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m →‎{{sr-heading 2011-2|no}}: comment. as it is important for this election, please let it there.
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#[[es:User:Nixón|Nixón]] 04:51, 15 September 2011 (UTC)
#[[es:User:Nixón|Nixón]] 04:51, 15 September 2011 (UTC)
# {{no}} As appointed above, this user has an open process (arbcom) in lusophone wikipedia about [[:pt:Wikipédia:Conselho de arbitragem/Casos/2010-12-01 Possível abuso em verificações|misuse of checkuser tool]]. --- [[User:Sir Lestaty de Lioncourt|@lestaty]] <sup>[[User talk:Sir Lestaty de Lioncourt|discuţie]]</sup> 08:08, 15 September 2011 (UTC)
# {{no}} As appointed above, this user has an open process (arbcom) in lusophone wikipedia about [[:pt:Wikipédia:Conselho de arbitragem/Casos/2010-12-01 Possível abuso em verificações|misuse of checkuser tool]]. --- [[User:Sir Lestaty de Lioncourt|@lestaty]] <sup>[[User talk:Sir Lestaty de Lioncourt|discuţie]]</sup> 08:08, 15 September 2011 (UTC)
#::Please note that this is not the user´s fault. We (the ombudsmen commission) reported to the arbcom two months ago that we have not found any privacy violations and we recommended that the arbcom may additionally check the reasoning of the CU checks (which we couldn't do as we are not involved in the ptwiki community). The arbcom obviously didn't do that or didn't find anything. In any case, the arbcom should have closed that case meanwhile. Two months after our report are enough time to do that. --[[User:Thogo|თოგო]] <sup><small>([[User talk:Thogo|D]])</small></sup> 14:21, 15 September 2011 (UTC)
# {{no}} This user has an open process (ArbCom) in lusophone wikipedia about [http://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikip%C3%A9dia:Conselho_de_arbitragem/Casos/2010-12-01_Poss%C3%ADvel_abuso_em_verifica%C3%A7%C3%B5es misuse of checkuser tool]. I know this editor since 2008. I don't think he can speaks gl-1, sk-1, sq-1, ms-1, hi-1... [[User:JSSX|JSSX]] 11:28, 15 September 2011 (UTC)
# {{no}} This user has an open process (ArbCom) in lusophone wikipedia about [http://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikip%C3%A9dia:Conselho_de_arbitragem/Casos/2010-12-01_Poss%C3%ADvel_abuso_em_verifica%C3%A7%C3%B5es misuse of checkuser tool]. I know this editor since 2008. I don't think he can speaks gl-1, sk-1, sq-1, ms-1, hi-1... [[User:JSSX|JSSX]] 11:28, 15 September 2011 (UTC)
# No. [http://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikip%C3%A9dia:Conselho_de_arbitragem/Casos/2010-12-01_Poss%C3%ADvel_abuso_em_verifica%C3%A7%C3%B5es Arbcom issue still open]... Severe privacy problems, misuse of checkuser tool. [[User:Leandromartinez|<font color="#4e4848 ">Leandro Martinez </font>]] [[User talk:Leandromartinez|<font color="Blue"><small>msg</small></font>]] 11:47, 15 September 2011 (UTC)
# No. [http://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikip%C3%A9dia:Conselho_de_arbitragem/Casos/2010-12-01_Poss%C3%ADvel_abuso_em_verifica%C3%A7%C3%B5es Arbcom issue still open]... Severe privacy problems, misuse of checkuser tool. [[User:Leandromartinez|<font color="#4e4848 ">Leandro Martinez </font>]] [[User talk:Leandromartinez|<font color="Blue"><small>msg</small></font>]] 11:47, 15 September 2011 (UTC)

Revision as of 14:21, 15 September 2011

Ruy_Pugliesi talk · contribs · SULinfo (accounts) / stalktoy · globalcontribs · crosswiki-ness · confirm eligibility
translate: translation help, statement, template, headings

  • שפות: pt, en-3, es-2, fr-2, gl-1, it-1, sk-1, sq-1, ms-1, hi-1
  • מידע אישי: דיבור כאן
Bahasa Indonesia:
  • Bahasa yang dikuasai: pt, en-3, es-2, fr-2, gl-1, it-1, sk-1, sq-1, ms-1, hi-1
  • Informasi pribadi: tuliskan pernyataan Anda di sini
  • Lingue: pt, en-3, es-2, fr-2, gl-1, it-1, sk-1, sq-1, ms-1, hi-1
  • Informazioni personali: Ciao a tutti. Ho iniziato a contribuire ai progetti Wikimedia nel gennaio 2008 e sono ora attivo su molti progetti. Ho iniziato registrandomi sulla wikipedia in portoghese, dove ho una lunga storia di lotta al vandalismo. Su pt.wiki, sono, attualmente, amministratore (eletto tre anni fa) e sono stato checkuser per un periodo di sei mesi e poi per un altro anno (è per questo che ero già identificato). Sono stato anche un membro dell'Arbitration Committee (da febbraio 2009 a febbraio 2010) e burocrate da (novembre 2009 a novembre 2010).

