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This page is a translated version of the page Hubs and the translation is 33% complete.
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According to Movement Strategy, hubs are “a type of support structure to enable a common space for coordinating activities and identifying and advocating for the needs of the communities and organizations they serve.” Today, we see three forms of hub organizing: regional, thematic and linguistic.

Following the principle of subsidiarity, they are expected to emerge by "identifying and advocating for the needs of the communities and organizations they serve".


Browse through resources where you can find hub guidelines and other hub related information

Wikimedia Hub Fund

Learn more about funding available for hubs



2018-20策略進程期間,資源分配工作小組 提出了區域型和主題型中樞的提案(參見區域型中樞的早期建議草案:初稿二稿;主題型中樞:12)和角色和職責工作小組(最初提議為 「Quotiel」模型的一部分,參見建議草案,其中提到了來自已經存在的區域合作的靈感)。

倡議能力建構工作小組分別為致力於倡議和能力建構的組織發展了建議草案(見草案,倡議 12 ,能力建構 12);然後將這些作為可能的主題性中樞的例子加以整合。這些建議在第三次迭代的草案中被進行了修訂,而在2020年5月最終版本完成。整個提案以及其他的策略建議也隨後被維基媒體基金會的理事會批准。
