at least 150 Wikipedia articles as result of these activities (Increase50% compared to 2018 goals).

Wikipedia in the University

This will be our 8th version of this program that allow us to develop activities in the university context, promoting Wikipedia, other Wikimedia Foundation and free knowledge as resources for learning and teaching.

This program will continue developing activities such as public talks and workshops, a new campaign of #1Lib1Ref, and other major activities within the Wikipedia Education Program.

Specific objectives:
  • To make 8 Wikipedia in the University activities in different institutions (Increase33% compared to 2018 goals).
  • To have at least 4 of these activities as part of the Wikipedia Education Program (Increase25% compared to 2018 goals).
  • To reach at least 150 students during these activities (Increase25% compared to 2018 goals).
  • To reach 100 new/improved articles[1] or uploaded files by the end of the term (Increase25% compared to 2018 goals).
  • To reach at least 40 participants in #1lib1ref activities (Increase35% compared to 2018 goals).

Wikipuentes - Training program for school teachers

In 2018, Wikimedia Chile launched Wikipuentes, its first online training course for primary and high school teachers. Its first application as a pilot project allowed us to identify some issues that can be improved in the future. We expect to continue developing this program, in order to adapt it to the Chilean particularities and to create alliances with other institutions that might incentive teachers to subscribe to the course, like Education faculties and university departments, schools and teachers associations, or public professional development institutions, like CPEIP.

Specific objectives:
  • To redesign the Wikipuentes program (2.0 version)
  • To sign a program outreach agreement with a local educational or teaching training institution.
  • To launch Wikipuentes 2.0 during 2019.
  • To have at least 10 participants during this version.

Institutional outreach plan

In order to ease our collaborative strategy and joint work with other institutions, we will develop our own institutional presentation and outreach plan, which will enhance Wikimedia Chile’s work and activities. This outreach plan will allow us to show better what we do and our experience as a chapter in the collaborative knowledge field, as well as in the educational and cultural fields, in order to reach new and different collaborators.

Specific objectives:
  • To create an institutional presentation dossier, that sums up Wikimedia Chile activities and projects.
  • To design and print an institutional outreach catalogue.
  • To update and improve Wikimedia Chile's website, promoting our current projects and those executed in the past.

Contenido y cultura local (Content and local culture)

Main objective
To promote the creation and access to contents with a diverse and local perspective, reducing the knowledge gaps present on the Wikimedia projects.

What we will be working on during 2019?

Wikimedian in Residence

In order to make the most of the opportunities that have arisen with highly relevant local institutions, we expect to incorporate the figure of Wikimedians in Residence (WiR); this will help us to improve collaboration between editors and institutions, improving access and highlighting Chilean heritage on a local, regional and global level within the movement. We expect that WiR help us to have access to high-value content not available yet in Wikipedia and other platforms.

Specific objectives:
  • To recruit at least one volunteer for the execution of the WiR program.
  • To implement the WiR program in at least 2 collaboration institutions.
  • To create or improve at least 100 new Wikipedia articles
  • To attend at least 20 information requests made by other volunteers.

Wiki Loves Earth

Considering the success of its first version, Wikimedia Chile will launch a second version of the photography contest Wiki Loves Earth (WLE). This activity will allow us to keep enlarging the information about the national flora and fauna, as well as information about the Chilean natural protected areas and geography.

Besides the photos that could be uploaded to Wikimedia Commons, the chapter expects to encourage the local community to produce new articles inspired by these photos. For this, Wikimedia Chile while reinforce the project by organizing an editing contest on Wikipedia that will allow to improve related articles, using images uploaded by the 2018 and 2019 WLE contest.

Specific objectives:
  • To launch Wiki Loves Earth 2019 contest in the months of May-June.
  • To count at least 1,300 valid photographs for the contest (Increase30% compared to 2018).
  • To have 200 different participants (Increase20% compared to 2018).
  • To count at least 100 contestants uploading their first file to Wikimedia Commons (Increase150% compared to 2018 goals).
  • To create or improve[1] at least 40 articles including WLE images.

