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Grants:PEG/Just For The Record/Workshops 2016-2017/Report/Interim

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Interim report accepted
This interim report for a Project and Event Grant has been reviewed and accepted by the Wikimedia Foundation.

Project status

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Do you expect this project to be completed by the date specified in the approved grant submission?


Did you use any of the grant funds?


Activities and lessons learned




Website and Meetup page


Just For The Record’s workshop will focus on the production of more equal knowledge on Wikipedia – a platform to re-write history in a new and collaborative way. The collaborative writing of its contents produces a sort of patchwork of different voices, which represents a potential for diversity. In this digital fabric, how are our voices interweaved? How does this diversity of voices influence the network of subjects represented? Can it help to develop intersectional approaches and go beyond biases inherited from a long history of writing knowledge? The presence or absence of links between articles can help identify patterns of gender bias. As observed by a 2015 study, “women on Wikipedia tend to be more linked to men than vice versa”. Wikipedia pages are linked to other pages within the platform by different types of threads: blue for the links to existing pages, and red for the pages that have either been deleted or that are yet to be created. Red links are therefore making visible something that doesn’t exist on the encyclopedia, a hole in the fabric. They can also be taken as an invitation for other users to acknowledge that information is missing and to take action. Projects like Women in Red are using this feature to publish lists of women whose names are still in red, inviting us to activate them thus turning them blue. After the introductory presentations, we would like to invite the participants to discuss these issues and start editing Wikipedia, weaving different articles together to create unprecedented connections. This workshop is part of a program put together by Hana Miletic as part of her exhibition "Materials".

Pictures of the event
Red Links workshop
Workshop Red Links at the Beursschouwburg
Event details
  • Venue: Beursschouwburg, Rue A. Ortsstraat 20-28, 1000 Brussel
  • Date: Saturday October 22nd 2016
  • Time: 15:00 – 19:00
  • Language: Dutch, English, French
  • Cost: Free
  • Participants: Open to anyone interested in this experience: beginners welcome! débutant(e)s bienvenu(e)s! beginners welkom! Experienced Wikipedia editors will be present and will share their knowledge in editing Wikipedia.
  • What to Bring: Attendees can bring their own laptops and power cords.
  • A temporary library will be set up by the participants who are invited to bring their books and digital documents to share with the others!
Articles improved
  • Marie De Keyser, looking for more source + adding more links to link it to other page/artists. Also would like to question the fact that she's mentioned under her married name but all the reference catalogs mentioned her under and birth name. How can we change or deal with that ?
  • Rachida Lamrabet



On the occasion of the Pink Screens Festival, Just For The Record proposes a workshop in which the participants are invited to question gender and its representations both on and off the screen. Together with filmmaker Anne Smolar and members of the Pink Screens’ team, we will go back in the herstory of the festival and highlight lesbian and feminist filmmakers who were part of the festival’s program. We will look at how they are represented on Wikipedia, if they are, and how they are connected to each other. We will follow the thread developed during our last event in Hana Miletić’s exhibition at Beursschouwburg, on (red) links. The collaborative writing of its contents produces a sort of patchwork of different voices, which represents a potential for diversity. In this digital fabric, how are our voices interweaved? How does this diversity of voices influence the network of subjects represented? Can it help to develop intersectional approaches and go beyond biases inherited from a long history of writing knowledge?

Pictures of the event
Pink Screens JFTR workshop 01
Pink Screens JFTR workshop 01
Pink Screens JFTR workshop 01
Pink Screens JFTR workshop 01
Pink Screens JFTR workshop 01
Event details
  • Venue: Muntpunt, Place de la Monnaie 6, 1000 Bruxelles
  • Date: Saturday November 12th 2016
  • Time: 12:00 – 16:30
  • Language: Dutch, English, French
  • Cost: Free
  • Participants: Open to anyone interested in this experience: beginners welcome! débutant(e)s bienvenu(e)s! beginners welkom! Experienced Wikipedia editors will be present and will share their knowledge in editing Wikipedia.
  • What to Bring: Attendees can bring their own laptops and power cords.
  • A temporary library will be set up by the participants who are invited to bring their books and digital documents to share with the others!
Lesbian/queer/feminist/women filmmakers (initiated by Anne Smolar)

m:Wikipedia:Meetup/justfortherecord/Events/Pink-screens To be completed with more filmmakers, more diversity, etc!


