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Strategy/Wikimedia movement/2018-20/Transition/Design

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Implementation Outline


List of prioritized initiatives


Definition of initiative: an act intended to resolve a difficulty, seize an opportunity or improve a situation. In the context of movement strategy these are actions / key changes defined in the recommendations.

For further clarity, please consult the list of initiatives.


  • List of initiatives that are top priority and first in sequencing
  • Definition of objective and key results for each initiative for the first 18 months of implementation
Initiative Priority Sequence Objective Key results
Initiative n₁ High, …, low First, … , last High level objective SMART result 1,2,3 ...

Note: SMART-criteria - specific, measurable, assignable, realistic, time-related.


  • Key actions for the first 18 months for each initiative
  • Provide clear timing for each action and create clarity around dependencies and steps
  • Overview of systems and workflows that need to be in place to deliver the initiatives
Initiative Actions Timing Systems
Initiative n₁ Name actions 1,2,3 ... TIming of actions 1,2,3 ...

Dependencies between actions and sequencing in time

1. Description of collaboration and workflow models that need to be used

2. Definition of research that needs to happen

3. Mapping of consultations that need to happen

Note: Cynefin framework can be used to define the nature of actions needed to advance the initiatives, e.g. map out 1) initiatives that can be fully planned, 2) initiatives that can be half planned and need some experimentation, 3) initiatives that need probing and iterations.


  • Mapping of resourcing for each initiative:
    • Human resources - roles & responsibilities around initiatives vis-à-vis organizations and individuals involved
    • Financial resources - estimate budget for the first 18 months and definition of the donor(s) (i.e. which organization will cater the financial resources)
Initiative Decision-makers Accountable Responsible Consulted Informed
Initiative n₁ Individuals 1,2,3 ... Individual n₁ Individuals 1,2,3 ... Individual n₁

Community n₁

Organization n₁


Individual n₁

Communities n₁

Organizations n₁


Note: DARCI framework ensures clarity regarding roles and responsibilities and accountability in the delivery of the initiatives. It also maps out the stakeholder consulting and informing needs that are essential in our movement.

Initiative Budget estimate Budget holder(s)
Initiative n₁ Overall budget estimate

More detailed estimate for each action

1. Organization n₁

2. Organization n₂

Governance structure


Recommendation “Equity in Decision-making” puts forward the idea of an Interim Global Council for implementation governance until the Global Council itself is formed:

It would be an aim of the transition process to establish this movement governance body. Aspects that need to be considered in the design:

  • WHAT - Clear and articulated definition of the responsibilities of the Interim Global Council.
  • HOW - Overall concept of how the Interim Global Council will function.
  • WHO - Definition of representation needed in the Interim Global Council in terms of communities, organizations, and individuals.

Event Outline


Process overview


Process for event design that goes from high level to more detailed (only levels 1-3 are within the mandate of the Design Group):

Level 1 - ALIGNMENT Sessions: 1, 2, 3

Shared understanding: Purpose - Product - People

Make sure that there are aligned expectations in the Design Group.

Level 2 - JOURNEY DESIGN Sessions: 2, 3, 4

Journey: Aims - Process - Output

Design a journey with a clear set of goals. Clarify the inputs and outputs of each step to achieve them.

Level 3 - SESSION PLANNING Sessions: 4, 5

Plan for each event / session

Design the detailed plan of each session of the event, including what specifically will happen in terms of the methods and the process.

Coordinating with the event teams/logistics is useful at this point.

Level 4 - PREPARATION Going into the micro-details of slides, set-up, preparation, who is doing what.

Prepare each event / session in detail

Level 5 - ADAPTING Setting up the process to start delivering and adapting the design in real time.

Adapt each event / session as needed

Level 6 - EVALUATE Always good to evaluate, follow up actions, reports, etc.

Evaluate results and outcomes

Guiding questions





  • Q. What are the rational aims?
  • Q. What are the experiential aims?

Note: Read more about rational and experiential aims here.


  • Q. What is the output?


