Licensing update/Sidebar
This is a tracking page for updating the sidebar on the vote servers. The necessary content is automatically populated by editing and localizing however, the items must be manually uploaded to the SPI servers. When is updated, please update the corresponding status below so that new content can be copied to the vote servers. If you create a new translation of please add an appropriate section below.
LU|special={false} Wiki:Editnotice-0-Wikimania 2009-CentralNotice
[edit]- bg/български (published)
- license-nav = Актуализация на лиценза
- proposal = Предложение
- faq = Въпроси и отговори
- compare = Сравнение на лицензите
- opposition = Насрещни аргументи
- committee = Комитет
- timeline = График
- translation = Превод
- landing-url = /wiki/Licensing_update/bg
- faq-url = /wiki/Licensing_update/Questions_and_Answers/bg
- compare-url = /wiki/Licensing_update/License_comparison/bg
- opposition-url =
- committee-url = /wiki/Licensing_update/Committee/bg
- timeline-url = /wiki/Licensing_update/Timeline/bg
[edit]- bs/bosanski (published)
- license-nav = Ažuriranje licence
- proposal = Prijedlog
- faq = Pitanja i odgovori
- compare = Uporedba licenci
- opposition =
- committee = Komitet
- timeline = Vremenska linija
- translation = Prijevod
- landing-url = /wiki/Licensing_update/bs
- faq-url = /wiki/Licensing_update/Questions_and_Answers/bs
- compare-url = /wiki/Licensing_update/License_comparison/bs
- opposition-url =
- committee-url =
- timeline-url = /wiki/Licensing_update/Timeline/bs
[edit]- ca/català (published)
- license-nav = Actualització de llicència
- proposal = Proposta
- faq = Preguntes i respostes
- compare = Comparativa de llicències
- opposition = Arguments contraris
- committee = Comitè
- timeline = Agenda
- translation = Traduccions
- landing-url = /wiki/Licensing_update/ca
- faq-url = /wiki/Licensing_update/Questions_and_Answers/ca
- compare-url = /wiki/Licensing_update/License_comparison/ca
- opposition-url =
- committee-url =
- timeline-url = /wiki/Licensing_update/Timeline/ca
[edit]- cs/čeština (published)
- license-nav = Změna licencování
- proposal = Návrh
- faq = Otázky a odpovědi
- compare = Porovnání licencí
- opposition = Argumenty odpůrců
- committee = Komise
- timeline = Časový plán
- translation = Překlad
- landing-url = /wiki/Licensing_update/cs
- faq-url = /wiki/Licensing_update/Questions_and_Answers/cs
- compare-url = /wiki/Licensing_update/License_comparison/cs
- opposition-url =
- committee-url =
- timeline-url = /wiki/Licensing_update/Timeline/cs
[edit]- de/Deutsch (published)
- license-nav = Lizenzaktualisierung
- proposal = Vorschlag
- faq = Fragen und Antworten
- compare = Lizenzvergleich
- opposition = Argumente gegen den Wechsel
- committee = Komitee
- timeline = Zeitleiste
- translation = Übersetzung
- landing-url = /wiki/Licensing_update/de
- faq-url = /wiki/Licensing_update/Questions_and_Answers/de
- compare-url = /wiki/Licensing_update/License_comparison/de
- opposition-url = /wiki/Licensing_update/Questions_and_Answers/Oppositional_arguments/de
- committee-url = /wiki/Licensing_update/Committee/de
- timeline-url = /wiki/Licensing_update/Timeline/de
[edit]- el/Ελληνικά (published)
- license-nav = Αναθεώρηση άδειας χρήσης
- proposal = Πρόταση
- faq = Ερωτήσεις και απαντήσεις
- compare = Σύγκριση αδειών
- opposition =
- committee = Επιτροπή
- timeline = Χρονοδιάγραμμα
- translation = Μετάφραση
- landing-url = /wiki/Licensing_update/el
- faq-url = /wiki/Licensing_update/Questions_and_Answers/el
- compare-url = /wiki/Licensing_update/License_comparison/el
- opposition-url =
- committee-url =
- timeline-url = /wiki/Licensing_update/Timeline/el
[edit]- en/English (published)
- license-nav = Licensing update
- proposal = Proposal
- faq = Questions and Answers
- compare = License comparison
- opposition = Oppositional arguments
- committee = Committee
- timeline = Timeline
- translation = Translation
- landing-url =
- faq-url =
- compare-url =