    Ho anche esperienza come amministratore su meta-wiki (sysop - contributi), strategywiki (sysop - contributi), testwiki (sysop - contributi), hiwiki (eliminator - contributi) e mediawikiwiki (sysop - contributi)

    Partecipo alle discussioni su molti canali IRC e uso sempre il nick Ruy_Pugliesi. Chiunque mi può liberamente contattare in privato e sarò felice di aiutare come possibile. Chiunque mi può anche contattare sulla mia pagina di discussione o via email. In quanto membro dello SWMT sono solito lottare contro il vandalismo sulle piccole wiki (ma anche su quelle di taglia media o su quelle grandi come enwiki, eswiki, simplewiki e commons, per esempio), e sono spesso connesso ai canali antivandalismo. Attualmente sono global rollbacker.

    Penso di conoscere abbastanza la stewards policy e le altre policy riguardo l'oversight ed il checkuser. Sarei contento di aiutare di più nella lotta al vandalismo occupandomi delle richieste agli steward. Non esitare a pormi ulteriori domande se lo desideri. Grazie per l'attenzione.
  • 言語: pt, en-3, es-2, fr-2, gl-1, it-1, sk-1, sq-1, ms-1, hi-1
  • 候補者の情報: こんにちは、みなさん。私はウィキメディアプロジェクトの編集を2008年1月に始め、幾つかのプロジェクトで現在活動しています。私は最初にポルトガル語版ウィキペディアに登録し、荒らしとの戦いに関係する履歴を持っています。そこでは、管理者(約3年前に選ばれました)であり、6ヶ月間チェックユーザとなったあと、1年間再び(これが既に財団への証明を済ませている理由です)チェックユーザとなりました。また調停委員会のメンバー(2009年2月から2010年2月まで)、(2009年11月から2010年11月まで)でもありました。

    更に私は、meta-wiki(sysop - contribs)、strategywiki (sysop - contribs), testwiki (sysop - contribs), hiwiki (eliminator - contribs) and mediawikiwiki (sysop - contribs)で管理者の経験があります。

  • Taalvaardigheid: pt, en-3, es-2, fr-2, gl-1, it-1, sk-1, sq-1, ms-1, hi-1
  • Persoonlijke informatie: Hoi allemaal. Ik begon met het editten van Wikimedia-projecten in januari 2008 en ik ben nu actief op verscheidene projecten. Ik registreerde me eerst op de Portugeestalige Wikipedia, waar ik een relevante geschiedenis in vandalismebestrijding heb. Op die wiki ben ik op dit moment een moderator (ongeveer drie jaar geleden verkozen) en ik was al checkuser voor een periode van zes maanden en toen nogmaals voor een jaar (daarom ben ik al geïdentificeerd bij de Foundation). Ik ben reeds lid geweest van de Arbitragecommissie (van februari 2009 tot februari 2010) en was een bureaucraat (van november 2009 tot november 2010).

    Ik heb ook ervaring opgedaan met moderatorgereedschap op meta-wiki (moderator - bijdragen), strategywiki (moderator - bijdragen), testwiki (moderator - bijdragen), hiwiki (verwijderaar - bijdragen) en mediawikiwiki (moderator - bijdragen).

    Ik neem deel aan veel IRC-kanalen en ik gebruik altijd de nick Ruy_Pugliesi. Men mag mij PM benaderen en ik ben graag bereid hen te helpen indien mogelijk. Iedereen kan tevens contact met mij opnemen op mijn overlegpagina of door mij een e-mail te sturen. Als een SWMT-lid bestrijd ik normaal gesproken vandalisme op kleine wiki's (en zelfs op middelgrote en grote wiki's, zoals enwiki, eswiki, simplewiki en commons) en ik bevind me vaak in antivandalisme-kanalen. Ik ben op dit moment global rollbacker.

