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Совет Попечителей Фонда Викимедиа/Призыв для отзывов: места в Совете для Сообществ/Встречи/2021-02-02 – Первый Офис Час

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Ждём ваших отзывов: места в Совете для Сообществ
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The first office hours during the Call for Feedback: Community Board seats took place at 3 different times on February 2, 2021 using Google Meet. The office hours lasted nearly 90 minutes each. The first hour of each office hour session was recorded. Additional resources to accompany this summary include videos, transcriptions, chat logs, and notes taken by the facilitator team.

There were 99 total attendees with a majority from Europe and North America.


This is a summary of the first office hours during the Call for Feedback: Community Board seats taking place from February 1 to March 14. The office hours took place at 3 different times on February 2, 2021 using Google Meet. The office hours lasted nearly 90 minutes each. The first hour of each office hour session was recorded. Additional resources to accompany this summary include videos, transcriptions, chat logs, and notes taken by the Board Governance facilitator team.

There were 99 total attendees with a majority from Europe and North America. There were members of the Board of Trustees in attendance during the first 2 sessions. The trustee planning to attend the final session was unable to attend.


This is a summary of the themes that were covered during the office hours sessions. Specific ideas were not discussed in depth. The conversation largely focused on the following themes:

Theme 1: Diversity

  • Isn’t diversity fine just as it is?
  • Diversity is being defined by larger groups
  • Quotas sound encouraging for regions
  • Suggestion of regional board seats

Theme 2: Communication

  • Need for better communication about the Board opportunities
    • Especially better communication to small or underrepresented communities
    • Translations are important for diversity
  • Need for better communication about what the Board does
    • Community members suggested receiving Board updates from a Board member is preferred over receiving them from WMF staff
  • Community members noted appreciation of the communication support from the WMF staff for this Call for Feedback
  • Need to balance and respect time demand on volunteers to participate in discussions
    • Appreciate time and capacity needs as they apply to diversity
    • Concerns that there are too many meetings
    • Feeling of exhaustion among volunteers participating in movement conversations

Theme 3: Skills

  • Suggestions about having training opportunities for Board members and other leadership within wikimedia communities
  • Outreach and informative sessions to encourage people to seek leadership positions
  • Can’t the Board address the problem of skills with the directly appointed trustees?
    • Community seats should be for representing the community, and the aspect of skills is secondary
  • Grow Board members from the communities by embracing skills that are not only typical of larger communities

Theme 4: Maintaining current practices

  • Some do not understand why current practices are not acceptable
    • This is related to the idea that the current diversity of the Board is ok, and also the skills provided by the community-and-affiliate selected trustees.
  • Elections
    • Some feel direct elections are the appropriate practice
    • Some feel the community should decide the trustee selection processes
    • Some feel the Board should organize the due elections before discussing changes in the processes

Miscellaneous questions

  • What are the safeguards to prevent the Board of Trustees from turning into an advisory board (like the UN)?
  • Some communities have more participation or more groups. How can we create diversity and prevent unfair influence?
  • How do we create a situation where candidates from larger communities do not overshadow candidates from small or underrepresented communities?

Thank you for reviewing this summary of the first office hours. Please connect with a facilitator to plan a conversation for your project or affiliate. Share on the Call for Feedback talk page if there are any corrections to this report. The Board Governance facilitators apologize in advance for any misgendering that may have happened during the note-taking process.

Meeting reports

Every report includes video, notes, transcript, and chat.

Команда, поддерживающая призыв по отзывам о местах сообществ в Совете, приглашает вас на наш первый офис час. Три встречи охватывают разные часовые пояса:

  1. 2021-02-02 at 12:00 UTC - Завершено
  2. 2021-02-02 at 18:00 UTC - Завершено
  3. 2021-02-02 at 23:00 UTC - Завершено

Все участники соглашаются соблюдать политику дружественного пространства для мероприятий Викимедиа.


  • Логистика офис часа (поясняется ниже)
  • Знакомство с командой
  • Основная информация о Совете и призыв по отзывам
  • Вопросы и ответы

Как присоединиться

  • Мы будем использовать Google Meet. Принимаются зарегистрированные и анонимные гости.
  • Мы поделимся ссылкой за 15 минут до официального старта встречи. Если сможете, присоединяйтесь пораньше.

Во время встречи

  • Пожалуйста, отключите микрофон, когда вы не говорите.
  • Если вы хотите задать вопрос, поднимите руку и дождитесь своей очереди.
  • Задайте свой вопрос лаконично и по тему призыва по отзывам.
  • Вы можете использовать чат, просто помните о том, что лишние разговоры становятся отвлекающими.
  • Не беспокойтесь об уведомлениях о позднем утверждении вашей просьбы о доступе. Организаторы их утвердят.
  • Заседания будут записываться.
  • Автоматические субтитры будут включены.
  • Ожидайте базовой модерации за поворот вопросов и приглушения шума.
  • Ожидайте быстрой модерации, если кто-то нарушит работу встречи (ссылка общедоступна, любой желающий может присоединиться анонимно)
  • Если есть интерес, в конце встречи команда останется и будет держать встречу открытой для общей беседы.
  • Из-за технических ограничений мы не можем предложить прямую трансляцию (нам пришлось выбирать между автоматическими титрами или прямой трансляцией).

После встречи

  • Организаторы не будут ничего публиковать в течение того же дня, стремясь предложить свежий опыт участникам второй и третьей встречи.
  • На следующий день (или ближе к нему), ожидайте
    • Видеозаписи будут доступны на Викискладе и YouTube
    • Отчет
    • Полная автоматическая стенограмма встречи
  • Мы можем выпустить короткие видеоьролики по конкретным темам, затронутым во время встречи.


Sign your name below (~~~~) to show you are interested in attending. Please know this is not required to attend. We will send a reminder to your talk page the day before the event. If you would like to be notified another way, please let us know.

  • Presenter: Quim Gil
  • Note-taker: Jackie
  • Moderator: Krishna
  • Time-checker: Mehman
  • Presenter: Quim Gil
  • Note-taker: Jackie
  • Moderator: Denis
  • Time-checker: Mehman
  • Presenter: Quim Gil
  • Note-taker: Jackie Koerner
  • Moderator: Oscar Costero
  • Time-checker: Zita Zage