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This is a list of researchers interested in wikis and Wikimedia projects in particular -- feel free to add yourself. For research on wikis in general (not limited to Wikimedia), WikiSym provides an important annual forum.

  • Johanna Niesyto, user:jojoon is PhD candidate in Political Science at the Universiy of Siegen, Germany supervised by Prof. Dr. Sigrid Baringhorst; Research about Wikipedia as a transnational, political space
  • John Qi Dong is PhD student in Information Systems at Hong Kong University of Science & Technology, Hong Kong and doing a research on Wikipedia feedback systems.
  • Mayo Fuster Morell (User:Lilaroja) is a Phd in Social and Political Science at European University Institute (Florence, Italy) on the Governance of digital commons with Wikipedia as a case study. Her research was supervised by Donatella della Porta, Bruce Bimber and sponsored by Howard Rheingold. She is postdoctoral reserach at the Institute of Govern and Public Policies - Autonomous University of Barcelona and postdoctoral visiting scholar at the Internet Interdisciplinary Institute - Open University of Catalonia. She is collaborating on a research project with the Berkman center and Science Po on the Dynamics of Online Interactions and Behavior. Wikipedians are one of the target of online users (but not the only one) of the project. She is an occasional wikipedian and wikimedian (IT and CAT).
  • Gilad Ravid Lecturer in Industrial Engineering and Management department, Ben Gurion University of the Negev, Israel - studying conversations dominance, wikibooks for higher education and Information multiplicity between television and wikipedia
  • Rebecca Mancy from the University of Glasgow (Scotland) and Manu Kapur from the National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technical University (Singapore) are investigating pedagogical aspects of Wikipedia from an evolutionary, complexity science perspective. For example, one of their research questions relates to whether the Wikipedia model leads to pedagogically strong content. They are currently writing a review article of current research surrounding these issues.
  • Norhisham Mohamad Nordin (Norhisham) - Ph.D. student at University of Western Australia(UWA) in Perth. Under the supervision of Jane Klobas, who wrote a book on wiki, entitled "Wikis: Tools for Information Work and Collaboration[1]". Research topic on Wiki as a collaborative tools in school. Previous research on CSCL known as CCEL(Computer-based Collaborative and Exploratory Learning) won a medal in Geneva Innovation Expo 2006.'Wikilaborate' and share ideas at researcher's site.
  • Oded Nov Assistant Professor at the Polytechnic Institute of New York University - motivational and structural drivers of contribution to online information repositories. A study on the motivations of Wikipedia contributors: [2] and a comparison of Wikipedians and open source software contributors [3]
  • Said Kassem Hamideh (Gretzinger) is examining antagonistic knowledge production of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict in Wikipedia. This is for an MA Thesis in the department of Journalism and Mass Communication at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee.
  • Jochen Leidner is carrying out research on Wikipedia mining for automatic Natural Language Processing (NLP), Information Extraction (IE) and Question Answering (QA).
  • Ingo Frost, wrote a Diploma-theses in systems-science[4] at the university of osnabrueck, Germany[5]: Civil particitpation in virtual communities? A systematic analysis of the German Wikipedia-project. His work - in German language - was publishd at the beginning of 2006 as first scientific monography about wikipedia (ISBN 978-3-8316-0609-2).
  • Jakob Voss (studying computer science and library science in Berlin, Germany) - writing masters thesis on Wikimetrics - see his Research Blog
  • Julien Levrel aka Jmskobalt (studying sociology in France) - started a PhD on cooperation and collaboration using wiki.
  • Nikolaos S. Karastathis (studying Computer Science) - doing university dissertation research on wikis and content management systems. Mainly on the software and theoretical aspects of it, but also pays some attention to sociological implications.
  • Chitu Okoli, Assistant Professor in Management Information Systems, Concordia University, Montréal, Canada (see July 2004 and March 2005 "is analyzing the featured article nomination process for a research project"
  • Cormac Lawler (Cormaggio), wrote MEd dissertation on Wikipedia as a learning community (also Wikimania paper), currently working on PhD proposal based on Wikiversity, but also interested in Wikimedia_UK.
