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Grants:APG/Proposals/2013-2014 round1/Wikimedia Serbia/Progress report form/Q3

From Meta, a Wikimedia project coordination wiki

Purpose of the report


This form is for organizations receiving Annual Plan Grants to report on their results to date. For progress reports, the time period for this report will the first 6 months of each grant (e.g. 1 January - 30 June of the current year). For impact reports, the time period for this report will be the full 12 months of this grant, including the period already reported on in the progress report (e.g. 1 January - 31 December of the current year). This form includes four sections, addressing global metrics, program stories, financial information, and compliance. Please contact APG/FDC staff if you have questions about this form, or concerns submitting it by the deadline. After submitting the form, organizations will also meet with APG staff to discuss their progress.

Global metrics overview - all programs


We are trying to understand the overall outcomes of the work being funded across our grantees' programs. Please use the table below to let us know how your programs contributed to the Global Metrics. We understand not all Global Metrics will be relevant for all programs, so feel free to put "0" where necessary. For each program include the following table and

  1. Next to each required metric, list the outcome achieved for all of your programs included in your proposal.
  2. Where necessary, explain the context behind your outcome.
  3. In addition to the Global Metrics as measures of success for your programs, there is another table format in which you may report on any OTHER relevant measures of your programs success

For more information and a sample, see Global Metrics.


Metric Achieved outcome Explanation
1. # of active editors involved
2. # of new editors
3. # of individuals involved
4. # of new images/media added to Wikimedia articles/pages
5. # of articles added or improved on Wikimedia projects
6. Absolute value of bytes added to or deleted from Wikimedia projects

Telling your program stories - all programs


Please tell the story of each of your programs included in your proposal. This is your chance to tell your story by using any additional metrics (beyond global metrics) that are relevant to your context, beyond the global metrics above. You should be reporting against the targets you set at the beginning of the year throughout the year. We have provided a template here below for you to report against your targets, but you are welcome to include this information in another way. Also, if you decided not to do a program that was included in your proposal or added a program not in the proposal, please explain this change. More resources for storytelling are at the end of this form. Here are some ways to tell your story.

  • We encourage you to share your successes and failures and what you are learning. Please also share why are these successes, failures, or learnings are important in your context. Reference learning patterns or other documentation.
  • Make clear connections between your offline activities and online results, as applicable. For example, explain how your education program activities is leading to quality content on Wikipedia.
  • We encourage you to tell your story in different ways by using videos, sound files, images (photos and infographics, e.g.), compelling quotes, and by linking directly to work you produce. You may highlight outcomes, learning, or metrics this way.
  • We encourage you to continue using dashboards, progress bars, and scorecards that you have used to illustrate your progress in the past, and to report consistently over time.
  • You are welcome to use the table below to report on any metrics or measures relevant to your program. These may or may not include the global metrics you put in the overview section above. You can also share your progress in another way if you do not find a table like this useful.
Target Last year (if applicable) Progress (at end of Q2) End of year (projected or actual) Comments
Example Example Example Example Example

Revenues received during this period (6 month for progress report, 12 months for impact report)


Please use the exchange rate in your APG proposal.

Table 2 Please report all spending in the currency of your grant unless US$ is requested.

  • Please also include any in-kind contributions or resources that you have received in this revenues table. This might include donated office space, services, prizes, food, etc. If you are to provide a monetary equivalent (e.g. $500 for food from Organization X for service Y), please include it in this table. Otherwise, please highlight the contribution, as well as the name of the partner, in the notes section.
Revenue source Currency Anticipated Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Cumulative Anticipated ($US)* Cumulative ($US)* Explanation of variances from plan

* Provide estimates in US Dollars

Spending during this period (6 month for progress report, 12 months for impact report)


Please use the exchange rate in your APG proposal.

Table 3 Please report all spending in the currency of your grant unless US$ is requested.

(The "budgeted" amount is the total planned for the year as submitted in your proposal form or your revised plan, and the "cumulative" column refers to the total spent to date this year. The "percentage spent to date" is the ratio of the cumulative amount spent over the budgeted amount.)
Expense Currency Budgeted Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Cumulative Budgeted ($US)* Cumulative ($US)* Percentage spent to date Explanation of variances from plan
A B C D E F G H I J J2 K

* Provide estimates in US Dollars



Is your organization compliant with the terms outlined in the grant agreement?


As required in the grant agreement, please report any deviations from your grant proposal here. Note that, among other things, any changes must be consistent with our WMF mission, must be for charitable purposes as defined in the grant agreement, and must otherwise comply with the grant agreement.

Are you in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations as outlined in the grant agreement? Please answer "Yes" or "No".

Are you in compliance with provisions of the United States Internal Revenue Code (“Code”), and with relevant tax laws and regulations restricting the use of the Grant funds as outlined in the grant agreement? Please answer "Yes" or "No".


Once complete, please sign below with the usual four tildes.



Resources to plan for measurement


Resources for storytelling


Basic entity information


Table 1

Entity information Legal name of entity Wikimedia Serbia
Entity's fiscal year (mm/dd–mm/dd) 01/01-12/31
12 month timeframe of funds awarded (mm/dd/yy-mm/dd/yy) 01/01-12/31
Contact information (primary) Primary contact name Filip Maljković
Primary contact position in entity President
Primary contact username Dungodung
Primary contact email filip@vikimedija.org
Contact information (secondary) Secondary contact name Ivana Madžarević
Secondary contact position in entity Project and Community Manager
Secondary contact username IvanaMadzarevic
Secondary contact email ivana.madzarevic@vikimedija.org

Overview of this quarter


The purpose of this section is to provide a brief overview of this report. Please use no more than 1-2 paragraphs to address the questions outlined below. You will have an opportunity to address these questions in detail elsewhere in this report.

CHANGES: Please describe how you changed your plans and budget based on the FDC allocation approved by the Board in December 2012, and your rationale for these changes. You can then use the changed plans and budget as the basis on which to report back on the first quarter.

This quarter has had some significant changes due to the competition and the selection process of the new Executive Director of Wikimedia Serbia. This kept us from writing a WMRS development strategy in the same time period. A reallocation of funds has also been made in the purpose of realization of new projects, such as Fem Wiki project and the Microgrants, in which two of the Microgrants were paid from the Community Support and the Educational Program budgets.

HIGHLIGHTS: What were 1–2 important highlights of the past quarter? (These may include successes, challenges, lessons learned.)

  • New Executive Director competition
  • Fem Wiki project
  • Wiki Camp

WIKI-FOCUS: What Wikimedia projects was your entity focused on (e.g., Wiki Commons, French Wiktionary) this quarter?

Mostly on Wikipedia and Wikimedia Commons. The focus of this quarter were these projects through international collaboration as well as increasing the number of women who edit Wikipedia. Also, the Microgrants project is being brought to reality, so a lot of content has been uploaded to Wikimedia projects as a result.

GROWTH: How did your entity grow over the past quarter vs. the previous quarter (e.g., Number of active editors reached/involved/added, number of articles created, number of events held, number of partipants reached through workshops)?

Program/Project Q2 Q3 Note
Staff 2 2 At the end of July, Mile Kiš went on vacation, so by the end of September, Ivana Madžarević (Project Manager and Community Support) run the office
Active projects 11
(Educational projects, World War I - 100 years later, 1001 Arabic Words, Creative Commons, Photo Safari, GLAM, Microgrants, Wiki Loves Earth, Fem Wiki, Competition, Community Support
(Education projects, Creative Commons, GLAM, Microgrants, Wiki Loves Earth, Wiki Loves Monuments, FemWiki, Regional Cooperation, Community Support, Wikicopter, Wiktionary)
Organized event 2 4
Number of collected photos 3210
(1210 - Serbia plus, 80 - Wiki Gimnasium, 10 - Commemorative of our ancestors from World War I, 700 - Wiki Loves Earth, 1200 - Photo Safari)
(2643 - Wiki Loves Monuments, 83 - “Open education and digital competence of teachers” conference, 35 - Exibits “Wiki Loves Earth, 29 - Creative Commons tribune, 147 - Wiki Camp and 1 video, 6 - Capacity increase of Wikimedia Serbia project in Kraljevo, 47 - Liquid Art - Drina Biodiversity, 200 - Wiki Biodiversity)
Number of blog posts, interviews and announcement 18
(10 blog posts, 3 radio interviews, 2 TV appearances, 2 press releases, 1 interview for the newspaper, 1 interview for a web portal)
(10 blog posts, 5 radio interviews, 6 TV appearances, 11 Press Releases, 8 media reports news from the blog and press releases and more than 15 about the photo contest "Wiki Loves Monuments")
  • Serbian Wikipedia (number of followers has been increased for 23%, 121 posts)
  • Wikimedia Serbia (number of followers has been increased for 16,5%, 74 posts i 1 events)
  • Two new pages - Wiki Loves Earth Serbia, World War I - 100 years later
  • Serbian Wikipedia (the number of followers increased by 64, 82 posts)
  • Wikimedia Serbia (the number of followers increased by 66, 54 posts and 3 events)
  • On the profiles “Wiki Loves Earth” and “Wiki Loves Monuments” news were regularly shared related to publishing winners and exhibition opening
  • One new page - FemWiki with 185 followers
Twitter Profile automatically publishes statuses from Facebook profile Profile automatically publishes statuses from Facebook profile

Financial summary


The FDC requires information about how your entity received and spent money over the past year. The FDC distributes general funds, so your entity is not required to use funds exactly as outlined in the proposal. While line-item expenses will not be examined, the FDC and movement wants to understand why the entity spent money in the way it did. If variance in budgeted vs. actual is greater than 20%, please provide explanation in more detail. This helps the FDC understand the rationale behind any significant changes. Note that any changes from the Grant proposal, among other things, must be consistent with the WMF mission, must be for charitable purposes as defined in the grant agreement, must be reported to WMF, and must otherwise comply with the grant agreement. The WMF mission is "to empower and engage people around the world to collect and develop educational content under a free license or in the public domain, and to disseminate it effectively and globally."