Bridges across Cultures

In its third version, the Bridges across Cultures (Puentes entre Culturas) contest expects to maintain the number of Wikipedia edits since its creation, hopefully including new components to the contest that allow to increase content in participant projects (Spanish Wikipedia, for example) about other regions of the world and content from Latin America in other languages. It is possible that, besides the current participation of the Middle East and Northern Africa region (MENA), new regions like Sub-Saharian Africa or Southeast Asia could be considered.

Specific objectives:
  • To count with the participation of 100 editors with at least 1 valid article in the contest.
  • To count with the participation of at least 40 contestant in the Wikipedia projects associated to each involved region.[2]
  • To create or improve at least 750 valid articles in total.
  • To create or improve at least 250 valid articles in the Wikipedia projects associated to each involved region.[2]

Photo coverage

Wikimedia Chile will continue working to provide local community with high quality images coming from activities or events of public interest, which could be used in any Wikipedia article or other projects, due to its free licenses. Some of these event could be concerts, music or arts festival, sporting events, public ceremonies, etc.

Specific objectives:
  • To obtain press credentials to photograph at least 4 high-interest events (Increase20% compared to 2018 goals).
  • To have at least 420 photographs of high-interest events uploaded to Wikimedia Commons (Increase20% compared to 2018 goals).
  • 50 of these photographs should be highlighted as quality images in Wikimedia Commons (Increase42% compared to 2018 goals).
  1. a b c An article will be considered as “improved” if at least 500 bytes are added.
  2. a b For the contest, the projects associated to the involved regions are the Wikipedia projects in the main languages spoken in the participant regions of the contest. For example, for Latin America, the associated projects will be Spanish and Portuguese Wikipedias; for MENA, it will be Arabic, Persian and Turkish Wikipedias.

Staff and contractors


Please describe any changes to your staffing plan for the upcoming funding period. These should include increases in staff or contractor hours, new staff positions, or staff positions you are removing. Include your rationale for any staffing changes here.

Wikimedia Chile incorporated its first staff members in 2018 as temporary and part-time positions, in line with its work plan for 2017-2018 and the previous sAPG. Given that the participation of both contractors have been successful and have been evaluated positively by the Board, Wikimedia Chile plans to transform both positions to permanent. In the case of the General Coordinator, currently working as 0.5 FTE, we expect to increase it to 1 FTE since July 2019. In the case of the Wikipuentes Contractor hired for some months, we expect to have it as a permanent position as 0.5 FTE.
Considering this staff increase, Wikimedia Chile expects to rent an office (probably as part of a co-working space to save resources) that can help the staff to work and coordinate with the Board, and possible increase the participation of chapter members (for example, with the Wikicafé project).
More details regarding the staffing plan for 2019 is available here (in Spanish).

For each new staff or contractor position, please use the template provided to add information about each new staff or contractor you are planning for the upcoming funding period (or to describe significant increases in hours or changes in job descriptions for existing staff). You are not required to provide this information for existing staff where no changes are required.

Education Manager

  1. Please link to a detailed job description, which shows how this staff person will help your organization achieve its goals.
    This position will be in charge of the design and coordination of activities related to Education. This includes mainly the Wikipedia in the University project and the revamp of Wikipuentes. As part of the position, the Education Manager will have to:
  • Coordinate activities with educational institutions, such as courses, workshops and editathons.
  • Lead or coordinate with volunteers that can lead those activities.
  • Design and propose changes to Wikipuentes in line with the requirements of teachers.
  • Follow up of the activities mentioned before.
  • Report the results of the activities to the Board.
  1. How long is this staff person or contractor's planned engagement with your organization, and how many hours will they work over the course of this grant?
    This position is for a regular staff person who will be working at 0.5 FTE since March 2019 at least.
  2. Use a percentage of that person's total hours to show how they will spend their time on different programs and activities.
    40% coordination and activities with educational institutions; 30% redesign of Wikipuentes; 10% follow up of activities and 10% reporting.

Budget and resource plan


Link to a detailed budget for the upcoming funding period. This budget should include all of your organizations expenses. Please specify which expenses will be covered from your APG.

Budget for 2019 (in USD). Converted to Chilean pesos using conversion rate for 2018-10-31, at 1 USD = 688.64 CLP.