  • Martin Erpicum (Sociologist) - I wrote a Master Thesis in Sociology of fr.wikipedia.org.
  • Andrea Forte (Andicat) - Currently: Assistant Professor at Drexel University (Philadelphia, PA, USA), studying participatory media and knowledge production. Formerly: Ph.D. student in human-centered computing at Georgia Institute of Technology (Atlanta, GA, USA).
  • Michael Reschke - Ph.D. student (Germany), Wikipedia at schools, online learning communities
  • Joseph Reagle (Reagle) - Author of Good Faith Collaboration.
  • Andreas Brändle (studying communication science in Zurich, Switzerland) - writing thesis on quality in the german Wikipedia.
  • Joachim Schroer and Prof. Guido Hertel - Department of Work and Organizational Psychology at the university of Wuerzburg (Germany), international survey about the motivation of participants in Wikipedia now online at: http://www.psychologie.uni-wuerzburg.de/ao/research/wikipedia.php?lang=en (German survey ran from 18-3-2005 till 8-4-2005)
  • Petter Karlström - Ph.D. student in Human-Computer Interaction, studying online learning communities. Hopefully not too similar to Andrea Forte's work!
  • Kate Raynes-Goldie (katerg) and David Fono are examining the Green Party of Canada's use of a wiki to create their last platform. See the full text for the Online Deliberation 2005 Conference.
  • Kevin Carillo (MSc. student in admistration in Montreal, Canada; doing master's thesis on Wikipedia) see [6]
  • Boud Roukema Boud (cosmologist in Poland) - proposed project for wikimania meeting - at the moment see my home page w:User:Boud - i'm particularly interested in whether positive and negative feedback processes in the wikisphere (especially wikimedia wikis) tend to override the fundamental bias (non-neutrality) induced by favouring people with internet access and by favouring reputable primary sources. i'd be happy to do cooperate on this, but my (idealistic) hope is that the article will be GFDL and the software will be user-friendly and GPL so that others can easily build on the results.
  • Will Lakeman (MA student in Media and Cultural Studies at Sussex, England) is writing on the Wikipedia and the democratisation of human knowledge, looking both at the structure of the Wikipedia and the interaction of its community of editors. His research page can be found here. All comments are welcome on Will's Wikipedia user page
  • Marco Kalz (Mkalz) (PhD-Student in Educational Technology Unit, Hagen, Germany) is working about "Structuration principles in Wikipedia". Besides, I am interested in educational use of wikis and the WP.
  • Sisay Fissaha Adafre (PhD student in information access at the University of Amsterdam) is working on automated question answering against Wikipedia. Answering Questions against Wikipedia: Access and Authoring Support provides a short description of the project.
  • Antti Kapanen has submitted his thesis "Development of the WikiDossier Software" to the North Karelia Polytechnic. Advisor: D. Weber-Wulff
  • Sander Spek (SanderSpek, Dept. of Computer Science, Universiteit Maastricht) is doing a PhD on knowledge sharing which includes Wikipedia on topics such as trust between users. An MSc student supervised by Sander, Frank Palmen, is working on a recommender system for Wikipedia pages to add to a user's watchlist.
  • Judith Simon (Judith) (Master in Psychology at FU Berlin, now PhD-Student in Philosophy of Science at University of Vienna) is working on changing conceptions of knowledge and their relation to technology.
  • Grassineau Benjamin
  • Julien Levrel (recyclage) (Phd) - working in sociology of use of computer.
  • Gabriela Avram (Coniecto) (Postdoc researcher at the Interaction Design Center, Univerity of Limerick, Ireland)is doing research on Social Software, online learning communities and communities of practice in the context of Global Software Development.
  • Andrew Lih (User:Fuzheado) is an assistant professor at University of Hong Kong, Journalism and Media Studies Centre, looking into Wikipedia as a case study in participatory journalism. Published one of the earliest metrics-based evaluations of Wikipedia articles in April 2004. See web site.
  • Markus Glaser (Mglaser) is writing a PhD thesis on collaborative opinion forming and deliberation with wikis.