Revenues for this quarter


Provide exchange rate used:

Table 2 Please report all spending in the currency of your grant unless US$ is requested.

  • Please also include any in-kind contributions or resources that you have received in this revenues table. This might include donated office space, services, prizes, food, etc. If you are to provide a monetary equivalent (e.g. $500 for food from Organization X for service Y), please include it in this table. Otherwise, please highlight the contribution, as well as the name of the partner, in the notes section.
Revenue source Currency Anticipated Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Cumulative Anticipated ($US)* Cumulative ($US)* Explanation of variances from plan
Donations RSD (Serbian dinar) 11 483.65 8,694.88 3,400.00 0.0 12,094.88 137 138,58
Membership contributions RSD (Serbian dinar) 11 483.65 2,400.00 0.0 0.0 2,400.00 137 28.63
WMF/FDC RSD (Serbian dinar) 9,246,032.00 5,199,572.47 3,400 0.0 5,202,972.47 110,352 54,943.95 First installment received, second installment expected on completion of Q2 report

* Provide estimates in US Dollars

Spending during this quarter


Table 3 Please report all spending in the currency of your grant unless US$ is requested.

(The "budgeted" amount is the total planned for the year as submitted in your proposal form or your revised plan, and the "cumulative" column refers to the total spent to date this year. The "percentage spent to date" is the ratio of the cumulative amount spent over the budgeted amount.)
Expense Currency Budgeted Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Cumulative Budgeted ($US)* Cumulative ($US)* Percentage spent to date Explanation of variances from plan
Employees, taxes, maintenance and office equipment, and telecommunications and utility costs RSD (Serbian dinar) 4,617,250.91 1,114,722.93 1,043,451.97 766,036.19 2,924,217.09 55,026.29 30,879.99 63,33
Projects RSD (Serbian dinar) 4,497,916 712,177.17 175,351.48 1,269,527.3 2,166,055.95 53 603.48 22,873.8 48,2 The percentage calculation also includes the amount shown under the item Other $ cash
Bank, accounting and postal services RSD (Serbian dinar) 152,671 29,197.21 38,267.18 96,101.81 163,566.2 1,822.7 1,727.3 107.2 We had some unexpected expenses regarding the need for lawer's services.
Other $ cash transferred in Q2 period RSD (Serbian dinar) 214,549.79 0.0 0.0 214,549.79 2,561.51 Other $ cash mostly involves costs that will be refunded (for example, participation in the ED meeting and London workshop, which costs are covered by the Wikimedia Serbia and the reimbursement from the organizers is expected. Under Cash, it refers the cash taken for the projects, and their costs and summary of results will be seen in the Q2 report.
TOTAL RSD (Serbian dinar) 9,267,837.91 2,070,647.1 1,257,070.63 2,131,665.3 5,477,383.03 110,352 57,841.8 59.1 Total expenses also include the expenses received from the year 2013.

* Provide estimates in US Dollars

Additional details: Budgeted implies only to FDC amount, but the total cost includes the sum of 247,497.71 RSD, presenting bills and expenses in 2013 that were received during this quarter. For a table with only FDC budget and costs only from 2014, see the Additional information/Spending FDC funds.

Progress toward this year's goals/objectives


This section addresses the impact of the programs / initiatives* and objectives your entity has implemented over the past quarter and the progress your entity is making toward meeting this year's goals. We understand that some metrics may not be applicable in this quarterly report, so please add metrics here if they are applicable.

*In the past, the FDC has used the term 'initiative', but we are using the term 'program.'

Education Program

Education Program
What are the objectives of this program? Please include metrics.
  • Educational program of Wikimedia Serbia consists of several different projects, for which we will give key objectives.
    • Wikipedia in Schools: WMRS has a long tradition of conducting lectures and workshops within projects for all types of educational institutions: elementary, high schools and university faculties. The goal is to use Wikimedia projects in educational purposes as a free platform that could be used in many ways. One of those ways is writing articles (seminal papers) on Wikipedia, which help increase quality and quantity of this project. Thanks to the lectures and workshops, new editors and users will be informed about the ways Wikimedia projects work.
    • Seminars and Trainings: This is a project that includes training teachers and professors to work on Wikipedia, so that they would be able to edit on their own and later train their pupils or students and use Wikipedia in their curriculum.
    • Professional Development: This is a project that deals with including seminars and training in the system of professional development of teaching staff through attending obligatory courses and seminars. In contrast to the “Seminars and Trainings” project, which isn't compulsory and is conducted as an extension to the cooperation with an educational institution on a specific Wikipedia article writing project, “Professional Development” is a project where teachers and professors from all over Serbia attend a seminar because they are required to attend several of such seminars throughout a year, with the goal of professional development.
  • Criteria for success:
    • Wikipedia in Schools: The expected output of this project depends on the number of institutions we will be working with, as well as their size. All in all, we plan on having at least 400 new articles by the end of the project.
    • Seminars and Trainings: Seminars are tied to the number of educational institutions which we will cooperate with in the project “Wikipedia in Schools”. We expect cooperation with teachers/professors from at least 5 educational institutions.
    • Professional Development: Organizing at least one seminar for teachers from all over Serbia, with at least 20 participants, will be considered successful.
Progress against these objectives (include metrics and # of volunteers/staff involved)?
  • Wikipedia in schools: All projects regarding writing articles on Wikipedia that have started in the previous quarters should have ended by the beginning of July. However, some groups of students have continued to apply for writing articles, wrote them throughout the entire summer because the points for writing are still valid, and needed those points for taking their exams in September. The previous reports mentioned that according to the new high school curriculum, Wiki Tools and Wikipedia are being studied in the second grade of Gymnasium, within the computer science class. A new textbook is bound to be released soon. It is written by Filip Marić, professor at the Faculty of Mathematics, whose students write Wikipedia articles. This textbook should be used in schools from September 2015.
  • Seminars and training: A paper “Innovations in teaching computer science in schools through the work of pupils on Wikipedia” from the last year’s symposium “Mathematics and its use” has been accepted and sent to print. It is in an anthology available here.
  • Professional development: A seminar that has been accredited for the following two school years will be brought to reality in the next quarter. Certain preparations of the material and activity planning have been made in this quarter. You can see more about this seminar here.
Activities conducted.
Open education and digital competences of teachers
  • Wikipedia in schools: This trimester encompasses the summer period when the Faculties are at recess, so there were no regular workshops and lectures for students. The President of the Academic Board Đorđe Stakić had insight in the part of the textbook regarding Wikipedia and is pleased with the quality of the written material, considering the fact that this topic was given two school periods a year.
  • Seminars and training: In this period there were no usual trainings in schools and faculties because of the summer break. In that time, activities for the next school year were being made and a few meetings were held for a more succesful realization of projects in the following time period. The paper “Innovations in teaching computer science in schools through the work of pupils on Wikipedia”, written by Đorđe Stakić, Marina Nešović and Ivan Lazarević, had some finishing touches after the feedback from the reviewers. On July 17th and 18th, “Open education and digital competence of teachers” conference was held at the Faculty of Organizational Sciences, organized by a team of experts for high education reform from the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of Republic of Serbia. Wikimedia Serbia was also invited to the conference. On July 17th, Ivana Madžarević held a lecture “Wikimedia Serbia projects in education and using Wikipedia as a platform for learning and spreading free knowledge”, and on July 18th a workshop entitled “Editing Wikipedia in Serbian language” was held. Photos from the conference can be seen here.
  • Proffessional development: In this time period, we held meetings and planned activities regarding conducting an accredited seminar for teacher training. Promotional and learning material was prepared and translated from English into Serbian.
What worked and what did not?
  • Wikipedia in schools: Some groups of students were writing articles after the designated deadline. The negative side of this is that too much time passes from the workshop to the moment when the articles are uploaded, so the students forget certain contents. The positive side is that students keep applying and writing new articles during this period, which is not something we expected.
  • Seminars and trainnig: The workshop within the aforementioned conference was very succesful. Multitude of teachers, professors and librarians were present, and were positively impressed. One of them, a teacher from Kikinda, User:Dobrislava, became a very active Wikipedian.
  • Professional Development: Volunteer students translated the material for the seminar. We promoted our new accredited seminar any chance we could get, so a good response from the teachers is expected in the next time period.