Midpoint report


This is a brief report on the grantee's progress during the midpoint reporting period: 1 January-31 June 2019.

Program story


Please link to one program story that showcases your organization's achievements during the reporting period.

In Spanish:



Please add text or a link to a page with details on your program progress. This should including reporting against each of the SMART objectives form your proposal.

Comunidad (Community)

In April 2019, WMCL hosted the second edition of the Jornadas Wikimedia Chile, where the results of the work carried out by the chapter in 2018 were presented to members and guests, as well as showing and discussing some of the projects we are seeking to finalize throughout 2019.

Unfortunately, this year we did not reach the goal of assistance set for this year, with only 20 participants. In addition, we didn’t have participants from other regions outside Santiago, one of our original goals. This situation left us with the challenge of rethinking the structure and objectives of this type of meeting for next year, inviting us to plan a new form of meeting that motivates both chapter members and the extended community to participate. We think maybe in formats like seminars on culture and collaborative knowledge or more practical workshops where knowledge can be transferred from our organization to other users. In a positive note, is important to consider that we are currently developing at least 4 different projects, both in the field of Education and Outreach, with some of the attendees of the event. We expect those projects to materialize in the second half of this year.

The first semester of 2019 was dedicated, among other activities, to the opening and habilitation of the new office of Wikimedia Chile. Knowing that this space will be essential to develop the different Wikicafés, we hope to start with the activities from August 2019.

While we haven't been able to participate in activities outside of Santiago, we are working with the Chilean Antarctic Institute, based in Punta Arenas, to propose some activities for the next semester or first months of 2020. In the meantime, we already had an online workshop with their communications team.

Conocimiento libre (Free knowledge)

We have actively worked on signing a new agreement between WMCL and the Alberto Hurtado University, which will focus on collaboration within the classroom, as well as preparation of a massive “Women in Science and technology” editathon on December. The document is ready and approved by both institutions, only waiting the final signature by both institutions. This semester we have also continued working with the Museum of Memory in Santiago for projects based on the already signed agreement with them, and we hope to reconnect with other institutions in the remainder of the year. While there hasn’t been a formal agreement yet, we are working with OTD Chile, an NGO focused on rights of transgender and transsexual people, to promote the inclusion of this specific content in Wikipedia.

Wikimedia Chile has developed three important massive activities: a photographic journey within the framework of the National Cultural Heritage Day, an editathon with architects in the headquarters of ECLAC (United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean), and the second version of WikiGap Chile, organized with the Embassy of Sweden. This edition of WikiGap focused on women and sports, given the context of the first participation of Chile in the FIFA Women’s World Cup and the match between the Chilean and Swedish national teams there.

These activities, which received good media coverage, allowed us to create new and better alliances between our chapter and other local institutions such as the Swedish Embassy in Chile, the NGO for the visibility of women in the public sphere “Hay Mujeres”, and the team of the Library of ECLAC. We had a total of 77 participants (64% of our annual goal) and the creation and / or improvement of 23 articles on Wikipedia (15%), as well as the creation of 53 new items for Wikimedia Commons.

This semester, the Wikipedia in the University project has continued successfully and has been renamed "Wikimedia in the University", in order to show not only the uses and potentialities of the Wikipedia platform, but the philosophy within the Wikimedia movement and how to use our different projects in the educational and learning level. For this, has been fundamental the work of Rocío Aravena, our new Education Manager since April 2019. Thanks to her work and the one of our volunteers, we have accompanied five Education activities, with a total of 75 students involved (50%), that have resulted in creating or improving 67 articles for Wikipedia. In addition, as a team we have participated in other instances of dissemination of the pedagogical use of Wikimedia, with primary school teachers of the Camilo Mori School in Independencia, Santiago.

Currently, our Education Manager is in an exploratory stage about the reality of teachers in Chile, in order to adjust the Wikipuentes training project to our local reality. As we mentioned in the previous report, the first Wikipuentes incursion was not as expected and we wanted to give it a second chance, adding changes in the methodology, the objectives and the public. But for this, we need to know a little more about the reality of teachers in Chile and understand what they need and what they could get from this training project. Taking advantage of an intervention that Wikimedia Chile has made during this semester in a semi-public school and with a multicultural context in Santiago,[1] we are currently working on the identification of the local context, in order to rethink concrete changes to the initial project and thus launch a second version during the second semester of 2019. A first report exploring the status of digital perspectives in the Chilean education was published.