    Ik denk dat ik voldoende weet over het stewardbeleid en zelfs over ander beleid, zoals dat van oversight en checkuser. Ik zou graag meer willen helpen in vandalismebestrijding en door stewardverzoeken te behandelen. Aarzel niet om me elke vraag te stellen die je wilt. Bedankt voor je aandacht.
  • Línguas: pt, en-3, es-2, fr-2, gl-1, it-1, sk-1, sq-1, ms-1, hi-1
  • Informações pessoais: Olá, pessoal. Eu comecei a editar nos projetos Wikimedia em janeiro de 2008 e atualmente sou ativo em diversas wikis. Registre-me primeiramente na Wikipédia em português, onde tenho um histórico relevante de combate a vandalismos. Nessa wiki, sou atualmente um administrador (eleito três anos atrás) e já fui um verificador de contas por seis meses e depois por mais um ano, novamente (este é o motivo pelo qual já sou identificado para a WMF). Já integrei o conselho de arbitragem (de fevereiro de 2009 a fevereiro de 2010) e exerci a função de burocrata (de novembro de 2009 a novembro de 2010).

    Também possuo experiência com ferramentas administrativas nos seguintes projetos: meta-wiki (sysop - contribs), strategywiki (sysop - contribs), testwiki (sysop - contribs), hiwiki (eliminator - contribs) e mediawikiwiki (sysop - contribs)

    Participo de muitos canais no IRC e sempre utilizo o nick Ruy_Pugliesi. As pessoas podem entrar em contato comigo diretamente e ficarei feliz em ajudá-las da forma que puder. Todos também podem contatar-me através da minha página de discussão ou por e-mail. Como um membro do SWMT, eu frequentemente combato vandalismos nas small wikis (além de atuar nas wikis médias e grandes, como enwiki, eswiki, simplewiki e commons, por exemplo), e sempre estou nos canais de combate a vandalismos. Atualmente, sou um reversor global.

    Creio possuir conhecimentos suficientes da política de stewards e até mesmo das de oversight e checkuser. Ficaria muito feliz em poder ajudar mais no combate a vandalismos e atendendo outros pedidos feitos aos steward. Não hesitem em fazer-me qualquer pergunta. Obrigado pela consideração.
Tiếng Việt:
  • 可说语言: pt, en-3, es-2, fr-2, gl-1, it-1, sk-1, sq-1, ms-1, hi-1
  • 个人资料: 大家好,我從2008年1月開始編輯維基媒體的各個計劃,目前在許多計劃上活躍。最初,我在葡萄牙語維基百科上注冊了自己的賬號,並在那裡積累了反破壞經驗。目前,我在那裡是管理員(大約3年前上任),並擔任了6個月的用戶核查員後又再擔任了1年(所以我已經像基金會證明了身份)。我曾經是仲裁委員會的成員(2009年2月至2010年2月)及行政院(2009年11月至2010年11月)。

    我在以下計劃也有豐富的管理員經驗:元維基管理員 - 貢獻、strategywiki管理員 - 貢獻、testwiki管理員 - 貢獻、hiwikieliminator - 管理員和mediawikiwiki管理員 - contribs


  • 可说语言: pt, en-3, es-2, fr-2, gl-1, it-1, sk-1, sq-1, ms-1, hi-1
  • 个人资料: 大家好,我从2008年1月开始编辑维基媒体的各个计划,目前在许多计划上活跃。最初,我在葡萄牙语维基百科上注册了自己的账号,并在那里积累了反破坏经验。目前,我在那里是管理员(大约3年前上任),并担任了6个月的用户核查员后又再担任了1年(所以我已经像基金会证明了身份)。我曾经是仲裁委员会的成员(2009年2月至2010年2月)及行政院(2009年11月至2010年11月)。

    我在以下计划也有丰富的管理员经验:元维基管理员 - 贡献、strategywiki管理员 - 贡献、testwiki管理员 - 贡献、hiwikieliminator - 管理员和mediawikiwiki管理员 - contribs


  • 可說語言: pt, en-3, es-2, fr-2, gl-1, it-1, sk-1, sq-1, ms-1, hi-1
  • 個人資料: 大家好,我從2008年1月開始編輯維基媒體的各個計划,目前在許多計劃上活躍。最初,我在葡萄牙語維基百科上注冊了自己的賬號,並在那裡積累了反破壞經驗。目前,我在那裡是管理員(大約3年前上任),並擔任了6個月的用戶核查員後又再擔任了1年(所以我已經像基金會證明了身份)。我曾經是仲裁委員會的成員(2009年2月至2010年2月)及行政院(2009年11月至2010年11月)。

    我在以下計划也有豐富的管理員經驗:元維基管理員 - 貢獻、strategywiki管理員 - 貢獻、testwiki管理員 - 貢獻、hiwikieliminator - 管理員和mediawikiwiki管理員 - contribs