Any additional details: This has been a period of intensive project preparations for the year 2015. Among other things, a new program entitled “Wiki Librarian” has been created, which originated from our educational activities in libraries, and which will be brought to reality as a part of our GLAM project in the next time period. Documentation for accreditation of the “Wiki Librarian”, a seminar for librarian training, has been submitted to the National Library of Serbia in September, and is expected to be approved by the end of December. We would especially like to highlight the interview about educational projects that Filip Maljković, the President of Wikimedia Serbia, gave to “The Signpost” on July 16th, available on this link. Furthermore, Filip presented educational projects of Wikimedia Serbia at Wikimania in London, UK on August 7th, 2014.


What are the objectives of this program? Please include metrics.
  • Wikimedia projects have large quantities of media files (photos and videos), but they are mostly of amateur or near amateur quality. Specifically, aerial photographs of Serbia are lacking or completely absent, since they typically require very expensive equipment. The objective of this program is to enable Wikimedians to make aerial photographs, since currently they’re not able to. The project would be conducted firstly on the territory of Belgrade, and later as a part of the Photo Safari project throughout Serbia.
  • We will make a free guide to build a quadricopter at a Wikimedia project.
  • We will build a Wikicopter which will be in the ownership of Wikimedia Serbia.
  • We will make at least four series of photographs with at least 400 photos in total using the Wikicopter.
Progress against these objectives (include metrics and # of volunteers/staff involved)?
  • Five volunteers participated in the projects.
Activities conducted.
  • During this period, some parts of the Wikicopter that previously were ordered arrived, and some are ordered. Members of the Haklab in this period were introduced with the concept of the Wikicopter.
What worked and what did not?
  • There were some delays regarding ordering parts, due to the customs procedures. One of the ordered product has even been returned to the country of origin, but the problem was eventually solved.

Any additional details:


What are the objectives of this program? Please include metrics.

The primary objective of this program is to increase free knowledge by creating new or improving existing Wikipedia articles that would unlikely be created or improved otherwise, except through on-wiki competitions. Additionally, competitions are a good opportunity to motivate community members to edit articles. Through several competitions, we expect that

  • at least 300 new Wikipedia articles will be created
  • at least 150 old Wikipedia articles will be improved
  • at least 15 community members per competition will participate.
Progress against these objectives (include metrics and # of volunteers/staff involved)?
  • There were no new competitions in this time period, due to the general decrease of activity of the Wikipedia Serbia community members during the summer months.

Activities conducted.
  • There were discussions about holding two competitions, which would take place at the end of the year. One of them would be about womens’ topics, and the other one would be about astronomy. We have negotiated with the suppliers about providing the prizes regarding the second one.
What worked and what did not?
  • The winner of the competition of writing Wikipedia articles about the United Kingdom was supposed to win a trip to London to attend Wikimania 2014 as her prize. However, due to the problems with obtaining the UK visa (the winner is underage), it was decided to present her with a different award.

Any additional details:

Free Photo Content

Free Photo Content
What are the objectives of this program? Please include metrics.

Free photo content projects include the following:

  • Photo Safari: As a part of the last year’s annual plan, we had a Wiki Expedition project, that was similar in aim to this one — volunteers would go to a part of Serbia, take as many photos as possible and hold an outreach event with a local institution. However, there were problems with that, seeing as it was very hard to find local cultural institutions that were willing to host us or help us, which might be due to the fact that parts of Serbia other than the capital are relatively underdeveloped. Also, if we did find institutions that were willing to cooperate with us, it would often be hard to find time frame suitable for both organizations. With Photo Safari, we’d like to continue with the project of documenting the parts of Serbia that are not well covered, without necessarily doing outreach. The main objective is again to collect photos of not very well covered parts of Serbia, e.g. natural heritage, everyday life, places of greater importance in Serbian villages and smaller towns. If possible, we would like to engage with the local community. The goal is to organize at least 4 photo Safaris, with about 400 quality photos on average uploaded to Wikimedia Commons by the end of the project.
Prize giving event "Wiki Loves Earth"
  • Wiki Loves Monuments: This project includes mass collecting of photos of cultural monuments of Serbia through a well-known contest; also, one of the objectives this year will be to hold an article writing and improving competition regarding Serbian monuments. Additionally, we expect to promote the project through holding several exhibitions of the winning photos. The volunteer participation highly depends on the promotion of such an event, attractiveness of the awards, but also the availability and remoteness of the monuments that need to be photographed. The goal is to have at least 3000 uploaded photos of Serbian cultural monuments, at least two photo-tours, at least one edit-a-thon about monuments and at least three exhibitions in Serbia.
Progress against these objectives (include metrics and # of volunteers/staff involved)?
  • Photo Safari: One Photo Safari in September was planned for this trimester, but due to the unforseen circumstances and the writing of the annual plan for the year 2015, we have decided to postpone it until October.
The winner of "Wiki Loves Monuments" in Serbia
  • Wiki Loves Monuments: The competition was being held during the month of September, just like in the past two years. One employee and two volunteers worked in the organizational team. 2643 photographs of cultural heritage from all over Serbia have been uploaded to Wikimedia Commons by 81 participants. At the same time, workshops were being held in various Serbian cities (FemWiki), which had discussions about this photo contest. Also, Wiki Loves Monuments was being promoted throughout the ongoing Wiki Loves Earth exhibits. Expert members of the jury were designated, who are experts in photography. The competition officially ended on September 30th, and the jury announced 10 winning and 10 commended photographs. Institutions that could provide an exhibition space were contacted.
  • Wiki Loves Earth: The competition officially ended on July 15th. 796 photographs of natural heritage have been collected by 40 participants. The winning photographs are displayed here. In the purpose of promotion and media activities of the project, employee Ivana Madžarević appeared in multiple radio and TV shows. More details on this subject can be found in the Media Activities section, along with the announcements of the upcoming exhibitions. The first exhibition took place in Belgrade, where the winners were announced and the prizes were handed out. Around 30 people attended the exhibition, among them were the representatives of the Institute for nature conservation of Serbia, as well as Wikimedia Serbia associates and two reporters, who were given statements. Beside Belgrade, two other exhibitions were held in Niš and Kraljevo, and another one was planned for Pančevo. The collaboration with the institutions from all those cities was very good. Exhibition venues were provided by the Architects Society of Niš, and Ribnica Culture Center in Kraljevo.

There were two employees, five board members and one volunteer working on these projects.

Activities conducted.
  • Photo Safari: An organizational meeting was held to discuss a Wiki Safari that was planned, in which the date was set and the participants were chosen, as well as the areas that would be covered with this Safari.
  • Wiki Loves Monuments: The organizational team comprised of one employee and one volunteer performed the pre-project activities which included: updating page on Commons, updating lists of cultural heritage and the official site, writing and sending media announcements, blog post, publishing posts on social networks, participants animation, setting prizes, finding and contacting jury members, media activities (appearances on radio and TV shows), as well as helping all participants with uploading photographs, correct categorization, and using patterns during the contest. 10 winning and 10 commended photographs are displayed on our site. The photographs have also been uploaded on Commons. The competition was also being promoted at the Wiki Loves Earth exhibitions, which were held in September.
The winner of "Wiki Loves Earth" in Serbia
  • Wiki Loves Earth: After the competition ended, all participants have been informed that their photographs have been shortlisted, and that the winner announcement will be at the exhibition opening in one of the Belgrade galleries. In purpose of promoting the exhibition and the project itself, a media announcement was sent, a press release was published on the site as well as the blog, social network profiles, and the mailing list. Organization of the exhibition entailed contacting the galleries, representatives from the Institute for nature preservation of Serbia, providing the catering and the like. In addition to Belgrade, two more exhibitions were organized in Niš and Kraljevo, which required contacting volunteers from those cities, institutions which would be interested in a collaboration, as well as trips from our employee and volunteer to those cities to open the exhibitions and to promote Wikimedia Serbia. The interesting thing is that we managed to combine the exhibition opening and the end of the Unipedia project at the event in Niš, resulting in a much larger audience than the one in Kraljevo. Ivana Madžarević, project and community manager, was a guest on two local television shows. All the photographs from these exhibitions can be seen on Wikimedia Commons.
What worked and what did not?
  • Photo Safari: The Safari itself did not come to realization, even though it was originally planned, so the plans of our volunteers were somewhat hindered.
  • Wiki Loves Monuments: Due to the lack of capacity and time, photo tour and edit-a-thon were not organized, but the volunteers individually photographed monuments, and showed interest in editing articles about cultural heritage.
  • Wiki Loves Earth: Even though the number of photographs was smaller than we expected, we consider that the organization of this competition was successful and that gaining the Institute for nature preservation of Serbia as a partner is one of the most significant things that the Wiki Loves Earth project has given us. We were positively surprised with the partners that have provided us with the venues for the exhibitions. We have discussed GLAM collaboration with some of them. Unfortunately, exhibitions in smaller towns were not as attended as the other ones.