grass roots, early cinema (silent movies), distributors, …

Articles improved
Articles created
Still in need of care!
  • Women's cinema: “Most of the distinguished female directors have avoided any association with cinema in the hesitation of marginalization and ideological controversy.” ?
  • Inés Suárez
  • https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Draft:Annik_Leroy needs improvement to be able to stay!! “This draft has been resubmitted and is currently awaiting re-review.”
  • create a new a category / message banner “filmmaker that need attention”



Just For The Record is very happy to be part of the program of DiVersions organised by Constant vzw: “DiVersions is inspired by the way versions are inscribed in daily software-practice, and explores how parallel to their conventional narrative of collaboration and consensus they can produce divergent histories through supporting difference.” http://constantvzw.org/site/Call-for-participants-DiVersions.html

Pictures of the event
Event details
  • Venue: Musée du Cinquantenaire, Brussels and WTC II, Brussels
  • Date: 4.12.2016 - 10.12.2016
  • Language: Dutch, English, French
  • Cost: Free
  • Participants: Open to anyone interested in this experience: beginners welcome! débutant(e)s bienvenu(e)s! beginners welkom! Experienced Wikipedia editors will be present and will share their knowledge in editing Wikipedia.
  • What to Bring: Attendees can bring their own laptops and power cords.
Work session on gender representations
Female figurines found in Mexico in Guanajuato, identified as pre-classic clay figures from the Chupicuaro culture, 400-100 BC, called “Pretty Ladies” by some archaelogists
Female figurines found in Mexico in Guanajuato, identified as pre-classic clay figures from the Chupicuaro culture, 400-100 BC, called “Pretty Ladies” by some archaelogists
Work session on template banners

Banner template adaptations:




On the occasion of the Elles Tournent / Dames Draaien Festival, Just For The Record proposes a workshop which invites you to question gender and its representations both on and off the screen. Our last event at the Pink Screens Festival with Anne Smolar was so nice (have a look at the documentation here) that we are happy to announce that we have planned another event with her, this time in the context of the Elles Tournent / Dames Draaien Festival. Together with Anne Smolar and co-founder of the festival Marie Vermeiren, we will go back in the herstory of the festival and highlight women and feminist filmmakers. We will look at how they are represented on Wikipedia, if they are, and how they are connected to each other. The topics we will be working on will follow the threads developed during our last events, at Hana Miletić’s exhibition at Beursschouwburg and at the Pink Screens Festival, on (red) links and networks.

Pictures of the event
Elles tournent JFTR workshop 01
Elles tournent JFTR workshop 02
Elles tournent JFTR workshop 03
Elles tournent JFTR workshop 04
Elles tournent JFTR workshop 05
Event details
  • Venue: Mundo-B, Edinburgh street 26, 1050 Brussels, Belgium
  • Date: Sunday, January 29th 2017
  • Time: 11:00 - 14:00
  • Language: Dutch, English, French
  • Cost: Free
  • Participants: Open to anyone interested in this experience: beginners welcome! débutant(e)s bienvenu(e)s! beginners welkom! Experienced Wikipedia editors will be present and will share their knowledge in editing Wikipedia.
  • What to Bring: Attendees can bring their own laptops and power cords.
  • A temporary library will be set up by the participants who are invited to bring their books and digital documents to share with the others!


Female Experimental Filmmakers:


Articles improved

Elles Tournent




Just For The Record is happy to announce a new Art+Feminism workshop on the International Women’s Day. Art+Feminism is an international campaign initiated in New York by several artists, raising awareness on the mis-representations in the body of knowledge available about feminism and the arts on Wikipedia. This workshop will introduce how to contribute and amend meaningful content to Wikipedia, with a feminist perspective, and a specific focus and selection of books and documents on women artists’ books and multiples. Bring your books, your laptop, and your good energy!