Questions: See Stewards/elections 2011-2/Questions#Ruy_Pugliesi


  1. --Lucas Nunes 00:14, 15 September 2011 (UTC)[reply]
  2. --Shizhao 01:35, 15 September 2011 (UTC)[reply]
  3. --Jcaraballo 01:41, 15 September 2011 (UTC)[reply]
  4. Support Support --minhhuy*= 02:53, 15 September 2011 (UTC)[reply]
  5. Support Support -FASTILY (TALK) 03:25, 15 September 2011 (UTC)[reply]
  6. Jafeluv 06:57, 15 September 2011 (UTC)[reply]
  7. Support Support --►Safir yüzüklü Ceklimesaj 08:02, 15 September 2011 (UTC)[reply]
  8. --Ibrahim Dede 08:04, 15 September 2011 (UTC)[reply]
  9. Support Support--►RajeshPandey 08:47, 15 September 2011 (UTC)[reply]
  10. Could not see what he did wrong in that CU incident.--Jsjsjs1111 09:14, 15 September 2011 (UTC)[reply]
  11. Support Support Yup--Email Vaibhav Talk 10:04, 15 September 2011 (UTC)[reply]
  12. --თოგო (D) 11:59, 15 September 2011 (UTC) If there had really been any abuse, the arbcom would have finished the case much sooner.[reply]
  13. Support Support--RajeshUnuppally 12:04, 15 September 2011 (UTC)[reply]
  14. Support Support --CutOffTies 13:49, 15 September 2011 (UTC)[reply]


  1. While I definitely supported you for global rollback and would for global sysop, I think that with possible CU concerns that steward isn't the best role for you to be in. You'd most likely do fine, but you've been part of a lot of drama as a result of the checkuser incident(s), and so I can't support this. Sorry, Ajraddatz (Talk) 00:13, 15 September 2011 (UTC)[reply]
  2. GRS73 03:44, 15 September 2011 (UTC) Um usuário envolvido neste tipo de caso não pode ser eleito para função de Steward. Curioso que na sua apresentação como candidato o usuário não fez referência ao assunto e quando indagado sobre o tema verificação respondeu como se seu período como verificador na Wiki-pt fosse o mais normal da história da Wikipédia.[reply]
  3. Nixón 04:51, 15 September 2011 (UTC)[reply]
  4. Oppose Oppose As appointed above, this user has an open process (arbcom) in lusophone wikipedia about misuse of checkuser tool. --- @lestaty discuţie 08:08, 15 September 2011 (UTC)[reply]
    Please note that this is not the user´s fault. We (the ombudsmen commission) reported to the arbcom two months ago that we have not found any privacy violations and we recommended that the arbcom may additionally check the reasoning of the CU checks (which we couldn't do as we are not involved in the ptwiki community). The arbcom obviously didn't do that or didn't find anything. In any case, the arbcom should have closed that case meanwhile. Two months after our report are enough time to do that. --თოგო (D) 14:21, 15 September 2011 (UTC)[reply]
  5. Oppose Oppose This user has an open process (ArbCom) in lusophone wikipedia about misuse of checkuser tool. I know this editor since 2008. I don't think he can speaks gl-1, sk-1, sq-1, ms-1, hi-1... JSSX 11:28, 15 September 2011 (UTC)[reply]
  6. No. Arbcom issue still open... Severe privacy problems, misuse of checkuser tool. Leandro Martinez msg 11:47, 15 September 2011 (UTC)[reply]
  7. --MF-W 11:56, 15 September 2011 (UTC)[reply]
  8. Oppose Oppose I think that new stewards should be people with more experiences over wikimedia, who are active long time at help desks or as supporters or at least have experiences with that, being a member of ArbCom doesn't give you any experiences similar to support over small wikis with rather no active admins or bureacrats, for this you should have abilities to communicate with many communities rather than doing similar work as judge (what IMHO ArbCom members at least think they are), apart of that (same as in Teles case) there seems to be certain issues, which doesn't make you look trustworth for this, maybe later when it all become clear. I apologize but I can't support this nomination now. Petrb 13:04, 15 September 2011 (UTC)[reply]
  9. Oppose Oppose Aleposta 13:11, 15 September 2011 (UTC)[reply]


  1. fetchcomms 01:37, 15 September 2011 (UTC)[reply]
  2. --В и к и в и н др е ц и 04:37, 15 September 2011 (UTC)[reply]
  3. ~~EBE123~~ talkContribs 09:54, 15 September 2011 (UTC)[reply]
  4. WormTT 11:51, 15 September 2011 (UTC)[reply]
  5. Indecisive...--Davidbottan 13:37, 15 September 2011 (UTC)[reply]