Grants:Programs/Wikimedia Community Fund/Rapid Fund/Let’s Connect Peer Learning Program in Nigeria (ID: 21910621)
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Applicant Details
[edit]- Please provide your main Wikimedia Username.
- Please provide the Usernames of people related to this proposal.
Bukky658 Linason Blessing James Rhoda
- Organization
- Are you a member of any Wikimedia affiliate or group, including informal groups like Wiki Fan Clubs, emerging language communities, not recognized Wikimedia groups etc.? Please list them all.
Wikimedia User Group, Nigeria. Wikimedia Fan Club, Unilorin.
Grant Proposal
[edit]- M. Please state the title of your proposal. This will also be the Meta-Wiki page title.
Let’s Connect Peer Learning Program in Nigeria
- Q. Indicate if it is a local, international, or regional proposal and if it involves several countries? (optional)
- Q2. If you have answered regional or international, please write the country names and any other information that is useful for understanding your proposal.
- R. If you would like, please share any websites or social media accounts that your group or organization has.
- 1. What is the change that you are trying to bring about and why is this important.
The proposal seeks to provide financial and logistical support for 12 people that are active Wikimedians in Nigeria to learn and share skills through the Let’s Connect Peer Learning program. Let’s Connect is a peer learning program that creates an open and safe learning space for any wikimedian to share and/or learn different skills: Organisational issues and access to funds, Programme tactics, Interpersonal skills, Skills related to Wikimedia projects. Click here to see the full list of skills that are included in the Program. We hope that by participating in Let’s Connect, we will be contributing to Movement Strategy around sharing knowledge, building skills, people-centeredness and solidarity. We hope to promote a learning culture and environment that is adaptable to our context and regional dynamics and fits into our communities availability, workload, needs, and contextual diversity. By participating we also hope to make visible capacities in communities that are sometimes not visible. With this proposal we hope to support participants so that they can participate in Let’s Connect learning spaces, by covering some logistical costs to participate that may act as barriers. These include aspects such as connectivity, access to computers or phones, and the time to dedicate to this. Beyond this, it also seeks to provide peer support so that participants feel confidence and safety to learn and share in diverse spaces. The people that will be benefiting from this proposal are largely associated with the WIKIMEDIA NIGERIAN COMMUNITY The way in which we hope to provide this support is by giving out 30 dollars to each of the participant for each learning clinic they attend during the period of the grant.
- 2. Describe your main approaches or strategies to achieve these changes and why you think they will be effective.
1. Participation in Learning Clinics: these Learning clinics are 2h live workshop-like sessions to learn, share and practice skills. It is often required that participants take some time to review material beforehand which takes approximately 1 hour of their time and also to engage with learning material after the session which may take a minimum of 3 hours of their time. With this proposal we hope that each participant will be part of 6 learning clinics organised within Let’s Connect, either directly by the working group or other community members that are part of the program.
- 2. Organizing Learning Clinics: We hope to organise two learning clinics opened to participants in Nigeria. These learning clinics will be organised according to the skills that participants want to develop and where we feel able to share our experiences and skills as a group of individuals or user groups. We will take some time to determine the specific topic of these clinics, collaborating with the Let’s Connect Working group to support us in defining the topic, the clinic structure and learning dynamics and evaluation tools.
We will be organizing one Learning Clinic in first month of the grant period (September, 2022) and one in the third month of the grant period (November, 2022).
- 3. What are the activities you will be developing and delivering as part of these approaches or strategies?
Here is a summary of the details of activities for each strategy: Strategy 1: Learning Clinics Target participants: 12 Activities: Organise logistical support so that participants can actively be part of Learning Clinics orgniased by the Let’s Connect workgroup or directly by other community members. Time dedication: approximately 6 hours per learning clinic per participant. Number of sessions: each participant should participate in six learning clinics during the period of this grant. Investments: Logistical support and time dedication to participate. Strategy 2: Learning Clinics Target participants: 20 Activities: Organise the Learning Clinic. This involves activities such as: Preparation:
- Determining the topic/skill to share
- Defining Let’s Connect participants to invite and organising the registration form
- Designing the Learning Clinic session structure and learning outcomes
- Organising the invites.
- Organising any pre-session material to review and sending them to registered participants.
- Communicating the Learning Clinic
- Inviting any interesting experiences (case studies) within Wikimedian communities or outside organisations, to share during the session as part of the learning dynamic.
