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Bộ quy tắc ứng xử chung/Hướng dẫn thực thi/Bỏ phiếu/Thống kê

From Meta, a Wikimedia project coordination wiki
This page is a translated version of the page Universal Code of Conduct/Enforcement guidelines/Voting/Results and the translation is 100% complete.


Bộ Quy tắc Ứng xử Chung

Kết quả cuối cùng của cuộc bỏ phiếu đã được công bố tại đây cùng với các thông số thống kê và một bản tóm lược các nhận xét ngay khi có thể. Xem danh sách đầy đủ các nhận xét bình luận tại đây.

Kết quả

Chống Thuận
Bạn có ủng hộ việc thực thi Bộ Quy tắc Ứng xử Chung (UCoC) dựa trên các dựa trên hướng dẫn đề xuất không? 945 1.338
40.25% 56.98%
  • 65 người (2,77% số phiếu) đã không chọn "thuận" hay "chống".
  • Đã có danh sách cử tri đầy đủ tại đây

Thông báo

Bạn có thể tìm thấy các phiên bản ngôn ngữ khác của thông báo này tại Meta-wiki.

Xin chào tất cả,

Chúng tôi muốn gửi lời cảm ơn đến hơn 2300 Wikimedian đã tham dự cuộc bỏ phiếu phê duyệt Bộ Quy tắc Ứng xử Chung (UCoC). Tính đến nay, nhóm kiểm phiếu đã hoàn thành công việc; kết quả cuối cùng đã được công bố tại Meta-Wiki. Dưới đây là tóm lược:

  • 58,6% thuận, 41,4% chống
  • Các thành viên từ hơn 128 wiki đã tham gia bỏ phiếu
  • Hơn 30 ngôn ngữ được hỗ trợ

Kết quả này không có nghĩa Hướng dẫn đã hoàn chỉnh; nó chỉ cho thấy có nhiều người ủng hộ, đủ để Hội đồng Quản trị xem xét bản dự thảo.

Từ đây, nhóm thực hiện dự án sẽ đối chiếu và tổng hợp nhận xét thu được trong quá trình bỏ phiếu và công bố trên Meta-Wiki. Hướng dẫn Thực thi sẽ được đệ trình lên Hội đồng Quản trị. Hội đồng sẽ xem xét và đưa ra nhận định về những nội dung cần sửa đổi thêm của Hướng dẫn, nếu có. Nhận định của Hội đồng và đánh giá từ phía cộng đồng sẽ giúp ích cho việc tái sửa đổi Hướng dẫn theo nhu cầu của cộng đồng.

Nếu Hội đồng chấp thuận phê duyệt, nhóm thực hiện dự án UCoC sẽ bắt đầu hỗ trợ một số đề xuất cụ thể trong Hướng dẫn, chẳng hạn như hợp tác với cộng đồng để hình thành Uỷ ban Xây dựng U4C, lấy đồng thuận về việc đào tạo, và thảo luận để cải thiện hệ thống báo cáo. Vẫn còn nhiều việc cần phải làm, nhưng chúng ta sẽ có thể tiến tới giai đoạn tiếp theo.

Rất nhiều người đã tham gia để giúp bộ quy định và hướng dẫn thực thi trở nên có ích đối với cộng đồng. Chúng ta sẽ tiếp tục làm việc cùng nhau để hoàn thiện hơn những đề xuất lớn, đã nêu trong Hướng dẫn, của nhiều thành viên khác nhau trong suốt năm qua.

Xin cảm ơn các thành viên đã tham gia bỏ phiếu phê duyệt Hướng dẫn Thực thi.

Để biết thêm thông tin, hãy xem trang kết quả.

Trân trọng,

User:SNg (WMF)

Stella Ng, thay mặt cho Nhóm Dự án UCoC

Quản lý cấp cao, Quy định Tín thác và An toàn

Next steps: Universal Code of Conduct (UCoC) and UCoC Enforcement Guidelines

The Community Affairs Committee of the Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees would like to thank everyone who participated in the recently concluded community vote on the Enforcement Guidelines for the Universal Code of Conduct (UCoC).

The volunteer scrutinizing group has completed the review of the accuracy of the vote and has reported the total number of votes received as 2,283. Out of the 2,283 votes received, a total of 1,338 (58.6%) community members voted for the enforcement guidelines, and a total of 945 (41.4%) community members voted against it. In addition, 658 participants left comments with 77% of the comments written in English.