Any additional details:

GLAM and Digital Belgrade

Free content: GLAM and Digital Belgrade
What are the objectives of this program? Please include metrics.
  • GLAM: This project is continuing our work with GLAM institutions with the objectives being two-way cooperation, facilitating the release of photographs, texts and data under free licenses, and attempts to establish cooperation with institutions we haven’t previously worked with. At the end of this project we expect to:
    • have a Wikipedian in Residence in at least one GLAM institution
    • cooperate with GLAM institutions in obtaining photographs
  • Digital Belgrade: The objective of this project is a continuation in placing QRpedia’s QR codes to Belgrade monuments.
    • we will contact users of several memorial houses
    • we will write and improve articles and photos about objects and place QR codes on them
    • we will work on developing a mobile application for the needs of this project
Progress against these objectives (include metrics and # of volunteers/staff involved)?
  • GLAM
    • A meeting was held with the custodian of the Homeland Museum of Knjaževac, Milena Milošević Micić, whom we already talked to about a possible collaboration. The original idea was that the students with whom Milena previosly worked on various projects write articles related to the museum and to put QR codes in the museum. In a conversation with Milena, we came up with the idea to make a map of cultural institutions that would be placed on several locations in the city and which would have QR codes on it. This plan has several goals: to educate students about editing Wikipedia in Serbian language, getting quality content on Wikipedia as well on Wikimedia Commons, as in the case of successful realization Museum would donate certain photographs. This should be a model for other museums to do a similar thing.
    • In this quarter, a lot has been said about Wikipedian in residence. We considered which would be the best institution for this project and what would be tasks for the selected Wikipedian in residence. Bearing in mind the successful cooperation that has been present for a long time with the University Library "Svetozar Marković", we decided to contact them and see if they are interested. Representatives of the library are very open for cooperation and after their approval, the Board, together with the employees, began planning and selecting the goals for this project. Activities of the Wikipedian in residence would be to get to introduce the library staff with projects of Wikimedia Serbia, holding at least 4 workshops about editing Wikipedia (1 per week and more if necessary) and the digitalization of certain literary works in agreement with the library.
    • Within the Creative Commons debates GLAM presentations are scheduled for early October at the Museum of Science and Technology and one for the beginning of November at the National Library of Serbia.
    • During the FDC process for 2015, we have received a project from the University Library "Svetozar Marković", entitled Wiki librarian. Đorđe Stakić, president of the Academic Board of Wikimedia Serbia, participated in writing this project and advising the library representatives, and held several meetings with the submitters. These meetings had a multiplе effect on laying the foundations for long-term cooperation between Wikimedia Serbia and University Library "Svetozar Marković".
    • Potential collaboration with partners who have supported the exhibition "Wiki loves Earth" - In the past three months we have organized three exhibitions, and one is planned for October in the National Library of Pančevo. Miroslav Loci has held two meetings with a representative of the library, Dejan Bosnić, and presented the GLAM project. Mr. Bosnić, in addition to providing space for the exhibition, was very interested in the GLAM collaboration and a meeting was scheduled for October.
  • Digital Belgrade
    • The cooperation with the Faculty of Organizational Sciences is continued.
    • A meeting was held with Professor of Faculty of Organizational Sciences, Svetlana Jovanović, regarding the official opening of the project. The idea is to officially open the project in October/November this year, so media promotion of the project and Wikimedia Serbia was also addressed at the meeting, and the subsequent results that this project can bring. In this sense, the Digital Belgrade aims to the network of cultural institutions to introduce them with the previous work on the project, so that they can understand the importance of placing QR codes on the cultural heritage. Also, this project has international importance for Serbia. The plan for the future period is that students of the Faculty of Philology translate 60 articles about cultural heritage, in 30 languages​​.

One employee and the Board were included in the implementation of the project.

Activities conducted.
  • GLAM

Within the GLAM project, activities were based on institution representatives exploring the possibilities of cooperation. This entailed a number of meetings to talk about the licenses, the content which institutions can give under the free license, about editing Wikipedia and conducting editing workshops for employees. One of these was the meeting with the custodian of the Homeland Museum of Knjaževac, Milena Milošević Micić, where she was acquainted with the concept of GLAM project and sent links to where she could see all the necessary information. Mrs. Milena forwarded this information to the representatives of the museum. Such meetings were also held by Đorđe Stakić at the University Library "Svetozar Marković", where he introduced the employees to this project and helped them prepare the project for 2015. We concluded that the representatives of the institutions sometimes are not clear with what is expected of them, or if they understand the concept, they want to release the content under quite restrictive conditions. For these reasons, we believe that it is best to talk directly to them and conduct meetings and presentations whenever necessary to make them as clear as possible about the whole project and to understand the importance of it.

  • Digital Begrade

Digital Belgrade is a project which we are proud of, mostly developed by volunteers, and our activities are performed through helping the volunteers when editing articles and adding content. The articles have been translated into other languages​​​​. A meeting was held at which we talked about the opening of the project and worked on a plan for media activities. One idea was that the students of Faculty of Organizational Sciences do a marketing campaign to make the project more visible, and therefore increase the visibility of Wikimedia Serbia.

What worked and what did not?

Representatives of the institutions with whom we spoke were mostly interested in the implementation of activities related to the GLAM project, but for the summer period it is characteristic that most of them were not in Belgrade and Serbia and the concrete results are expected by the end of the year.

Any additional details:


What are the objectives of this program? Please include metrics.

This is a continuation of the project of developing Wikipedia’s sister projects. Work on the project 1001 Arabic Words, that was started in 2013, includes writing Arabic-Serbian dictionary, articles about Arabic language and grammar, holding workshops and promoting the project. Our plan is to start some more similar projects related to Wiktionary, beside the one in Arabic, in partnership with the Faculty of Philology, University of Belgrade. Seeing as the volunteers who have participated in the 1001 Arabic Words project in 2013 expressed interest in actively taking part in other projects and activities of Wikimedia Serbia beside the Wiktionary project, we expect that other similar groups will show certain interest in internal going-ons in Wikimedia Serbia and its other projects. We expect to start new Wiktionary projects in at least two new languages, so the project should be considered successful if 1000 new words are completed for the Serbian Wiktionary. In total, we will hold at least 80 workshops/meetups in WMRS office as parts of this project.

Progress against these objectives (include metrics and # of volunteers/staff involved)?

During the months of July, August and September there were no direct work on the dictionaries, but our main focus in this period was contacting lecturers from the Faculty of Philology who have already heard about this project and showed initiative to implement it. Some of them attended promotion of project 1001 Arabic words, where we also had the opportunity to talk and mention the idea of ​​launching several dictionaries. We have contacted assistants from the departments for the following languages​​: Swedish, Norwegian, Chinese, Slovak and Ukrainian. A meeting was held with them and was also attended by volunteers from the 1001 Arabic words who have spoken about their project and how it went from the idea to the realization. As far as 1001 Arabic words concerns, the project continues. The team will consist of volunteers who have already worked on the dictionary and new students for whom there will be an open call for volunteering. In this way, experienced team members will have the opportunity to train newcomers and introduce them to the way of functioning and editing dictionaries.

Activities conducted.

As already mentioned, there were no major activities in this period apart from planning of new dictionaries and agreement about the start of implementation. Contacting assistants from the Faculty of Philology and agreement on the establishing cooperation were our main focus. Regarding this, a meeting was held with assistants from the departments for the following languages​​: Swedish, Norwegian, Chinese, Slovak, Ukrainian. At the meeting, we presented the project Wiktionary and within it 1001 Arabic word as a successful story. Volunteers who have worked on developing the dictionary talked about the idea and main objectives. Assistants have shown great interest even to make this project a part of the program for specific courses. It was agreed to hold an introductory lecture to all interested students, mostly third and fourth year. Following that, we talked about anticipated workshops which will be held in the office of Wikimedia Serbia, as well as in the premises of the Faculty of Philology. The goal is that by the end of the year each dictionary contains at least 100 words.

What worked and what did not?

Everything went according to plan. The increase of activities in this period due to the summer and a small number of students in colleges were not anticipated.

Any additional details:

Supporting Regional Cooperation

Supporting Regional Cooperation
What are the objectives of this program? Please include metrics.

As one of the oldest chapters in the region, Wikimedia Serbia has started many initiatives for regional cooperation. We have previously organized several very successful regional conferences — the most recent was the CEE (Central and Eastern European) conference in 2012 — which resulted in the formation of communities and chapters in the region. By continuing with the regional cooperation, we hope to support development, strengthening and connectivity of communities in our region. Our goal is to participate and enable participation of representatives of the broader community in events, to help in organizing events either by giving advice or by active participation in the organizational process. We expect the CEE conference to be successfully organized, having at least 30 participants from about 15 countries and to result in visible inter-chapter cooperation. From Wikicamps program: we expect at least one Wikicamp to take place, with a minimum of 20 participants and two topics during two days.

