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Wiki99: LGBT+

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This page is a translated version of the page Wiki99/LGBT+ and the translation is 94% complete.

Esta es la lista Wiki99 de temas LGBT+. Puedes vistar Wikimedia LGBT+ para un apoyo general en asuntos LGBT+ en los proyectos Wikimedia.

Sobre el proyecto

Wiki99 es la idea de tener una lista de aproximadamente 99 artículos wikipédicos que deberían traducirse a tantos idiomas como sea posibles para establecer un entendimiento común en un campo. Los 99 artículos deben incluir definiciones de conceptos que estén más o menos relacionados con cualquier cultura en particular, y también conceptos culturales que promuevan la diversidad internacional de pensamiento en un campo.

Procure mantener esta lista internacionalmente diversa sin centrarse en demasiados conceptos culturales, biografías o eventos de una sola región. Es preferible incluir artículos representativos de tantas culturas como sea posible en esta lista, manteniendo el recuento en alrededor de 99.

Un gran desafío con esta lista es la representación internacional de biografías y conceptos. Hay un sesgo en la discusión y la escritura de historia LGBT+ para presentar temas del mundo de habla inglesa y ciertos países occidentales. Si alguien tiene un tema para compartir fuera de la discusión occidental, y que sería bueno promover para su traducción a todos los idiomas como parte de una herencia LGBT compartida internacionalmente, agregue la idea a la lista.

La idea general es tener una discusión inicial en inglés como idioma común, pero luego traducir la lista compartida a otros idiomas para que todos puedan compartir la cultura y las historias LGBT+ comunes. El proyecto funciona mejor cuando se presenta una mayor diversidad cultural en todos los temas enumerados.

For more specific lists, visit:


Conceptos clave

Wikipedia articles
Description on Wikidataensim
Wikidata item
1homosexualityromantic or sexual attraction or behavior between members of the same sex114Q6636164
2LGBTQlesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer or questioning persons as a group91Q17884171
3bisexualitysexual and/or romantic attraction to people of more than one gender86Q43200152
4sexual orientationenduring pattern of sexual attraction82Q17888121
5same-sex marriagemarriage of persons of the same sex81Q17422103
6asexualitysexual orientation where there is a absence of sexual attraction to anyone74Q724351123
7intersexatypical congenital variations of sex characteristics73Q1097630122
8non-binarygender identity that exists outside of the gender binary60Q48270204
9queerumbrella term for sexual and gender minorities that are not heterosexual, heteronormative, or cisgender59Q5141591
10coming outprocess of disclosing one's sexual orientation or other identity attributes57Q20809961
11cisgendergender identity descriptor56Q109320581
12civil unioncivil status similar to marriage, most often independent of the gender of partners51Q4107561
13pride paradeannual parade celebrating lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) social and self-acceptance, achievements, legal rights, and pride47Q51404102
14drag queendrag artist who dresses and acts with exaggerated femininity for performance purposes46Q337084132
15trans womanperson assigned male at birth who identifies as a woman45Q1052281111
16cross-dressingpractice of dressing and acting in a style or manner traditionally associated with a specific sex, usually the opposite sex, for performance purposes44Q43160481
17LGBT rights by country or territoryrights of LGBT people by country or territory43Q1789871
18heteronormativityconcept that elevates heterosexuality over non-heterosexuality42Q6050884
19trans manperson assigned female at birth who identifies as a man42Q2449503111
20third genderindividual whose gender identity is not defined as male or female42Q4827951
21LGBT pridepositive stance toward LGBTQ+ people, opposing any stigma, discrimination, or violence37Q5140661
22gender binaryclassification of sex and gender into two distinct, opposite and disconnected forms of masculine and feminine35Q553097081
23homosexual behavior in animalssexual behavior among non-human species that is interpreted as homosexual34Q59854031
24gay villagegeographical area within a city that is inhabited or frequented by LGBT people32Q7481984
25lesbianismsexual attraction between women32Q6649173
26transfeminismapproach to feminism influenced by transgender movement31Q330859751
27drag kingdrag artist who dresses and behaves with exaggerated masculinity for performance purposes30Q125452591
Σautolist gallery27231532514161142111616115525172012217261232327182127205276113161252279162015427281326251154112615141132591211210391737221222991926732711927122253131214132512231331191826912614624127492621,466avg.:  9 \ 54
(33 %)