- opposition-url =
- committee-url =
- timeline-url =
[edit]- es/español (published)
- license-nav = Actualización de licencia
- proposal = Propuesta
- faq = Preguntas y respuestas
- compare = Comparación de licencia
- opposition =
- committee = Comité
- timeline = Cronología
- translation = Traducción
- landing-url = /wiki/Licensing_update/es
- faq-url = /wiki/Licensing_update/Questions_and_Answers/es
- compare-url = /wiki/Licensing_update/License_comparison/es
- opposition-url =
- committee-url = /wiki/Licensing_update/Committee/es
- timeline-url = /wiki/Licensing_update/Timeline/es
[edit]- fi/suomi (published)
- license-nav = Lisensointipäivitys
- proposal = Ehdotus
- faq = Kysymyksiä ja vastauksia
- compare = Lisenssien vertailu
- opposition = Vasta-argumentit
- committee = Komitea
- timeline = Aikajana
- translation = Käännökset
- landing-url =
- faq-url =
- compare-url = /wiki/Licensing_update/License_comparison/fi
- opposition-url =
- committee-url =
- timeline-url = /wiki/Licensing_update/Timeline/fi
[edit]- fr/français (published)
- license-nav = Changement des licences
- proposal = Proposition
- faq = Questions et réponses
- compare = Comparaison des licences
- opposition =
- committee = Comité
- timeline = Chronologie
- translation = Traduction
- landing-url = /wiki/Licensing_update/fr
- faq-url = /wiki/Licensing_update/Questions_and_Answers/fr
- compare-url = /wiki/Licensing_update/License_comparison/fr
- opposition-url =
- committee-url = /wiki/Licensing_update/Committee/fr
- timeline-url = /wiki/Licensing_update/Timeline/fr
[edit]- gsw/Alemannisch (published)
- license-nav = Lizenzaktualisierig
- proposal = Proposal
- faq = Questions and Answers
- compare = License comparison
- opposition =
- committee = Committee
- timeline = Timeline
- translation = Translation
- landing-url =
- faq-url =
- compare-url =
- opposition-url =
- committee-url =
- timeline-url =
Notice: Only posted first item. Do NOT post others.
[edit]- he/עברית (published)
- license-nav = עדכוני רישוי
- proposal = הצעה
- faq = שאלות ותשובות
- compare = השוואת רשיונות
- opposition =
- committee = ועדה
- timeline = ציר זמן
- translation = תרגום
- landing-url =
- faq-url =
- compare-url =
- opposition-url =
- committee-url =
- timeline-url =
[edit]- hu/magyar (published)
- license-nav = Licencfrissítés
- proposal = Javaslat
- faq = GYIK
- compare = Licencek összehasonlítása
- opposition = Ellenérvek (angol)
- committee = Bizottság
- timeline = Menetrend
- translation = Fordítás
- landing-url = /wiki/Licensing_update/hu
- faq-url = /wiki/Licensing_update/Questions_and_Answers/hu
- compare-url = /wiki/Licensing_update/License_comparison/hu
- opposition-url =
- committee-url = /wiki/Licensing_update/Committee/hu
- timeline-url = /wiki/Licensing_update/Timeline/hu
[edit]- ia/interlingua (published)
- license-nav = Actualisation del licentia
- proposal = Proposition
- faq = Questiones e responsas
- compare = Comparation de licentias
- opposition = Contra-argumentos
- committee = Comité
- timeline = Agenda
- translation = Traduction
- landing-url = /wiki/Licensing_update/ia
- faq-url = /wiki/Licensing_update/Questions_and_Answers/ia
- compare-url = /wiki/Licensing_update/License_comparison/ia
- opposition-url = /wiki/Licensing_update/Questions_and_Answers/Oppositional_arguments/ia
- committee-url = /wiki/Licensing_update/Committee/ia
- timeline-url = /wiki/Licensing_update/Timeline/ia
[edit]- id/Bahasa Indonesia (published)
- license-nav = Pembaruan lisensi
- proposal = Proposal
- faq = Tanya Jawab
- compare = Perbandingan lisensi
- opposition =
- committee = Komite
- timeline = Alur waktu
- translation = Terjemahan
- landing-url = /wiki/Licensing_update/id
- faq-url = /wiki/Licensing_update/Questions_and_Answers/id
- compare-url = /wiki/Licensing_update/License_comparison/id
- opposition-url =
- committee-url = /wiki/Licensing_update/Committee/id
- timeline-url = /wiki/Licensing_update/Timeline/id
[edit]- it/italiano (published)
