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vorherige Ausgabe | 2020, Woche 23 (Montag 01. Juni 2020) | nächste Ausgabe |
Neueste Technik-Nachrichten der Wikimedia-Community. Bitte informiere andere Nutzer über diese Entwicklungen. Nicht alle Änderungen werden dich betreffen.
Letzte Änderungen
- There is a new beta version of the Wikimedia Commons app for Android. It has a new zoom function when you look at images. It can also suggest places when you upload geotagged photos. [1]
- There was a problem with the Commons database on 27 May. Commons could not be edited for eight minutes. Because of this problem the database was moved. This caused another short read-only time on 29 May. [2][3][4]
- The Vector skin had a problem where you couldn't add links to the article in other languages. You couldn't see the section if there were no links to other languages already. It also removed content translation links and links to language settings. This has now been fixed. [5]
Anstehende Änderungen im Verlauf der Woche
- You can get a notification when someone links to a page you created. You can turn these notifications off for individual pages. You can soon turn them off also in the notifications you get. [6]
Die neue Version der MediaWiki-Software wird auf dem Testwiki und ab 2 Juni verfügbar sein. Auf Nicht-Wikipedia-Wikis und einigen Wikipedias vom 3 Juni. Auf allen Wikis ab 4 Juni (Kalender).
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