Wikispecies is a project of the Wikimedia Foundation and was launched on September 5, 2004. Details of how the project came about can be found in the FAQ. It is multilingual and has no language variants, much like Commons.
Wikispecies on mõeldud tasuta taksonoomiaalaseid ja kataloogis, nii teadlane ja lihtne lugeja. Ta eksisteerib kui andmebaas koondab klassifikaatorite ja geneetiline sugupuu kõikide eluvormide, kõigist kuuest kuningriigid. Kuid selle sisu elu erineb artiklid Wikipedia, et tegelik arutelu on jäetud Wikispecies ja on selle asemel rangelt asendatakse taksonoomiline juured liikide käepärast. As of september 2024, there are 886,268 articles available at Wikispecies.
The need for a project such as Wikispecies is evidenced by the lack of a formal center for taxonomic classification; a major problem for biology in the past and today has been the disorderly nature of humanity's species classification pool. Having had no proper centrality for classification, problems have arisen in the multiple classification of the same species, twice, three times or even more. The success of Wikipedia in the maintaining and harbouring of vast amounts of knowledge has demonstrated that an online aggregator is truly the best tool for the kind of species directory that the biological community so needs.