  • Bryan Pfaffenberger (Department of Science, Technology, and Society, University of Virginia)is writing a paper on the Wikipedia community's construction of two dimensions of online identity: anonymity and privacy.
  • Felipe Ortega (GlimmerPhoenix, PhD. in Computer Science, Researcher & Project Manager at URJC University, Madrid, Spain; see LibreSoft Research Group). He is also Associate Professor at Alfonso X El Sabio University. His PhD. thesis "Wikipedia: A quantitative analysis" is the first research work providing an empirical, side-by-side comparison of the top-ten language editions of Wikipedia, from multiple perspectives (overall evolution, inequality of contributions, survivability of Wikipedia editors, etc). He is also the leading developer of WikiXRay, a Python software tool automating the quantitative analysis of Wikipedia database dumps, including 2D, 3D graphics and statistics.
  • Manfred Faden Dipl. Soz-Ök. Library of the Hamburg Institute of International Economics, studying Library and Information Science at Humboldt University Berlin, Germany (Postgraduate Correspondence Degree Course). Is writing a masters thesis on „Der Einsatz eines Wikis als zentrales Kommunikationsinstrument für die Thesauruspflege an verteilten Bibliotheksstandorten“ (The application of a Wiki as central instrument of communication for the Thesaurus maintenance at connected libraries in separate locations).
  • Christine Klaßen, FU Berlin, Publizistik und Kommunikationswissenschaften, is writing a master's thesis about the Wikipedia in the context of the Enlightenment (the political dimension)
  • M C Morgan, professor of English, Bemidji State University, USA. Research and teaching in collective writing using wikis and a rhetoric of wiki, investigating effective composing strategies, page patterns, linking, refactoring.
  • Josef Kolbitsch is a PhD student in Computer Science at Graz University Technology, Austria. His research focuses on electronic encyclopaedias and collaboration in digital libraries.
  • Derek Hansen an assistant professor at the University of Maryland's iSchool has studied the use of wikis by online technical and medical support communities, as well as their use as a platform for collaborative sensemaking.
  • Doug Morris (Reswik) is a PhD student in Loyola University of Chicago's Sociology Department who is conducting dissertation research on collaborative editing of featured articles in the English Wikipedia.
  • PARC User Interface Research Group (en:User:Parc wiki researcher) - a researcher studying conflict occurance and resolution on Wikipedia. Surveyed select enwiki users (see en:User talk:Parc wiki researcher).
  • Elijah Meeks (Elijahmeeks) is a PhD student at the University of California, Merced in the World Cultures and History program. He is studying the use of new media in the presentation and understanding of knowledge in the humanities.
  • Claudia Müller is leading the open-source project SONIVIS, which enables to analyze and visualize collaboration and topics in Wiki-based information spaces. The network metaphor is applied to explore the virtual space and various metrics and statistics help to quantify the Wiki evolution.
  • Sylvain Firer-Blaess (Karibou) is a postgraduate student at the University of Sussex and is writing on the power structure, the economy and the ethical outcomes of the Wikipedia. A set of articles in french have been published at homo-numericus.net. His MA thesis concerning wikipedia in english language is available at [7]
  • Rut Jesus is a PhD student at the Center for Philosophy of Nature and Science Studies at Copenhagen University. Studying 'Cooperation of Emergent Cognition in Socio-Technological Networks, the case of Wikipedia'.
  • Kotaro Nakayama is a PhD at the Graduate School of Information Science and Technology in Osaka-Univ.. His current research topic is Wikipedia mining and he developed a huge scale thesaurus named Wikipedia Thesaurus by Wikipedia mining. See wikipedia-lab.org.
  • Chris Bizer from the Freie Universität Berlin (Germany) works within the DBpedia project on extracting structured information such as infobox data and multi-lingual abstracts from Wikipedia. The data is published on the Web as RDF and is interlinked with other datasets.
  • Enric Senabre Hidalgo (user:esenabre) is a PhD candidate at the Open University of Catalonia. His current research topic is about the similarities between Wikipedia growth and the ways of collaborating and organizing in open source development projects.
  • Christophe Prieur from laboratories Liafa (University Paris Diderot) and Sense (Orange Labs), studies wikipedia as a social network, from both points of view of social and computer sciences.