Flyer for the Brussels Art+feminism workshop 2017
Flyer for the Brussels Art+feminism workshop 2017
Pictures of the event
Art + Feminism JFTR workshop 01
Art + Feminism JFTR workshop 02
Art + Feminism JFTR workshop 03
Art + Feminism JFTR workshop 04
Art + Feminism JFTR workshop 06
Art + Feminism JFTR workshop 07
Art + Feminism JFTR workshop 09
Art + Feminism JFTR workshop 10
  • Venue: KBR, Mont des Arts, 1000 Bruxelles
  • Date: Mercredi 08.03.17
  • Time: 14:00-18:00
  • Language: Dutch, English, French
  • Cost: Free
  • Participants: Open to anyone interested in this experience: beginners welcome! débutant(e)s bienvenu(e)s! beginners welkom! Experienced Wikipedia editors will be present and will share their knowledge in editing Wikipedia.
  • What to Bring: Attendees can bring their own laptops and power cords.
  • A temporary library will be set up by the participants who are invited to bring their books and digital documents to share with the others!

Outreach Dashboard


Thank you for the event!



An event and workshop in collaboration with La Bellone, that offers a feminist perspective into the topic of collective memory, both in our everyday life and online. Who is remembered and what shapes our perception of society before and now? We will be examining the field of performing arts and its representatives for answers, trying to map out this field by inspecting both the hive-mind of the participants and the online platform of Wikipedia. Guest speaker Caroline Godart will present a reflection on the Internet, Western culture, and the forgetting of women. To travel further into the performing arts memory, we will for this event to dive into La Bellone's online documentation center and bring back memories to the Wikipedia's platform. Free event, open to all, with food and drinks provided! Send us an email at info[at]justfortherecord.space to book a place + get more info! Bring your laptop.

Pictures of the event
Just for the Record workshop Memory Factory during the series of event C'est aujourd'hui le 8 mars organized at the Bellone in Brussels.
Memory Factory JFTR workshop 02
Memory Factory JFTR workshop 03
Memory Factory JFTR workshop 04
Memory Factory JFTR workshop 05
Memory Factory JFTR workshop 06

Practical Information
  • Venue: La Bellone, 46 rue de Flandre, 1000 Brussels
  • Date: Wednesday 22.03.17
  • Time: 17:00-22:00
  • Language: Presentations in English and in French
  • Cost: Free
  • Participants: Open to anyone interested in this experience: beginners welcome! débutant(e)s bienvenu(e)s! beginners welkom! Experienced Wikipedia editors will be present and will share their knowledge in editing Wikipedia.
  • What to Bring: Attendees can bring their own laptops and power cords.
  • A temporary library will be set up by the participants who are invited to bring their books and digital documents to share with the others!
Articles improved
List of personalities from the performing arts scene in Belgium

This list to work during the event was made in collaboration with the documentation center of the Bellone. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Meetup/justfortherecord/Events/MemoryFactory




While Just for the Record questions and occupies digital collaborative knowledge platforms, it is easy to forget that online initiatives depend on the existing structures of archives, both grassroots and institutionalised. An organisation that has been an invaluable companion for our events is RoSa, a knowledge center for gender and feminism based in Brussels. It is in collaboration with them that we would like to invite you to a day of reflections and discussions on the possibilities and challenges of queer and feminist archives. As RoSa is facing an imminent double relocation — physical and digital —, the diverse problematics surrounding the development and the maintenance of a (queer/feminist) library and archive are being exacerbated. Concerns range from the categories used by search engines and online catalogues, to very practical ones like the need to carefully balance the weight of books for the floors not to collapse. Just as it happens on Wikipedia, the techniques and methods of archiving risk reflecting existing biases if we don't actively question them. How do we keep traces of the voices that are so often silenced because they don't fit within existing frameworks? How do we create new modes of recording those stories and rethink the traditional library/archive to accommodate those atypical documents? Along with presentations on the work that lies behind the RoSa library and archives, we have invited three guest speakers to broaden the topic of queer archives. Free event, open to all, with food and drinks provided! Send us an email at info[at]justfortherecord.space to book a place + get more info! Bring your laptop.