Contenido y cultura local (Content and local culture)

This year we developed the second version of the Wiki Loves Earth Chile contest, currently under review by the jury. We had a good outreach through our social media and allied institutions, receiving almost 1200 photographs portraying our natural heritage of the north, center and south of the country. However, in this version we did not achieve the high goals set for the number of photos received (92%) and the number of participating photographers (51%). In any case, we are satisfied because this year we received an important quantity of very good quality photos, thus raising the level of the contest and its results. We believe that this is because we managed to better communicate the objectives of the event, as well as the selection and management of a more ad-hoc jury, which gave a much more professional spirit to the contest; this translated into fewer photos, but with better quality.

Thanks to the work of our volunteer Carlos Figueroa and the project we have named "Chile in images", Wikimedia Chile has obtained accreditations to register twenty public events in cities such as Santiago, Viña del Mar, Olmué, Quillota, La Calera and Valdivia. Of these events, four are events of high public interest in the area of sports, music and entertainment, which makes us meet already our annual goal. In these 4 specific events, our photographer has taken 183 photos (44%); in the 20 events he has attended in total, 621 images have been taken, all of them already part of Wikimedia Commons. In addition, of these photographs, 62 have already been recognized as quality images on the same platform, also exceeding our annual goal (124%).

Bridges across Cultures and the Wikimedian in Residence projects are part of our priorities for the second semester of 2019.

Institutional development

Wikimedia Chile has continued its path towards profesionalization and institutional consolidation. In April 2019, the chapter hired its second staff member, Rocío Aravena Villarroel, as Education Manager. Also, the chapter rented its first office, located in Clemente Fabres 1621, Providencia. The office will not be only a space for Wikimedia Chile staff and board to work, but also a place for volunteers to meet and support each other.

Regarding the project for an instituional outreach plan, we have concentrated mainly on developing standard institutional presentations that we use in each meeting or workshop of Wikimedia Chile, and creating a new website for our chapter from scratch, working directly with a web professional. The new website will be released in August 2019. The work of rethinking the presentation of our work and of re-writing each area of our organization will undoubtedly help us to think about the creation of an institutional brochure, when we decide to print it during the second semester.

Notes and references

  1. Wikimedia Chile is one of the partners of the “Digital Citizenship and Adolescent Welfare in Multicultural Education” project, led by academics of the Institute of Communications and Image of the University of Chile and funded by the Valentín Letelier Fund of the same university.
  2. For purposes of counting this goal, 3 articles are counted as 1 article created or improved.
  3. Although is a primary school and not a higher education institution, the methodology used with the teachers was similar to the ones used in the Wikipedia Education Program.



Please report your organization's total spending during the reporting period, or link to a financial document showing your total spending.

CLP 15.545.249 (~ USD 22,930)
Converted to Chilean pesos using conversion rate for 2019-06-30, at 1 USD = 677,80 CLP.
Spending report by June 30th, 2018

Final report


This is the final report for your grant, describing your outcomes from the period 1 January-1 December 2019.

Program story


Please link to one program story that showcases your organization's achievements during the reporting period.

In Spanish:
In English:

Learning story


Please link to one learning story that shows how your organization documents lessons learned and adapts its programs accordingly.

In Spanish:
In English and German:



Please add text or a link to a page with details on your program results. You should report on each of the objectives you included in your Simple APG application.

Even in the context of the social protests that has taken place in the country, Wikimedia Chile could work and carry most of their activities. Also, we have adapted our activities in line with the new local reality.

Work axis and achivements

2019 was a particular but succesful year for Wikimedia Chile. In February we hosted a new version of Iberoconf, which allowed us to strengthen our ties with other regional chapters, as well as consolidate our work as a team, facing a great challenge that demanded a lot of organization and collaboration.