  • Sören Auer works with his Agile Knowledge Engineering & Semantic Web (AKSW) group in particular on the DBpedia project with the ultimate goal of transforming Wikipedia from a content base into a knowledge base.
  • Anne Goldenbergis a PHD candidate in Communication at UQAM (Montreal, Québec) and in Sociology at Unice Sophia Antipolis (Nice, France). Her thesis deals with Common Sens Negociation Within Public Wikis.
  • Liam Wyatt (Witty lama is writing a History thesis at UNSW, Australia, on the topic of Wikipedia's academic lineage. How historiographical debates in the academy are relevant to those taking place on-wiki and vice versa.
  • Daniel Kinzler wrote his diploma thesis on WikiWord, a system for building a multilingual thesaurus and dictionary from Wikipedia. Daniel is also a MediaWiki developer and works for Wikimedia Deutschland e.V..
  • Luca de Alfaro is an associate professor at UC Santa Cruz, USA. He is developing WikiTrust, a reputation system for wiki authors, and a trust system for wiki text. Authors gain reputation when their contributions prove long-lived, and text trust is an indication of the extent with which it has been revised. The code, available under BSD license, also contains utilities such as fast block text comparison, and more.
  • Piotr Konieczny (User:Piotrus) is a Polish PhD candidate in sociology at University of Pittsburgh, USA. In addition to being an active Wikipedian, he is looking at various social aspects of Wikipedia (ex. is it a social movement? how is power structured on it? are there nationalisms on Wikipedia? etc.), as well as developing methods on teaching with Wikipedia (see Wikipedia - School and University Projects).
  • R. Stuart Geiger (w:User:Staeiou) is a graduate student at Georgetown University's Communication, Culture, and Technology project. He is interested in the internal culture of Wikipedia, as well as Wikipedia's larger cultural significance, especially the relationship between Wikipedia and academia. His thesis is an ethnographic study of Wikipedia that draws on several distinct traditions, including the sociology of scientific knowledge, ethnomethodology, Actor-Network Theory, and Foucauldian concepts of power and knowledge.
  • Christoph Trattner is a PhD student in Computer Science at Graz University Technology, Austria. His research focuses on tagging and navigational principles in Wikis and WCM systems.
  • WereSpielChequers is an admin on the English Wikipedia and is conducting some research on the admin community and in particular the processof recruitment to that community.
  • Paolo Massa (w:User:Phauly) works in the SoNet group at Bruno Kessler Foundation, Italy. He is working on the social side of Wikipedia. See for example the paper "Social networks of Wikipedia". He often blogs about Wikipedia.
  • Finn Årup Nielsen (fnielsen), Senior Researcher at the Technical University of Denmark. He writes on the Danish and English Wikipedias and has performed a few studies on the Wikipedias. He sometimes writes about Wikipedia on his blog.
  • Oliver Ferschke (User:Oliver.ferschke) is a PhD candidate in Natural Language Processing at the Ubiquitous Knowledge Processing Lab at the Technische Universität Darmstadt, Germany. His research focuses on the examination of collaboratively created texts and all processes that are involved - i.e. the text production, the text reception, and the collaboration. The main subject of investigation is Wikipedia, esp. its revision history and article discussion pages. Furthermore, Oliver Ferschke is a co-maintainer of the open source Java Wikipedia Library (JWPL)
  • Régis Barondeauis a PhD candidate in Administration at UQAM (Montreal, Québec). The main subject of investigation are wikis in organisations.
  • Ilektra Pavlaki (w:User:Elektrodio), is a Master student in New Media at University of Amsterdam. She is currently writing her thesis on the campaign for the development of the Greek-language Wikipedia.
  • Katherine Thornton is a PhD student at the Information School of the University of Washington. Her research concerns the category system in Wikipedia.
  • Dario Taraborelli is the Senior Research Analyst with the Wikimedia Foundation's strategy team. He is responsible for product development research at WMF and coordinates the Foundation's academic outreach effort via the Wikimedia Research Committee. Prior to joining WMF he was a postdoctoral fellow in social computing at University College London and the University of Surrey, UK. He holds a PhD in cognitive science from the School for Advanced Studies in the Social Sciences, Paris. His interests span large-scale open collaboration, online reputation and credibility, collaborative annotation and new metrics for scholarly communication. Further information and contact details are available on his Wikipedia user page and staff page.
