Wahlen der Wikimedia Foundation/2022/Kandidierende/Gilbert Ndihokubwayo
Gilbert Ndihokubwayo (Gilbert Ndihokubwayo)
Gilbert Ndihokubwayo (talk • meta edits • global user summary • CA • AE)
Vorstellung des*der Kandidat*in | ![]()
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Einleitende Stellungnahme / Zusammenfassung zur Kandidatur Dieser Abschnitt wird übersetzt. (maximal 150 Worte) |
Ich bin Gilbert Ndihokubwayo, Mitbegründer des Wikimedia Movements in Burundi; seit Anfang 2019 bin ich als Freiwilliger im Wikimedia-Projekt tätig. Ich trage zu Wikimedia-Projekten bei; ich habe Wikimedia-Projekte wie Wiki Loves Africa, Wiki Loves Earth, Africa Wiki Challenge, Editathons und Awareness organisiert und koordiniert.
Im Moment plane ich, das Programm „Reading Wikipedia in the Classroom“ in Burundi einzuführen, um Lehrer zu schulen und ihnen zu helfen, Wikipedia als Lerntool zu verstehen und zu nutzen, indem sie es mit den Komponenten des UNESCO-Rahmens für Medien- und Informationskompetenz verbinden. Ich habe verschiedene Persönlichkeiten kennengelernt und Erlebnisse mit ihnen geteilt und weitere Erfahrungen in unterschiedlichen Kulturen, Sozialisationen usw. gesammelt. Während meiner akademischen Ausbildung habe ich Kenntnisse in den Bereichen Kommunikation und Entwicklung erworben. In meinen verschiedenen Ausbildungen habe ich auch Lehrmethoden und -techniken erlernt und im Rahmen meines beruflichen Hintergrunds Fähigkeiten in den Bereichen Organisationsstrategie und Management entwickelt. | |
Beiträge zu den Wikimediaprojekten, Mitgliedschaften in Wikimedia-Organisationen oder Affiliates, Aktivitäten als Organisator des Wikimedia Movements oder die Mitarbeit in einer mit dem Wikimedia Movement verbündeten Organisation. (maximal 100 Wörter) |
I'm involved in the organization of events to contribute to Wikimedia projects: wikipedia (editathons, Wikipedia Pages Wanting Photos, ...), Commons (Wiki Loves Africa, Wiki Loves Earth).
I am also learning the Reading Wikipedia in the Classroom program. This is a professional training program of Wikimedia that aims to help teachers understand and leverage Wikipedia as a learning tool by connecting it to the components of UNESCO’s Media and Information Literacy framework. The program helps to learn vital media and information literacy skills for the 21st century, including: understanding how information is produced, how to access and evaluate content online. | |
Fachkenntnisse in Bereichen, die vom Board als notwendig erachtet werden.
(maximal 150 Wörter) |
I have developed skills in the organizational strategy and management during my professional positions as operations manager and human resources manager, I could manage different services in which more than sixty persons work. I have been involved in the different investigations to collect and evaluate data about the population living analysis, and I can make an inspection of data to lead conclusions and/or to collect useful information in order to make a fruitful decision. I have the capacity of machine learning, I can develop sample forms to collect and analyze information. I have also developed skills in the public policy and the law during my work of human resources management.
During my professional background, I have increased skills in the implementation, planning and monitoring of activities in order to achieve the goals. I have also faced situations that involved me to restructure the strategic process. | |
Gelebte Erfahrungen aus der ganzen Welt. Wir sind besonders an gelebten Erfahrungen aus den Regionen Afrika, Südasien, Ost- und Südostasien & Pazifik sowie Lateinamerika & Karibik interessiert. Wir glauben, dass Erfahrungen in diesen Regionen die Möglichkeiten des Boards erweitern können, das Ziel der "Movement Strategy", nämlich eine gerechtere Teilhabe, zu erreichen, obwohl wir wissen, dass auch andere Erfahrungen einen wichtigen Beitrag leisten können. (maximal 250 Wörter) |
During my travels to countries other than my native country, I met with different personalities with whom I could share life experience, culture, socialization, etc.
In December 2016, I participated in the 6th African Esperantist Congress held in Tanzania in the city of Bunda. During this congress, I had the opportunity to discuss with people from countries like Tanzania, Kenya, Togo, France, Brazil, Hungary, Iceland, Japan, Korea. In August 2017, I participated in the international congress of young Esperantists in Togo, in the city of Aneho. It was an opportunity for me to meet and share experience with people from Togo, Ghana, Benin, Rwanda, DRC, South Africa, France, Italy, Germany, etc. In September 2019, I have taken part in the East Africa Strategy Summit, East Africa stategy discussions. During the Summit in Kampala, I have met and shared experiences with wikimedians from different countries, among others Ugandans, Rwandans, Kenyans, Ethiopians, DRC, American, Ghana, Tanzanians. We have shared our hopes and expectations from the event, the common themes included bringing together the East African region, spreading awareness of Wikimedia and free knowledge in East Africa, learning about Wikimedia and Creative Commons projects, and community growth. I have also made visiting trips to countries in the sub-region, including Rwanda and Kenya, which have helped me to learn from others in their ways. I also had the opportunity to learn from others about teaching practices and methodologies, such as the Zagreb method and the production of teaching materials. | |
Kulturelle und sprachliche Kompetenz in anderen Regionen und Sprachen als deiner Heimatregion und -sprache. Interkulturelles Bewusstsein hilft, Brücken in unserer multikulturellen Community zu bauen. (maximal 250 Wörter) |
I learned English as my second language in school. It is a language that I use in various situations with at least an intermediate level. Apart from that I frequently speak French. French is my first language of learning since I was in elementary school and I use it very often in my daily life.