We recognize and appreciate the passion and commitment that community members have demonstrated in creating a safe and welcoming culture that stops hostile and toxic behavior, supports people targeted by such behavior, and encourages good faith people to be productive on the Wikimedia projects.

Even at this incomplete stage, this is evident in the comments received. While the Enforcement Guidelines did reach a threshold of support necessary for the Board to review, we encouraged voters, regardless of which way they were voting, to provide feedback on the elements of the enforcement guidelines that they felt needed to be changed or fixed, as well as why, in case it seemed advisable to launch a further round of edits that would address community concerns.

Foundation staff who have been reviewing comments have advised us of some of the emerging themes, and as a result we have decided as Community Affairs Committee to ask the Foundation to reconvene the drafting committee and to undertake another community engagement to refine the enforcement guidelines based on the community feedback received from the recently concluded vote.

For clarity, this feedback has been clustered into 4 sections as follows:

  1. To identify the type, purpose, and applicability of the training;
  2. To simplify the language for easier translation and comprehension by non-experts;
  3. To explore the concept of affirmation, including its pros and cons;
  4. To review the conflicting roles of privacy/victim protection and right to be heard.

Other issues may emerge during conversations, and particularly as the draft Enforcement Guidelines evolve, but we see these as the primary areas of concern for voters and are asking staff to facilitate review of these issues. After further engagement, the Foundation should re-run the community vote to evaluate the revamped Enforcement Outline to see if the new document is then ready for its official ratification.

Further, we are aware of the concerns with the note 3.1 in the Universal Code of Conduct Policy. We are directing the Foundation to facilitate a review of this language to ensure that the Policy meets its intended purposes of supporting a safe and inclusive community, without waiting for the planned review of the entire Policy at the end of year.

Again, we thank all who participated, thinking about these critical and difficult challenges and contributing to better approaches across the movement to working together well.



Rosie Stephenson-Goodknight (she/her)
Acting Chair, Community Affairs Committee
Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees

Tóm tắt các thay đổi

Có thể đính kèm nhận xét vào phiếu bầu. Các nhận xét đã được xuất bản.


Following the completion of the Universal Code of Conduct (UCoC) Enforcement Guidelines Draft in early 2022, the guidelines were voted on by the Wikimedian community. A total of 2,283 community members participated in the vote. Out of these, 1,338 (58.6%) participants supported the guidelines as written and 945 (41.4%) did not support. Voters cast votes from 137 communities, with the top 9 communities being: English, German, French, Russian, Polish, Spanish, Chinese, Japanese, Italian Wikipedias, and Meta-wiki. See the results page.

All responders to the survey had the opportunity to provide comments on the contents of the Draft document. 657 participants left comments. Approximately 77% of the comments are written in English. Voters wrote comments in 27 languages with the largest numbers in English (508), German (34), Japanese (28), French (25), and Russian (12). Voter turnout by Wikimedia project can be found here.

This analysis was completed to identify the major themes of these comments and highlight areas of the document that are the major focus of community comments. The analysis of these comments is intended to increase community voice and input into this process. This has already guided the direction of the Community Affairs Committee to staff to continue exploring improvements and thus will also guide the revision of the UCoC Enforcement Guidelines which will be completed by the Revisions Committee.

Method for analysis

Once the volunteer scrutinizers confirmed there were no voting irregularities, the UCoC project team translated the feedback into English and grouped the feedback into categories.

The translation work was led by the Movement Strategy and Governance team with assistance from other multilingual Foundation staff. The Trust & Safety Policy team categorized the comments into topics, analyzed the results, and composed the report that was shared with the Wikimedia Foundation’s Board of Trustees, the revision drafting committee, and published on Meta-wiki.

Categorization of Feedback


There were 9 themes that emerged after the first round of analysis of the comments and were used for the initial categorizing. Figure 1 in Appendix details a breakdown of the comments and their representative values. In some cases, one comment would be put into multiple categories if it touched on more than one theme. The categorizing process revealed a need for further sub-groupings of the first 3 categories to organize diverse opinions expressed. For the categories that required continued organization or sub-groupings, charts have been added to further illustrate the sub-categories that were created. The details of the topics and sub-topics with quotes can be found below.[1]

  1. Quotes are shortened with spelling edits for ease of understanding

General feedback

This is a larger category that covers all general feedback (positive and negative) that was not directly relevant to the UCoC or the Enforcement Guidelines as well as comments directed to the Wikimedia Foundation. It was broken down into the following sub-categories:

  • General Positive Feedback
    • "...I am all in favor of any means that would make Wikimedia a more pleasant and safe space."
  • General Negative Feedback
    • "The Foundation displayed a gross lack of respect for the community, and a gross lack of understanding of the community, in trying to push through a Code without bothering to seek community approval of the Code... revising the guidelines won't change my vote... the Code itself was botched... you need to start from scratch, letting the community develop something new and seeking consensus for it."