  • Q. Who is involved? How many? Why them? Their history?

The above information should allow for the design of a journey of sessions.



  • Q. What is the process to achieve the aims?
  • Q. What is the process to produce the output?
  • Q. What are the sequence of objectives to achieve the above?
  • Q. What is the journey that the participants must go on?

The above information should allow for the design of a journey of sessions.




  • Each event / session needs a specific design that includes:
  • Q. What is the objective of the session?
  • Q. What is the input and output of the session?
  • Q. What are the process steps and methods used?  Who is doing what?
  • Q. What preparation is needed including materials, tools, etc.?

The above information should allow for the detailed preparation work for each event / session.

Design Group selection criteria


Online engagement with a large number of diverse participants from across our movement will be both beneficial and challenging for the upcoming transition events. Therefore, the Wikimedia Foundation is convening a design group to collaboratively shape the implementation planning process, which will be done through a series of virtual events.

The composition criteria for the design group have been created by the Movement Strategy Core Team members and Wikimedia Summit organizer who have supported the transition design. These are based on the lessons learned from the Phase II of the Movement Strategy. Involved individuals are:

They are also the people who have made a final decision regarding the composition of the Design Group based on the composition criteria.

Note: There is awareness regarding the fact that the group of people who worked on setting up the Design Group does not contain rich diversity of the perspectives we have in the movement and is lacking in other aspects (e.g. no gender balance). At the same time it felt to be too complicated to first put together a more representative selection committee for the design group. We are trying to be transparent regarding how the process has been set up and how the people have been selected and hopefully a more representative Design Group will be able to ensure inclusiveness that captures better the diversity of perspectives in our movement as we move forward with the transition.

Nomination by the groups


The idea for the design group is to bring together community members reflecting different parts and regions, i.e. perspectives of the movement (CEE, ESEAP, Indaba, Iberocoop, North America, South Asia, WikiArabia, WikiFranca), representatives from the EDs and chairpersons groups, and WMF staff. The design group will have project management and facilitation support.

For the Design Group, the ask was made for one individual nomination from most of the groups. As the implementation will be highly dependent on the established organizations of the movement, a difference was made for the EDs group (group of executive directors of the affiliates) and the Wikimedia Foundation, which will have 3 seats each in the Design Group.

Nomination guidelines communicated to the groups

  • The task will be to work with a diverse group of 17 people from across the movement to design how the process of online events will be set up.
  • The nominee should be familiar with the Wikimedia movement, interested in strategy, and ideally an active online contributor from the projects OR from an underrepresented community.
  • The work is scheduled to begin in the final week of June, with an orientation, and planned to conclude by mid-August.
  • During this time, you will meet 6 times virtually as a whole group for two hours each time, and you will be expected to carry out some asynchronous work in between meetings.
  • Please also consider diversity criteria during the nomination. Traditionally we have lacked prolific online and technical contributors in the discussions, and there has been an inclination towards male participants and those from high-income “Western” countries. We hope that you can help us bring a more diverse range of perspectives into design discussions.

Diversity matrix


This is a basic matrix that was created to evaluate diversity in the transition design group. Ideally all the perspectives are covered and where the selection needed to be made, this matrix served as a guideline. Also an approach to involve people who cover multiple perspectives in the matrix was taken to facilitate shared understanding and richness of the discussions.

Region Engagement Role Other
CEE Chapter Board member Gender balance
ESEAP Committee Contributor External perspectives
Iberocoop Project community Organizer Specific expertise
Indaba Technical contributor Other
North America User Group Staff
South Asia WMF

Additionally the agreed principles for selection included:

  • In case of multiple candidates, the preference to be given:
    • People with better contacts with the online/technical communities, as this has been a gap in previous stages of the process.
    • Candidates who help to achieve a wider linguistic diversity in the group.
    • Candidates who are currently located in the region they are representing.
    • Candidates that add a unique expertise or perspective.
  • It was decided that no Wikimedia Foundation staff member should serve on the seats other than the ones allocated to the organization to ensure better representation from communities.