During the session:
- Facilitating the session
After the session:
- Preparing and sending learning material to participants
- Organising material on the future Let’s Connect meta resource page for public use (under construction)
- Send a follow-up evaluation survey to participants
- Analyse the feedback and include the results and learning in grant report.
All of these activities will be done in coordination with the Let’s Connect working group. Time dedication: approximately 12 hours to organise the Learning Clinic. Number of sessions: the team will organize two learning clinics during the grant period. Investments: To cover any logistical needs and time dedication to organise the learning clinic.
- 4. Are your activities part of a Wikimedia movement campaign or event? If so, please select the relevant campaign below. If so, please select all the relevant campaigns from the list below. If "other", please state which.
Not applicable
- 5. Do you have the team that is needed to implement this proposal?
Yes, I have a team of four active Wikimedians (including myself), that will ensure the diligent implementation of this program. Their usernames are below: Bukky658 Linason Blessing James Rhoda We will also be supported by other active wikimedians who are also registered with Let's connect and will be the other members of the group. Their usernames are below: RukayatAjeigbe Odomero2711 Ramatu Abdulrasheed Haliru Semmy1960 Mgr MOOBBY! Vicfree Aliyu shaba Godstime Elijah
They are all members of the Wikimedia User Group, Nigeria.
- 6. Please state if your proposal aims to work to bridge any of the identified CONTENT knowledge gaps (Knowledge Inequity)? Select up to THREE that most apply to your work.
Not applicable
- 6.1 In a few sentences, explain how your work is specifically addressing this content gap (or Knowledge inequity) to ensure a greater representation of knowledge.
- 7. Please state if your proposal includes any of these areas or THEMATIC focus. Select up to THREE that most apply to your work and explain the rationale for identifying these themes.
Not applicable
- 8. Will your work focus on involving participants from any underrepresented communities?
Not applicable
- 9. Who are the target participants and from which community? How will you engage participants before and during the activities? How will you follow up with participants after the activities?
For strategies 1, this fund will be supporting participants who are Wikimedians that are currently registered with Let’s Connect. The participants currently registered are:
- 1.
- 2.
- 3.
- 4.
- 5.
- 6.
- 7.
- 8.
- 9.
10. 11. 12.
For strategy 2, we will be working with the Let’s Connect working group to define other Let’s Connect participants within our region or globally, that may be interested in the skills/topics that the Learning Clinics we will develop so that we can invite them to register for the Clinic and participate.
- 10. In what ways are you actively seeking to contribute towards creating a safer, supportive, more equitable environment for participants?
We are going to promote the Let’s Connect learning culture in all the spaces participants benefited from this proposal participate in and also develop a friendly space policy for the Learning clinics we organize.'s_Connect%E2%80%9D_environment_and_culture
- 11. Please tell us about how you have let your Wikimedia communities know about the planned activities and this proposal. Use this space to describe the processes you carried out to make the community more involved in planning this proposal. Please link the on-wiki community discussion(s) around the proposals.
- 12. Are you aware of other Rapid Fund proposals in your local group, community, or region that are being submitted and that align with your proposed project?
If yes:
- 12.1 Did you explore the possibility of doing a joint proposal with other leaders in your group?
- N/A
- 12.2 How will this joint proposal allow you to have better results?
- N/A
If no:
- 12.1 What was the reason for you deciding NOT to develop a joint proposal? How will you guarantee coordination efforts to make sure that you are not duplicating efforts and that you can maximise your work and joint impact.
- 13. Will you be working with other external, non-Wikimedia partners to implement this proposal? Required.
- 13.1 Please describe these partnerships and what motivates the potential partner to be part of the proposal and how they add value to your work.
We will be working with some members of Galleries, Libraries, Archives and Museums (GLAM) as case studies in the implementation of the strategy 2. We will invite them as communicators who will share their knowledge with us in regards to the topics of the learning clinics.
- 14. In what ways do you think your proposal most contributes to the Movement Strategy 2030 recommendations. Select a maximum of THREE options that most apply.
Invest in Skills and Leadership Development, Manage Internal Knowledge, Evaluate, Iterate, and Adapt
Learning, Sharing, and Evaluation
[edit]- 15. What do you hope to learn from your work in this fund proposal?
We would like to gather data to help us answer some of these key questions that are related to the desired outcomes of this proposal: ● Are participants engaged with Let’s Connect and interested in continuing to participate?