Progress against these objectives (include metrics and # of volunteers/staff involved)?
Participants of the Wiki Camp 2014
  • The first Wiki Camp was organized by Wikimedia Serbia and Wikimedia Hungary, which attracted 20 volunteers. The camp lasted for three days, next-to-last weekend in August at Palić and Szeged. It included two edit-a-thons, two photo tours, lectures from the representatives of the organizations as well as solving case study. During the two edit-a-thons, 32 articles were written and improved on Serbian Wikipedia, on two topics. On the first day topics were related to Serbia and on the following day we concentrated on the articles related to Hungary. The topics were diverse: history, culture, sport, etc.. There were two photo tours, around Palić and Szeged. For this purpose we made the ​​category on Wikimedia Commons where participants were able to upload their photos. Representatives of Wikimedia Serbia and Wikimedia Hungary presented two chapters and their projects. It was followed by workshop of solving case studies whose theme was the creation of a project with a goal od strengthing cooperation between the two chapters. It was also the end of the camp. After this camp, Wikimedia Serbia, got three members of the community. One of the participants showed the initiative to participate and contribute our Education program. In the organization of this event participated Project Manager and Community Support.
  • Supporting volunteers from the Republic of Srpska (part of Bosnia and Herzegovina) and planning workshops in Višegrad and Belgrade - In this quarter, staff of Wikimedia Serbia along with three volunteers from the Republic of Srpska, wrote an application for a grant from Wikimedia Foundation and they helped volunteers in answering questions on disscusion page. Several online meetings were held with volunteers. Although this project was temporarily withdrawn due to the lack of the volunteers’ experience in working on Wikipedia and Wikimedia Commons, we decided, in consultation with representatives of the Wikimedia Foundation, to invest funds in the training of these volunteers. The plan is to hold workshops in Višegrad whose concept would include workshops of editing Wikipedia, photo tours and uploading photos on Wikimedia Commons with training on proper categorization. Volunteers liked the idea and started with creating the plan of these workshops.

Activities conducted.
  • Wiki Camp Palic-Szeged (Вики Камп Палић-Сегедин) was held for the first time ever this summer. It was organized by Wikimedia Serbia and Wikimedia Hungary in order to promote networking and develop stronger relationships among the chapters. On the next-to-last weekend of August, 17 volunteers from Serbia and 3 volunteers from Hungary gathered at Palic and Szeged. Three days, two cities, and 20 highly motivated participants resulted in a large number of photographs and 32 articles on the Serbian language Wikipedia about topics related to Serbia and Hungary. All articles and attendees are listed here (in English and in Serbian). Photos are available on Commons. Among the participants of Wiki Camp, there were those who had not previously worked on Wikipedia or weren’t familiar with the projects of the organization, which is an opportunity for training new people and potential Wikipedians and Wikimedians. At the first edit-a-thon there were 20 Wikipedians. Eight new articles were written and five were improved, all covering topics related to Serbia. Participants from Hungary joined us a little later. Apart from the workshop and edit-a-thon, we had two photo tours in Subotica and Palic, where we visited the Serbian Orthodox Church, the Synagogue of Subotica and the City House. After the second tour at Palic Lake, we successfully ended the first day of the camp with all participants full of positive impressions. The next day, we arrived in Szeged around 12pm. We first visited the city and its attractions, as well as the museum, where we took ​​a large number of photos. After lunch, we went back to the accommodation where we held a workshop about editing Wikipedia. Once again we were surprised by the motivation of the attendees – some of them stayed to edit until 11pm. 16 new articles were created and three were improved. This time, the topics were related to Hungary. The conference part of the camp was planned for the third day. Filip Maljkovic, the president of Wikimedia Serbia, presented the chapter and its projects, and Andrea Toth, Wikimedia Hungary Office Manager, talked briefly about Wikimedia Hungary. We then divided the participants into groups and gave them short case studies to consider, which involved improving cooperation between WMRS and WMHU. Representatives of the groups presented their creative solutions and then we officially finished the first Wikicamp 2014. We presented certificates to participants, and three of them joined Wikimedia Serbia. Maljkovic, Toth, and Ivana Madžarević, Project and Community Manager, each gave statements to reporter Milenko Radić, a Serbian journalist from a Hungarian radio station. Ivana Madžarević mada a draft for Wikimedia Foundation blog in Serbian and English version. A video was made and uploaded on Commons.
  • In this quarter, an application for the grant of the Wikimedia Foundation is filled, which is located here. The application was written by volunteers from the Republic of Srpska and representatives of Wikimedia Serbia. After submitting, we had the opportunity on Wikimania 2014 to talk more about this project with the representatives of the Wikimedia Foundation and introduce them with planned activities. Together, we realized that although there is a great interest and desire of the volunteers from the Republic of Srpska, we still need to wait with this project, mostly because of unexperience volunteers. Regarding this, we came up to the new idea for this year. We will organize a couple of workshops in Višegrad or Belgrade and educate interested participants about editing Wikipedia and work on Wikimedia Commons. Within these workshops, photo tours will be held. These workshops will be a comprehensive training that will show how many of them are really interested for realization of the above mentioned project in 2015. Volunteers will reapply with this project in the next year. For now, arrangements for the holding workshop has started. It is possible that within this workshop in Visegrad, there will be one FemWiki workshop.

What worked and what did not?

At times, the communication was difficult due to the distance and lack of volunteers’ time to participate in online meetings. We also expected a larger number of volunteers from Wikimedia Hungary.

Any additional details:

Community Support

Community Support
What are the objectives of this program? Please include metrics.

The goals of this project are enabling communication across narrower and broader community of Wikipedia, other Wikimedia projects, as well as broader Wikimedia movement. Another goal is to inform the public about happenings in Wikimedia movement by writing and localizing blog posts and participating on social networks. Also, one of the goals is maintaining contact with the broader community in Serbia by visiting and enabling community members to participate in Wikimedia projects (e.g. participation in local and international conferences and meetings). We will get at least 50 blog post and several dozens of new articles on Wikimedia Serbia websites and a minimum of 100 posts on social networks. We will grant at least one scholarship for participation on Wikimania and one scholarship for participation in one topical conference. We will organize/take part in at least two meetups outside Belgrade.

Progress against these objectives (include metrics and # of volunteers/staff involved)?

During this period, we wanted to achieve bigger transparency with the community, so it can be better informed about the projects and to encourage more interest for them. Despite the reduced human capacity at the office these three months, we were able to provide members of the community even better access to information through our website, where we published 11 press releases, through our blog, on which we published 10 posts and other communication channels, mailing lists and meetings in person. The website will be regularly updated in the next period in the section Projects.

  • Writing blog posts (10 posts, 1 employee and 2 volunteers)
  • Maintaining profiles and pages on social networks (1 employee)
  • Web sites and mailing lists (3 volunteers and 1 employee)
  • Regular meetings with volunteers

This program was attended by five volunteers and one employee

Activities conducted.
  • Social Networks:
    • Facebook:
      • Serbian Wikipedia (the number of followers increased by 64, 82 posts)
      • Wikimedia Serbia (the number of followers increased by 66, 54 posts and 3 events)
      • On the website “Wiki Loves Earth” and “Wiki Loves Monuments” news were regularly shared related to publishing winners and exhibition opening
      • One new page - FemWiki with 185 followers
    • Twitter Profile: automatically publishes statuses posted on our Facebook profile
    • Website and mailing lists: Announcements on mailing lists were continuously sent regarding events, edit-a-thons, workshops at the WMRS office and outside of it. Community members were notified about all the activities on projects on blog, mailing lists, Wikipedia Village Pump, WMRS web site. The section Events on our website has been updated on regular basis.

The office was opened all of the time for volunteers who wanted to work on projects as well as those who wanted to know more about Wikimedia Serbia. The office was opened for workshops, edit-a-thons and meetings. On several occasions we have had meetings with people outside the community who have visited edit-a-thons or exhibitions, heard about us and visited us in order to join the community.

What worked and what did not?

Workshops were productive and all events were successfully implemented, leaving behind a large number of written articles as well as uploaded photos on Wikimedia Commons. The most important issue was the low response from community members on our mailing lists. Members rarely respond to new happenings and events of WMRS which is a great challenge of WMRS.

Any additional details:

Creative Commons

Creative Commons
What are the objectives of this program? Please include metrics.

Creative Commons: Public in Serbia is not well acquainted with concepts of copyright or free culture licences. In the past, we had success in raising public awareness in that regard, which resulted in improvements in quality of Serbia-related multimedia content on Wikimedia projects. The goal of this project is to continue with popularization of free culture licenses in Serbia, by organizing lectures and promoting Creative Commons in Belgrade and Serbia. Wiki Loves Science is a continuation of the same project from 2012 and 2013, with the goal of promoting Open Standards and Open Access through lectures by experts and public debates. We expect this project to result in at least ten blog posts on creativecommons.org.rs and at least five events related to Creative Commons and Wiki Loves Science.