Wikipedia articles
Description on Wikidataensim
Wikidata item
1homophobianegative attitudes and discrimination toward homosexuality76Q33487112
2transphobiahatred, irrational fear, prejudice, or discrimination against transgender people52Q5967781
3biphobiaantagonism or disgust directed toward bisexuality as an identity or bisexual people due to their sexuality46Q74759291
4conversion therapypseudoscientific or religious attempt to change sexual orientation35Q153894791
5corrective rapehate crime in which a person is raped because of their perceived sexual or gender orientation33Q113528751
6lesbophobiairrational fear of, and aversion to, lesbians, two girls kissing32Q174265991
7outingdisclosing a person's sexual orientation, gender identity or other identity characteristic without their consent28Q10546783
8closetedkeeping silent about one's sexual orientation or gender identity17Q257432051
Σautolist gallery8726341234384734757853648214854637112874821212131116161217183741333817216381141281319avg.:  2 \ 40
(24 %)

Sexo y salud

Wikipedia articles
Description on Wikidataensim
Wikidata item
1AIDS (1959–)spectrum of conditions caused by HIV infection133Q12199314
2sexually transmitted infectioninfection transmitted through human sexual behavior100Q12198132
3condombirth control and sexually transmitted disease prevention device97Q14076114
4syphilissexually transmitted infection95Q41083172
5anal sexinsertion of the penis into the anus or other sexual activity involving the anus78Q839871
6dildosexual device62Q1080162
7safe sexways to reduce the risk of unwanted pregnancy or acquiring STDs51Q31852982
8gender dysphoriamental distress resulting from mismatch between gender identity and gender assigned at birth43Q1049021152
9Kaposi's sarcomaconnective tissue cancer, common among early AIDS patients37Q725345151
10gender-affirming surgerysurgical procedures to alter sexual characteristics to match identified gender33Q10535018
11gender-affirming therapymedical aspect of gender transitioning, that is, modifying one's characteristics to better suit one's gender identity15Q157489535
Σautolist gallery11107241157627817343918819711310811810111101104618346141106748821132510104525131124374332664524616495104654112411381011285562261021158529281013110761122463272112744avg.:  5 \ 68
(41 %)

Conceptos o activismo específicos de la cultura


Wikipedia articles
Description on Wikidataensim
Wikidata item
1sodomyany of several forms of sexual intercourse held to be unnatural, particularly bestiality or historically homosexuality, but also (sometimes) anal or oral sex55Q20642692
2LGBTQ symbolssymbols for self-identification which demonstrate unity, pride, shared values, and allegiance to one another in the LGBT community37Q5139972
3LGBT social movementsocial movements37Q461290771
4Transgender Day of Remembrance (1999–)day to memorialize those who have been killed as a result of transphobia35Q57116101
5LGBT communitygroup of people that aren't cisgender and/or heterosexual33Q5139331
6lesbian feminismapproach to feminism influenced by lesbian movement33Q1829942
7pinkwashinginstrumentalization of LGBTQIA+ people and their rights32Q2020081141
8LGBT topics and IslamMuslim views on LGBT topics30Q95499841
9gay bardrinking establishment catered to LGBTQ clientele28Q104363961
10Kinsey Reportstwo publications by sexologists Kinsey, Pomeroy, Martin, and Gebhard26Q8709538
11gay liberation (1969–1980)state of equality for LGBT people and goal of LGBT rights movement from 1969 to 1980