  • Gerard de Melo, Researcher at the Max Planck Institute for Informatics, works on extracting multilingual lexical information about words in different languages as well as ontological information from Wikipedia and Wiktionary.
  • Manuel Palomo-Duarte, PhD. in Computer Science, works as a lecturer in the University of Cadiz (Spain), being Director to its Libre Software and Open Knowledge Office. His areas of interest are community based-project analysis, e-learning and free software. Wiki-projects include StatMediaWiki, EvalMediaWiki, WikEval and WikiTeam
  • Juan Manuel Dodero, PhD, works as an Associate Professor in the University of Cadiz (Spain). His areas of interest are open science, web engineering and technology-enhanced learning. He is interested in the use of wikis for education and evaluation. Main researcher of the ASCETA R&D project and collaborator with the UCA Libre Software and Open Knowledge Office in StatMediaWiki and EvalMediaWiki projects. Other wiki-related projects include WebHFlow.
  • Ziko van Dijk, historian, is interested in the history of Wikipedia language versions.
  • Jonas Xavier, Bsc. in systems analysis at Pernambuco Institute of Technology (Brazil) - researching on social trends, with interests in statistical prediction and signal processing.
  • Dariusz Jemielniak, Ph.D., full professor of management, experience in the roles of an admin, bureaucrat, checkuser, steward, the WMF Board member, His areas of interest are power, structure, identity and trust enactment on Wikipedia. Author of the first ethnography of Wikipedia, "Common Knowledge?" (Stanford University Press). jemielniak.org
  • Emilio J. Rodríguez-Posada (emijrp), is a pre-doctoral student at the University of Cádiz (Spain). He is a veteran Wikipedia editor (registered in 2005). He created AVBOT (an anti-vandalism bot which has reverted more than 250,000 vandalism edits in Spanish Wikipedia), StatMediaWiki (a tool for statistical analysis of MediaWiki wikis), WikiTeam (a group of people to preserve wikis), WikiPapers (a wiki about wiki literature, datasets and tools) and WikiEvidens (a tool for statistical analysis and visualization of wikis). He is open to collaborate with wiki researchers from all over the world.
  • Hrafn H. Malmquist is a MLIS-student at the University of Iceland. I have been an active contributor and bureaucrat at the Icelandic Wikipedia for over six years. Currently I am writing a final thesis on the Icelandic Wikipedia scheduled to be finished by December 31, 2013. I am therefore very interested in research on small language communities Wikipedias.
  • Marc Miquel is a phD researcher from Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona. His research focuses on researching the User Engagement in Wikipedia regarding aspects like multillinguism and content diversity.
  • Erinç Salor: PhD in humanities. Presented his dissertation in October 2012 focusing on the way Wikipedia relates to the Western European encyclopedic tradition, analyzing the novelties Wikipedia introduced and the numerous continuities it adheres to.
  • Pierre-Carl Langlais : PhD candidate in communication and media studies (Paris-Sorbonne) and French Wikipedia Administrator. I'm currently working on a paper on Wikipedia as a political entity (and, more specifically, on the recent blackouts from the Italian and English Wikipedia). Alexander Doria (talk) 12:09, 7 January 2013 (UTC)
  • Iolanda Pensa (iopensa), PhD, researcher at SUPSI University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland. Previously scientific director of WikiAfrica (increasing the quantity and quality of African content on Wikipedia) and Share Your Knowledge (Creative Commons and Wikipedia for cultural institutions) for lettera27 Foundation (2007-2012). Her research focuses on systems of knowledge production and distribution in Africa, and on evaluating the impact of cultural institutions. She is currently working on the project Wikipedia Primary School.