Creative Commons standardization (promotion, developing, improving) – Serbian perspective

Primary metrics:

  • quality of legal, research, educational, info and promo content and activities about the CC standardization, international and national legal framework and initiatives
  • relevance
  • actuality
  • quality of the legal and IT infrastructure
  • reputation of collaborators (experts or institutions)
  • reputation of adopters
  • quality of the additional CC assistance

Secondary metrics:

  • number of collaborators, events, participants, adopters

Open science and open history of science in Serbia (promotion and improving) including the digital photo gallery WLS under the CC BY 3.0 Serbia License.


  • reputation of collaborators (experts and institutions)
  • authenticity of the project
  • exclusivity of media content
Progress against these objectives (include metrics and # of volunteers/staff involved)?
  • The CC Serbia infrastructure has been increased considering the relevant actual international and national activities, information and data. Also, collaborating with the prominent national experts and institutions has been raised as well as the project promotion by the number of presentations, promo content, events, participants and media promotion. The CC Serbia team includes two active members: Nevenka Antić (legal expert, CC Serbia Legal Project Lead) and Dragan Satarić (IT expert, CC Serbia IT infrastructure). Wikimedia Serbia is the CC Serbia Public Project Lead. Additional IT logistics regarding the tribunal program “Creative Commons – Creativity and Knowledge Society” has been provided by Filip Maljković (Wikimedia Serbia) relating to media categorization (Wikimedia Commons, photos by Media Center Belgrade, July 2014).
  • The digital photo gallery WLS has been increased by the number of prominent collaborators (two institutions: Institute of Archaeology Belgrade and Gallery of Science and Technology – Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts) and their exclusive sixteen photos (in collaboration with Nevenka Antić and Filip Maljković).

The WLS team includes four members: Nevenka Antić (legal expert, author), Filip Maljković (IT expert, author), Djordje Stakić (IT expert, author, consultant), Jelena Prodanović (IT expert, author).

In progress:

  • University of Belgrade, Faculty of Philology (Filip Maljković)
  • University of Belgrade, Faculty of Philosophy and Faculty of Mathematics (Djordje Stakić)
  • University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mining and Geology (Jelena Prodanović)
  • University of Arts in Belgrade (Nevenka Antić)

Activities conducted.
  • CC Serbia legal and IT infrastructure improving (Nevenka Antić, Dragan Satarić) (1)
  • tribunal programme “Creative Commons – Creativity and Knowledge Society, Serbia, 2013-2014” (Nevenka Antić, national institutions: Media Center Belgrade) (2)
  • “Creative Commons standardization in research, learning and teaching” lecture at the Conference Open Education and the Digital Competence of Teachers, University of Belgrade (Nevenka Antić) (3)
  • “Creative Commons and OER” workshop at the Conference Open Education and the Digital Competence of Teachers, University of Belgrade (lead by Nevenka Antić) (3)
  • CC additional support to adopters or potential adopters (Nevenka Antić)
  • interview about the CC Serbia Project, Where is Serbia into Knowledge Society and the Wiki Loves Science Project, Radio Belgrade 2, July 2014 (Nevenka Antić)

(1) creating, selecting and adapting content and updating the CC Serbia website: http://creativecommons.org.rs/ http://creativecommons.org.rs/?page_id=249 http://creativecommons.org.rs/?page_id=351

(2) a) preparation and organization of tribunal programme: http://www.mc.rs/tribina-za-novinare-novinarima-creative-commons-%E2%80%93-kreativnost-i-drustvo-znanja.3684.html (Media Center Belgrade, July 16, 2014, directed to professional media) photos: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Category:Creative_Commons_Creativity_and _ Knowledge_Society,_Media_Center_Belgrade_2014 (by Media Center Belgrade, CC BY 3.0 Serbia) b) creation of promo material – flyer (attach. 1) c) selection of national institutions/coorganizators of tribunes, programme and lecturers (dr S. Filipi Matutinović, N. Dakić, J. Andonovski, A. Popović, S. Antonić, D. Kavaja Stanišić – University Library “Svetozar Marković”, M. Ševkušić - Institute of Technical Sciences SASA, Library, N. Antić – Creative Commons Serbia) d) creation and distribution of invitation and flyers to collaborators and other participants in cooperation with coorganizators e) lecture about the CC standardization

(3) active participation in the Conference program organized by HERE team (Higher Education Reform Expert Team of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Serbia), Foundation Tempus and Erasmus + - Serbia office, July 17-18, 2014: http://here.ac.rs/konferencija-otvoreno-obrazovanje-digitalne-kompetencije-nastavnika-17-18-jul-2014-godine/

  • Wiki Loves Science
    • legal, administrative and IT infrastructure, coordination and logistics (Nevenka Antić, Filip Maljković) (1)
    • author contribution, technical realization (Nevenka Antić, Filip Maljković, Djordje Stakić, Jelena Prodanović, national institutions) (2)

(1) a) updating the WLS website http://rs.wikimedia.org/wiki/Viki_voli_nauku:




b) selection of collaborators and negotiations with partners

c) creation of legal documentation and distribution to partners

d) adequate cooperation with partners

e) assistance to the WLS team members

(2) a) creating, preparing, uploading and importing photos to photo gallery

b) editing descriptions (Serbian-English), authorship, CC license and other data

What worked and what did not?
  • Because of some obstacles, the tribunal programme has been continued in Belgrade.
  • Bureaucracy and usual academic issues make project progress more difficult than expected.

Any additional details: The budget cover operational costs (events/tribunes) only. All the activities have been undertaken without any financial support.

World War I: 100 Years Later

World War I: 100 Years Later
What are the objectives of this program? Please include metrics.

World War I: 100 Years Later is a project of commemorating the 100 year anniversary of the beginning of World War I. Its objective is to increase quantity and quality of content on Wikimedia projects related to World War I. The project will last through whole 2014. We expect to organize at least 3 edit-a-thons as parts of this project, with about 10 participants each, where at least 40 articles in total would be created or improved upon.

Progress against these objectives (include metrics and # of volunteers/staff involved)?

In this quarter, the activities in this project were reduced due to the priorities that we set as an organization. During lectures and workshops, while talking to the participants, we mentioned that such project exists. We promoted it and encouraged participants and visitors to edit articles on Serbian Wikipedia related to the World War I. There were no major collaboration with some of the institutions.

Activities conducted.

As we were contacting many institutions in the previous period, whose cooperation would have helped us with this project, we realized that all of them already have projects with the same goals (marking the centenary of the Great War) and the institutions that are relevant and which were supposed to donate the photos are not able to provide them to be used until their presentations are over. For these reasons, and the transition period in which Wikimedia Serbia is, we have decided to reduce the activities of this project and turn our attention to more important things we had to do at that given moment - such as the election of the Executive Director and the continuation of the office running smoothly.

What worked and what did not?

Participants of the workshop, as well as media representatives showed interest in this project, which is why we promoted it, wishing to increase the content on Wikipedia, regardless of whether we directly participate in the project or not. Unfortunately, at that time we had to focus on more important things due to lack of time and capacity.

Any additional details:


What are the objectives of this program? Please include metrics.

Some of the projects we wanted to realize in the next year weren't large or detailed enough, or depended on some third parties in a way which could not warrant a timeline for their realization. Also, sometimes after an interaction with new people/organizations, there is a small window of opportunity to do a project that is smaller in scale which would only suffer from a starting delay. The goal of this program is to have financial means at hand if and when such an opportunity arises. We expect to have at least 3 projects that would fit the description, one in the first half of the year and two in second half, with at least 5 volunteers participating in their realization.

Progress against these objectives (include metrics and # of volunteers/staff involved)?

The plan is for all projects to be realized by the end of October. All project leaders will submit a detailed report, so all the activities, as well as the report on the expenses of each individual project, will be introduced in Q4 report. A description with goals will be discussed further below. Seeing as some of the projects were overlapping with the existing ones, we have decided not to finance them from the Microgrants budget, but from another ones, within which they would be realized. That’s how the capacity increase of Wikimedia Serbia project in Kraljevo and the Edu project in Jagodina were financed from the Community Support budget and the Education program budget.