○ Do they feel that it is a safe and inclusive learning environment? ○ Are the opportunities the program offers and the processes clear for participants?
● Are participants learning and sharing skills that can be applied to their Wikimedian activities? ● Are we building collective capacities that can further support Wikimedian communities in our context? ● Is the support offered through this funding helping to reduce barriers to participate in language spaces? Are there any existing barriers? ● Are the learning methods adequate for participants' needs and interests?
- 16. Based on these learning questions, what is the information or data you need to collect to answer these questions? Please register this information (as metric description) in the following spaces provided.
Main Open Metrics | Description | Target |
Participating in Learning Clinics | This will be analysed through a survey and semi-structured interview with participants to measure a number of factors, such as engagement, feeling of safety and inclusion, clarity about the process, amongst other factors. This will include any other learning from what processes can be improved to further support engagement and continued participation. This will be shown in a report that captures this qualitative data. | 6 |
Organizing Learning Clinics | This will be analysed through the same survey and semi-structured interview with participants to measure some of the learning outcomes and how they are applying this in practice. | 2 |
N/A | N/A | N/A |
N/A | N/A | N/A |
N/A | N/A | N/A |
- 17. Core quantitative metrics.
Core metrics | Description | Target |
Number of participants | For strategy 1, 12 participants will be benefitting directly from the funding of this proposal. For strategy 2, 20 participants will be benefitting directly from the funding of this proposal. | 20 |
Number of editors | 12 participants are already Wikimedia editors and and registered Let's connect participants and their usernames are already attached to this proposal.
We hope to work with the Let's connect workgroup in other to get 8 more participants that are also active Wikimedians registered with Let's connect that will be interested in the skills we will share in the learning clinics we will organize. |
20 |
Number of organizers | Ridzaina - Project lead
Bukky658 - Co-organizer James Rhoda - Communication expert Linason Blessing - Disbursement of funds |
4 |
Wikimedia Project | Description | Target |
N/A | N/A | N/A |
N/A | N/A | N/A |
N/A | N/A | N/A |
N/A | N/A | N/A |
N/A | N/A | N/A |
- 17.1 If for some reason your proposal will not measure these core metrics please provide an explanation.
- 18. What tools would you use to measure each metric selected? Please refer to the guide for a list of tools. You can also write that you are not sure and need support.
The tools that will be used will be: ● Let’s Connect general participants’ evaluation survey ● Let’s Connect semi-structured interview for participants ● Let’s Connect Learning Clinic evaluation survey ● Registration of participants in Learning Clinics.This registration will be monitored by the team responsible for this project with the support of the Let’s Connect Working group.
Financial Proposal
[edit]- 19. & 19.1 What is the amount you are requesting from Wikimedia Foundation? Please provide this amount in your local currency.
1518106 NGN
- 19.2 What is this amount in US Currency (to the best of your knowledge)?
3660 USD
- 20. Please upload your budget for this proposal or indicate the link to it.
- We/I have read the Application Privacy Statement, WMF Friendly Space Policy and Universal Code of Conduct.
Endorsements and Feedback
[edit]Please add endorsements and feedback to the grant discussion page only. Endorsements added here will be removed automatically.
Community members are invited to share meaningful feedback on the proposal and include reasons why they endorse the proposal. Consider the following:
- Stating why the proposal is important for the communities involved and why they think the strategies chosen will achieve the results that are expected.
- Highlighting any aspects they think are particularly well developed: for instance, the strategies and activities proposed, the levels of community engagement, outreach to underrepresented groups, addressing knowledge gaps, partnerships, the overall budget and learning and evaluation section of the proposal, etc.
- Highlighting if the proposal focuses on any interesting research, learning or innovation, etc. Also if it builds on learning from past proposals developed by the individual or organization, or other Wikimedia communities.
- Analyzing if the proposal is going to contribute in any way to important developments around specific Wikimedia projects or Movement Strategy.
- Analysing if the proposal is coherent in terms of the objectives, strategies, budget, and expected results (metrics).
- Rapid/Proposals
- Rapid/Proposals/Draft
- Draft Rapid Funds (Wikimedia Community Fund) for unknown region in FY 2024-25
- Draft Rapid Funds for unknown region in FY 2024-25
- Rapid Fund (Wikimedia Community Fund) proposals in FY 2024-25
- Draft Rapid Funds in FY 2024-25
- Draft Rapid Funds (Wikimedia Community Fund) in FY 2024-25