Figure 2 in Appendix reflects the distribution within this bucket.

Bureaucracy and top-down processes may create unnecessary burdens and barriers

Comments in this category varied in themes and were further grouped to highlight the various opinions and concerns expressed. A few of them are listed below with some example quotes:

  • The Enforcement guidelines are too top-down or authoritarian
    • "I oppose this top-down takeover of the project…."
  • The Enforcement guidelines are bureaucratic
    • "The whole Universal Code of Conduct is too complex, will create much bureaucracy and take [the] effort away from [the communities]..."
  • Mandatory training is unreasonable
    • "Any expectation of training is unreasonable. There is no expectation of training for *anyone* in *any* permission level *anywhere* on Wikimedia projects…."
  • Affirmation is an unwanted imposition
    • "I am opposed to the idea of administrators being required to agree to a loyalty pledge of sorts, among other things."
  • U4C committee
    • "The bar currently set for cases to be heard by the U4C is very high and is likely to keep the status quo of exclusion and unhealthy communities for years to come..."

Figure 3 in Appendix reflects the distribution within this bucket.

Enforcement guidelines may backfire and create an unhealthy imbalance of power

Comments in this category highlighted the potential arbitrariness of the Enforcement guidelines and how it could cause abuse of power among enforcers and eventually damage communities. Comments in this category were also further sub-grouped into the following topics:

  • Arbitrariness
    • "The general thoughts in the Universal Code of Conduct seem good, but I am afraid some users may pervert the Universal Code of Conduct into something that protects the aggressor."
  • Abuse of power
    • "Just another power grab of the WMF and other groups who want to rule the projects without contributing."
  • Hurts diverse ecosystems
    • "We fear that this will create a further gap between light users and heavy users and that the population of Wikipedians will decline further."

Figure 4 in Appendix reflects the distribution within this bucket.

Supportive of the Enforcement Guidelines and/or UCoC

Comments put in this category were generally positive and optimistic about the need and impact of the UCoC and Enforcement Guidelines. Some examples include:

  • "I'm really happy that the movement has as a reference a code of conduct that is put into practice universally, in all projects and in all language versions. The parts I like the most? Practicing good faith and empathy, opposing the abuse of power, privilege or influence…"
  • "I agree with the enforcement of the Universal Code of Conduct, as it aims to help community members identify situations of bad behavior, which is something that should be supported with all the possible tools, and these guidelines are a strong ally in prevention."

The UCoC and/or Enforcement Guidelines do not support Wikimedia movement values (ie: privacy, freedom of speech, volunteerism, etc.)

Comments on this topic talked about how the UCoC and Enforcement Guidelines could suppress the rights of community members such as privacy, freedom of expression, etc. They also highlight the political leanings of the policy, as well as the misalignment of the UCoC and Enforcement Guidelines with the values of the movement. Examples of such comments are:

  • "More emphasis should be given towards the state of neutrality within our contents, especially regarding social issues. Any Wikipedia content should not be leaning towards any side of the political, economic or social spectra…"
  • "The UCoC pays insufficient respect to the fundamental and universal right to freedom of expression and, in its current form, intolerably infringes on that right."

UCoC and/or Enforcement guidelines lack global diversity

Comments in this category highlighted the lack of diversity and diverse geographic/cultural contexts, lack of translation into multiple languages, as well as ambiguity in the choice of words and text in the Enforcement guidelines. Some comments here include:

  • "Each community has its own culture and mindset, and enforcing the same rules for everyone will be unjust and will result in an oppression of minority cultures and groups."
  • "...it includes lack of expert understanding of local laws such as intellectual property and led to populism & influence-peddling amongst community members."
  • "The UCoC, as drafted … is written with a Western perspective in mind, which is liable to result in irreconcilable cultural clashes between the wikis responsible for enforcement and the communities they're being asked to enforce this on have a doubt about the judgment the UC4 will have to made on the issue on projects and communities whose history, cultural environment and language it does not understand or not well…"