  • Traditional Crafts - This project is led by two volunteers with a goal to showcase the beauty of traditional crafts through photographs and exhibitions. The entire project encompasses a tour of 20 destinations - craft shops that nurture the traditional crafts (bookbinding shops, quilt shops, weavers shops, etc.), photographing, selection and choice of at least 500 photographs to be uploaded on Wikimedia Commons. Exhibitions in five Serbian cities would be organized within this project: Subotica, Belgrade, Zemun, Kruševac and Niš. During August, a majority of photographs have been collected, and the volunteers have begun planning the exhibitions in September.
  • Capacity increase of Wikimedia Serbia project in Kraljevo - This project is led by Bojana Minović, with a goal to promote Wikipedia and Wikimedia Serbia in Kraljevo, with a desired result to activate the Kraljevo community. Wikimedia Serbia would be introduced to young people through editing workshops, and the importance of openness and availability of knowledge on the internet would be discussed, as well as making them interested in contributing the increase of content themselves. Two workshops were held at the National museum in Kraljevo in September, and the Fenomena association. One of the workshops was thematic, the FemWiki workshop. Both workshops were attended by 16 participants.
  • Hawk Eye - Diagnostic Sports Center Šabac - Activities are directed at promotion and development of sports, physical education, and recreation. The development of the “Hawk Eye” system would be our focal point, because it could be used for sports results improvement, recovery of athletes, injury prevention, and learning the right movement techniques. The main goal of this project is collecting video material of sports movements and uploading them on Commons. Three volunteers participate in the project. The volunteers had been collecting the material during August and September, the uploading is expected to be in October, and will last until January or February 2015. At the time when this report was sent, our volunteers had already uploaded some material, so in order for the project to be better understood, we provide the link even though the material was uploaded in October. Asmir Kolasinac, Serbian best shot put thrower, kinogram, Rvanje, grcko-rimski stil, Keresh chipe.
  • Wiki Biodiversity - The main goal of the project is georeferenced flora and fauna photography of southeast and southwest Serbia (municipalities of Trgovište, Bujanovac, Bosilegrad, Surdulica, Tutin, and the city of Novi Pazar), with a special emphasis on mammals, water invertebrates, and plants, with an additional goal of taking photos of characteristic ecosystems, human settlements, geographical characteristics, and protected natural and cultural heritage. Two field works were planned, which would span over several days, and each of them is expected to bring us photographs of at least one mammal species, 5 photographs of invertebrate larvae, 20 photographs of plant species, one photograph of a specific ecosystem, 10 photographs of settlements and geographical characterictics, and 5 photographs of natural heritage.
  • Communication point - Primary goals of the project:
    • Collection of material on a minimum of 30 residential buildings in the territory of Belgrade (five centers) which belong to the period of modernism between the two world wars in Belgrade, and are not under the protection.
    • Creating and setting in a public space just as much info panels that will inform users about the history of the building, the architect, the period and the most important characteristics of the facility.
    • Education and informing residents and visitors of the buildings about the basic concepts of residential architecture in Belgrade. (Primary users of mapped building: around 500).
    • One of the goals of such project is to make the material of this kind available in digital format. The idea is to get these photos under free licence and upload them to Wikimedia Commons. We should get 10 photos per building. Logo of Wikimedia Serbia as well as QRpedia QR codes will bi on these info panels. Aside from photos and QR codes, it is our plan to create 60 articles on Serbian Wikipedia regarding architects and buildings.

Secondary goals:

    • Building a platform for launching similar initiatives in the region.
    • Inviting citizens to an active approach to the processes of preserving the urban identity of Belgrade and cultural heritage which that identity is a part of.
    • Pointing out to the responsible institutions the potential value and need for the preservation of these buildings.
    • Contribution to the creation of a more dynamic cultural and touristic offer of Belgrade.
  • Edu project in Jagodina - This project has a goal to promote digital competence of pupils of the “Joca Milosavljević” elementary school in Bagrdan, through the work of enrichment of the free knowledge base on the internet. Specific goals:
    • Affirmation of the cultural-historical heritage of Bagrdan and its environment through photography, description, and publishing on Wikimedia Commons
    • Education of a group of students of the “Joca Milosavljević” elementary school in Bagrdan in the field of digital literacy, through collecting knowledge and their publishing on Wikipedia and Wikimedia Commons.
    • The desired outcome: at least five monuments in Bagrdan and the surrounding area presented on Wikipedia, two teachers of the “Joca Milosavljević” elementary school in Bagrdan trained in working on Wikipedia, five pupils participated in the research work, photography, and work presentation on Wikipedia.

Three meetings have been held so far. An initial team which would lead the project has been formed, an action plan has been adopted, pupils who have been invited to join the project during September were suggested, and a list of monuments to be photographed has been made. More activities regarding taking photographs of monuments are expected in October.

  • Liquid Art - Drina Biodiversity - The idea of the project is to showcase to the viewer the nature surrounding the river Drina in the best way possible through a series of videos. Myriad of plant and animal species were planned to be covered through a source-to-mouth exploration of the Drina river, with the help from a team of experts from the Faculty of Sciences, with whom our volunteers already collaborate very well. Uploading of the material on the Commons is in progress, and some of it can be seen here.

Activities conducted.
  • Traditional crafts - During August all the destinations have been visited and all the material has been collected. We scheduled a meeting in October for when volunteer education in uploading the material and supervision of their work was planned. We also started planning the exibitions.
  • Capacity increase of Wikimedia Serbia project in Kraljevo - The activities of this project entailed organizing workshops, animating the participants, and Wikimedia Serbia promotion among them.

Recording sports movements - Diagnostic Sports Center Šabac - During August and September, the project leaders have been working on creating the material, which entailed the coordination of the athletes, in addition to recording.

  • Wiki Biodiversity - One field work was performed by the end of September (August 4-8, 2014) in the municipal of Tutin and the city of Novi Pazar. A total of 800 photographs were taken, among which a certain number is material of poor quality. By the end of September, 222 filtered, edited, and categorized photographs were uploaded on Commons. Among them are photographs of mammals, plant species, ecosystems, settlements, and natural heritage. The invertebrate larvae photographs are yet to be uploaded. Three people participated in the project.


    • A tour and photography of settlements in the municipal of Tutin and the city of Novi Pazar, and their geographical characteristics (caves, river gorges, the lake)
    • A selection of characteristic ecosystems and collection of photographs of flora and fauna
  • Communication point - An extensive photo and written documentary material has been collected from a large number of sources thus far, and at the moment it is being processed and adapted to the forms through which it will be represented. Furthermore, the project has gained support from all the municipalities (local communities) who themselves have joined when it comes to communication with the tenants. The reaction of the last users is very positive, and the achieved interaction on this plan contributes to the fact that the community becomes a source of information, and that that exchange enriches the quality of the project itself.
    • Activities that have been realized so far:
      • Phase 1
        • Initial Research - The result of this phase was establishing of a wider choice of buildings for further business through research of literature and other sources. Over 300 objects have been mapped out in five townships.
        • Field Research
  1. A tour of majority of the places from the previous list
  2. Contacting municipalities
  3. Contacting tenants assembly representatives
  4. Making a final list of facilities to have info panels
  5. Taking photographs of all the facilities / exterior
      • Phase 2
  1. Collecting material
  2. Contacting the Museum of Science and Technology and using the material within the Architects Legacy from the final list
  3. Contacting the Historical Archives of Belgrade (the original plans of facilities)
  4. Obtaining photo documentation
  5. Writing papers
  6. Taking photographs of all the facilities / interior from the final list
  7. Construction of the concept design of the panels, accompanying brochures, and internet presentations.
  • Edu project in Jagodina - Two meetings have been held so far. An initial team which would lead the project has been formed, an action plan has been adopted, pupils who have been invited to join the project during September were suggested, and a list of monuments to be photographed has been made.
  • Liquid Art - Drina Biodiversity - Activities entailed a field trip, recording and collecting material, editing and uploading it on Commons.
What worked and what did not?

Wiki Biodiversity - Unfortunately, the weather was very unfavorable for taking photos (apart from the first day of the tour, it was raining constantly). Liquid Art - Drina Biodiversity - Poor visibility in the midstream of the Drina river.

Any additional details: The great thing about this is that most of the volunteers who led the aforementioned projects have submitted another project for 2015. Leaders of the Edu project in Jagodina and the Drina Biodiversity have submitted projects Our School - Wiki School, and Thailand Under Water.

Lessons learned


Lessons from this quarter


A key objective of the funding is to enable the movement as a whole to understand how to achieve shared goals better and faster. An important way of doing this is to identify lessons learned from entities who receive funds, and to share these lessons across the movement. The purpose of this section is to elicit some of these insights, which will be shared throughout the movement. Please answer the following questions in 1–2 paragraphs each.

What were your major accomplishments in the past quarter, and how did you help to achieve movement goals?

  • Participation in the conference "Open education and digital competence of teachers" which resulted in creating contacts with teachers who were the main target group of the conference. This conference was very important given the fact that many teachers brought with them positive experience and desire to implement this type of education in their institution.
  • Wiki Camp was organized for the first time, which contributed to the development of cooperation between two chapters and increased content on Wikipedia and Wikimedia Commons
  • Successfully organized and completed competition Wiki Loves Monuments

What were your major setbacks in the past quarter (e.g., programs that were not successful)?

  • Lack of time and human resources have influenced the speed of activities on projects. Administrative tasks and office management required a lot of time and it was performed by only one employee. Despite the increased media coverage, we believe that each project is required even more promotion, which demands more involvement of volunteers.

What factors (organizational, environmental) enabled your success?

  • In this quarter, the projects that were implemented within the Microgrants were current, so we had to communicate with their leaders, made ​​numerous contacts which were very useful regarding media coverage as well as to build good relationships with various institutions. During the organization of the exhibits, many of the institutions were interested for further cooperation except providing space for our needs.