Pictures of the event
Queer and Feminist Archives JFTR presentation 01
Queer and Feminist Archives JFTR presentation 02
Queer and Feminist Archives JFTR presentation 03
Queer and Feminist Archives JFTR presentation 04
Queer and Feminist Archives JFTR presentation 06
Practical Information
  • Lieu: RoSa, Koningsstraat 136, 1000 Brussels
  • Date: Saturday 25.03.17
  • Horaire: 10:30-16:30
  • Language: Dutch, English, French
  • Cost: Free
  • Participants: Open to anyone interested in this experience: beginners welcome! débutant(e)s bienvenu(e)s! beginners welkom! Experienced Wikipedia editors will be present and will share their knowledge in editing Wikipedia.
  • What to Bring: Attendees can bring their own laptops and power cords.
  • A temporary library will be set up by the participants who are invited to bring their books and digital documents to share with the others!
Participants :

Lessons learned

What lessons were learned that may help others succeed in similar projects, or that may change the way you are doing this project?
What went well, or is going well?
  • Every event we do is built up around a specific topic that is developed in collaboration with one or more guest speakers and/or the venue in which the event takes place. To focus in on a subject helps the participants engage in the following discussion and edit-a-thon, as broader issues of different feminisms can become too vague of a platform to start any constructive discussion. We personally make sure to introduce and contextualise the guest speakers with shorter talks on how Wikipedia works and Just for the Record's background.
  • We are constantly trying to improve the layout of the rooms in which we host events, and find that the more we can break down hierarchical structures and gather both people and resources (for instance books and other printed material) on one table, the easier the conversation will flow.
  • As we also provide a lunch on our bigger events we find that doing a round of introductions before lunch make people talk more to each other, which again helps the workshop.
  • As our program is always nomadic, we often reach out to existing institutions in our city. This has been a positive experience that helps us tap into different crowds and networks, which in turn now leads to us receiving invitations from different corners of the city.
  • We always have a person (could be different ones during the day) who is responsible for keeping things on schedule. Running behind schedule is important, and we always want to respect the amount of time people "signed up for"
What did not go well, or is not going well?
  • It is important to put off time for letting people discuss. As we are organizing events that cross different social circles it is sometimes easy to underestimate how much people just want to get to know each other and share of their experience when they bond over an editing project.
  • We have learned to subscribe around 10 percent more participants than what we can host as there always are some last-minute cancellations.
From your answers above, do you plan to change anything you are doing as your project continues?
  • Every time we host an event there are small improvements that reflect lessons learned on our previous event, however we are not planning any radical changes. If you are planning to organize a similar event together with a group of people we will recommend to make sure to debrief with your whole team afterwards, and try to get feedback from your participants after your event.

Outcomes and impact





  • Bring together people around gender gap issues in the recording and writing of history.
  • Find creative and inclusive ways of dealing with these issues.
  • Encourage more diversity on Wikipedia by introducing and training collaborators (focusing on the presence of women).
  • Document this process and publish articles on Wikipedia.

Do you expect to reach your project's goal? Why or why not?

We are confident that we will reach our projects goals.

  • Bring together people around gender gap issues in the recording and writing of history:
    • As we have mentioned in the activities section, we have had 7 different events, each time bringing 15-35 participants to learn about gender bias issues and collaborate to make a change on Wikipedia.
    • We have secured dates for future for the next couple of months, in LadyFest Maastricht the 6th of May, and two workshops in Luca, shool of higher education, for the 11th of May in Brussels, and 17th of May in Gent.
    • We have already reached for a broader audience, mixing collaboration partners such as Elles Tournent a female film festival, La Bellone a venue for performance art and research, and RoSa a documentation center for gender and feminism.
  • Find creative and inclusive ways of dealing with these issues:
    • The events are always free, a vegetarian/vegan (which also makes sure it is kosher- and halal-friendly) lunch is provided.
    • We are always trying to expand our network and reach a different audience, this is why we are working with many different collaborators and spaces to host our events. We work to make encounters between different circles of interest to get to know each other by bringing the cultural/artistic sectors in political/associative venues and vice versa.
    • We want to understand more deeply how gender bias happens in society in general, to be able to understand better then how it manifest on wikipedia. To do so, we invite guest speakers to talk about their expertise, we are focusing on research-based or performing artists who bring a creative twist into their inquiry of gender studies.
  • Encourage more diversity on wikipedia by introducing and training collaborators (focusing on the presence of women):
    • The events are open to everyone. We strive to provide a friendly environment where everyone feels welcomed to participate to the discussions in an open way, with special care for women, but also people of all race, class or sexual orientation. We want more diversity on wikipedia.
    • We always have a discussion before, and also after with the participants. This way everyone can share about the contributions they have achieved to make on the platform, but also the technical or relational problems they have encountered on Wikipedia. We are sure that by doing this we can find collective solutions and make it less likely for people to leave the platform after a negative first experience.
    • By having relatively small groups, and events that last a whole day, we contribute to create a sense of community and trust between the participants.
  • Document this process and publish articles on wikipedia:
    • As we have mentioned previously, we keep track of the articles that have been edited each time and record the big lines of the discussions that happened during our events on our meetup page: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Meetup/justfortherecord . It has proven to be a great tool, for us to keep track and improve our activities and also for others who want to get a sense of what we are doing.