  • Ryan McGrady (Rhododendrites): PhD candidate at NCSU in the Communication, Rhetoric and Digital Media program. My user page has information about past papers/classes I've written/taught on Wikipedia. Currently interested in WP's political/cultural impacts/concerns and its identity as an encyclopedia (part of my dissertation project). I'd love to explore some collaborative possibilities, even if outside these areas—just leave a message or email. Also, I'm on the academic job market as of late 2013 (will trade barnstars for tenure-track!). --Rhododendrites (talk) 23:14, 18 June 2013 (UTC)
  • Maik Anderka is a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Paderborn, Germany. His doctoral thesis "Analyzing and Predicting Quality Flaws in User-generated Content: The Case of Wikipedia" deals with the analysis and the automated prediction of quality flaws in the English Wikipedia based on cleanup tags.
  • Mohammed Sadat Abdulai: is an M.Sc. Statistics candidate at Regent University College of Science and Technology. Thesis is set about to ASSESS ACADEMIC PERCEPTIONS OF WIKIPEDIA AND ITS IMPACT ON ONLINE RESEARCH: A CASE STUDY OF GHANA (WEST AFRICA). The significance of the study is that it will attempt to present an estimate of the effect of Wikipedia on a geography that donates some of the smallest number of edits to the encyclopedia.Masssly (talk) 12:56, 25 August 2014 (UTC)
  • Lionel Scheepmans. I'm a socio-anthropologist active on the French Wikiversity where you can found (in French) all information about me and my works. My first big interest about Wikipedia was born during an ethnographic research about the French community of wikipédia in 2011. My actual interests are all kind of "off line" Wikipedia organisations and activities.
  • Stefan Kasberger is an ongoing data scientist and studies territoriality in wikipedia as part of Fabian Flöcks WikiWho project.
  • Rich Farmbrough - mathematician, software engineer, educationalist. Have worked on various statistical, natural language and geographical investigations. Interests, Gendergap (editor, content), Community, editor retention and recruitment, authorship, vandalism, translation.
  • Annapoornima Koppad - electrical engineer, patent analyst, python programmer, teacher, pyladies bangalore founder, photographer, editor, author, researcher, open source enthusiast, hardware enthusiast, open knolwedge promoter, translator, painter, badminton player, kannada language enthusiast.
  • Jesús Tramullas, is Associated Professor of Library & Information Science at University of Zaragoza (Spain). PhD in Humanities. His research areas are information behavior, information literacy, Wikipedia in education, GLAM...
  • Jackie Koerner - PhD in Higher Education. Qualitative researcher and current WikiEdu visiting scholar. Research interests include academic ethics, bias, disability, knowledge construction, and perceptions of academics and scholars regarding Wikipedia.
  • Eva Zangerle is a PostDoc researcher at the University of Innsbruck, particularly interested in assessing the quality of Wikipedia articles, the usage of Wikipedia articles in social media and recommender systems in the field of structuring content (e.g., the Wikidata recommender).
  • David Pierre Leibovitz, PhD in Cognitive Science at Carleton University - developing a hierarchy of coherentizing wikis for disciplining and progressing science
  • Doctor 17 is Bunty Avieson, a researcher at University of Sydney in the department of Media and Communications, with an interest in journalism, Bhutan and Wikipedia.
  • Benjamin Mako Hill - I'm a researcher and a professor at the University of Washington. I study peer production with a particular interest in free software and wikis.
  • Jean-Olivier Gransard-Desmond - French icono-archaeologist at ArkeoTopia. He is in charge of the association's research programs. He is particularly involved in participative science projects, which has led to research programs such as WikiTopia Archives which uses the Wikimedia galaxy projects and presentations at colloquium advocating the usage of the Wikimedia galaxy projects (« Science3 4.0. Redynamiser la recherche fondamentale ». Dans: Salvador, X.-L. et Patterson, J. (éd.), Paroles et images sur le commencement. Le discours des peintures de la chapelle de Merléac, Paradigme éditions, 2019, p. 169‑85).
  • Nicole Schwitter - I'm a researcher and PhD student in Sociology at the University of Warwick. My PhD project focuses on the online community Wikipedia. I am interested in the effects offline gatherings between Wikipedians have on their online behaviour, in particular in regard to their contribution, norm-enforcing and voting behaviour in the context of their social network.