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Wikimedians of Santali Language User Group/Annual Report 2019-2020

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Report of activities: 2019-2020




The Santali Wikipedia was live on 2nd of August 2018 and on 21st September 2019 our user group was approved as Wikimedians of Santali Language User Group. The user group helped us formally to set road map for its activities and goal. Being the new and emerging user group it has tried to involve with the different Wikimedia community. In the last one year community has participated in different edit-a-thon. Community has organised one outreach programme and one workshop and one of our user has participated in a skill development programme called Train the Trainer. Besides the Wikipedia member of the user group have actively started contributing in the Wikidata, Wikicommons as well. In the August 2019 in the Wikipedia we had 1681 pages and in the month of August 2020 we have 5191articles. there is a net growth of 3513 articles in a year having growth of 209% in a year. There is also net 6,60,785 bytes growth in the content pages. In the September 2019 we had 14 active user in the wikipedia and in the September 2020 we have 24 active user.. The user group is persistently trying to improve and expand its content and users in terms of quality and quantity.

September 2019


Reports on 1st Santali Wikipedia Anniversary Edit-a-thon


One month edit-a-thon was conducted among the Santali wikimdian on the occasion 1st Santali Wikipedia Anniversary from 2nd of August 2019 to 2nd of September 2019. Total of 15 user had registered for the edit-a-thon and 14 user had contributed with 180 articles. Maian Tudu ,Manik Soren, Ramjit Tudu ,R Ashwani Banjan Murmu were the Jury as well as the organiser of the edit-a-thon.

Top three Contributor of the 1st Santali Wikipedia Anniversary Edit-a-thon
User Name Number of Article
Joy sagar Murmu 58
Bijendra Hansda Purudhul 46
Ramjit Tudu 23

October 2019


Reports on Project Tiger 2.0 writing contest


The Santali Wikimedian had participated in three months Project Tiger 2.0 writing contest organised by together by WMF, Centre for Internet and Society (CIS), Wikimedia India chapter and Google. Users from the Santali Wikipedia Community had participated for the 1st time in this event. As per the rule of the event each month three top contributors were from each participating community, based on their net contribution(s) for the month. From the community 18 participant had participated and contributed together 566 articles and community was placed 6th among the Indian community.

Top Three Winners of Different month and overall Top Contributors of the Project Tiger 2.0 Writing Contest
Sl. No. USER 10 oct - 9 nov 10 nov - 9 dec 10 dec- end TOTAL
# Joy sagar Murmu 68 56 27 151
# Rameshmurmu257 50 39 0 89
# Fagu Baskey 15 36 28 79
# Bijendra Hansda Purudhul 28 26 18 72
# Maina Tudu 32 13 12 57
# Durga Soren 0 0 26 26

November 2019


Reports on Wiki Asian Month 2019


The community meber had participated in the Wikipedia Asian Month 2019 Edit-a-thon. The event was held in the month of November 2019. In the edit-a-thon 8 user had participated. They had together contributed 86 article. Fagu Baskey had contributed highest of 35 articles and selected as the Ambassador of the Wikipedia Asian Month for the year from the community.

Top three contributors of WAM 2019 from Santali Community
User Name Number of Articles
Fagu Baskey 35
Bijendra Hansda Purudhul 14
Ramjit Tudu 12
Maina Tudu 12

Reports on Public Outreach Programme on the ocassion of 32nd AISWA Conference, Bhubaneswar


We concluded the the two days Public Outreach Programme held at Rabindra Mandap, Bhubaneswar on the ocassion of 32nd AISWA Conference on 23-24 November 2019.The objective of the programme was to maximise awareness reagarding santali wikipedia among educated wtiters mass of the santali community and draw the attention of the writers for contribution in santali wikipedia. In two days event we had set the stall. More than 200 vistiors had visited the stall which includes the eminent santali poet and writers of santali language.We demonstrated the process to contribute in wikipedia to all the visitors in different phase. In two days there were 15-20 phase of demosntration. We project 4-5 new contributors will come out from this event. Murmu Mangat Laxman Kisku are the nuw user and out come from this programme and has started contributing santali Wikipeida.Some of the user have also been reactivated after this event. We have noted the name and contacts of the visitors who have apparently shown special interest during presentation. We will keep following with these people and look after their issues and problems. Santali Wikipedian Maina Tudu R Ashwani Banjan Murmu Ramjit Tudu and Fagu Baskey were present in the programme. The Honourable Member of Parliament (Jhargram) Shri Kunar Hembram , Honourable Minister of Revenue and Disaster Management Govt of Odisha Shri Sudam Marndi were among the eminent personalities who visited our stall.

December 2019


January 2020


February 2020


Joy sagar Murmu in Train the Trainer programme 2020


Joy sagar is one of our dedicated user and contributor. On the basis of his eligibility and experience he was nominated for the Train the Trainer (TTT) programme conducted by the CIS-A2k. This was a residential training workshop to groom leadership skills among the Indian Wikimedia community members. The event was held from 28th February to 1st March 2020. The major learning points shared by the Joy sagar Murmu was

  • Process & importance of factual knowledge creation and documenting monuments.
  • Bridging gender gap.
  • Wikimedia education.
  • Pseudoscience and fake news and Wikipedia.

March 2020


Reports of Wiki Loves Women South Asia


The Santali Wikimedia Community had participated in the Wiki Loves Women South Asia article writing contest. The event was held from 1st February 2020 to 31st March 2020. In the contest 19 contributor had registered for the participation. Among them 17 user had contributed in the event.

In the event our community had produced 284 quality articles. The Durga Soren had contributed the highest with 51articles.