UCoC is not Necessary/Locally Relevant

These comments highlighted the self-sufficiency of projects to regulate and resolve issues themselves and how having a UCoC and its accompanying Enforcement Guidelines are unnecessary and not needed. Examples include:

  • "I reject the introduction of a mandatory UCoC for the major, established, and functional Wikipedia language versions (including the English, German and French) for fundamental reasons. Such a code already exists in these projects and cannot be imposed from the outside. I see here the very serious danger of a split and weakening of the global community through forks."
  • "Each community must be sovereign in defining its founding principles."
  • "I don't see the need for additional regulations. Our community, I believe, handles conflict situations quite well, and I don't see what the desire for more regulation is coming from.

UCoC text is discriminatory

Comments in this category highlighted the text in section 3.1 of the UCoC that states that the policy "does not endorse race and ethnicity as meaningful distinctions between people" and how that enables racism and discrimination. Examples include:

  • "... I cannot endorse this policy with this statement in it. People DO experience discrimination based on race and ethnicity and it is painful. This notion ignores the problem and minimizes the experience of People of Color in the world."
  • "UCoC as written is offensive, discriminatory, unenforceable and lacks sufficient stakeholder engagement."
  • "...Race and Ethnicity ARE meaningful distinctions and form the base of an equitable approach which is prompted by the Foundation."

Right to be Heard language

Comments here focused on the need for a "right to be heard" policy where the accused will have the right to argue their case out or explain their point of view before a decision is made.

  • "It is absolutely necessary to include a right to know what you are accused of. Even more important is the right to be heard for the "accused". In spite of repeated comments in this direction, these basic requirements of a fair process were not included in the enforcement guidelines. Hence, the Guidelines are unfit to guarantee a fair process."


The report is now accessible to community members to review the data that was collected. Private identifiable information was removed from the vote comments, and the vote comment data is now available for review here.

There are limitations on the usefulness of the data. Only 658 participants left comments in 27 languages. Seventy-seven percent of the comments are written in English. Given the size of our community, this is too small a number to be representative of all views. To mitigate this, during the next round of community conversations, the UCoC project team will emphasize outreach to encourage participation from more community members.

Despite these limitations, voters from different size Wikimedia communities with different types of governance structures left comments providing diverse viewpoints on conduct and enforcement issues The comments were anonymous so the voter could freely express their opinions without concerns about reprisal.

This analysis of the UCoC voting results, the identified themes and feedback, in addition to data collected in upcoming conversation hours, will serve as guidance to the Revisions Committee to adapt and improve the current version of the guidelines.