What unanticipated challenges did you encounter and how did this affect what you were able to accomplish?

  • This period has demanded enlarged involvement of the members of the Board and Project Manager and Community support, due to the change of the Executive Director. This involvement included work on projects and processes of recruitment and selection of the new employee. Although this required plenty of time and work, Wikimedia Serbia made ​​a plan which included prioritizing things and working on them. Because of this kind of organization, we were able to meet all the deadlines and to ensure the smooth implementation of projects and submission of annual plan for 2015.

What changes might you make in executing your initiatives into the next quarter?

  • In the future, we expect stabilization and commencement of work of the new Executive Director. So far significant changes were not planned regarding the plan and program of Wikimedia Serbia.

Additional information


Provide any other relevant information that may be helpful or relevant for the FDC (e.g., links to any media coverage, blog posts, more detailed reports, more detailed financial information).

Wikimania 2014


Representatives of Wikimedia Serbia, Filip Maljković, Sanja Pavlović, Miroslav Loci and Ivana Madžarević attended this year’s Wikimania 2014 in London. Wikimania has helped representatives of WMRS in the exchange of experiences with regard to various projects as well as ways of functioning in the transition period with which our chapter is facing. First of all, we had a chance to talk to the representatives of the Wikimedia Foundation on the state of Wikimedia Serbia and took into account multiple pieces of constructive advice. We also talked about the regional cooperation and project “Trace of a soul”, which is currently suspended for the next year, and the funds will be invested in the training of volunteers by the end of the year. We talked about the project “The Wiki Game” as well, which resulted in making a new project for 2015 called “Wiki adventure”. During Wikimania a possible cooperation was mentioned with representatives from Egypt, which would include translating articles in Serbian and Arabic, on issues related to Egypt and Serbia. As part of the Wikimania we recognized the numerous opportunities which Wikimedia Serbia can use in their educational projects, and in others as well.

Fashion edit-a-thon


This year, Wikimedia Serbia participated in the Fashion edit-a-thon in the Museum of Applied Arts in Belgrade. Namely, the Museum of Applied Arts implements the project together with Europeana Fashion, and they asked Wikimedia Serbia for a support. In the past, we worked on planning of this event which is scheduled for Saturday, October 18th. In the project there were three volunteers from Wikimedia Serbia, together with two employees at the museum. One meeting in person was held in the office of Wikimedia Serbia, and another was scheduled online, which will be attended by Dejan Sandić (Museum of Applied Arts), Ivana Madžarević (Wikimedia Serbia) and Erwin Verbruggen (Europeana fashion). We agreed upon the participants, announcements, certificates and promotion.



Board of Wikimedia Serbia was quite busy in this period, both live and on the list. There were 4 regular meetings. Board has worked on Q2 report and writing the FDC for the year 2015.

The Board has formed a three-member committee to select a new Executive Director, following amicable termination of the contract with the previous ED, Mile Kiš. In early August, a contest was opened and featured on several relevant employment websites. Throughout August, we received about 220 applications, and the commission has made an initial selection of about 30 candidates that were invited to the first round of interviews. After that, they made ​​a shortlist of six people who were invited to the second round of interviews, in which the commission was extended with certain members of the Board. In late September, the Board decided that the position of Executive Director should be filled by Ivan Nikčević.

Media activities

  • TV appearances:
    • Ivana Madžarević was a guest on "Good Morning Belgrade" on Studio B
    • Ivana Madžarević was a guest on “The Grand Magazine” on Pink
    • Ivana Madžarević was a guest on local television in Niš, Belle Amie
    • Miroslav Loci has appeared in “The morning program” on Studio B on the subject of the photo contest "Wiki loves Monuments"
    • Ivana Madžarević has appeared at Kraljevo TV station on the subject of the opening of the exhibition "Wiki loves Earth"
    • Sanja Pavlović and Bojana Minović were guests on the show “Lufting” on the occasion of FemWiki workshop in Kraljevo
  • Radio Hosting:
    • Nevenka Antić and Ivana Madžarević had a guest appearances on Radio Belgrade on Sava Ristović’s show. They dealt with free licenses and competition "Wiki loves Earth"
    • Ivana Madžarević gave a statement for the Naxi radio on the occasion of 250 000th article on the Serbian Wikipedia
    • Ivana Madžarević was a guest on the show “Undulation”, Radio Belgrade 1, where she talked about projects of Wikimedia Serbia, especially about the photo contest "Wiki loves Earth" and "Wiki loves Monuments"
    • Filip Maljković and Ivana Madžarević gave a statement for Milenko Radic’s show "Afternoon at two," occasion was “Wiki camp”
    • Ivana Madžarević was a guest on Tamara Vučenović’s "Digital icon" show, on Radio Belgrade 2
  • Interviews for newspapers:
    • Ivana Madžarević was interviewed by Mondo, on the topic of Wikipedia and Wikipedians
  • Blog:
    • Ten origional texts were written.
  • Social Networks:
    • Facebook:
      • Serbian Wikipedia (the number of followers increased by 64, 82 posts)
      • Wikimedia Serbia (the number of followers increased by 66, 54 posts and 3 events)
      • On the website “Wiki Loves Earth” and “Wiki Loves Monuments” news were regularly shared related to publishing winners and exhibition opening
      • One new page - FemWiki with 185 followers
    • Twitter Profile: automatically publishes statuses posted on the Facebook profile
    • Web site and mailing lists: Announcements on mailing lists were continuously sent regarding events, edit-a-thons, workshops at the WMRS office and outside of it. Community members were notified about all the activities on projects on the blog, mailing lists, Wikipedia Village Pump, WMRS web site. The section Events on our web site has been updated on a regular basis.
  • Media about our projects:



During July, August and September, the capacity of the office has been reduced, since only one employee was present and worked extensively on regular activities within projects and administrative duties.

Activities were carried out in the financial, bureaucratic, programming, media, organizational and logistical tasks. Also, we worked on keeping the office running and finding volunteers.

At the office, meetings were held with the candidates for the Executive Director during the first and second round.


What are the objectives of this program? Please include metrics.

FemWiki is a project created with two objectives: to improve the number of women who edit Wikipedia in the Serbian language, and to increase the quality and quantity of articles on Wikipedia when it comes to gender issues, feminist terminology and biographies of women. This year, the goal is to introduce as many activists from feminist organizations from Serbia with Wikimedia and Wikipedia editing. It is important that through FemWiki they become aware of another "front" in which they should fight for gender equality and to expand the issue in those circles. The idea is that in their eyes we become relevant partner when it comes to activism on gender gap in Serbia. That should motivate them to edit Wikipedia, but also to spread the word about this issue and eventually become our associates in the future.

Expected metrics by the end of the year: see table at the end of section

Progress against these objectives (include metrics and # of volunteers/staff involved)?
FemWiki workshop in Kraljevo

Three volunteers worked on this project (Sanja Pavlovic, Nikoleta Nedic and AnaMarija Nedic). They also have the logistic and financial support of Ivana Madžarević. During this period, we have had 5 FemWiki workshops and more than 15 new articles.

Activities conducted.

During this quarter, we have had 5 FemWiki workshops:

  1. 04.07: in Hacklab Belgrade with activists of the organization called the Margine Center (4 participant)
  2. 05.09: in Hacklab Belgrade with activists of the organization called Women from the Internet (13 participants)
  3. 12.09: in Hacklab Belgrade with activists from Hacklab Belgrade (3 participants)
  4. 13.09: in the Student Cultural Centre, Kragujevac (5 participants)
  5. 20.09: with activists from Fenomena, Kraljevo (7 participants)
  • we have also started preparations for the competition on Wikipedia on women’s topics
  • we have contacted the women organization from Kruševac, and made some basic preparations for the workshop which will be held there in the next quarter
  • we have contacted Greta Doci from Tirana, Albania, who is also involve in the women and Wikipedia topic in her country. We have made a general agreement for the Wiki Women Camp for the next year
  • we have contacted the authors of the Gender Equality Dictionary, Vesna Jarić, who unoficially gave the permission to put all the content from the Dictionary on Wikipedia. The negotiations are still not over by the time this quarter is finished.
What worked and what did not?

During this workshops, we made a lot of women familiar with the topics of Wikipedia and Wikimedia. All the organizations that were contacted were willing to participate in the workshops and to learn more about the subject. After just a few months, FemWiki is a project of which every activist on the feminist scene in Serbia have heard about. The bad sides of the story are the facts that women are still very unconfident when it comes to editing articles. During the workshops, they all showed interest to edit Wikipedia, but they were all in the mood of visiting libraries and doing some huge researches for any edit they make. In the next period, we will be working on raising the confident about editing.

Any additional details:

Number of organizations which we cooperate with about 10
Number of new articles about 50
Number of expanded articles about 20
Number of participants about 50
Number of participants who remain on Wikipedia about 10
Total number of held workshops between 15 and 20

Translated report

Report in Serbian languages

This report is also available in Serbian language on this link.



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  • Yes

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