Top Three Contributors of Santali Community for Wiki Loves Women South Asia
User Name Number of Articles
Durga Soren 51
Maina Tudu 40
R Ashwani Banjan Murmu 35
Ramesh Murmu 35

April 2020


May 2020


June 2020


A three month santali wikipedia editathon was conducted by the user group to observe the 2nd Anniversary of the Santali Wikipedia. The event was held from 1st June 2020 to 31st August 2020. In the event we had the weekly winner and were nominated as champion of the week. Their name and photos were shared in the different social media. At the end of every month top five contributors were nominate as champion of the month their name was shared in the social medida as well. Through the event we had contributed total of 865 articles. At the end of the event Ramesh Murmu , Ramjit Tudu, Bijendra Hansda Purudhul, Sagun7, Aryan Murmu, Joy sagar Murmu are the top contributors. Please find the below sortable table for number of articles and weekly winners.

Some of the fact & figure of 2nd Santali Anniversary edit-a-thon
Number of Articles Date/Week User Name
Single Day Highest Community Submission 54 Article 18/07/2020
Single Day Highest Individual Submission 48 Articles 18/07/2020 Bijendra Hansda Purudhul
Weekly Highest Contribution by Community 132 articles 9th Week
Weekly Highest Contribution by Individual 54 articles 7th Week Bijednra Hansada Purudhul
Average per day contribution 14 articles
Average article per week 96 articles
Average Article per user 43 artcles
Weekly Results of 2nd Santali Anniversary edit-a-thon
USER 1st week(1-7 jun) 2nd week(8-14 jun) 3rd week(15-21 jun) 4th week(22-28 jun) 5th week(29 jun -5jul) 6th week (6th July-12th July) 13th-19th July) 8th Week (20 th July-26th July) 9th Week (27th July -2nd August) Total
Ramesh Murmu 0 0 17 25 25 34 26 21 26 174
Ramjit Tudu 2 5 4 8 34 44 10 25 26 158
Bijendra Hansdah 9 2 5 2 5 5 54 25 18 125
sagun7 6 7 6 15 17 17 10 7 26 111
Aryan Murmu 11 4 18 15 9 7 3 3 5 75
Joy Sagar Murmu 4 0 17 12 0 0 3 22 11 69
Maina Tudu 0 0 2 4 4 5 4 6 3 28
Durga soren 0 4 1 10 5 0 0 0 0 20
R ashwani B Murmu 3 2 1 1 0 6 0 4 4 21
Prasant Hembram 0 0 12 1 3 1 0 1 0 18
Albetus Tudu 1 0 0 0 0 2 7 4 1 15
Manik Soren 0 0 1 0 0 1 9 0 0 11
Shakuntala Marndi 0 0 0 1 5 1 0 0 0 7
Shibu Murmu 0 0 3 3 0 1 1 0 0 8
Premchand Thakur Murmu 0 0 1 2 0 0 1 2 3 9
Nandakishore Murmu 4 4
Durgapada Baskey 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 1 1 4
Fagu baskey 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 3 5
Bijaya Laxmi Soren 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 2
Rankini Hansdah 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1
Total 36 24 88 101 108 124 130 122 132 865

July 2020


Celtic Knot Conference 2020


R Ashwani Banjan Murmu joined the Celtic Knot Conference 2020 an online event condcuted by Wikimedia community Ireland and Wikimedia Wiki on 9th and 10th of July 2020. In the event Ashwani put his thought on Participatory Leadership and Education Sharing Santali Wikipedia a Look.

August 2020


Reports on 2nd Anniversary cum conference and workshop of Santali Wikipedia, Dinajpur, Bangladesh


Santali Wikipedia celebrates its second anniversary in Bangladesh
To marks the second anniversary of the founding of Santali Wikipedia, on 2nd August 2020, an event was organized by the Wikimedia Foundation's accredited user group 'Wikimedians of Santali Language User Group' at Balubari under Dinajpur district in Bangladesh.
The event was presided over by Manik Soren, Focul contact person of Wikimedinas of Santali Language User Group and Administrator of Santali Wikipedia. Among other guests activist Advocate Ganesh Soran, activist Ruben Murmu, School teacher Ratna Saran, User group members Sohagini Hasdak, Albetus Tudu and Santali Wikipedia contributor Anuradha Sharen were also present at the event.
The ceremony was started by cutting the founding anniversary cake. After that, the guest speakers at the event called for the enrichment of Santali Wikipedia in an effort to enrich Santali language content on the Internet. The participants of the event were very limited due to the coronavirus pandemic situation. Total of 15 participants was present the event. The event was ended followed by a brief workshop on Santali Wikipedia.
Achievements of the event: The second anniversary of Santali Wikipedia was able to celebrate on a limited scale in a pandemic situation. At least 3 participants were inspired by the event and expressed to contribute on Santali Wikipedia as soon as possible. One of them Sonaton Murmu has created his wiki account but yet to publish any article.

Gender Equity and Wikimedians of Santali Language User Group


The Santali Wikimedia User group is committed for Gender Equity. Among the 24 active user we have 7 active user are female which consists 1/4th of the entire active user. Following are the active female contributors of Wikimedians of Santali Language User Group

Learning lessons and Resolutions

  • More participatory users and more awareness among the santali people regarding wikipedia.
  • Being successively failed to organise workshop on Anniversary in 2019 and 2020 resolved to conduct more wikipedia webinar and online workshop to develop skill and learning ideas.
  • The after India and Bangladesh Nepal is the country where the santal community and living the contribution in wikipedia from is Nepal is nominal so for the year 2020-21 the focus will be Nepal to increase the contributor and user.
  • Collaberation with other Indic community to develop skills and ideas.
  • Increase the use of Social Media and other means of communication to promote the Santali Wikipedia.