Note: Charts may display incorrectly in mobile responsive view.
Figure 1
Pie chart of all vote feedback categories
Discriminatory text: 19 (2.2%)Right to be Heard: 39 (4.4%)Feedback on Foundation: 32 (3.6%)Hurts Global Diversity: 52 (5.9%)Anti-Movement Values: 50 (5.7%)Unhealthy Imbalance of Power: 113 (12.8%)Unnecessary / Irrelevant to Local Communities: 127 (14.4%)Supportive of the EG/UCoC: 172 (19.5%)Bureaucracy: 151 (17.1%)General Feedback: 128 (14.5%)
  •   Discriminatory text: 19 (2.2%)
  •   Right to be Heard: 39 (4.4%)
  •   Feedback on Foundation: 32 (3.6%)
  •   Hurts Global Diversity: 52 (5.9%)
  •   Anti-Movement Values: 50 (5.7%)
  •   Unhealthy Imbalance of Power: 113 (12.8%)
  •   Unnecessary / Irrelevant to Local Communities: 127 (14.4%)
  •   Supportive of the EG/UCoC: 172 (19.5%)
  •   Bureaucracy: 151 (17.1%)
  •   General Feedback: 128 (14.5%)
Figure 2
Pie chart of subcategorization relating to General feedback
Positive Feedback: 4 (3.2%)Other (feedback on language): 18 (14.4%)Attack on conservatism: 2 (1.6%)Ratification process: 20 (16.0%)UCoC Phase 1: 44 (35.2%)Other (psychological manipulation, polite pov pushing, etc.): 37 (29.6%)
  •   Positive Feedback: 4 (3.2%)
  •   Other (feedback on language): 18 (14.4%)
  •   Attack on conservatism: 2 (1.6%)
  •   Ratification process: 20 (16.0%)
  •   UCoC Phase 1: 44 (35.2%)
  •   Other (psychological manipulation, polite pov pushing, etc.): 37 (29.6%)
Figure 3
Pie chart of subcategorization relating to Bureaucracy and top-down processes may create unnecessary burdens and barriers
Complex Outsider Intervention: 19 (9.0%)U4C: 20 (9.5%)Too Top Down: 33 (15.6%)Bureaucracy of process: 35 (16.6%)UCoC Training: 60 (28.4%)Affirmation of UCoC: 44 (20.9%)
  •   Complex Outsider Intervention: 19 (9.0%)
  •   U4C: 20 (9.5%)
  •   Too Top Down: 33 (15.6%)
  •   Bureaucracy of process: 35 (16.6%)
  •   UCoC Training: 60 (28.4%)
  •   Affirmation of UCoC: 44 (20.9%)
Figure 4
Pie chart of subcategorization relating to Enforcement guidelines may backfire and create an unhealthy imbalance of power
Specific to RU.WP: 2 (1.6%)Specific to JA.WP: 10 (8.0%)Arbitrariness (Language is not fit for purpose): 31 (24.8%)Hurts Diverse Communities: 37 (29.6%)Concerns of Abuse of Power: 45 (36.0%)
  •   Specific to RU.WP: 2 (1.6%)
  •   Specific to JA.WP: 10 (8.0%)
  •   Arbitrariness (Language is not fit for purpose): 31 (24.8%)
  •   Hurts Diverse Communities: 37 (29.6%)
  •   Concerns of Abuse of Power: 45 (36.0%)

Thống kê

Dưới đây là thông số thống kê của cuộc bỏ phiếu phê duyệt Bộ Quy tắc Ứng xử Chung. Nếu bạn muốn đề xuất thêm thông số hoặc thảo luận về nội dung, xin dùng trang thảo luận.

Xu hướng và so sánh

Tổng số người tham gia bỏ phiếu

Theo giai đoạn

Bảng tổng hợp

Số ngày bỏ phiếu Thời gian (UTC) Tổng số Theo giai đoạn
0 2022-03-07 00:00 0 0
0.5 2022-03-07 12:00 94 94
1 2022-03-08 00:00 253 159
1.5 2022-03-08 12:00 323 70
2 2022-03-09 00:00 432 109
2.5 2022-03-09 12:00 472 40
3 2022-03-10 00:00 522 50
3.5 2022-03-10 12:00 545 23
4 2022-03-11 00:00 588 43
4.5 2022-03-11 12:00 608 20
5 2022-03-12 00:00 672 64
5.5 2022-03-12 12:00 699 27
6 2022-03-13 00:00 750 51
6.5 2022-03-13 12:00 775 25
7 2022-03-14 00:00 802 27
7.5 2022-03-14 12:00 831 29
8 2022-03-15 00:00 890 59
8.5 2022-03-15 12:00 928 38
9 2022-03-16 00:00 999 71
9.5 2022-03-16 12:00 1193 194
10 2022-03-17 00:00 1349 156
10.5 2022-03-17 12:00 1405 56
11 2022-03-18 00:00 1482 77
11.5 2022-03-18 12:00 1540 58
12 2022-03-19 00:00 1591 51
12.5 2022-03-19 12:00 1642 51
13 2022-03-20 00:00 1835 193
13.5 2022-03-20 12:00 1957 122
14 2022-03-21 00:00 2087 130
14.5 2022-03-21 12:00 2191 104
15 2022-03-22 00:00 2352 161