Progress towards targets and goals


In our progress towards our targets we find that our goals have deepened and given us new questions. Our organization has always been about quality over quantity edits, yet at the same time we are often coming back to the big picture of how the structure of the Wikipedia platform works.

Some of the specific questions that have become important during the process of meeting our goals and looking into these subjects are:

  • How to archive and record conflicts on Wikipedia?
  • How to develop language or structures that allow for more than one story line?
  • How to find ways to encourage participation from specific experts? (see our work on banners.)
  • How to use gender neutral language and terms that do not erase female history? (see our early work on Hero/Heroines)
  • How to sharpen and diversify Wikipedia's language around the concept of "Neutrality"?

These questions are a part of our sharpening focus and progress, and so will be integrated in our further process.

Measures of success


The link above gets updated regularly as we progress and is used as a mapping tool and a way for us to measure impact. That being said we also value critical discussions and connections/collaborations between people from different backgrounds. This means that some events become more editing focused and have strong metrics while other get their qualities at the discussion table. As we see this flexibility as an important and enriching quality to our program as a whole we rarely close down discussions (unless we run out of time) and mostly try to work as context-giving moderators and/or technical expertise.

Provide an overall assessment of how your project is going according to these measures.

At the moment of writing our past 7 events gives us:

  • 107 editors
  • 13 900 words added
  • 74 100 article views
  • 65 articles edited
  • 10 articles created

Other notes:

  • We have an attendance of between 10 and 40 participants who created accounts, and we had more people attending to the presentations. Around a third of the participants that edit stay active after the event, which seems to be a good ratio.
  • We can see that there are some returning editors, and quite a lot of new ones.
  • The fact that our events are topic-specific is providing a good base for discussion and lets us touch upon many different topics that together form an intersectional program and approach to the problems we uncover.
  • Overall we find that we are meeting our expectations.

While doing this project, have you decided to track any other measures of success not listed in your grant submission? If so, please list them here.
  • Returning participants.
  • Interviews about our project on radio, to newspapers and online blogs.
  • Noticing a change in the public knowledge about our project in the city of Brussels.

Remember that you will need to report on Global Metrics in your final report.



We have seen an increased interest in our work and in Wikipedia editing in our network. We base this not only on the measures listed above but also on the amount of invitations we are receiving from institutions, festivals, schools and organizations. Some of these are:

  • Luca school of art Brussels and Ghent
  • Munt Punt library
  • Elles Tournent female film festival
  • Public Domain Day Brussels
  • Beursschouwburg cultural center
  • La Bellone center for performance and research
  • RoSa knowledge center for feminism and gender

We find that our greatest impact is happening when we are able to raise awareness around how to edit on Wikipedia for a public that would normally not feel welcome or part of the Wikimedia movement. We also think the public we introduce to Wikipedia or to questions around the platform (as not all of our participants go on to editing but to discussions of topics) contribute to more diversity on Wikipedia.

Remember that you will need to report on your project's impact on WMF's mission and strategic goals in your final report.

Reporting and documentation of expenditures


This section describes the grant's use of funds



Remember that you will need to send receipts or documentation of all project expenses to WMF at the time your final report is submitted.


Please list all project expenses in a table here, with descriptions and dates. Review the instructions here here.
These expenses should be listed in the same format as the budget table in your approved submission so that anyone reading this report may be able to easily compare budgeted vs. actual expenses.
Note that variances in the project budget over 10% per expense category must be approved in advance by Project and Event Grants program staff. For all other variances, please provide an explanation in the table below.