On the other hand, this year was also productive for our work as a chapter; we managed to develop our different working areas («Community», «Free Knowledge» and «Content and local perspectives»), and we reached most of our annual goals. This committed and sustained work allowed us to even assume projects and activities that were not in our original plan but were presented as good opportunities; we even created 2 new programs (“Gaps” and “Experts for Wikipedia”), and we expanded the incidence of programs such as “Education” and our photographic coverage project, now called “Chile in Images”. These projects will continue in our 2020 annual plan.

This decision, in addition to helping us to give a better structure to our activities, had positive consequences when creating and strengthening ties with user communities, creating new content for Wikimedia projects, and motivating new collaborations with local institutions.

Professional staff

This year we also managed to consolidate a professional work team, which was a part of our goals for 2019. This was materialized by increasing our General Coordinator working hours from 0,5 FTE to 1 FTE, and by incorporating an Education Program Manager to our staff. Throughout the year, these two staff members collaborated side by side with our volunteers, which allowed us to: assume new and more activities and strategic alliances; make an effective transfer of executive tasks from the Board to the professional staff; and take a firm step towards the professionalization and dissemination of our work as a chapter.

Adapting to a new context

Finally, in particular towards the last quarter of the year, Wikimedia Chile had to face an adverse context as a result of the social manifestations and the political crisis that had place throughout the country. This forced us to change our original work plan, by modifying, postponing or even suspending many of our outreach activities (such as editathons, talks, workshops and editing sessions), as well as some other collaborations with educational and cultural institutions, which also had to modify their agendas due to the social crisis. However, our team learned to create new activities and initiatives of collaboration and content creation, using this new political context, in order to keep contributing to Wikimedia projects as we planned.

That been said, our overall 2019 results, by area and by program and/or project, are the following ones:

Comunidad (Community)

During the last year, we experienced an important development in the Community work axis, although this not necessarily reflects in the general metrics. In fact, we faced difficulties fulfilling the objectives related to the Participation item in some of the Community activities (as was the case of the II Jornadas WMCL), as well as during the realization of regional activities, as part of project “Wiki climbs Chile” (with a 25% success rate in the number of activities). This could be explained by both internal and external factors. We recognize that we had problems planning our agenda, which made it difficult for us to visit other regions of the country. On the other hand, the activities that we managed to arrange, mostly for the spring months (October, November and December) had to be postponed or canceled, due to the social conflict that affected most of the country. All this significantly reduced the scope of our Regionalization project.

Despite these difficulties, we consider the work done in the Community axis during 2019 as successful. The activities that we could accomplish during this year (both in Santiago and in regions) allowed us to reach new communities, many of whom did not know the work of our chapter. Here we highlight, for example, the collaboration established with the team of the Regional Library of Coquimbo, with which we performed an edit-a-thon of local content in September, and then an open talk on technologies and gender gaps during December. This last activity (which had to be rescheduled from October due to the riots in the city) allowed us to reach a new audience, mostly women, who until now did not know the role played by Wikimedia projects in the visibility of women on the Internet, and what we do as a chapter in order to enhance that representation.

The 2019 WikiCafés cycle was also an activity that contributed to our work in the Community area. During the second semester we held five of the six expected meetings that we had proposed -avoiding only the event in the midst of the riots in Santiago-, we managed to include different issues (gender, technology, human rights, editing) and guests and exhibitors from the Wikimedia movement and from the civil society. This allowed us to share new collaboration ideas. We highlight the visit of Diego Sáez-Trumper, engineer and part of the Research team of the Wikimedia Foundation, who told us about his technical work in the foundation; and the participation of the creators of the project Visual Memory Archive (AMA), with whom we established ideas about free access to the information in contexts of social crisis and human rights violations, and how we could continue collaborating in the future.

Regarding the lessons, we learned a lot from the difficulties we faced in the Community area. First of all, we have re-evaluated the impact of some of our community activities, as well as the amount of resources that we need for its development. Therefore, we decided that we will not develop a new version of the Jornadas WMCL during 2020; on the contrary, we will use these resources (time and money) to strengthen other community activities on a smaller scale that did work, especially regarding participation, such as the WikiCafé or the dissemination activities, which allow us to deepen our ties with our internal and external community.