Theo wiki

Wiki Hợp lệ Số phiếu Số cử tri (%) Tỷ lệ so với tổng số cử tri (%) Số cử tri hợp lệ tham gia bỏ phiếu
en.wikipedia.org 22862 866 33.950% 36.820% 3.788%
de.wikipedia.org 5580 233 8.286% 9.906% 4.176%
fr.wikipedia.org 3773 134 5.603% 5.697% 3.552%
ru.wikipedia.org 2935 119 4.358% 5.060% 4.055%
pl.wikipedia.org 1192 109 1.770% 4.634% 9.144%
es.wikipedia.org 2780 87 4.128% 3.699% 3.129%
ja.wikipedia.org 3375 81 5.012% 3.444% 2.400%
zh.wikipedia.org 2306 81 3.424% 3.444% 3.513%
it.wikipedia.org 2031 69 3.016% 2.934% 3.397%
meta.wikimedia.org 880 57 1.307% 2.423% 6.477%
commons.wikimedia.org 2554 51 3.793% 2.168% 1.997%
id.wikipedia.org 492 31 0.731% 1.318% 6.301%
pt.wikipedia.org 1110 27 1.648% 1.148% 2.432%
ar.wikipedia.org 445 26 0.661% 1.105% 5.843%
cs.wikipedia.org 539 26 0.800% 1.105% 4.824%
nl.wikipedia.org 987 24 1.466% 1.020% 2.432%
ko.wikipedia.org 575 21 0.854% 0.893% 3.652%
tr.wikipedia.org 445 21 0.661% 0.893% 4.719%
ca.wikipedia.org 333 20 0.494% 0.850% 6.006%
he.wikipedia.org 765 17 1.136% 0.723% 2.222%
fa.wikipedia.org 692 13 1.028% 0.553% 1.879%
sv.wikipedia.org 513 10 0.762% 0.425% 1.949%
en.wiktionary.org 254 10 0.377% 0.425% 3.937%
hu.wikipedia.org 432 9 0.642% 0.383% 2.083%
www.wikidata.org 667 9 0.990% 0.383% 1.349%
uk.wikipedia.org 668 9 0.992% 0.383% 1.347%
bn.wikipedia.org 130 8 0.193% 0.340% 6.154%
vi.wikipedia.org 408 7 0.606% 0.298% 1.716%
hr.wikipedia.org 86 7 0.128% 0.298% 8.140%
www.mediawiki.org 238 7 0.353% 0.298% 2.941%
fi.wikipedia.org 427 6 0.634% 0.255% 1.405%
fr.wikisource.org 74 6 0.110% 0.255% 8.108%
th.wikipedia.org 264 6 0.392% 0.255% 2.273%
sk.wikipedia.org 80 6 0.119% 0.255% 7.500%
sr.wikipedia.org 191 5 0.284% 0.213% 2.618%
el.wikipedia.org 190 4 0.282% 0.170% 2.105%
nl.wikimedia.org 10 4 0.015% 0.170% 40.000%
no.wikipedia.org 227 4 0.337% 0.170% 1.762%
incubator.wikimedia.org 121 4 0.180% 0.170% 3.306%
et.wikipedia.org 107 3 0.159% 0.128% 2.804%
pl.wikisource.org 19 3 0.028% 0.128% 15.789%
es.wikinews.org 6 3 0.009% 0.128% 50.000%
ro.wikipedia.org 170 3 0.252% 0.128% 1.765%
ba.wikipedia.org 27 3 0.040% 0.128% 11.111%
pa.wikipedia.org 11 3 0.016% 0.128% 27.273%
gl.wikipedia.org 62 2 0.092% 0.085% 3.226%
ig.wikipedia.org 8 2 0.012% 0.085% 25.000%
pl.wikimedia.org 5 2 0.007% 0.085% 40.000%
ha.wiktionary.org 2 2 0.003% 0.085% 100.000%
or.wikipedia.org 8 2 0.012% 0.085% 25.000%
eo.wikipedia.org 58 2 0.086% 0.085% 3.448%
ka.wikipedia.org 65 2 0.097% 0.085% 3.077%
sq.wikipedia.org 22 2 0.033% 0.085% 9.091%
en.wikiversity.org 44 2 0.065% 0.085% 4.545%
mk.wikipedia.org 49 2 0.073% 0.085% 4.082%
ur.wikipedia.org 27 2 0.040% 0.085% 7.407%
simple.wikipedia.org 58 2 0.086% 0.085% 3.448%
ne.wikipedia.org 8 2 0.012% 0.085% 25.000%
de.wiktionary.org 35 2 0.052% 0.085% 5.714%
ru.wiktionary.org 33 2 0.049% 0.085% 6.061%
en.wikivoyage.org 42 2 0.062% 0.085% 4.762%
bg.wikipedia.org 158 1 0.235% 0.043% 0.633%
fr.wiktionary.org 79 1 0.117% 0.043% 1.266%
te.wikipedia.org 46 1 0.068% 0.043% 2.174%
en.wikisource.org 44 1 0.065% 0.043% 2.273%
hi.wikipedia.org 38 1 0.056% 0.043% 2.632%
ckb.wikipedia.org 24 1 0.036% 0.043% 4.167%
pl.wiktionary.org 23 1 0.034% 0.043% 4.348%
de.wikisource.org 20 1 0.030% 0.043% 5.000%
de.wikiversity.org 20 1 0.030% 0.043% 5.000%
zh-yue.wikipedia.org 20 1 0.030% 0.043% 5.000%
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Total 67341 2351 100% 100% 3.491%