SEE INSTRUCTIONS AT Grants:PEG/Create financial report.

Initial budget

Number Category Item description Unit Number of units Cost per unit Total cost Currency Notes
1 Documentation and technical material Reference materials that cannot be found in the partner libraries but needed for the edit-a-thons, beamer rental, sound equipment, etc. Per event 6 100 600 EUR Estimation of the needs, as it will also depend on what is available in different venues
2 Fee for the space Donation Per event 6 200 1200 EUR The events will be held in different places, often non-profit/very low budget organizations, but very important for such topics and Wikipedia-enthusiasts, so we think it is important to also show even a symbolic support for these places
3 Food and beverages Snacks for a day Per person 150 20 3000 EUR We would like to encourage bio,vegan, women/gender-linked cooking initiatives. We expect an average of 25 people per event for a total of 6 events.
4 Communication budget + Wikipedia-editing material (print) budget Print costs for Wikipedia material (cheat sheets and posters): photocopies and paper. Posters, flyers and eventual add in local magazine Per event 6 35 210 EUR Estimation of the printing and paper costs. We believe it is still important to have a visual/physical communication to touch a wider public and make publicity for our events in agendas distributed in cultural organizations throughout Belgium and shared beyond.
5 Travel expenses & accommodation Transport tickets & accommodation for the organization and meetings in Belgium and surrounding countries. per person 4 300 1200 EUR Public transport, train, bus, and accommodation expenses.
6 Project management time Compensation for management time Per half a day of work for one person 45 40 1800 EUR Partnership development, additional and further research based on what happened during into ideas hopefully leading tools to be used on the project/in Wikipedia…
7 Meetings’ budget Food and drinks for our weekly organization meetings Per meeting (once a week, 45 working weeks) 45 20 900 EUR We always encourage bio,vegan, women/gender-linked cooking initiatives in our expenses.

Expenses so far

Number Category Item description Unit Number of units Actual cost per unit Actual total Budgeted total Currency Notes
1.E7 Documentation, beamer rental, etc event 7 110.10 100 euros
1.1 Documentation, beamer rental, etc book – Médor 1 50.10 euros
1.2 Documentation, beamer rental, etc book – HYX 1 60 euros
TOTAL 1 Documentation, beamer rental, etc all events 110.10 600 euros
2.E5 Fee for the space event 5 690 1200 euros
2.1 Fee for the space KBR room for 60 persons 690 1200 euros
TOTAL 2 Fee for the space all events 690 1200 euros
3.E1 Food and beverages event 1 150 500 euros
3.1 Food and beverages Beursschouwburg catering 150 1 150 euros
3.E2 Food and beverages event 2 350 500 euros
3.2 Food and beverages Pink Screens catering 350 1 350 euros
3.E4 Food and beverages event 4 350 500 euros
3.3 Food and beverages Elles Tournent catering 350 1 350 euros
3.E6 Food and beverages event 6 500 500 euros
3.4 Food and beverages La Bellone catering 500 1 500 euros
3.E7 Food and beverages event 7 500 500 euros
3.5 Food and beverages RoSa catering 500 1 500 euros
TOTAL 3 Fee for food and beverages all events 1850 3000 euros
4.E7 Wikipedia-editing material (print) budget event 7 33.4 35 euros
4.1 Wikipedia-editing material (print) budget copies (cheatsheets, business cards, stickers) 33.4 1 35 euros
4.E7 Wikipedia-editing material (print) budget event 7 37.5 35 euros
4.2 Wikipedia-editing material (print) budget copies (cheatsheets, business cards, stickers) 37.5 1 37.5 euros
TOTAL 4 Wikipedia-editing material (print) budget all events 70.90 210 euros
5.E1 Travel Expenses 0 1200 euros
TOTAL 5 Travel expenses all events 0 1200 euros
6.E1 Project management time 0 1800 euros
TOTAL 6 Project management time all events 0 1800 euros
7.E1 Meetings food budget 149.82 900 euros
TOTAL 7 Meetings budget all events 149.82 900 euros
Total amount spent on this project so far (with currency)


Total amount of WMF grant funds spent on this project so far (with currency)


Based on your spending, will you need to request any changes to your budget? If you do, please see the guidelines for requesting changes to your budget.