Secondly, in relation to our Regionalization project, we believe that its development depends not only on having a good schedule, by planning activities and anticipating all the details in advance, but also on the diversification of activities. Although outreach or massive activities (such as edit-a-thons) are very relevant to our work, trying to coordinate them at a distance is more complicated than it seems, something that affects their final results. In addition, the participation of our volunteers in these activities does not always ensure the continuity of the regional projects, nor the creation of new communities of editors who could continue to create local content. In this sense, we believe that the dissemination of Wikimedia culture in regions may be as important, and that promoting regional activities in this area will allow us to reach more and new persons who may be interested in our work.

Finally, we believe that all these community activities, whether in Santiago or other regions, massive or smaller, have much better results when working collaboratively, by creating alliances or working directly with interested communities. In that sense, our learning is also related to the importance of listening and identifying new actors that may be interested in performing different Wikimedia activities, and how to become good facilitators in those cases.

Conocimiento libre (Free knowledge)

The Free Knowledge axis was the most dynamic during 2019, and where we found and assumed the greatest number of new projects, introducing some adjustments to our original work plan.

Regarding the collaboration with institutions, for example, we had proposed to sign collaboration agreements with at least 5 new institutions, as well as reactivate some institutional agreements signed in previous years. Despite the efforts made, these objectives were difficult to reach (something that is reflected in the metrics), for two fundamental reasons: the agendas of the collaborating institutions, whose priorities had change over time; and the bureaucracy of Chilean institutions (especially public ones such as museums, archives and universities) that slows down the formalization of agreements with other civil society organizations like Wikimedia Chile.

Despite this situation, our work with institutions continued to be developed in a strong and diverse way, allowing us to perform specific activities with institutions and expert communities (as part of the “Experts for Wikipedia” program) of the cultural, educational and international cooperation world. In this area, we highlight the work carried out with the NGO Organizando Trans Diversidades (OTD Chile), with which we carried out a series of dissemination and editing activities that ended in a collaboration agreement to be carried out in 2020, and the alliance with part of the ECLAC team, with whom we have already coordinated two Wikipedia editing sessions involving researchers and experts. The OTD agreement is particularly important for us, addressing issues related to transgender communities, already in focus in Chile given the approval and implementation of the new gender identity law.

The outreach activities also worked very well during this year, in particular during the second half of 2019. We carry out 100% of our proposed activities, including edit-a-thons, editing sessions and wikitours, without considering those (3 edit-a-thons, 1 experts' editing session) that we had to suspend due to the social crisis. Regarding the creation of content during these outreach activities, although the results show that we did not reach our goal of edited articles (only 53% success), we were able to create and upload very relevant visual content. Only during the first editing session with the ECLAC (May 2019), we uploaded 21 photographic archives related to the history of the ECLAC headquarters, a piece of architectural heritage; while during the wikitour along the historical Yungay neighborhood in Santiago, we took and uploaded 65 images.

The Education program was one of the most successful of 2019. This is due in particular to the incorporation of a Program Manager, who developed both the “Wikimedia in the University” project and the “Wikipuentes” virtual training course (now called “Wikipedia in the Classroom”), as well as other activities and initiatives in the area.

“Wikimedia at the University” was one of the most developed projects of the Education program; however, the schedules and priorities of different education establishments as well as the national context, restricted the possibilities of reaching 100% of our goal; an example of this situation was the suspension of an edit-a-thon with the Alberto Hurtado University, due the cancelation of every activity in the institution. Never the less, we were able to carry out 6 activities with 3 different universities and higher education centers in the country: we worked with the Metropolitan Technological University (UTEM), Inacap Institue and Alberto Hurtado University, and these collaborations included: massive talks, workshops and editing sessions, in which we reached a total of 130 students and where 67 Wikipedia articles were improved.

One of the most important challenges in the Education programs was the redesign process of "Wikipedia in the Classroom", the virtual training course for teachers, that was launched on October 14th and that counted with the participation of 16 university and school teachers (160% of the goal we had set). It should be noted that, given the crisis that began on October 18th in Chile, the contents and modality of the course had to be adapted to the national context; thus, in order to contribute to the good development of the curricular activities of the teachers, we arranged our program by: focus on tools used to incorporate digital citizenship developing to the classroom, adding more online classes through YouTube, and make scheduled deliveries more flexible.