Thống kê mở rộng về số cử tri hợp lệ

Trong các biểu đồ dưới đây, một cử tri được coi là hợp lệ nếu có ít nhất 20 sửa đổi từ ngày 7 tháng 8 năm 2021 đến ngày 7 tháng 2 năm 2022

Số cử tri hợp lệ theo số dự án
(bao gồm Wikidata và Commons)
0–1 dự án: 768 (33.5%)2 dự án: 548 (23.9%)3 dự án: 400 (17.5%)4 dự án: 245 (10.7%)5 dự án: 145 (6.3%)6 hoặc nhiều hơn: 186 (8.1%)
  •   0–1 dự án: 768 (33.5%)
  •   2 dự án: 548 (23.9%)
  •   3 dự án: 400 (17.5%)
  •   4 dự án: 245 (10.7%)
  •   5 dự án: 145 (6.3%)
  •   6 hoặc nhiều hơn: 186 (8.1%)

Số cử tri hợp lệ mỗi dự án
299 dự án có ít nhất một cử tri với 20 sửa đổi trong thời gian nêu trên: mỗi cử tri có thể đại diện cho hơn một dự án
  • "cử tri của wiki nhà": các cử tri có wiki nhà là dự án đó
  • "+cử tri sửa đổi nhiều nhất": các cử tri bổ sung sửa đổi dự án đó nhiều nhất so với các dự án khác họ tham gia, tính đến 7 tháng 2 năm 2022
  • "+cử tri hợp lệ": các cử tri bổ sung có nhiều hơn 20 sửa đổi ở dự án đó trong thời gian nêu trên
  • Tuy mỗi cử tri chỉ được quyền bỏ một phiếu, các biểu đồ dưới đây thể hiện số cử tri từ: wiki nhà, các dự án mà họ có nhiều hơn 20 sửa đổi trong thời gian nêu trên và dự án họ sửa đổi nhiều nhất
  • biểu đồ tránh việc tính lặp lại bằng cách trừ đi, còn bảng dữ liệu nguồn không được loại trừ.

Nhiều hơn 400 cử tri hợp lệ
English Wikipedia
Wikimedia Commons
  •   cử tri của wiki nhà
  •   +cử tri sửa đổi nhiều nhất
  •   cử tri hợp lệ

  • Dù Wikidata chỉ có 9 cử tri wiki nhà, 149 cử tri khác có nhiều sửa đổi nhất ở đây, và 949 cử tri khác nữa có ít nhất 20 sửa đổi ở đây (bao gồm các sửa đổi được tự động kết nối).
  • Tuy Wikipedia tiếng Anh là wiki nhà của 865 cử tri, chỉ 699 sửa đổi nhiều nhất ở đó.

80 đến 270 cử tri hợp lệ
  •   home wiki voters
  •   +most edited voters
  •   +qualifying voters

  • Cử tri của các dự án lớn bao gồm nhiều người từ các dự án khác.
  • Biểu đồ này cũng thể hiện số thành viên tích cực ở mediawikiwiki.

30 đến 60 cử tri hợp lệ
  •   home wiki voters
  •   +most edited voters
  •   +qualifying voters

  • Các ngôn ngữ lớn và những dự án Wikimedia tiếng Anh khác có số cử tri lớn hơn nhiều nếu tính cả những người sửa đổi gần đây.

20 đến 29 cử tri hợp lệ
  •   home wiki voters
  •   +most edited voters
  •   +qualifying voters

  • Trước đó, Wikibooks tiếng Anh không có cử tri nào, còn Wikipedia tiếng Hindi chỉ có 1; cả hai dự án đều có 20 cử tri hợp lệ.

15 đến 19 cử tri hợp lệ
  •   home wiki voters
  •   +most edited voters
  •   +qualifying voters

  • Điều này cho thấy wiki nhà không phải tiêu chí duy nhất cần tính đến, đặc biệt là ở các dự án không phải Wikipedia.