- license-nav = Aggiornamento della Licenza
- proposal = Proposta
- faq = FAQ
- compare = Confronto tra le licenze
- opposition = Ragioni opposte
- committee = Comitato
- timeline = Timeline
- translation = Traduzione
- landing-url = /wiki/Licensing_update/it
- faq-url = /wiki/Licensing_update/Questions_and_Answers/it
- compare-url = Template:Localurl:
- opposition-url =
- committee-url = /wiki/Licensing_update/Committee/it
- timeline-url = Template:Localurl:
[edit]- ja/日本語 (published)
- license-nav = ライセンスの更新
- proposal = 提案
- faq = 質問と回答
- compare = ライセンスの比較
- opposition =
- committee = 委員会
- timeline = 日程表
- translation = 翻訳
- landing-url = /wiki/Licensing_update/ja
- faq-url = /wiki/Licensing_update/Questions_and_Answers/ja
- compare-url = /wiki/Licensing_update/License_comparison/ja
- opposition-url =
- committee-url = /wiki/Licensing_update/Committee/ja
- timeline-url = /wiki/Licensing_update/Timeline/ja
[edit]- ko/한국어 (published)
- license-nav = 라이선스 갱신
- proposal = 제안
- faq = FAQ
- compare = 라이선스 비교
- opposition = 반대 의견
- committee = 위원회
- timeline = 일정
- translation = 번역
- landing-url = /wiki/Licensing_update/ko
- faq-url = /wiki/Licensing_update/Questions_and_Answers/ko
- compare-url = /wiki/Licensing_update/License_comparison/ko
- opposition-url = /wiki/Licensing_update/Questions_and_Answers/Oppositional_arguments/ko
- committee-url = /wiki/Licensing_update/Committee/ko
- timeline-url = /wiki/Licensing_update/Timeline/ko
[edit]- ksh/Ripoarisch (published)
- license-nav = Neu Lizänzbeshtemmunge
- proposal = Vörschlach
- faq = Froore un Antwoote
- compare = de Lizänzbeshtemmunge em Verjlish
- opposition =
- committee = et Kommittee
- timeline = wi_j_et affloufe sull
- translation = Övversäzunge
- landing-url = /wiki/Neu_Liz%C3%A4nzbeshtemmunge
- faq-url = /wiki/Neu_Liz%C3%A4nzbeshtemmunge/Froore_un_Antwoote
- compare-url = /wiki/Neu_Liz%C3%A4nzbeshtemmunge/Liz%C3%A4nzbeshtemmunge_verjleshe
- opposition-url =
- committee-url = /wiki/Neu_Liz%C3%A4nzbeshtemmunge/Et_Kommittee
- timeline-url = /wiki/Neu_Liz%C3%A4nzbeshtemmunge/Wi_et_affloufe_sull
[edit]- ms/Bahasa Melayu (published)
- license-nav = Pengemaskinian lesen
- proposal = Usul
- faq = Soalan dan Jawapan
- compare = Perbandingan lesen
- opposition =
- committee = Jawatankuasa
- timeline = Garis masa
- translation = Terjemahan
- landing-url =
- faq-url =
- compare-url =
- opposition-url =
- committee-url =
- timeline-url =
Elitashafee 09:09, 2 May 2009 (UTC)
[edit]- nl/Nederlands (published)
- license-nav = Aangepaste licentievoorwaarden
- proposal = Voorstel
- faq = Vragen en antwoorden
- compare = Licentievergelijking
- opposition =
- committee = Commissie
- timeline = Tijdspad
- translation = Vertaling
- landing-url = /wiki/Licensing_update/nl
- faq-url = /wiki/Licensing_update/Questions_and_Answers/nl
- compare-url =
- opposition-url =
- committee-url = /wiki/Licensing_update/Committee/nl
- timeline-url = /wiki/Licensing_update/Timeline/nl
[edit]- oc/occitan (published)
- license-nav = Cambiament de las licéncias
- proposal = Proposicion
- faq = Questions e responsas
- compare = Comparason de las licéncias
- opposition =
- committee = Comitat
- timeline = Cronologia
- translation = Traduccion
- landing-url =
- faq-url =
- compare-url =
- opposition-url =
- committee-url = /wiki/Licensing_update/Committee/oc
- timeline-url = /wiki/Licensing_update/Timeline/oc
[edit]- pl/polski (published)
- license-nav = Zmiana licencji
- proposal = Proponowane zapisy
- faq = Pytania i odpowiedzi
- compare = Porównanie licencji
- opposition =
- committee = Komisja skrutacyjna
- timeline = Kalendarz wyborczy
- translation = Tłumaczenie
- landing-url = /wiki/Licensing_update/pl
- faq-url = /wiki/Licensing_update/Questions_and_Answers/pl
- compare-url =
- opposition-url =
- committee-url =
- timeline-url =
[edit]- ro/română (published)
- license-nav = Actualizare de licenţiere
- proposal = Proiect
- faq = Întrebări şi Răspunsuri