Finally, during 2019, we assumed activities that we had not initially considered in our plan; one of them was the collaboration with the “Digital citizenship and adolescent wellbeing” project corresponding to a Valentín Letelier Fund awarded to the University of Chile and developed at the Republic of Panama Primary School, in downtown Santiago. This collaboration involved working for the first time with an institution of primary education, through the realization of a presentation and a workshop on pedagogical uses of Wikimedia projects.

Regarding the lessons, the main thing we learned in this area was the importance of flexibilize the way we have historically related to other institutions. While collaboration and the creation of alliances are fundamental to our chapter, it is important to consider the local culture and the way in which institutions operate in Chile; here, the imperative of signing formal collaboration agreements before working with each organization can take too much time, which in the end, instead of protecting the collaboration, can end up making it difficult to organize and manage Wikimedia activities.

Finally, in the Education program, an important lesson obtained during 2019 was the importance of adjusting and diversifying our activities, adapting the original programs to the changes imposed by the context, as well as increasing our offline resources, considering the huge computer and Internet connection deficit of Chilean schools. On the other hand, a pending challenge for this 2020 is to learn how to anticipate the eventual strikes and political manifestation in the public educational system, scheduling as many activities as possible during the first months of each academic semester, in order to guarantee the fulfillment of our goals.

Contenido y cultura local (Content and local culture)

This axis was the one that produced the largest amount of content for the Wikimedia projects during 2019. Here we consider, for example: more than 1,200 photographs taken within the “Chile in images” program, which portrays the main cultural and sports events in the country; almost 1200 images donated as part of the second version of the national contest Wiki Loves Earth; and more than 400 photographs collected during the first version of the contest “Revealing Sites”, developed with the Museo de la Memoria, focused on memory sites related to human rights violations during the Chilean dictatorship.

Wikimedia Chile launched the third version of the Bridges across Cultures contest. This year, we worked with Wikimedia Russia, Wikimedians of Bashkortostan User Group and Wikipedians of North Caucasus User Group to include a new region in the project, joining Latin America and the MENA region. This way, we were able to increase the number of involved languages from 5 to 9 (including Bashkir, Chechen, Lezgi and Russian). 769 participating articles in the contest were created or improved, surpassing the expected goal. However, we had a smaller number of participants, even with the new region included, which is something we should evaluate for the next edition.

Unfortunately, this year we could not perform the “Wikimedian in Residence” project, as proposed in our annual plan. The reasons that explain this situation are: a lack of coordinate work with the institution with which we planned to realize the project during the first semester 2019, and then the change of agenda of the second institution with which we wanted to carry out this project, due to the socio-political crisis.

Despite the contextual difficulties we faced during this year, Wikimedia Chile managed to identify and use the local situation to continue promoting content creation, especially the one that represents Chilean culture and society. The “Chile Protests” campaign, launched in October 2019, allowed us to collect more than 3,000 files (including photos, videos and graphics) about the Chilean protest and police violence, as a way to record and of this historical situation. These images have served no only to illustrate the different Wikipedia articles related to the Chilean social movement, but also different press articles in Chile and around the globe.

As mentioned earlier, the main lessons obtained after working with local content in the Wikimedia projects, is the importance of incorporating and considering the context in the work of our chapter. This means both anticipating the changes that may occur in the country and thinking about alternatives that could help us reach our objectives, as well as thinking how, even in adverse contexts or situations, we can continue to contribute to the creation of relevant content and knowledge.



Please link to a detailed financial report for your spending during the grant period. This should be in the same format as your detailed budget from your Simple APG application.

Final spending report

Please include the total amount of Simple APG funds you spent during the grant period.

CLP 34,052,309 (~ USD 47,150)
Converted to Chilean pesos using conversion rate for 2019-12-30, at 1 USD = 732,60 CLP.
  1. It considers the general level of advance of the project, considering each stated goal for the project. For each sub-project, the average of status percentage for each goal is calculated. Then, the average of those numbers are calculated for each project.