10 đến 14 cử tri hợp lệ
  •   home wiki voters
  •   +most edited voters
  •   +qualifying voters

  • Số khác bao gồm các dự án phi-Wikipedia ngôn ngữ khác không có cử tri wiki nhà.

241 dự án khác có từ 1 đến 9 cử tri hợp lệ
dự án hợp lệ sửa đổi nhiều nhất wiki nhà
wikidatawiki 1107 158 9
enwiki 1069 699 865
commonswiki 1013 154 51
metawiki 487 61 57
dewiki 263 189 233
frwiki 201 116 134
ruwiki 150 103 119
plwiki 138 100 109
eswiki 133 82 87
zhwiki 112 88 81
jawiki 102 72 81
itwiki 96 53 69
mediawikiwiki 86 15 7
ptwiki 60 27 27
idwiki 56 20 31
nlwiki 53 20 24
enwiktionary 46 13 10
incubatorwiki 44 2 4
arwiki 43 25 26
simplewiki 38 7 2
enwikisource 36 6 1
cswiki 35 16 26
kowiki 32 22 20
cawiki 31 19 20
trwiki 29 20 20
hrwiki 29 8 7
ukwiki 28 9 9
svwiki 27 11 10
hewiki 24 20 17
fawiki 23 14 13
viwiki 23 9 7
frwikisource 23 5 6
enwikivoyage 22 2 2
hiwiki 20 1 1
bnwiki 20 10 8
enwikibooks 20 3 0
mswiki 19 0 0
srwiki 17 5 5
frwiktionary 17 4 1
enwikinews 17 2 1
huwiki 16 6 9
specieswiki 16 1 1
fiwiki 15 4 6
skwiki 15 5 6
enwikiquote 15 0 0
enwikiversity 15 2 2
ruwikinews 15 1 0
thwiki 14 5 6
rowiki 14 2 3
etwiki 14 1 3
nowiki 13 4 4
elwiki 12 2 4
zhwikisource 11 3 0
plwikisource 11 4 3
azwiki 10 0 0
bswiki 10 2 1
ruwikivoyage 10 2 0
idwikisource 10 0 0
bgwiki 9 1 1
ruwikisource 9 0 0
eowiki 9 1 2
hawiki 9 6 1
ruwiktionary 8 3 2
zh_yuewiki 8 3 1
plwiktionary 8 4 1
shwiki 8 0 0
sqwiki 8 2 2
itwikisource 8 2 1
foundationwiki 8 2 0
lvwiki 7 0 0
uzwiki 7 3 1
bewiki 7 2 0
swwiki 7 4 1
dewikisource 7 3 1
ltwiki 6 1 1
slwiki 6 0 0
arzwiki 6 0 0
eswiktionary 6 1 1
cebwiki 6 0 0
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frwikiversity 6 1 1
plwikiquote 6 0 0
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dawiki 5 1 1
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kawiki 5 2 2
sourceswiki 5 0 0
pawiki 5 4 3
itwikivoyage 5 1 0
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yowiki 5 0 0
twwiki 5 1 0
tawiki 4 0 0
mlwiki 4 0 0
tlwiki 4 1 1
euwiki 4 0 0
glwiki 4 0 2
cswiktionary 4 1 1
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newiki 4 2 2
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ocwiki 4 2 1
frwikivoyage 4 0 0
trwikisource 4 0 0
eswikivoyage 4 1 0
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bnwiktionary 4 0 0
napwikisource 4 0 0
dewiktionary 3 0 2
kkwiki 3 2 1
mrwiki 3 0 0
elwiktionary 3 0 0
urwiki 3 1 2
mkwiki 3 2 2
afwiki 3 0 0
itwikiquote 3 0 1
lawiki 3 0 0
nnwiki 3 0 0
svwiktionary 3 0 1
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jvwiki 3 1 1
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zh_classicalwiki 3 0 0
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hawiktionary 3 0 2
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fywiki 2 1 1
kowikisource 2 0 0
igwiki 2 0 2
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ptwikinews 2 0 0
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hifwiki 2 0 0
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fawikiquote 2 1 1
banwiki 2 1 0
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arywiki 2 0 0
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orwiktionary 1 0 0
bewikiquote 1 0 0
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bawikibooks 1 0 0
bewikibooks 1 0 0
cowiktionary 1 0 0
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