- compare = Comparaţie de licenţă
- opposition =
- committee = Comitet
- timeline = Cronologie
- translation = Traducere
- landing-url = /wiki/Licensing_update
- faq-url = /wiki/Licensing_update/%C3%8Entreb%C4%83ri_%C5%9Fi_R%C4%83spunsuri
- compare-url = /wiki/Licensing_update/Compara%C5%A3ie_de_licen%C5%A3%C4%83
- opposition-url =
- committee-url = /wiki/Licensing_update/Comitet
- timeline-url = /wiki/Licensing_update/Cronologie
[edit]- ru/русский (published)
- license-nav = Обновление лицензии
- proposal = Предложение
- faq = Вопросы и ответы
- compare = Сравнение лицензий
- opposition = Аргументы против
- committee = Комитет
- timeline = График
- translation = Перевод материалов
- landing-url = /wiki/Licensing_update/ru
- faq-url = /wiki/Licensing_update/Questions_and_Answers/ru
- compare-url = /wiki/Licensing_update/License_comparison/ru
- opposition-url =
- committee-url = /wiki/Licensing_update/Committee/ru
- timeline-url = /wiki/Licensing_update/Timeline/ru
[edit]- sk/slovenčina (published)
- license-nav = Zmena licencovania
- proposal = Návrh
- faq = Otázky a odpovede
- compare = Porovnanie licencií
- opposition = Argumenty opozície
- committee = Komisia
- timeline = Časový plán
- translation = Preklad
- landing-url = /wiki/Licensing_update/sk
- faq-url = /wiki/Licensing_update/Questions_and_Answers/sk
- compare-url =
- opposition-url =
- committee-url =
- timeline-url = /wiki/Licensing_update/Timeline/sk
[edit]- th/ไทย (published)
- license-nav = การปรับปรุงสัญญาอนุญาต
- proposal = ข้อเสนอ
- faq = คำถาม-คำตอบ
- compare = เปรียบเทียบสัญญาอนุญาต
- opposition = ข้อโต้แย้ง
- committee = คณะกรรมการ
- timeline = เส้นเวลา
- translation = การแปล
- landing-url = /wiki/Licensing_update/th
- faq-url =
- compare-url = /wiki/Licensing_update/License_comparison/th
- opposition-url =
- committee-url =
- timeline-url =
[edit]- uk/українська (published)
- license-nav = Зміна ліцензії
- proposal = Пропозиція
- faq = Питання та відповіді
- compare = Порівняння ліцензій
- opposition =
- committee = Комітет
- timeline = Календар голосування
- translation = Переклад
- landing-url = /wiki/Licensing_update/uk
- faq-url =
- compare-url =
- opposition-url =
- committee-url =
- timeline-url =
[edit]- vi/Tiếng Việt (published)
- license-nav = Cập nhật giấy phép
- proposal = Đề xuất
- faq = Những câu hỏi thường gặp
- compare = So sánh giấy phép
- opposition = Những lý luận phản đối
- committee = Ủy ban
- timeline = Lịch trình
- translation = Biên dịch
- landing-url = /wiki/Licensing_update/vi
- faq-url = /wiki/Licensing_update/Questions_and_Answers/vi
- compare-url = /wiki/Licensing_update/License_comparison/vi
- opposition-url =
- committee-url = /wiki/Licensing_update/Committee/vi
- timeline-url = /wiki/Licensing_update/Timeline/vi
[edit]- yue/粵語 (published)
- license-nav = 新版權協議
- proposal = 提議
- faq = 答問
- compare = 版權比較
- opposition = 反對嘅論點
- committee = 幹事會
- timeline = 時間表
- translation = 譯文
- landing-url =
- faq-url =
- compare-url = /wiki/Licensing_update/License_comparison/yue
- opposition-url =
- committee-url =
- timeline-url =
[edit]- zh-hans/中文(简体) (published)
- license-nav = 许可协议更新
- proposal = 提议
- faq = 问题与解答
- compare = 许可协议比较
- opposition = 反对观点
- committee = 委员会
- timeline = 时间轴
- translation = 翻译
- landing-url = /wiki/Licensing_update/zh-hans
- faq-url = /wiki/Licensing_update/Questions_and_Answers/zh-hans
- compare-url = /wiki/Licensing_update/License_comparison/zh-hans
- opposition-url =
- committee-url =
- timeline-url = /wiki/Licensing_update/Timeline/zh-hans
[edit]- zh-hant/中文(繁體) (published)
- license-nav = 版權協議更新
- proposal = 提議
- faq = 常見問題解答
- compare = 版權協議比較
- opposition = 反對的論點
- committee = 委員會
- timeline = 時間表
- translation = 翻譯
- landing-url = /wiki/Licensing_update/zh-hant
- faq-url = /wiki/Licensing_update/Questions_and_Answers/zh-hant
- compare-url = /wiki/Licensing_update/License_comparison/zh-hant
- opposition-url =
- committee-url =
- timeline-url = /wiki/Licensing_update/Timeline/zh-hant