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Community Wishlist Survey 2020/Wikisource/UI improvements on Wikisource

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UI improvements on Wikisource

  • Problem: Big part of work on WS is proofreading of OCR texts. Wikitexteditor2010 have some useful functions, but these are divided in more tabs:
    • Advanced - there is very useful search and replace button
    • Special characters - there are many characters which are not on keyboard
    • Proofread tools (page namespace only) - some more tools.
    When I am working on some longer text from OCR, there are typical errors, which can be fixed by search and repace (e.g " -> “ or ii -> n) . So I must use first tab. Now there is missing character from another language, so I must switch to second tab and find this character. Then I find next typical error, so I must again switch to first...
  • Who would benefit: Wikisource editors, but useful for other projects too.
  • Proposed solution: Proofread is probably made mainly on desktops (notebooks) which have monitor wide enough to have all these tools on one tab without need of switching again and again
  • More comments:
  • Phabricator tickets:
  • Proposer: JAn Dudík (talk) 20:59, 22 October 2019 (UTC)[reply]


Hi, did you know that you can customize the edittoolbar to your liking? See https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:Custom_edit_buttons. Also I use a search-replace plugin directly in a browser as this works better for me. See e.g. https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/find-replace-for-text-edi/jajhdmnpiocpbpnlpejbgmpijgmoknnl https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/find-replace-for-text-editing/?src=search I use the chrome one and it works alright for simple stuff. For more advanced stuff I copy the text to notepad++/notepadqq/libreoffice writer and do the regex stuff there.--So9q (talk) 11:26, 25 October 2019 (UTC)[reply]

Very late to the party, but nothing has seemed to change. There is a need to customize the edit bar per book and not per user. Every book has special requirements for proofreading that are static. A book on Cicero’s letters may need quick access to Greek polytonic letters, but a book on Mediaeval poetry will have thorn/ Wynn/yogh and possibly long s. A book of poetry will need immediate access to the poem tag, but not a novel. Therefore, we need a scripting language to be able to set the edit bar according to the needs of the work. This is how typesetting used to work and it did an outstanding job for centuries. Languageseeker (talk) 19:04, 10 March 2021 (UTC)[reply]