I am also fluent in Esperanto, and in fact I am a teacher of this language. During my career in Esperanto, I have participated in various events that have allowed me to learn theories and practices as in pedagogy and language teaching. Esperanto has allowed me to learn about the cultures of others. In congresses, we have often organized sessions of language festival, an opportunity for people to get aware with the culture of the countries through its linguistic specificities, its music and dances, its cuisine, its way of dressing, etc. Apart from these languages, I also speak Kirundi and Swahili as my mother tongues. Kirundi is the national language of Burundi and is spoken all over the country; the language has a great similarity with Rwanda, the language of the neighboring country, and therefore, it is very easy for a Burundian and a Rwandan to exchange. Burundi and Rwanda, we share a lot since the history of our two countries, the culture, dances, ways of life, etc. Swahili is a language of the sub-region. With Swahili, we find ourselves at home in Burundi, Tanzania, part of the DRC, Kenya, a little in Uganda. | |
Erfahrung als Fürsprecher*in für die Schaffung sicherer und gemeinschaftlicher Räume für alle und/oder Erfahrung in Situationen oder Kontexten, in denen Zensur, Repression oder andere Angriffe auf die Menschenrechte herrschen. (maximal 250 Wörter) |
I am a founding member of the [Community User Group Burundi], an initiative born in 2019 from three people after attending the East Africa Strategy Summit held in Kampala, Uganda. Since then I have been able to organize events through which community members have made contributions to Wikimedia projects, including editathons on Wikipedia, Africa Wiki Challenge in Burundi; photo contributions on Commons through events like Wiki Loves Africa, Wiki Loves Earth in Burundi.
Actually, I am about to implement the Reading Wikipedia in the Classroom program, a Wikimedia program to teach vital media and information literacy skills for the 21st century. Apart from the Wikimedia movement, I am a founding member of an association of consumers of information and communication technologies, an association that aims to promote the quality of service offered by telephone operators, the compliance of technical standards of telecommunications equipment made available to consumers and help resolve complaints. We founded the association in April 2013 and currently have more than one hundred members. We also supervise people who want to engage in self-development activities to better appropriate information and communication technologies in order to fight against poverty. In the Esperanto movement, I am currently responsible for the teaching of Esperanto in Burundi and I have been able to reorganize the language learning clubs. In 2020, I toured all the provinces of the country visiting the clubs in order to encourage the members. This had a very positive impact, new clubs were created, and clubs were revitalized. | |
Erfahrungen in Bezug auf eine Gruppe (oder als Mitglied, soweit du dich dafür entscheidest), die in der Vergangenheit diskriminiert wurde und in Machtstrukturen unterrepräsentiert ist (einschließlich, aber nicht beschränkt auf Kaste, Rasse, Ethnie, Hautfarbe, nationale Herkunft, Nationalität, Geschlechtsidentität, Geschlechtsausdruck, sexuelle Orientierung, Alter, Religion, Sprache, Kultur, Bildung, Fähigkeiten, Einkommen und Umwelt). (maximal 250 Wörter) |
Our country, Burundi, has experienced political turbulence based on ethnicity. This unrest caused many deaths and losses. However, we have experienced a post-war period, a period of reconciliation and pacification of the country. Different organizations have emerged to educate youth on mutual reconciliation. Nowadays in Burundi, ethnicity stories have no place anymore, the population has finally understood that the war that the country experienced was not really a question of ethnicity, but rather was for the interests of politicians.
This war had repercussions with neighboring countries (fighting, training and refugee camps, embargo) and officially ended in 2005 with sporadic violence after that date. In August 2000, a first agreement was signed, but without the National Liberation Forces and the Forces for the Defense of Democracy. A new transitional constitution was promulgated on October 28, 2001, establishing an "ethnic" alternation of power, with the presidency and vice-presidency changing every 18 months, alternating Tutsis and Hutus. Despite sustained military activity by Hutu armed groups, some of the National Liberation Forces laid down their arms on October 7, 2002, and the Forces for the Defense of Democracy agreed to participate in the peace process on October 8, 2003, with a final agreement reached on November 16. | |
Bestätigung | Die Identitätsverifikation wurde durch Angestellte der Wikimedia Foundation vorgenommen, die passive Wahlberechtigung wurde durch das Wahlkomitee geprüft. | |
Wahlberechtigung: ![]() Bestätigt durch: Matanya (talk) 09:14, 17 May 2022 (UTC) |
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